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<br /> -._q,-_.-ir-'.wssm�a�o.n.rDnti,isa . !M(i#�9AIt�.'�!flS�,bAS . %(Z�Af4n�n.:r.n�aar � -
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<br /> ''- .. .'�w2F;tn1L,w�u„��1IWA,qr.'Yirt t ti.tYV1�q,� '.:f-^.�1 ..- ..'�_.""�Nl'NTTM'iA�pt11.NN�►?�al�!�'f!►!M*11`�!W�l+PNfl�`eX'aurMYKMr'"�TMarlthM"'i'-.' -'� .'.�^""".,..�.T�a. -�.�:-..:.--:.:._'-._-
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<br /> �s- s�s
<br /> (l)All or pat of the Propecty�or a bencl'�cl�l inbae�t in�wat�wning all or ps�ct of tho Propetty.Is�akf or
<br /> wlwwiao vansfetred(othcr tls�n by deviso cx cfe�cent)�aid
<br /> (ii) 'I4x Pcogaty ia not occupirad by thc purchasa or grtnWC �s hi�or her prlrrcfpel resiKk,�co�a the
<br /> purchswa or gr�nteo doe�eo aocupy tt�se Pmpacy but hb a her crodit haa not boa�approvod in accacdance
<br /> wlth the roquirern�nts nf tbo Socretary►.
<br /> (c)No W�h�r.If cl�+cumauncw occur d�at�rould pumit I.ender to requlra immed'ate psyrt�ent in fi�ll�but
<br /> I.aida doca not requiro auch pRytnauy,L�endcr doa not wdva ite tlghtt wlth res�OCt w sub�oquent events.
<br /> (d) Re�does of NUD Secret�r�.In miny c�cumstances ngulutYan�lssuod by tho Secretuy wW lImit
<br /> L�ender'e rlghts.L�the cs�e of p�yrnait defaulr��tA roqufre immodista poyinent ln full Ar►d fa�ecioso if nat pe1d.
<br /> Thi�Sa;wriry lnahument dnes not wttwrlae ooceiaatlo�or farocba�ae ii not pamided by regulWioru of the
<br /> ��Y-
<br /> (ey F.iriri�i:�ii I:wii�s.�.Sa.�o�:�:a3 tt�t if ttsi�Scsu.-z.'y t�st:r�t�t�hTOu�e ns:�mis�d t�
<br /> be eligibte fa iasuranx unda tho Nallo�ul Housicg Acc wfthin 60 d�ys frnm dse d�te harof.Lax1a may��t
<br /> its optian� ral.� �� P�Y�t in full of all sums o��d by th�a Socurlry IrtsWn�ait. A �vritsa+
<br /> st�+u of aay wthorized+�,gent of the Secre�ry clatod subeoquent to 60 dsys fran the da�e hanof�doclinGig
<br /> b insuro thia �ecurity In�tnunent �nd tha Note� sf�ll bo deemed coacluai�o p[oo�f'of such L�itiry.
<br /> Nc�twatfist�dln8 the foregoiog. ttds oFtion aaay not be� ose.rci�od by L�da whea tha unavailtbillty of
<br /> iaP�rar�ce is sa3ety due a Leader�s fiituro w canit�xnarg�gc insur�nce�xanium eo t�e Se��y-
<br /> 10.ReiMd��eveet.Borrowa has a right w bo reinitarod if La�der ha�roquirod ItnmediMe pyn�ut in full bocauac
<br /> of Baro�var's f�ilura w p�y pn an�nt doe unda tbe Ndt a thi�Socucity I�slnunaiG'It�ls rlght�plia even afea
<br /> forocDusut�e p�nceoditiga anc rtnadiuled.To t+eimtate th4 S�urlty Inattfurld►t,Bormwer r1ui11 kader in�Itump a�m tll
<br /> �u�ounts rc�quired w bring Borrowa'a accouat c�urexu lncludin�,a�he eztau thay are olrligarir�as ot Burrow�a under
<br /> .t�� o_�.�. R _.. � �.a w tJ� ^� .�. e.v e�.�n.wv�' FwM �rl n:ev�nr� eww+rrly
<br /> YMa WYW1taJ 47wnW� aWaww�w�tv �n i �ir �.v ...�e�°Z...� J ..��� �••r---� r�r--'I -
<br /> ws�ocia�od with tl�a forocbf�uc�e proc�eodin$. UpOn ninsnM�ema�t 1sy Bamvta, th� Seciuity Insutunent end dre
<br /> ob�s that it socures s'hall ran�in In effect is if:I.enda had not rtquirod immedi�l�e payment in fWl.However.
<br /> t[�enda is :�ot req�ired 10�+etmit r�a�lema�t if(�9.,cndar 6�s aooe�fled�t aRer the orxan�em�+emeat af
<br /> laxbw[e procoodingx wltt�n avo yc+�cs Lcuns�iatc9y P�oceding tha �t uf a curnan fcx+eclo�ure
<br /> � pcocaodin,�, (b�r�tca�a�t Nill proclu� farocbaure Oa cuffawt gra�nc4s ln tho fuwrc,ar Qi�?ra�qt�aant wW
<br /> dva�cly�'s.�tihe prlarlty of tue lka creatad by t6�s SecuiitY Ina�uma�t ,
<br /> Yl.�rtowar Npt RtkMed;�o�a�,.�x a��aa. w.tiar. Batea�ion of the Nmc of ptyma�t a
<br /> �uodifica6on of imati�doa of trio sutat aocurod by thia Sacuri�ty Insttun�ent ghrena�l by I.e�Kler w�uy sucxaior ip
<br /> inkrat af BamxKx�lull aot apex�lo w re3esre�ho liit�ility of the ari�i�nal&xrowa ar��arrowar'a suaxssor iu iaisrat.
<br /> Y�eader da�!�mat be roquicod to�PcocQedin6t agnintt a�►Y wooes�or in inte�teet c�r refute eo eakad tnae far
<br /> pa�nne�ot or mtha��e u�odify a�t�ordzatjon of tbc swn�eec,�uced hy�his Socurity Inq�uaaa�t by n�on of my d�m�wid
<br /> m�de by tho ar7�ne1 Bam�va a Ham�ru'a a�oces�aa in in�are�t.My fcxbaranoe by I.enAa in euerct�any rlght
<br /> 'rqr:jiemedy�tWl ant tx�w�iva of a pcnc4ube dio cxarbe of any ri�itt a romedy. ,•. '
<br /> . . 12.5ococrors s*d Art�s BoruW:Joiat asd Seversl L4trYft�:CaS�.'iL�oovtaanta md agreana�ts uf
<br /> , t&is Securi�r,�W�uaoeat�ha11 bind ao�bet�r�'u tba a�iaoe�on Aad au�ns of I.aidet aad Rer.rnartt, wbjoc�la t6e
<br /> . p�overio�i�•of.�9@).8arowr+r'�cove�unts�nd�groaneat� ahW be,jolat�od sevac�l.;t1�iy BcxroMer who ,
<br /> � co-sig�s tb�r Soa�r�tY Ins�moa�i but daea not caec�ue die Na�: (s) b ca•algrsiag thls Secsirity Lnaumeat anly 10 �
<br /> mo�tEA�a.W�nt md oonvky dut Bam�ver's intrrat in tbe Pt!opaty utida�tbe le�d'this Sayuity In�mun�N)is .
<br /> not pereonally oblibatod to pny dxs tuau�ecuced b�y thlt Socudty Iasuua�C an�i(e)�d�at Ld�der aad a�ty odnr
<br /> Baa�a m�y�ee ro eata�d,modify�forbac ar maka any�ccormm�d�tio�u�vid�regmi eo the tams of thb Socxuity . .
<br /> Inetrurt�enl:ar tho Nde MWiout that Bcwcro�a'e�t
<br /> �4RiN�)�na� P�y�6 ot� InNIaM��_
<br /> :��:.��'!y���:t•'
<br /> y _ - �'�`"�F�h' �'S'�t s..r . : _ _ � .._- __ _ --_.
<br /> p.c h .tj�4. t�i,:7- .y, r1C»..+����z�r�i. _ -- - —
<br /> �.r Y;� ,�i�. Z'A�� Rv-��`...�m�i�P ti��'.�t�;'•ri�""ir,ane'�'f I'��`"�� — � ._. - --�--
<br /> .t�)d�'�t4p� yt� n. �t=.x��t:t�x.�.,Y'.i'������$Z�m�. -""-- --` _
<br /> �,�r �' �"°'���� k � �4�. 4 +'f3Y�'t'rir.�. �^•.._._. ._
<br /> �.° ��-.�Q` 't� d �`F��� i a-L �l-y,� - - _ r. --- -
<br /> - �S rS�y1, � r� zy�� ,�`i t�.:.t. ,-��s,- "f�'waar —
<br /> , •"' �� �nAl��'4Mi4>�'tljC"'W^`T S�'�•� -t �[���';�`Y��y�y`�1�'T11He�li�. —
<br /> �Y.Y•l � f�` I t"�' . . -.�y;� �1 'O`�16��`��� ° —
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