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<br /> . �` i�:��+oe::.r`i a�i Arip�M..�Jai�t ..�1 Se�eeal u:W�7►; ��. 71ie od�vaaats.od.�cF tba��
<br /> ' Sea�ity Iat�t�all.binct aod 6ene6c the ak�ssas aad sssi�tns of La�der and Bartowa,�a�}e�t m d�e Pro+►j�ions oC
<br /> ' `p��pb 9.b. Bor[owa�s oovarnts�nd ag�roenia�ct sf�p be joi�aod sever�l. My Borrowa wUo co-`sians this Sea�riyt. `�
<br /> ` insaunieat 6at does not execau the Note: (sy is oo3igning this SauritY t��dY�o�S����!►tint
<br /> . Bori+�r's inoerpt Lt tbe Phiperty uader�e tdms of ttis Sernrity I�mnmt;(b)is not personalty abligatad w psy t�He suma
<br /> se�u�od byr thi��fu�uu�+�tc)aErees that Lader aiid any uther Bormwu ri�ay agtee to e�end.modify,,fo�� .
<br /> �,t�y�.with�to the terms of tuis Securiry inst�ument or tt�e Note vaithout that Honower's oonsen.
<br /> , ', �3_Nutices.Any notioe to Ho�mwer pmvided for iit t#tts Secerityr Insausne�a sha!!he givat by deli�rering it a by m�ilin�,
<br /> it by fust class n�aniess applira6ie l�w�equitrs nse of a�xl�r method.T!K aaice sA�il be d'uocted to the Piuperty Address
<br /> or any other atldnas Bar�wer designates by�otiat to l�ender. My tbtice to l�ender sf�alj ix given by first class mail w
<br /> LsodePs addnss sdted t�eneia or a�ry address Lender designates bg uotive to Borrower. Any noticx pmvided for in dtis Scwriry'�
<br /> Insduu�eat sMll be deaned to bava Doen given to Borrowa or Lrender whai givea�s provided in tbis par�gr�pb: .
<br /> 14. Goveria� Lsw. Serarabi�tY- This Secunty instnimeat..st� he govemed by federal 1aw and the law of the
<br /> jtuisdktian in which the Ptoperty is lac�ted.ln the event tl�any�mvision or ctause:af t4is Saa�sity Ia�rument or the Note
<br /> �ontlkts wIth apptipble taw,such co�flid sbalt not affed Mber p�ovislons of tftis Security Irutrament or the Note which caa 6e
<br /> givea effect witbout tbe oonflicting provisian.To this end tht provLsions of tbis SecuritY Iasunttnent atd the Nate are doctared
<br /> . to be sevaable. , - , -
<br /> i:..._,, .
<br /> . 1S.adn�owa'a Copp.Botra�s't'a�l bn given one confarmod oopy of this Socurity Instcumea�
<br /> .:,.:r:,..;{
<br /> ".j .
<br /> 16. A�of Reats.Bar:��,�iditionaUy astigng sinnd uaasfa.s to Lcmer all the rencs and revennes of ibe .�;.,,..;;,
<br /> Borrowar aa�thorizcs 1.e�3�>i!r�F:ender's agents to colloct the ients and revermes aqd lrereby directs each tenant of thc:�:;.;;7.._,�..
<br /> �SF,-.,:
<br /> �9�PaY the rerns m Lendes`a:��der's agents.Hawever,prior�to LaWer's mtica.tQ�Borrower of Bamawer's breach,of-�''.•;;'_�`�
<br /> any cave�,zt or agrament in the Secni::�u�astrument,Borrower shail callect and rueive alt��nts and revrnues of[he Prope�y ,
<br />--_— as trustee for the bertefit of Lec�dec a�3'�'or#a�� This assignment of ants oonstitutes an absolute assignment and,uot aa� .
<br /> assigament for addidonal security onty. � . . . ` _ . .. �
<br />.;� if l;cadec gives natice of brex�¢o Borrower:(a)ail rents nceived by Botrower shall be helcS by Borrower as t�st�e far• .
<br /> 6enefit.af Yxnder oaly,to be appll�d�mo the sums secured by the Security Insp�ument;(b)Lender shall be entitled to coitett and �
<br />- roceive ali af the rents of the Pcap"eity:and(c) each tenant of the Pcapert�,r,si�al! pay all rents due and unpaid to L'eader or
<br /> -;� l,endec's agent on Leader's written demaad to the tenant. , .. '. . . ' '.,
<br /> Borrow47 i�as�er ezecuied aaY Priar assignment of the rents and i�as not,and will not perform any acE that would prevenc ��
<br />_- Let�dcr faa�?ezerci�-s:,g iis�rights ai�der this paragaph 16. . � '
<br /> - - _ . � Lendor shall not be required to enter upon. take control of or mainrain the Propectyr before ar after giviog notice of breacli; -
<br /> to Borrower.However.Lender or a judicially appofited receiver may do so at atry time there is a breaoh. Any application of - -
<br /> renu shall not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of lander. This a�si�nment of rents of the �
<br /> ,�,:;, Property shall terminate when the debt secured by the Security[nstrument is paid in full.
<br />°=J-s � NdN-UNIFORM COVENA�TS:Borrower and l.ender further covenant aad agree as fallows:
<br />°,-;.., 17.Foroctasare Fnacedure:��1.et�de�'n9vires immediate pay�neat�n tall aader psaraSraph 9,I.ender msy lnvoke the
<br /> - power ot sate And any other a�emedles pennitted 6y appliqble taw. i.ender siwU 6e entitled to coltect All expeases
<br /> incuered ia parsuing the remeAies undec this par.�aph 17.induding,hnf not limited ta.reasonable s�ttorntys'tees 9nd
<br /> x.:��. costs ot tide evWeace.
<br /> ::A..� ;
<br /> �:.�'
<br /> I[the power o!sale is invoked, Tnistee sha0 recard a natice ot default in each cuuaty ia whkh any parl oi the
<br /> Yrq►eriy is lo��rtal s�nd shail msll copies ot surh notice in the manner prescribed by applkaMe ts►R w Barrower swd ta
<br /> ;�'.,�;:� . the a1�r pe�son�prescribcd by appUcable IAw.Atter the tirt��quired by applicable law,Trustee slwil give publk notke
<br /> oi s�ie to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by�pp�ur�61e law.Trastee.wlthout demand an Borrower,s6a11 sell
<br /> ',, -.�� the properly at public Aactlon to the highest biQdec at the t'rme and ptace and under the te�m.4 designAted in the natice of
<br />,`,'�,;�,•., sak in one or mare p�rcets ond in any arder Trustee determines.Trustec may postpune sa�e o!Ait os any porcel ot the
<br /> '^'::'�%��;> peoperty by puhUc su�nouncement a!the dme gnd place ot any previousiy scheduled safe. Lender or tts de.si�nee mAy
<br /> �`'"� purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> �— ��+tR�NE) veeo 9 0�o ,
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