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<br /> 3� � a,p�,��y I��. gorrow�er �11 kcep the improvementa now exlsHng ot h�reaRac erected an the
<br /> pro�etty iaurod��lnst lou by flr�, h�s lnclud�al wlthia tltie teem "extended cuverage' and any other ha�mrde, lncludiag
<br /> floode or Aoading,fnr which I.ender roqulrca icsurwce•Thi�laturuxx�h�1 b°�II���i°�O�pu�for t}�e pedad�
<br /> t}ut y,p►uiet i'ayoly�::z.'1't�,la:urxs�e�r2er�mvlc�lr.g►�e iasoruuco etu11 ba choxa by IBorcower subJect to Lecader'e approvei L
<br /> whtch�hall not be unr�aocu�biy withAeld. If Borrawer f�31s to a�aiatdn cover�e deacrlbed+►bove�l��d�r maY. u �E�'a
<br /> option,obuin eover+�e to procoet l.ender'�dghro ia the Pmpecty in aeeardmce wIth pu+�Br+iP�►7.
<br /> All Luuru�co policfet and ret�w+l�thsil�ba�ccept�b���0�°�r� °�1 lnclude a sttadard mortg�8o clausa. Lender
<br /> sh�ll hive�tlght to l:old thes poHcleu ud r+eaewda.If Lax'kr re4uires.Borrower�11 prompsly g�ve to Lender dl re�ipts of
<br /> paid premlums u�d reaew�l rx�tlr.esa.In the event of lass.Bortowcr eh�U give pmmgt notice to the in�urance curier uxl i.ender.
<br /> i�k;�msy maYo proof of lo�.�If�ot made pro►►�pt1Y bY Besrower. __
<br /> Unleu i,a�dsr usd Borxowot o►hecwiee igro�in wridp8•insu��pi°°°°ds eh�ll be tpplied to testorulon or xepdr of the
<br /> �ttY �8�•if the ratoraN�n�ox repair l�oconomically fessiblo u►d Lender'a aocuriry:a not leasened.If the reatoiation or
<br /> iepair is mt 000nomfcally fewsibin�or I.eader'e eecurity would be lessa�ai,the 4nsurance proceeQs sh�11 ba applied to tho tsum�
<br /> eecurtd by thiy Securiry Imm�mrnt, whether or na¢then due,witb a�ny exaaa paid to Barrower. If Borrower abac►dans the
<br /> pmpaty,or does na answcr wlthin 3Q ckys�nodce from I.cnd�r�3 toi�+DOC��ro thc Property or ta Pay�auuu
<br /> L��►der mY collect the insunncM pro�ds. Lcnder may use the p �P+�' _-
<br /> secured by this SecuxltS►�nutumeuu.whetlaer or r�o:tt�a dL�..Th;.3Q�dap�r��!�vUl begin when the notice!s givea. -
<br /> UuIas I.axkr�ad Boncowor othcnviso�gcx ia writin�, �aY �PPlication of pt+orxod� to prlacipal sh�l1 not exten.'l�ur _
<br /> Posipoaa Q►e due due of tlu►mnatWY P�Y�ts reiEs:mezd to in pu�Sraph� 1 and 2 or cl�nge the omonat of the psymeata. If
<br /> under paruraph 21 the Pco(x�cty is�ecNlcacl by 1�e�3rs.B°n°wer'a r�ght to any insuranco policiea and pmoeeda re,+ultit►g from
<br /> danrage w the PrapertY Prloc tQ the ec�alsiTima�ll pas�to Lender to the eAteat of the sums�aural by tltis Securtty Inatcumeat
<br /> immedistely pdor to the�oquisition. �y.
<br /> i.Oan��scy�P�c'exr+'��M*Imte�+ioe rm1 Prottctioo dP�tbE I'ropaty:Aarawes'e II.�o�Applicatbo+
<br /> Bon�or�rer�hall ooa�py.aaiblinh.�ad uae the PtoQe�ty as Bonowu'e princip�l reaidence with�a si�ctY daY�aRer tlse�xa�tion of
<br /> this SocudtY Imuuntant and atu�ll continue to oa;upy tl�c PropectY at.Borrower's}�rlacipal r�ideaco for at le�st one year after
<br /> the d�t�ot oaup�ncy.unlcts Lca�r otherwix�gcves in writfng,�vhich consent�ahail aot be unreuon�bly withheld,ar udea�
<br /> eatenuuini ci�unxt�na� axist which u� b�Yond Borrower°� com�urol. Bozrower ahaU not destmy� d+un�e or imQa�P the
<br /> property,�llow tl�e�ecty io dcieiivi-:ic��.w„a..::��:r.�t� �!+r^r*�y. Born�wer sball be in defwlt ii may for�lfu�
<br /> �ctiaa or proceedlni, wl�ctb�rt civil or crimiml.is�beguo that in L�ender�good faith judgment oould�rwlt in fodeitur�e of 2ho �
<br /> propecty or ah��viie m�tedilly impu th� ika creaucD by tbis SecuricY Iaatrumcnt or L�eader'��a�rlty inten,�t.Donnwer may
<br /> au+e s�ch��ef�ult�nd nin�te.�pmvldedla pu�graph 18.by cauaing the�ctton or pmcoalln8 W ba diaiciuod�.i�erlol
<br /> thu�ia Lea�a3a's aaod f�itb�d�er�►.Precladea forfei.ture of the Borrower's interest ja the Propesi;y
<br /> impdcmnc bf tbe lira cnMad by thta 5ocuriry Instruaieat or�en�lar's�arlh' inut+est. B�c+#�wer shill al�o be 9n de€a�lt.if
<br /> Borrowa,durin�tl�e 1c�a�►lic�tioe prncesi�8ave muctj�lly false or lnt�ccuste iaformuion vr atucments to Lead�er(ar�f�alad
<br /> to pcoridc Leader with a�y macerW Wornaulo�)in oo�oa wtth the loaa av3denced by t1�Note�ixludin�.but not Ii�po�ud ,
<br /> to,�ra����5��►t'o�'�°���Qf tbe PcopertY as RPrinc��atdeace.If thii SecuricY Instaa�u on a
<br /> le�d►o]d� Homo�uer �11 compiy witb all�L�:pmvlsioas of the leaao. Ii Borcower acquires fee tide co the Prq+aty. tLe�
<br /> lea�dwld�nd the fee tldo duAl•not merEe ualea�Lea�3�et agroe�to the ma�er in wriKa�. q l'ned in
<br /> 7.h�otectio�ot I.eo�l�a�r Itt�W ta tLc Propat7.If Bomowu faW co pafwm We coven�mu�od a�,reea�a oont�
<br /> thia Seciult3►Ia�uwnau+or th�m is a le�al prcxxodiq�t1�t auY ni�ifl��1Y�ecx I.eader'�rigLu in W�o ProQatY(at�h ss�
<br /> �� �t�d�up�y,�probwe� for condemmtiou or for[eitum or co eaforce lawo or ngul�ions).tLai I�de��4'dO�
<br /> 1�Y for Nhateva i�nooessuY 4o P�ce�ttu v�lue of tLe Pcopesty and lreader's rishts ia d�PmperiY• i�end�r���ction:maY
<br /> include p�yiof wY au� iac►ued by s liaz whicb� Uas prlority over thls Security inu�uneat� �ppaaina in cou�.'�nY�►L
<br /> cra�ooabk attorney��'foa uM�ntericg a+a the Pmperty to�Wca acpair�.Althou�I,eaBer uaay talce a�ctloa under this pi�i►8t�
<br /> 7,IRSrda daa not havo to�k+�. 7 ahall becotne �dditiao�l d�M ot Botrowet aecured by tttis
<br /> aRny amounts disburaed�by Leader ucdtir th9s puagaph .
<br /> ' Securlty imm�ment. Unlas Sosm�rbr�ac'l l.eader�groe to aher terme of paymeat�tbao amounq stuill be�r inta�t from tbe
<br /> cWe oi dlsbur�e�uent�t tho Note xja�ind�hall be p�yable. witD interat.upoa Aotia fram I.eader to Burrowa rect�cstinB
<br /> �s�xt�e Iasursace.I83+a�det req�►[rod awrt6�Se inauruoce as a condi¢ion of m�lcin8 tho loan socurod by this StcuritY
<br /> Ins�nuna�t.Borrovves s6a11 pny�tho premiums recpirod to m�intdn the muRgage in�ur�►a in effoct. U. for any re�aon. tt�
<br /> m�tpaye in�urance cove»Eo cer�uired bY Leader l�gaes or cesxs tv be in effax�Borrowa eball paY tLe Premium�required to
<br /> obwin oovec�ge subaandally equivalau to t�mortgage inaurxntx pnwiouily tn effuct�u a��bstaptiall v� v��t1if
<br /> - con ta Bc�rrower of tho moct�a�a insuranca pnviously in effcrt. from ea�ltennte uaortBa�B aPP �
<br /> � aubu�u�lly aiutvalent mortsa�a insur�nc:e cavcra8e is aot avail�ble.&rrower slWl pay to Lea�ler e�cb conath a sum equal to
<br /> ono-tarelftL o4 the yeaciy�nort;nIIe insuniacc p�c�emiwm being p�id by Bomowar when tlie inauranca oover�c l�»:d or ceaiod to
<br /> be ta aHect.L�qd�tc will�t000ptti use�od t+et�ln thesC p�ymet+t9�s a loss t+exsve lt1 licu of mortgs$o iflsurauce. Loss resezve
<br /> — �3ozs s
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