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2011013�1 <br />or Jnne 11 shall be due on the first day of the immediately succeeding January or July, as applicable. <br />Thereafter, consecutive semi-annual installments of interest, each in the amount required to pay the unpaid interest <br />accruing through the applicable period (i) December 12 through and inctuding June 11 or (ii) June 12, through and including <br />December 11 shall be due on each January 1 and July 1 at the Variable Rate until the MaturityDate (as definedbelow) orthe <br />Conversion Date (as defined below) as the case may be. Any remaining indebtedness, if not sooner paid, shall be due and <br />payable on the Maturity Date (as defined below). <br />(d) If Lender at any time deYermines, in its sole but reasonable discretion, that it has miscalculated the amount <br />of any interest payment (whether because of a miscalculation of the Variable Rate or otherwise), then Lender shall give <br />notice to Borrower of the corrected amount of the interest payment (and the corrected Variable Rate, if applicable) and (i) if <br />the corrected amount of the installment payment represents an increase, then Borrower shall, within 30 calendar days <br />thereafter, pay to Lender any sums that Borrower would have otherwise been obligated under this Note to pay to Lender t�ad <br />the amount of the installment payment not been miscalculated, or (ii) if the corrected amount of the installment payment <br />represents a decrease thereof and Borrower is not otherwise in breach or default under any of the terms and provisions ofthis <br />Note, the security instrument or any other Loan Document evidencing or securing this Note, then Borrower shall thereafter be <br />paid the sums that Borrower would not have otherwise been obligated to pay to Lender had the amount of the installment <br />payment not been miscalculated. <br />Borrower may make payments of principal in any amount on any business day of Lender during such time as the principal is <br />accruing interest at the Variable Rate. <br />(e) If Borrower timely exercises Borrower's option to (i) convert the interest rate on this Note to another rate <br />and (ii) cancel the Revolving Line of Credit provisions of this Note pursuant to Section C("Conversion Option") of this <br />Note, the applicable interest rate under this Note, beginning on the date the conversion becomes effective and continuing <br />until the Maturity Date, shall not be the rate determined in accordance with subsection (a) of this Section 1 above, but shall <br />be the rate established in accordance with Section 3"Conversion Option" below. Such rate shall be reflected in an <br />"Agreement to Convert" substantially in the form attached as Exhibit A to this Note. If Borrower has not earlier exercised <br />the Conversion Option, the Revolving Line of Credit Provisions will expire on July 1, 2016 and the Conversion Option will <br />be deamed to be exercised by selecting the Default Product (as defined below). <br />( fl The following definitions shall apply to this Note: <br />Current Index: The Index that is published in The Wall Street Journal on the applicable Rate Change Date. <br />Index. Beginning with the Initial Adjustment Date, the adjustable interest rate will be based on an Index. The <br />"Index" is the One Month `Zondon Interbank Offered Rate "(LIBOR) as published in the Wall Street Journal as of the date <br />of the applicable rate change date. The Index percentage will be added to the Margin and then rounded to the nearest one <br />thousand of one percent (.001) subject to any limits. This rounded amount will be my new interest rate until the next rate <br />change date. If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new Index that is based on comparable <br />information. <br />MULTISTATE ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER—Farmer Mac UNIFORM Form 6008r 11-OS-2007 <br />INSTRUMENT <br />�PeirsonPatterson, LLP: Adington, Texas 2007-2009 <br />1614140211 [Doc Id 9713 Rev. 07.15.10] <br />