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<br /> t�10�bM4MNOrObM�N011�NCYf�011KN1yMb10�Y�tCiN dl�iphtrandpo+r�t�unO�rMhTruND4�Qosut�dsran�►o11Nra�nt��Md
<br /> ., iR C011MCb01�hN�wl�1 O�M���lIIOr{fI INf�Y1Mt IQ�OfEl.IiOIRNfIf�Yldifl�fOf11f��II Qltl1�SitCfl ifld�IM�AM�t Mld ODIi0Mi0f1i MC1N�d _
<br /> A�r�b�r nuy no�r or 1�sNlir M oMwe�Ws��cuna.r�r bY mo�Ay�•trust aNd:ptid�•Nen:a�iQnnwnt oroMNr�tM.fi�ii��!h�
<br /> �CCi01/f1E�01MNiTtW)W W r10�NiM110tC�11N11tMM111�rbyeOUR�ClbA Of putiWllt101ht p011ritM�0�O1MrpOMNe�lNr�inCOnWMA.ih�it
<br /> pr�utlie�a�n�n�rn��nnaaM�etTrw�'�aNnMe�uy'��Mw,«a��z�upon a�nlotc�anyolMra�cwtlt�lewnorhtnahrhNd�iTrwN�or
<br /> �nNieisryrMb�N��prNdBwtT�utlNN�OMnNkiary►.and�achaflMm.shtlib��Mllt�dtorMore�MlsTrupONdandae�yolbtrs�ewihtnow `
<br /> ot f�w1Mr hNd b�i�f�iNaql ar t�in tuch ordfrt�mann�r�thyt orsitMt ptfh��t a�1 f!ei ffi�le ab�olul��rllion QMlrnHn�.No
<br /> . . tM1ld�MrN�COnNn�dupAelor��Nn►�dlOTtYiNSMBMlflCiaryiainht►Qi�lbb�t�cCtuair�olaoYolMrnm�dytMNqinot0yt�awpto+tkNdor
<br /> p�rn�lNRd.0yltachtl�aN W cwnulMtr�ind shdt 0!ieaddiUorttotv�ry oMa r�dY pivM Mnundu a noMr orMnaft�►�:I�tirtQatpw ain
<br /> pu+ryorqtstalut�•Ewrypow�rorrNnW�►provid�durtQ�rthisTtuatQNdtoT�ustNOrBinMci�ryo�torrhial}�ilMroltt�n'inaybrotMrrrla�
<br /> . �MilNd.n�ayb��xuciwA,eonemm�tlyo�ind�p�tty.trantim�totim�andasoMna�nayb�d�nb�xp�di�nteyTrp�orNnNieisry
<br /> and�ot tMen m�y punw ineansiaaM r�d�s.Nahin�t�rNn:nau a aonsau.a as�ohi0itinp B�nNktary troin s�tnp�aMieiMCY
<br /> `fu�M pMnst n�Tru�o►tath��xt�ne weA aet+on is t��iwa b�r�a,r. _ - . _
<br /> 1 t.TRAIqFEIt OF Ti/E rROrE11TY:A1�tiMlTlQlf-If alt or aey part of tA�Ptop�rty or Intar�at tMain is wb.tanNAn�d a qtlHnris�
<br /> - ---- -- _- comr�red�p Tiusfat wiihout B�Mtitiary's aa.wr�i.�+e�.M:�cwain�t.�t�c�.,��.r���a�,eu�ou�+�a:nucara�na�m:�s��uss- - .- —
<br /> ONO.�byatransMr byopentian of la�r upon th�Q�ftholaTrostorwRoisa jolntt�nantor(c►tM pnnto/anYls��tabin»rKt o11hrNl3)�arsa
<br /> � I�ss wAie�daK nat eont�tn.�opdon b purchas�.tuCA iCtiOQ ts a�naeb at thls�prNnNnh ana e.n�r�e+a�y may.�t B�nMiciar�s opti011.
<br /> -= Mclar�alltMsumsslcu��0�yd�isTru�tDMdtob�imm�diatelydwandpayabM.prorid�d,turdNr:th(sTruttONdmay.atB�Mliciuy'toplion.
<br />-" D�dael�nd imm�dialNy dw and ptyabl�.i1(t�Trwtor is a p�rtnsnhip and any inl�ns�in.fD�paRn�rship is so1Q o►assipn�d OJraey rtNans
<br /> - 'whstso�v�r.or(2)if tA�Trusior is�eorporation�nd atrwnsbrol ths m�jority twck own�rsAip inttr�st in th�corpowdo�occurs,arth�Trustor
<br /> -=- .. corpo►�tlort merp�s in anylorm witl►a�MMr corporatioa or entlry.B�n�Nciary shatl hav�raiwd sueh option to acc�brat�if,prior to th�sai�.
<br /> transf�roreonvsyanc�,B�nNieiaryandlh�p�rsontorhomMtProp�Ryisto�toidotiraasUu�d��aeh�prNm�otinwriti�ptAalM�e��ditof
<br /> - sucUqnonissatisfactarytoB�n�HciaryandfhaNh�int�(�stp�yab��o�thasumss�eur�Obythis�rostDeMahall0�stsucA nf�i�;8in�ficlary
<br /> - shaU rpu�st . .
<br /> ,
<br /> �-,� 1?.ACCELERATIOIIUrONOEFAULT;BEMEDIEf;sALE.Thsfaitureb�fthsTro�tor,tamak�anY paym�ntor top�rtorm anyofth�t�rmsand
<br /> eonditionsoftAis7runO�ee,orthstennsanOcondiUOnsottheNots,oranynn�wats.modifieationsonxtsnsionsth�nof.orth�fsitu��W make
<br /> paymmtofsnyoth�rinQe6lWness.prfororsubuqu�mcothlsTrostDr�d.snds�cur�dbythisprop�rty.orth�QtatDOton�ormoreTrustonshalt ____
<br /> - b�abnacAanddNau1to11bisT�ustM�dandth�Ben�GefuYm�ydsCiarsad�l�pitaadmayd�cl�rqatlsumssacundh�rsbyimm�diatalydw =_._--_.
<br />- . andp�yableandMuameshallth�r�uponb�com�dwandpaysOtswilhoutprtsaatm�nt.a�msna.protestornotiesofanykinO,prariAs0,7rustor ���"_
<br /> ' snap�av�any statutory rlpM to eurs th�E�fault Wton any notice ot dstaul!and Nmaod for at�may De ddiwnd to!h�Trust�.Th�r�afhr. ��-====_'
<br /> Beneliciirymsyd�iir�rloTru�it�awrltt�ndeetsraUonofdefaultartdd�manOto��t�.T[ustorspreeaandherebyqrantsthatth�Ttush�shsll �-------
<br /> � hsvetAepow�rofsat�otthsProp�AyandilB�neficiarydeeldssthePropertytstebesotditahsttdepositwitbTn,ateethisTrustOeedandthsNots ��=_-_
<br /> ornotesandanyotMrAOCUm�nlatvid�ncinp�spsaditure�seeundh�rsDy.anathaltd�livKioTrtat�sawrittennotfeeold�faNtandslectionto ---T=-
<br /> eRUSetAapropartytobssol4,anOTrust�e.intum,shsOp�eparoasimilarnatic�inthNormnquiredbytaw.whichshaltWCulyfil+dtorncordtry� ��'-�
<br /> TtustN. �- �
<br /> �a) Aft�rlh�ISps�ofsucAtim��smay4sraqufredbylawfouowinptASrfcordationofNotieeofDefaulbanANoticeof0stauttandNotice -""�° -
<br /> �� � ofSatshavingDe�nqivenasr�quiadbytaw,Tn,stee,withautdamandonTrustor,sDatisetltNsProp�rty.ifnotreae�mad.inoneor � —__
<br /> mo�e pslresls an0 in sucb crder as trust�e may eeterm;rean tbs dateaad t�s tims and p�aee dsaignated m aato tvahce o1 Sais,at �-��-�,
<br /> --= - public aucNon ateoraing to Isw. � �`.�-��_-
<br /> �'�,' ,
<br /> '_,,,..�.-_�..
<br />- (b) WhenTrustesssttspursuantrothepoRess�erein,TruatesshatlaDO�Y�pP�oceedaotthasatstopaymenfoitheeosta�nd�xp�nses �,i+�+�-Y�4�,
<br /> . of axarcisins thi powsr of eats anA ot the sate,including,without limitatton,ittomey's fess aed the paym�nt of Trost�s'a Fees _ __ -
<br /> � incu�r�d,vrhlchTn,stee'sFees sha11 nm in the ag��egate exceed thstollowlnp amounu baseA upontheamount secured herebyand
<br /> rsm�inlnq unpaid attAatirr,E sshedutsdfor sals:5 percentum on th�bal�ncsthereof:arOtnen toths itsma in subpa�aqraph(c)inths
<br /> '��,-: w
<br /> ord��th�r�stated. `� �•y::�=
<br /> ; �c) Att�r payinp the items spe6sfied ia aut�arsyraph(b�,i4 the sale is by Trustw,ar it trte safs�s pu�suant to�udiciat toreclosura.tRe . �'Y,.
<br /> � , proc�M�ot�ais sfiatl b�appii�d in 1R�foltowinD orEet: . , . -"`-_'
<br /> ' � (1�Cost ot any evlJence eF�tte procure0 in conneclion witA aucA sate and af any reLe�ue tranat�r tee reQuirea tQ Oc�a:d: :
<br /> . �; ' (2y All oblipations secure0 by this Trust ba�d; .
<br /> �� =, (3)Junior trwt Ceea�,mortpa��s,or oth�r tl�nholdars: '�
<br /> '.�j-�• i (4)TM�em�indfr,it�ny.to ths pe��on tep�Ity entitled therelo. � _...�r;�`,:
<br /> ,r,',y�.,`j • .:'`,.�
<br /> " t 3.A/►OINTYENT OP=YCCEf:011 TRUS?�E.8�neiwiary may,from tims to tims.�y a written metrum�nt exscut�d and uknowl�dp�d by
<br /> �.,,_
<br /> 3_..., r
<br /> , � 8en�tic+ary.m�11�0 toTrosto�artd r�cord�d in ths c0unry or counties in w�ieh th�Prop�rty is tocat�d anf!by othsrwi��complyin9 with fi� ,r,:s�,?
<br /> � provlaionsofth�app8cableta■rscfmaStst�ofNebnsksaubafiluteaeucCe!lorasuccassoistothsTrust��Mm�dh�r�inorutingh�r�undtr. . --
<br /> ., � 1s.IMf�ECT10lIS.B�n�ticiary.cr�aaa�nts,reD�essotaUvesoremptoyeas.areiuthonzadtoentsretanyrsuontbl�ttm�uponorinanypari
<br />` �,� oHh�Prop�Ayforsrtepurpossoflnspeet�npthesa�*s�nCfarthe0urpossW�r�orrninganyotth�actsitisauttsanz�Ctopltlo�munC�rih�tums .. .
<br /> _ �•.�• olthsTrustOsed. •
<br /> •.�:,
<br /> - - - " ` �'"" '� �5•0!ilQNTaF011ECLOfU118.UpontheueeurroneeofanyDroaeha�duponthsdeetarationofQet�uNhereunde�.8��ef�t�dry�Aallhaveth0
<br /> opc�on tofor�elo�e this 7�us10�e0�n ths manner providea by taw for Ihe torectosure ot mortgayes on��a1 propeny. ---'- -"
<br /> , -- � . ..
<br /> te.►011t/lAl1ANCE/�/ENEfIC1Al1Y011TBUSTElNOTAWAIVBR.Anyfonbernncsby8�n�t�oiuyorTrust��►neauc�sinpanyriyhtor • .
<br /> ., �" .��• rsmadyhv�urtdu,oroth�rwia�attorOeAbyapplic�blslaw.�helinOtbAewei�l�Ofp�p►eClutlAth�sMUeissofany�ucb��ghton�m�0y.likawlse. •
<br /> - - •- tAS w�iw►by 8�n�i�e�i�y or Tru�tee ot any defautt o1 Trostor under tnis?ruet Oesd sh�tl not b�d��m�d to b�a w�iver of�ny otn�r or a+m��ar
<br /> ��"r: defauqsaube�quenttyoccumng. R �
<br /> . YY�9T�� '.
<br /> �� � � t7.�lNEFiClwlltl S/OWEl1l.W�thout aNectin or reteaein tne��ab�t�ty of the T�ustor or an oth�r sraon I��bt�tor th�paymsnt o1 an I
<br /> �' ' .,,. • 9 9 Y P Y
<br /> �� �S�
<br /> , ,:•r;��-•:.,� . oblig�tion MrNO m�ntloned.and without sN�ctmg th!I�an o�charge ol Ihis'�rual0ud upon any portion of th�Propsrty,Ban�hC�ity msy,irom G
<br /> ' � � '�-�c:��' �� tim�tot+m�sndwNhOUlnoticestth�reqwstotpneormore7�uetor�.�q�eleaseanyper�On�iabte,p�►ertendorrenewih�maturityorattlranyof
<br /> � �i'�'Y'`� the tarm�ot an auch ob0 ittone.�+i��gam othe��ndut enees.l�v►retease or roconve or cause to be roteased or reeonwye0 at any t�ms ai �
<br /> .:.,s..� •:. ' y 9 9 y� !
<br /> • �..�.:x?-_�:n . BsnN�c+tryr'e op��on sny psrce�ur ao o�tns Propeny.�v)t�ks or retease any ofner or Addd�onal e�cur�ty tor aay obt�gation horein mentioned.(w)
<br />=`--- -_ .r.::,, --. .,.� y s 9 . tiY . �
<br /> - �•'�" mAk�i�NiQmRnt�4r Ofhlt attiflglmAni!W�IN�tuStOr m►efai�on Iheroio Mn��dStirPi S�r3n G6 jiriilo ind S8Y0R8t:°�!: L'tCQ @P1f�J@!Md_ 1hw. C: -...
<br /> .-, _
<br /> ..�R�.. �.y.. :� .__.___— --...
<br /> • • • acnens ot fh�8anaf�ciary ar any ane or mor�trusto�as atated�n 1h��paragraph. �'
<br /> - -- � � - 18.ATTOlINlY FEEl.COSTB ANO EX/ENSES.7R9 Bertdlrcigey bt tn�9 trust QeeO�s entrttad tu the Oayment ot attorney'9 fees.oo�ts an0 � -.
<br /> , �_ "��� . expens��as provldt0 in 1hi�7�ust Oeed,excepl as mherwu;ptChiEitetl by�ew �
<br /> • ' _' :' ,;' 19.IIECONVlYANC!sY TllUStlE.Upon wntten requ�t of 8enef�erary ane upon payment by Trustor of frustee`s t�es. Truates shatl ,
<br /> . . reconveytoTrwtor.ortM�p�rsonorp�rsanslegalty�nbtte0t►}ereto.w�thoufwarranty,anypo�aonotlneP�ope�tytnenhetonereuna�r.Rec�tab�n ;
<br /> ' .-,,-� -•. such r�canv�yane�01 any mattua or faets snatl b�ennetugwe ploef of the truthlulrtes�thareoi The g+antee��any reconvey�nce m�y b� � �
<br /> ' � ;. . � � desenbM as"tA�p�r�on or�vtson�I�gaOy ent�ttta tnereto� '
<br /> _ _
<br /> �--_:--�:� -_ - - - . . . __ : � . . �_ . . _ _ . . ----_--_.
<br /> ---- - t _ - - - .
<br /> . .1 _ _. -
<br /> .. ,
<br /> �� u:�•: : ::� - - .. . _ . . _ _ .� • .
<br /> � �? ,. __ - �
<br />