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: -- ..,.�;:� . <br /> Y t K s . : � <br /> 3 '1 , y.i - _ ' " <br /> _ ��� .'C . . . . , . . � <br /> ' _ 4 . ��' •� _ .' ' _ _' <br /> _ ''� '. � � � ' � ' _-^"" _'. - .._.. <br /> -� -4. °� - - � ` � ' ,.. ' � . . `. ' < <br /> _. i . : <<; , . . . . _ , . _ . , <br /> � : . . �- : ,. . : � _ . � - -, ` '` ��� -�'�� . . � <br /> .. ...�. :; r <br /> ` ` P�rmeats.�rhich uie nfenod to ia 2.a dnn�e the smn�mC at such�pments. MY e�sa p�►over� ,.` <br /> . c ����py��,ptl��uadert6e Nae�nd this Securiry G�atrument idutl6e pid,to the ent�Y :. <br /> '�taea:iradermay co�kct feesatd ch��wthoriud_bY ttie Sa�et�'� . . <br /> f. Georrisia�Aa�einadeidDe�i. � . . <br /> (s)Det�lt. L,aider mayr except at�limited 6y,regulations isst�ed by the Sazet�ry in the rase of pay�i�ent defatitts, <br /> � nquire inuc�oc t in full af ail suau�ecurtd by th�s Se�utiry luslnumetit�f: � <br /> � (�)8onow�er faula by f�'ling co pay in full�ey mantlily P1Yt�en�se4ui��bY thls Securicy L�ttumau prior` <br /> to�r oa di��e d�te of thc next t�a�d�3y p?Yr�er4�c . . ` <br /> . (ri3�'�d�f�ults by fac'ting,fa a penod of thuty days,to perform any othcr obligations conained in this <br /> Secu�ity Iasuwna►� ' ` <br /> � (b)Sak Wit�o�Ceedit Appraval. Lender s6�ll.if permiued by appiicabfe iaw and with the peior�pprov�l�of ihe <br /> - - Saaetary,t�equire im�a�PsYm�t in full af alI the sums secucM by this SxuritY Insdument if• <br /> C)All a part of tbe .ar a ba�eficlal iaoenst in a ut�st owning'all or pa�t af t1�e Ptvperty,is soid or . <br /> otherarise transfa�tod{��an by devise or dacent)6Y tEie Borrower,a�d <br /> tii)'ll�e FropertY is noc occuPisd by the peu���S�itier c[edit has mr�6orn � u� �ocdsnoe . . <br /> a � a� � «�y +n� �m <br /> with the nequinments of the Sec�etary. <br /> (t)No Witva. If�occur that waWd permit l�ender to�+equize i�ncdiate payrt►ent in futl.6at l.e�der . <br /> - ����d H[ID S�a��tar� In many wsive its rights with�t to snbse�luent events. <br /> - ci[cumstaoces tegutatians issued by the Soc�aiy wU limit l.ender's <br /> - • nghts.�of psyment defanits. to�uine immodiata W�at in fi�ll and faeclose rf not paid. T[ds <br /> . Secar►�Iasuwneiat-3oes not autlwTiu acexkraaon ar fonelosuro' not permitte4 by neguluions of the Soc�ary. - <br /> - � . (e3 Marf�e�'e't;,�►�red- Bonower ag�s�shouW this Seeurity Instr�aaenc ru�d the note sec�ed thec�eby nnt <br /> � � � be e�.a�'Sie fuc.i�w,de� the Natioml H�atg Ace within 8 n�ont hs •�'� — <br /> . . d�c+e&�eaf,l.errd'er iu option and not�ith4tending�dythin8 in Para�aph 9.nQuine��na���'�°�� .. <br /> - � , fu�a�f`�►D sams sectnod by this Seeurity Insuumen�.A writt�ii statement uf aay authoiiae�agent af the Sec�tary' � , .- <br />�,`� . � ' date�snbsequant ta;: : B mont tts . ., ; ,fram the date t�eneof,decluiiug W iQSUre tius�curiry� "_ ' . <br /> . . , �Instrwnent and tbe`riut�secumd thenby,stia111x.deenxd cmnctasive pmof of such ineligi'b�7iry. Nonvrt�t5tanding <br /> �� . , -------- <br /> _ �. .._ � Qie foregamg;ttris:Qption may notfie exei�cise�by Leade�t wt�ea►the_iwa��ability of ituuraace is:sol�t�p du�to _ - ��:�:.__ <br /> ' � Lender�failure to remit a moctgage msnrance premium ta the Secretary�. `=_�--=- <br /> t�:;' <br /> ..,f°. 10. Rei�temcn� Bc►rtawer ha4 a xigbt to be nmsla[ed if Lender has eequired immediate payment in fu116ecanse <br /> ,.,.1,:.. . �_�_--�- <br />_�r'<.� ,,,. �f 9onower's faiiuie w PaY an amo�nt due utider t6c�Note or this Security Instrfm�en� 1fis rlght appTits evea after -- --r.:�_ <br /> '"'� fonclosurc proceedinSs ate mstituted. 'Ib reinstate the Security Tn.gamnen� 8oirower shall cender in a T�sum all }.. � <br /> �'�:�:- <br /> - �, amounts requinA w bring Boaower's account curtent ineluding,w the e�ctrnt they are obligauons of Bo�row�.ar+der this �;���,�_, <br /> e <br /> Socurity In.mument,fanclasure costs and tra.�nable and customary attomeys'fee's and eapenses properly assoc.�ed with =___ _ . - <br /> '::i,:,. the foreclosure p�in8• llpa�reinstatenxnt by Borrower,this Security Instrumedt and the o6ligations thaE a"secaores ---_--- _ <br /> sh�tl remain in�ffect as if l.ender had not ired immediate payment in full. However.l.ender is not requited to permit �� <br /> - ° reinstatemeaE if (i)l.ender has accepted�nstatement after the commencement of fooeclosuce praceedings with�n� � ���_- <br /> ' . y: yeus immediauty pRCeding ihe commencement of a current forectosure proceefiing,.(ri)reinstatement v�n'il preci �:_.. <br /> . � =:.- forxlosune an diffcrent graunds in the futuc�a,or(iii)reinstatemeat wip advcrsely affect the priarity of the lien crcated by �'�.."�'� •�". <br /> -' tltisSecurity Instrument,. �:�":a2f£�� -- <br /> `°' 11. Barrower Nat Rekased; Focbtarance by Lender Not a Walver. Extension of ti� time of payment or >,�� ` ,- _ <br /> � " madification of amonizauan of the sums secured by tbis Securi[y lnstrument granted by Lender to any successor�n lnterest ,. <br /> •t of Botrawer shall nd aperate to relea,ce the liability of the origina!Barrowcr ar Borrawerti ruccessor�n interest. l.ender , <br /> • sh�q not 6e require0 ta commenee proceedings aga�nst any�cuccessor in interest or refuse to eatend time for payment or : <br /> � modify amoA�ratiot►of the sams secumd by this Security instrument by reuson af any demand made by the : <br /> � origlnal Borrower ex Barcower y successor.i,in interest. Any forbearance by l.e�der in exercising any right or remedy shall <br /> not be a waiver af oc preeludc the exercise of uny right ar remeAy. � ,• T <br />, • �, �Z. SU�ClS,40rA AMI AS91Q1.9 BOYIId.Joint and Seve�l Liability:CaSigners. The cavcnants and ageementg of -_..,`-Y <br /> thls Security Instrum�mt shall bitxl and benefit the successor.+and assi�ns c,f l.ender and BaRawer.subjeee ta the prov�slons <br /> � =� of Aaragraph 9.b. 8oaower�covenan�s and ugreements shall be�omt and ycverrl. Any Sarrowcr who cas�gn.c this ' . , <br /> , , Security Instrument but does n�t execute the Nate: (a)iy ca-rigning this Security In�trument onty to mortgage.grant sind � , ' <br /> convey that Borrower ti interest in�he Property under the tertns nf this Security Instrumcnt:tb)ic not personally obhgated to <br /> • pay the sums seeured by this Security Instrument:and(c)agreec that i.ender and Any other Bortower mny agree ta eatend. __� _ <br /> modify.forbear or make any nccammalations with regard to the tcrtns of ihis Seeurity Ustrument ar the Nate w�thout that •_:,7.-_ <br /> -�,,;.' 6orrower's conscn� � . . �`- <br /> � l�. NoNces. Any naticc to$nrrower provided t'or in thic Sccurity lnstrument~hall be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by Crst class maii untes�applicable law myuireti use af another methad. The natice shall be dimcted to Ihe <br /> � Property Address or any ather address Barrower desi�erEatea by natice to Lender. Any notice ro Lender ahall be given by . <br /> first class mail to Lenderc address ststed herein os a.�}+:addres�I.ender dc�ignates by nalice to BpRa�ter. Any notice • <br /> . := .. � �rovided f�r in this Security lnstrum:nt shaq bc decmed tn have hcen givcn ta Hc�rrowcr or l.endcr when given aw provided , � , . <br /> :...;, .� .,. ,'„"�;�;,, m this paragraph. � .. � <br />. . , - -- �,•;,`-.;13 14. Governing Ls►w;Severabifity. Thiti Sceuriry tnurument shal!hc govcmed hy Fedcral lativ :uid �hc law of the _ <br /> , jurisdiction in which thc Praperty is tacatcd ln ihe���nt that any prnvi�inn�►r clau�c��f this Sccurity Instrumcnt or thc E, <br /> � ;. �.�.,�.'. lVote cnnflirts with applicable luw,�uch c6nQrct�F:wtE nm affect nther prnvl�iun�of�his 5ecurity Instrument or,the Note i „ <br /> � • .�: �� - •-�- whicb can be givcn effect wi�hou�the ra�`licfing pravi�'san. To this enct�he pnwirinm��f this Security In�irument:ind the ( , <br /> ;�;_�s;i;;r r � <br /> , � .,;,...:�� Note uro derlared to l+e severabla ' <br /> � '='= ��`; - 15 Basrower's t:�py. Borrtiwer:!�all be given one cunfonned cupy i�tthi�Security lnytrument. � <br /> . ;,�,.:. , :�-��.�'�`�:.��, <br /> �h ii 16. A553gI1mE�lt of Rents. Horrowcr unamditionally atisignv and Uancfcrc tu i,�ndcr all thc remz und revenucs nf thc , <br /> :w�art�aa:ie�.��r� i . . <br /> -'t�y•r Roperty. Bortowcr amhorizcs Lendcr or Lendcr:a�:�mtti tn c�llecl thc rcnt�and revcnuc�:md hcrcby dimct�each tenam af <br /> �- �•�:� ' � tho Ptoperiy to pay ihe rents t��l.cnder ot Lcndcrti:�gent.. Hawcvcr.prinr tv I.ender�nntice tn Horrawer ni Rnrmwer 5 �• <br /> ;RA'�;':,�a,�...�. <br /> � '��.:,,�__.;:. .�� brcaeh af any rovenant or ugrcement in ihe Security Imtrument.[ianu«•er�hall coUrct and receive atl rentti and revenucs vf � <br /> ,• . 1,;� , • - � the Property as wstce fc�r the henefit of Lcndcr and Hurr�►�vrr. Thi�ussignmcm of trnts ecm�titutc4 nn ubsolutc as.rignmcnt i <br /> �-'���• • and nW an as�ignmcnt for:�ddition�t u�;�urity anly. ' <br /> ''• ;`•' ,�.�-`��'.' � . If Le�:der g�ves natirc af brcec���x f#urro�ver. �a}�{)rent�rcccived by k�c�rtc�tvrr tihalt he 4t�tc!by.Rotrnwer as trustcc I <br /> - ' -�'=`-'=�'-�---�'� for benefit of l.ender ont}���bc a��::v310 thc+ums rccurcd by thr Sccurity M�trumcn�- (h► Lcndcr�hall t+c cntitled to � <br /> . r,.�..___ } . <br /> • ;r ��_____. _ coltect and receive alt cf r'r.=rents of the Pr�pe�y:snd�c�each trnant uf the 1'ruprrty�h:�ll pay:;lt rents duc and unpaid to <br /> '�� � � lxnder nt L.ender's agcr.t c�t,rnder's written demard�v thc tcnant. - <br /> �., .,,, <br /> *• • -.• .. Burtn•�c�has no1 executed uny rrint a+signmcni �ii'ihc rent�aud h�r ttai aud will not pe;fcmr :cn} �:a:t that �vuuld <br />•.';�:...•.� � .. � • preventLc�4de:from exercising its rigi�t�w�dcr this l�.u�graph 16. � <br /> ';i, •:•,',,- • Lectd�r°;��all nnt tre reyuimd tu 4�'t�,^r upun,talcc ranttnl nf ur maintain the F'roperty tx(orc ot aftcr givin,noticc uf ? <br /> ' • breach to$arrower. Hu�:•.ver.Lender or;r ju�iicialty ap��intcd receivrr may d�w ut.�ny�ime there'is a�r<ach. Any � <br /> . . � '. ' application of renly shatTuUt cure�t waivr�ny drfsu'.t c�r mvalidate any other rirht ur remcJ�ai'Lender. "Clii�a..i�nment � <br /> " of rents uf the I7openy sSiall temilnate when the debt securrd 6y�hr 5ecurity instrument is paid in full. • . <br /> , '� <br /> __ - ----- _ . _ _ -- ___ <br /> , . , . - - . . - - - . . _ ; . <br /> ' ,. . . ��,�,tr�,¢ArnSCV� � , . <br />. '. .. ` ,. . - -- •- - - - - - _ - - -. � , ; <br /> _� .: , . <br /> � - ' ' � - -- _ _ �' °- <br />