,_.Y:.'` ,: . , _ .-,. . , �- - ___ _ _.. _
<br /> _ .
<br /> __. ':... ..,,�,... .._., .. .. . . ., . . - _
<br /> " _ . . " '4,..,. : . . . . " `�����s�_
<br /> :�` . ""_ . � - _ " •�.._ . � - ...�w� - �/r-_—� _—_
<br /> :=`=����� � .�� - : - -_ _ �. : � ���.iiI4738 . _ `.-
<br /> _ . .,� . r
<br /> ;_, _.. - �7a?ti��M!�ert1�'���t is�iRl�w�es.If ai[.00 auy � pf tile PnOpGtly or�iy intaes[nt$
<br /> _ . is�oid ar c�aesierred(or if:beeefici�l-�iQ�v�va is sotd�m tramte�rad�and��is mt a t�w�pe�soa}witba� -
<br /> ' ;,ceder's prior wnbea`cop�. I,soder maY. � us aptiou. immedi�te Prymau in full of aU_sums seaue�_byr dus . ,
<br /> Se�tx.tmKr�at-However.this optioa s6a11 not 6e e�sei�l,ender if exenci-�e is prohibited by fadertl taw ss of tIx date .
<br /> of�S�ity�- . -. - , •
<br /> tf Lender exet+cises this option.Lender stnU give$ormwer notic�e of acoeleration.'1Le notia st�U provide a period of not
<br /> t�ess th�o 30 drys fiort�tbe d�oe ihe notiee�s detivered or aWiled withia wl�icb BoROwer�pay all su�s savred by t5ois.
<br /> Sec�rit�r Int�u�aeat.if�owa faits ta pay t6esc sums pnar to Wt ti�piratiait of tTtis pariod,Lead�r may iavote aay ren�edie.s
<br /> • p�itted b�r�us Sxuti�ty I�vmeat wtitbout furtber notice ot demand on 8orrowtr.
<br /> L� Zie:v�ee's Rt�t to �de4ate ff Bo�roWer mea�ce�aia rond�tions.`Borrovrer.s6a11 have tLe righl to haxe .
<br /> tafumma�i ot t5is.Secu�ity Inscnimeat di�.at any timc prior to tbe earlier of:(a)5 days(or such other period a�
<br /> tipplic�bk lavr' msY speciFY for aitatatemetK) beFooe sale of tbe Propeily puts�nt m airy power of sate aantaine�in ti�ts _ _
<br /> Securiry Insuument:a(bl entrY of a judgment enfoc+cing this Securiry Tr�stramer+t.Those cood�uons ar�th�Borrower.ta)Pays
<br /> Lender a11 swns which tl�t woutd be dre nnder this Sontrity InstntdmaE atd the Nate as if cw�weter�tion bad nccusrod:(1t)
<br /> � c�uss any defau[t of any other covena��.s or agmarints;(c)Pa}s all:eape�ues itncurced in enfo�+cing this Security Insuu{ne�, .
<br /> = iecluding.but not limited to.crasoibbk�aor�eys'fixs:a�(d)taices sach acK�on as t,eMer may rawnab�Y�equire tu assuce
<br /> tl�t tLe lim of this Security It�sttumetM,L�der's rights iu d�e Ptnpett9 ar�Rorrower s obligation to{�ay tUe sums socurtd by
<br /> Wis Savrity Itatrnrt�ent stnll oontinae uach�aged. Upon � by Butrower. this Security Ir�rt �d the�
<br /> obiig�tions sayrad i�ec�6y sdali t�ern�in fuUy effearve as if na acoekration had oocurred_Ko�rever.triis right to re�uue sisail
<br /> not�pply in the case of accekratioo under paragraph 1'I.
<br /> v,S�te ot tiak� CM�e ot i.av Sarlcp; T6e Nate or a pa�tial itxerest in tUe Nae ttogettser svith this Sxurity
<br /> Insmuneott may be sold ane or more tima without prior notice to Borrawer.A s�le maY.cesuIt in a diange in the entity(icnown
<br />-- as the'L.rna Servicer'}that ooltectsmonthlY PaYmeats due uMer tbe Note�nd this Securiry insdumenf."it�ere a1SO may 6e on
<br /> - �r�o�e ci�Oges of the Loan Servicer.wurlatod w a sale of ttx r7ote.if tt�is a ch�nge uf the I.oan Serviexr,Homo�irer witl6e
<br />-_= giveu written t�otice of the chu�ge in accordance vYith puaSraph 14 above aod applicable law.The notice will state the name and= •. .
<br /> addtrss of tht tKw La�Servicer atd the�to which paymeats slwuld be made.Tfie notice will also oontain aay otl�ec . ..
<br /> _- itdot�tion caquired bY��e law. : � " ..;'•�.. _
<br /> = b H�ae+�ors Sob�as.Borrower shall na quse ar pttmir the pc+esence,use.disposai�storage.or relpse of arry '�:'; —
<br /> -- H�dous Substances on or in tbe Pc�npeceY. Bo�rower si�all not do. nor attaw anyane eLse w do. anything affecting the-:: ; '
<br /> = p r v p e�t y t h a t is i rt v�O l a t i o n a f a r ry E n v i r o n m e n r r l I a w. l i t c p ro c o d i n g t w o s e n t e n c e s s h�l l t b t a p pl y to t1�e p�.use.ot
<br />-.±' storage ort the Piroperty of small quant�6es of Har�rdous Substances that are gen�raltY�ecpSnizod to be appc+opriate to normai� ��
<br /> ;` . � residmtial use�and to maitnenance of the Property. =�
<br /> - Bocmw�c s6ali�promptiy Y&ve I.ender`"�itten aotice of any,investigation.claim.demartd.lawsuie.ar othcr-�teou by azry �_u,,;-_
<br /> � govemmental or regulaWry agency or private party im�otving the Propertyr aad any Hazardous Substanee a�Enyunnti�utal Law l��,�_-
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowlodge.If Borrower leams.or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory'auFliur+ry.that �"`y'="`-
<br /> . any c�aovat or oNKr�ation of any Hazardous Substanae affecting the Property is necessa�ry.Bomnwer shatl pro►riptiy talce ; =�=�_
<br /> all nocessary rert�adial actions in accar�dance with Environmental Luw. � '" •� �.y��
<br /> � As used in this paragraph 20, "Haiardous Substances"are those se�stances defined as toxic ar.ha�rdous sutistatK�es by � �''� _
<br /> ��:.
<br /> k ... Environn�ental Law and tite foilowing su6stances: gaso�'t[re: kerosene. dher flarmnable ar toxic paroteum praduds, to�c �'�'°" _
<br />: pesticides a�d herbicides.volaGia solvc�cs.rnaferiats containieg aybestas as fam�aidebyde.and radioac�ve materials.As used ia
<br /> this paFagraph 20. "Envimamenfal Law" mc.ans federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propercy is locatod that �,__
<br /> �.���•.`, celate to health.safety or environn�ental protection. � —
<br />" NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borcower and Lender further rnvenant and agree as fo}lows: --
<br /> -- 21.Accderatioa:Reatedies.l.eader sbaU give notioe to Rorrower prbr to a��cekration tolb�ring Boerow�_� �_-
<br /> ` . O�a11Y QOYNIAO� O!iigfC�lIMCOt �Q t�S�CCII�LY �I��ILI�t71[ (IiYI 1101� (N'I0� td �Iil)tT YIi�' {iiia�igG�ji�i °� —,�;^,,.
<br />.' . applicaDk law provWes d6erwise).Tbe notice shall specity;. (a)the defautt;tb)the xtion required to care t6e defaulh -��„�._
<br /> . (e)�date�00�IlSB�RMII��AyS t�Otll lI1C��Q 16C Q01i0C�S�YEII�O SOROWITs by w6kh the default must be cw+cd:and �_'�-:�-'` -
<br /> e "• �•--_r
<br /> (�tlwt tsUure to ruce the default on or befare the ds�te specified in the notloe may nsait jn aocderation ot t6e saa�s '�:'�"�••=-
<br /> ' becw+ed by t6is Secarity lnstr�aa�ent and�fe of the Property. The nMice+�hAll fartixs intarm Borrower of the ri�ht to :.;,. `..�.
<br /> • - niastate aRer acoekration w�d tl�e rlght to briog a court s�ction to sasse�i tbe notrexlstmoe of s�detAalt or anY ather ,r�.; >
<br /> " � defe�e ot Bon+ower to�ocelerallon aod sale. If the defautt is�ot cund on or before ihe dste spodfied ia tbe notice, ��c:.-: _
<br /> d . �
<br /> � l,e�de� pt its option a�ye�quire immediate ps�yment in [WI ot all sWms SavRd 6y this Security I�trameat withoat _�:���.?�=
<br />. • turtber demaed and may intivice the power ot sAte and any aher remedies permiaed by Appiicsble ta�v.IA�ader sinll be :�:.?�:.;;�
<br /> eetitled to colled all eapenses�incurred in puesutng the remedles pmvid�d in this par.�raph 21.inetuding,bat nat fimftM � . -
<br /> . �_ ' W.reasoiwbie attorneys'fas 9nd costs ot title eridence. _ • •
<br /> _ �' � If t6e power ot sale is invoked,Trostee Slwll record� tatice ot defAU{t in each county io whkh any port ot tlu : . : �#�=-:
<br /> . . . YeopeRy is lacated And sl�!!m�l copies of such ratice in the manner pnscrl6ed by applicabte l�w to Borro�rer aad to �z�;-'�;,z�
<br /> . tbe�ber persa�prescribed by appticaMe taw.Atter the time requirea by applics�ble Igw,Trastee shali give publk natice ��_•�=
<br /> �. ots�e to the persons and ia tl�e maener prescdbed try��piicable law.Trustee.withoat demrnd on Barnawef,slWil sdl ,°:-:-;'��`-
<br /> ■d f ._;,,-�:.
<br /> ' tbe Yrnperty at poblk auction to the hlghest bidder at tl�ttme and place and under the terms desiNwted in tbe notice of _ .- .;,,��__
<br /> �: .. � sate io ane or mon p�rrels and in any aHle�Tn�stee determines.Tnutce mAY P�P�ne sale ot all or aay ponrd ot tlk #" ' ." . .. -
<br /> -• ` . .�: � pt+opeety by publk aenouncYment at the time and ptace o!aay previously schedWed sate. I.ende�or its deslgnee msy . . '. ,
<br />�`�?i"i' �e+chaer tbe�roperty at Any s�te. • `� �
<br /> I....:J
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