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VJ <br />� <br />� <br />� (� <br />�I <br />2011013�.8 <br />� <br />� <br />L.: <br />��w <br />�S <br />_ � �' <br />;51�1 <br />.� :t <br />�� <br />� <br />TRUSTEE' S DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by: <br />DANIEL J BYKERK, A SINGLE PERSON <br />m <br />� � � <br />w � v' c� <br />,. O - { t . r .+ � <br />.�,� N <br />� � 0 <br />rn � m '� p � <br />m � a � � <br />f -� f"a <br />F--� o � � <br />rn z �� � <br />�,.�, m ;;,.? o <br />3 � �' �,°"� � � <br />� �:�� � <br />t:.:� x ��;a;� w <br />�' .�± � Z <br />� �..' ;;�; � o <br />� <br />. , <br />m <br />'�. <br />� �� <br />���� <br />� <br />to AREND R BAACK, attorney, Trustee, for the benefit of HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND <br />LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, the beneficiary named therein, dated <br />MAY 18, 2007 and recorded MAY 18. 2007 in the Office of the HALL COtJNTY REGISTER OF <br />DEED' S OFFICE OF HALL COUNT1r, NEBRASKA, in DOCIJMENT # 0200704073 has been <br />, and said bene�ciary has requested in writing that this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and <br />delivered; <br />TT�REFORE, in cansideration of such payrnent in accordance with ihe request of the beneficiary <br />named therein, the undersigned, as Trustee, does by these presents, grant, remise, release and reconvey <br />to the person or persons entitled thereto all the interest and estate derived to said Trustee by or through <br />said Trust Deed in the following described premises, but only as to such premises; <br />A TRACT OF LAND GOMPRTSING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW '/4) OF SECTION TWELVE <br />(12), TOWNSHII' ELEVEN (I1) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10), WEST OF THE 6� P.M., MORE PARTICULARLY <br />DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, <br />SAID POINT BEING FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE (535.0) FEET NORTH OF TI� SOUTHWEST CORNER OF <br />SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER; TI-�ENCE RUNNiNG NOR'THERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID <br />NORTHWEST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE (145) FEET; THENCE RUNNING <br />EASTERLY AND PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NOR'THWEST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF <br />THREE HUNDRED (300.0) FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND PARALLEL TO TI� WEST LINE OF SAID <br />NORTHWEST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE (145) �EET; THENCE RiJNNING <br />WESTERLY AND PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF <br />'THREE HUNDRED (300.0) FEET TO THE FOINT OF BEGINNING. <br />Together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises. <br />± ,/�� <br />Dated this � � day of <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />R. Baack, attorney <br />On this !� day of =�'Vt.�G{ , 2011, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified far in said ounty, personally came AREND R BAACK, attomey, <br />Truste�, to me known to be the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Trustee's <br />Deed of Reconveyance and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his valuntary and deed. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br />_._------- ( ! <br />GENERAI. NOTARY - 5��e of Nebraska 1 <��—t - <br />SUSAN K. MILLER Notary Public <br />My Comm. Ezp. July 20, 2011 <br />