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(c) It intentionally and unconditionally waives, relinquishes and subordinates the lien of.the <br />Existing and Continuing Security Instrument in favor of the lien or charge upon said land of the <br />New Security Instrument and understands that In reliance upon, and in consideration of, this <br />waiver, relinquish and subordinate specific loans and advances are being and will be made and, <br />as part and parcel thereof, specific monetary and other obligations are being and will be entered <br />into which would not be made or entered into but for said reliance upon this waiver, <br />relinquishment and subordination. <br />NOTICE: THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT CONTAINS A PROVISION WHICH ALLOW <br />THE PERSON OBLIGATED ON YOUR REAL PROPERTY SECURITY TO OBTAIN A LOAN A <br />PORTION OF WHICH MAY BE EXPENDED FOR OTHER PURPOSES THAN IMPROVEMENT <br />OF THE LAND. <br />MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, Inc. ( "MERS °) as nominee for Bank of <br />America, N.A., successor by,merger to Countrywide Bank, FSB, fka Countrywide Bank, N.A. <br />'-41VW <br />Stacey M Ka acin, Assista Vice President <br />