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<br /> 17.Trarstcr ot th�Prn�rty or�Ba�e�lclAl Iatenst In Borcower.If dl or aay part of che Pro�Crty or any iuterest In it --
<br /> la sold or truufaad(or it�brneflcld laterat In Borrower l�eald or tr�n�ferred end Barrower le noc��uural person)withovt �
<br /> Lendor's qriot wdttGn conaent, Lender a�►y. �t 1ts oy�tlon� re�uira iaunodl�t� payment ln full of ail �ua�s sxunQ by thi9 _
<br /> Secudty Inttrutptnt.lfowsver�ttni�option�➢udl not be aaercieed 6y l.e��der iFexeYrtse ls pralublted i�y feder�l IIaw:.a af¢Iic ci:tc �
<br /> of this SecurFty(nstn�meat.
<br /> If Le�xler eaenci�a tbi�opdon,I.nsder shdl givo�ormwer noHce of�ccelerAtion.Ttse notice ehall provide a parlad of nnt —
<br /> less tht�n 30 et�ys from tha due the ccotice ia deliverod or malled witbin whir,li Barrower must pay all eum�sxura! by ehis --
<br /> Security Imtcument.If Borcower fdl�to psy tbae�uma prior to the oxplrutoa of thia pedod.L,eadeer may invoYe aqy remedies -
<br /> permitttxl b thfe Socuxlty Inatrumcnt wi�e�rrther aotloe or demand on 13arrowcr. -
<br /> 18. �orrower'e �,� tm Rde�st�ta It Bocrower mate art�in cc►ndlttons, Borrower ahall have tlae tight to have
<br /> eaforcemtat of this Securl�ry Iusuumeat diswntinued at nny dme prior to We earller uf: (a)S daya(or suc6 othcr perlod aa -
<br /> �ppliea�bin inw caap �pocify for nlaatatemoaq befon a�le of the Property pursuer►t to any pow:sr of s�le contained in thls
<br /> Socudry Inttcumeat;or @)entry of�judgrexnt et�£oreing thie Securlry Ia�tn�ment.'Iboso conditions ue thu Bacrower.(a)paye
<br /> Lendes aq sums which then woutd be duc umrJer tti�Security Invtn�ent and the Note as if no accelcration�ad occurnd; (b)
<br /> cures any dofiwlt of u�y other coveaants oa�greecxotr,(o)Paye all eapenaca incurnod ln enfoncing thia Socurlty [narrum�nt,
<br /> including,but aot Waltat to.niuon�ble utomeye'feea;u�d(d)tW�auch�ction su Lender may resaonibly reQuin t�+ssuro
<br /> th�t the litm:af thia Sa:urlry Iaam►meat.Le.nder'�dghta In the Propsrly u�d Bortower'a obligatian to pay the aua�secured by
<br /> thie Secudn,► Insttumeat shill continue unebwged. Upon reinstuemenr, by Borrowec. tbis Sec��rfty Insuument and the
<br /> obllgationt�ecured 6ereby sh�ll remstn tt�lly�ffective au if no acaleratioa hod occumd.l-lowever�t6ia rlght to reinstato ahaIi
<br /> not�pply in,the c�of+roceleruion unckr pu�graph 17.
<br /> 19. S�►1t� o!Note; Change ot i.ow Ser�ker. The Note or t panlal intcrest in thc Note (cogether witb thia �OCUr�ry
<br /> Insuuu�s,ut)�nay be aold one or more times without pdor�otice to Bornnwer.A sale u�ay rasuit�n a change!n the endry(known
<br /> as tho'La,n Secvioer")th�t collech monthly p�ymeuts due under t1x Note and thls Saudty Instr�ment. Tbere deo mty be one
<br /> or maro Gbtimga+of the Loaa Servtcer uarelued to a sale of tbe Nota If thero is a chango of the Loan Se�viar. Aorcower will be
<br /> givea writton aotia:of the ah�nge in acxordusce with pu�graph 14�bova and opplicable law.Tho notice wlll st�te tlu name a�d
<br /> 4ddr�of�tho new Loan Scivlcer urd the address to whic]i paymenta ehould be made.The aotict wlll also contain usy other
<br /> iaform�tian roqvired by nppllcablc law.
<br /> 20.Hff�rtbw Sub�nc�a. Borrower ehall.aot cwae or permtt the ptcsena� uae. dispaaal. storage, or relcate of any
<br /> Hazandauc Subatanca on or in the Property. Borrower eball ncst do. aor tUow anyone elae to do. anyth�ng affectinb the
<br /> property tUnt ia in violation of any Eavimnmeutal Law.The pneceding two senta�oea ahaU not ply to tbe gaseace. ust, or
<br /> acorngo on che Penoertv of nm�ll q_uanddea of H�dow Substancw Wat an generally cecogniz�to be�ppropnate to nom�l
<br /> residcndaLnae9 aiod to m�intenanoo of tbe Property.
<br /> Bpmoivar ehall promptly give l.eader writtev notice of aay investlg�tion. clalm, demand.lawauit or ott�er�ction by any
<br /> gavcmrnemtul or reauluory ageacy o�privateparty lavolv[ng the Prop�rty�nd�ay H�tdaus Subatance or Fs�vlronmenul LAw
<br /> of whie3�8urcower 6a�ctu�l biowloclgc.If�orrower leuas�or�s ootlfiad by u►y govemme�atul or reguluory auttariry� th�t
<br /> my rcmati�al or oUxr remodiuloa of u+y�iazu�A�ws Stibsnace affoc�ng tUse Pcope�ty ia nooasar�,:�8orrower sb�il�mmptly take
<br /> a]!�e+oes�ry nenedi�l acxions in�000niwce with Envlroament�l Law.
<br /> A�s ur�ed in dils pu�gra�h?A, "Hautiloua S�bstnn�a" �re chose aubauaces definod u taxic ar haurdous subaances bY
<br /> Envimnmr�tnl I.aw md the tbllowlna wbstu�a�s: gasoliac, kemsena, otLer fl�mm�ble or toxlc pctmleuTn producta,tionic
<br /> s pes[Icidm�,o��erbicidr,a.voluile wlveata�mueri�cwnaining Aabestoa or fom�aldehyde,usd rndioactive rrwterle�s.As uscd Ia
<br /> • thft pp�gt�ph 20. "Eavironmeut�l Law' maaa fodsr�l laws aad laws of tlsee jurlsdictian wh�ro tLa Property is locatcd ttut
<br /> � relua tn hualth,s�fety or eavIrDnmwtal protection.
<br /> HO�i-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bon+ower�ad Leader fiuther cov�naat�nnd agra a follows:
<br /> � 22.A�ocda�atba;Remedla.Ysader eluU�e a�otke to Bon�o�sa pior to accela�tion foUowlos Borrowa's 6reacb
<br /> � of�oy cu��out or�p�eea�at Ir tLtr SesQi��stnnueat N�t not pbr to �code�tio� un�ke p6 17 udw
<br /> tL
<br /> • �Pl�lrs6ld I�ep�w1d�atliaxbe).'11e aotfoe eiull tpec�ty: (a)the det�Wti N)the�ctlon req to cure tLe de�aulti
<br /> (c)�dMto�not�s tfra 30 dRyr ik+oa�the d�te tLee ootka 6�ivra to Botrownr,by wLkL 3he det�uit mu�t be aucak aud
<br /> , ca�e�c sr.u�eo c,�t�a�t.�u ou or cerore c�e a.e�e�n�a ��aoace n�,►y r�utc m.��s�or we.�s
<br /> �eeured�by ttif�Sanrity InRGrnment�od ale ot the 1'rupecty. '�'he notice sball tWrtiKC inta�►sor►�owa ot the eis4t to
<br /> ►�da�inta��ooder�t{oo Aod tYie ei�6t tu brlo� a�oourt actioa to�aeert the aon�tence ot�detr�nk oe�ny otLee
<br /> dde+ore a[Bor�+owa�tn accdaxtioM�ad ak. It the delaWt i�not cured ou or be�ore the cLte apa[Red ta the notke�
<br /> I.e�dar.nt�Sa optloN•�ayr�quine imuiedl�te{xy�eoR ia tWll ot a11 sums oecured by thla Securit�Ioehumcat vsithout
<br /> hrther danssd�nd a�sy lo�oice t6epowee ot e�le snd aq�other remedlts pamkted by applk�ble l�w.Leader�1!be
<br /> � � mttUed�t�collect dl eapeon�[ncorr+ed In p�usolos t0ie remedirs prodded fn thte pge�a=ra�21,Includlr�►but uot Itmital
<br /> to�ra�oa�bk��a�ys'fas�ad eost�ot dtid eridence.
<br /> Yt thepo�rer ot s�le ie In�okal,Tnrtee eb�ll roowd a notice ot de[�yit[n e�ch countp tn wbfch iey part o[tLe
<br /> Frepd�j b loated�d�11 m�i!oo�ot such nutioe in ttre m�noer prescribed by Appl6cable la�►to Eorrowe��nd to
<br /> the oth�w�eno�pe�acribad by ap�icsble law.Atter the tiuie rsgoJred br�pplicabk law,'It+ntee�bwU gire pwblk notke
<br /> oi e�lo M�e per�our a�d In the m��er prt�cdbed by�pplics�'ble 4w.�Yuetee,vrithuut dem�nd on Borrower�s�l edl
<br /> tho Propacty at pubik�uctlon to tLe 61�hat bWder�t t6e W�ee aud place tnd undn'tbe teKms desig�ted fn tLe r�otke ot
<br /> s�lu ftt un�or more pa�cdr�ud In sey orrltr 1Y�t;tee determtu�. Trnstee moy poetpone sple ot o11 or any pa+cd oi the
<br /> �P��Y t��+�����time nr�a1 pl�ce ot any pe+evianly schedukd sale. I.ender or it�dai�na may
<br /> prur�hv�e R�he Ilropaty at anr sak.
<br /> ' Fonn 3o s!!o
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