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20�i0i341 <br />Hundredths (2,204.32) feet; thence deflecting right 91°17'48" and <br />running southerly, a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred <br />Eighty Nine and Twenty Siz Hundredths (2,689.26) feet to a <br />point on the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW'/4); thence <br />deflecting right 89°38'32" and running westerly along and upon <br />the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SWll4), a distance of� <br />Two Thousand Two Hundred Seventh Sig and One Tenth <br />(2,276.10) feet to the point of beginning (containing 139.774 acres, <br />more or less); <br />An undivided one-half (%z) interest in and to the Southwest Quarter (SWl/a) of <br />Section Siz (6), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11), West of the 6�' <br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, ezcept the North 1374 feet of the We'st 330 feet; <br />and except 1.57 acres deeded to the State of Nebraska as recorded in Book 125 <br />at page 581 (containing 140.5 acres); <br />An undivi�ed one-half ('1:� intere�t in and to t�he l���rthwest Quarter (NWll4) of <br />Section Eighteen (18), Township Twetve (12) North, Range Eleven (11), West <br />of the 6�' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, ezcept the 2.02 acres deeded to the State <br />of Nebraska as recorded in Book 125 at page 245; and ezcept a parcel of land <br />described as follows: Commencing at the SW corner of said Northwest Quarter <br />(NWl/4), thence north along the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) a <br />distance of 836.73 feet, thence east 60 feet to the point on the east right-of-way <br />line of ezisting State Highway, and the point of beginning. Thence continuing <br />east 376.40 feet, thence north parallel to the west line of said Northwest Quarter <br />(NWl/a) 390 feet, thence west 376.4 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line <br />of said highway, said point being 60 feet east of the west line of said Northwest <br />Quarter (NWl/a), thence south along said right of way line 390 feet to the point <br />of beginning and containing 3.37 acres, more or less (containing 145 acres); <br />An undivided one-half (%Z) interest in and to the Northeast Quarter (NE'/4) of <br />Section Twenty-two (22), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11), West <br />of the 6�' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska (containing 160 acres); and � <br />The West Half of the East Half (W%:E'/:) of Block 7, Koehler Subdivision, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />GRANTOR covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with GRANTEE that <br />GRANTOR: <br />(1) <br />�2) <br />is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances <br />except easements and restrictions of record; <br />has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same; and <br />(3) warrants and will defend title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all <br />persons. <br />EXECUTED: February 16, 2011. <br />��, <br />: <br />�— --�-�' - - <br />�, ,�;- <br />! ,l <br />e ert G. t�e " <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF BUFFALO <br />) <br />) ss: <br />) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on February 16, 2011, by Delbert <br />G. Stueven, a single person. <br />6ENERAL NOTARY - State �f Nebraska <br />DAMON T. BANENSKY <br />� IWy Comm. Exp. Aug. 30, 2013 <br />r� <br />4•-�•�_� <br />Notary Public <br />2 <br />