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<br /> 13.Not�cee.My t►arlce to Borrowtx yrr�viMxi for in this Socttrlty Instntmcnt shtiU be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mnlling it by flrst claga m�il unl:q.i a�plicuUla u�w requirca uao of ann�ttor mcthocl.'C1x�nWke sh�ll ba dlre�cEod to 1ho
<br /> pcopt�ty Addness or�ny othcr sddr��wcr dcsignatea by notica tW I.cndrr.Any uadces w I�enda sh�ll he�tven by
<br /> C�st afnss mail to I.ender's addro.a sw�od hi�nein oc any addre,ss Lcndtr Aesignetc.v i►S+nodco to Socrowu. My notico
<br /> provMdl for In thic Sxuriry Inatiumeat s1iN!bc d�med to htvc t►oon qivcn to Bnirowcr ot Lenda wh�en Biven�
<br /> provlded in thb p�rrgtsph.
<br /> i�.GovcrnV�I.�w;SevcraDitity.Thin 5ecudty Insuumrnt stiall�l►�gavcmcrl by Fe�iaal laa,and�he law of the
<br /> ju�dicdon in which the Prapeaty is Iocutc►i•Jn ttta cvent that eny provlsian or claurx:of this Socurity L�strumu►t or tt�e
<br /> h�A1a conflkas with applicabfo luw�such cni��liatshull�f�o�cmd t a�n vi��ioms ofthis SocI u�ei�Lnsuument�nd
<br /> which c,�n be g�van effecc w3thaut the con�latin6 Ps'o � m'0
<br /> the Noto ara d�:irnrott to b,a s'vvtrab{a.
<br /> !S.Bon'owar'a Copy.Barowex shal!t►c given one conformod aopy Af thn hnYr and of th�s Security Insaument.
<br /> 16. Hu�rdrws Subat�+tnexs. Bormrv.cc sh�l!not caux a pe7mit tbn presenr.�a,a�so,disposa��sux'a6a�or�eks�O of
<br /> �ny Eiaranb�u Substanr.ev en or in the Pcepcity.Aorrowa ahall not db�nor�Ilow�smyane else to do�anY►hin8 affecdng
<br /> d�e groperty du�t is in vioWlon of any F.�prironmcntal L�w. Tho procaling lwo sctait�ccs ahalI not�pply 10 tho peraence�
<br /> �e,or staraga on the Prnpaty of smnil quuntitics of Iie�arclous.SuUstAnces 11�et ua �a�c7alfy.reca8rii:,oc1 to ba
<br /> a�p�Opri�te tp normat residrnd�l uses and•tn maintcnancc of tha PropaRy.
<br /> Bomowa e1u�11 pzomptlY Biva Lcndex wcltt�n notico of eny invastlgadon,clHini,demand,lawsuit os olha�ctkm by
<br /> any govannknW or [egulauxY eB�Y.�' P�vate �ur►�Y involving ttje Pm�+ and any Haracddue Substsrnco a
<br /> Environmcs�tal.I:t�w of whkh Bamwcx hiie actuul knowlodge. If IIorrow�x Icam�,v.r�s nodCaed by�ny gavanaicnts!a
<br /> reguLtory aottloriry, ttnt aay removal��a�othet rentalietioa of �ny Harardou[t:Subsancw sE�'xtin$ Ih� Ptopa►Y ls .
<br /> i�tiaaa�•.it3tffiiW�oa'°.a�;�Si1jl:ZJ S°�'w!.�lli`�'�caf�retinntlif�l aCtiIN1A 111 a.rv.rAaiYr-tVjf�i Ef1V1t0�1111M1i1 I.BrV. .
<br /> As ased �t► this paisgsaPh 16..,�•Har.tudous Subaltnas" aro tbosa suU�9�coa defined �e ooak a� hwrdo�a :' ,
<br /> a�ab�tw�oes by P.�tvironniental Law and eita folluwing subetencea,B+wolb�o.kenoxraa.otha tlamn�bb or axk pc;j�ola� .
<br /> pmdncn, taxic potiicides and hal�i�idoa. voludle sDiva►ts� rnator�al8 contaiciing Asbesooe a fam�ldebYde, and .
<br /> ndio�caivo mnseri�ls. As usod �U► tGiA Pnr�r�ph 16� "Environmoatal Law^.,��fodual lawa ead l�wa of tbe .
<br /> � . juri��xlomwhera tha Ptopaty is loc,�u:d thiu relutc oo Aea]th.sefety or zmvlronntc.�tW tixotocdou. � , .
<br /> ,
<br /> �1nN-UIQJ�RM COVSNANiS.&t+mwar and I,�Ci tuttt�a a�vtaflnl end�noe�a fotbwao ..
<br />- ' �. . 17.A�at at Re�b.Bortxou�er uncondi�onally asslg�s m�d'trendean�to I.�xba all the renta�nd revenuea of
<br /> tHo�roE+acty.�arowar wtt�ocir,ef Lrudor ar Lenda's aga�ts to wWxt tl►o matts wid itivenues and haeby d'uecdt arc� .
<br /> oa�qt of the Propaty oo pRY t�s�nu+to Lender a Laxfa's�gcn4.�wavc�r.Ptiar�n Leade.'a►Wtioe m Aarmwec of
<br /> �ama�ec's bach of iny wvau�uua�s�neemcnc in thc Socu,city Insf�nx�nGnt.l:an+o�c etu�U ootie�ce anfl rooaive�►lt renu , -
<br /> and mrenues af tho Pmpa'ty as ttuaoa far the ba�eCt of La►da�nd�'txrua tx.'It�iadgaroa+t of raw caa�tiw�a�n
<br /> - abolulo daignaKOt�x!nat�u►atuignmont fur ndditional socurity on1y. ' � . .
<br /> If L,a�dor gives ncxix of bi�ctt to�acmwa: (s)�11 rrnts roc�sed t�y H�xcnwa sh�ll ba i�id by Barmwa'as
<br /> tiuBlea far batd'�t of LRaufa'anl+;.w�a s►ppikd w the sums soc�dt.�:!by.QIC SocuritY In�1;�lb)I.anjer shdl be ;
<br /> p�t�led�o colkct snd iooava all��I�a rents of the Pm�ty;md ta)rc�clf Ic��ent of the Propaty s7ieU p�y all reat�doe .
<br /> i :�nd�uymid to I,etida tx Leatltr'�ngpttton l,dukti''s w�it�en deu�nd to k}io lenamt.
<br /> - Barowct fua not axecWa��rny Psior ewdBnmait op tha rent�a+��has nnt�nd will aot pafartn any aci thsd would
<br /> = pceveat Le�cler iroan acacning ilu night�under thia qragnph 17. • ,
<br /> Le�de�r ah�lt not be requir�d u�antar upon�mka caatml of or�uinuL�aUe I'ropary bdore or�1er givias aotioo of
<br /> braich�o Bamo.Mar.Hoxavery.�.cndur a a judic1ally appoinwd tbcatvar me��do so at�ny mne thae fa a bre�ch.My
<br /> � applia�lcn of rent� sluill na�i uuc'cs or w�ve �ny default ar invalkl9lo w��r ottKt tlght a nrt�edy et I.eadrr. 'It�i� ..
<br /> - �mant of reat�of tho Pres��xty ahnll Oaminata wha�tho debt socural Uy ahe Socwfty Inaa�tccumaft ia pW in full.
<br /> ���A(NE)doeal aao•�o�e �nxi.k:
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