�f e�YI� - Y ', _,''t.� _ __ __ _—_'; -r... _�.._ _3 ..� .`�i.�. y — .
<br /> _•. — . . . . . . . .Y�.' sr r _
<br /> � -- � ' D' .y. I �r �� ' . � -'
<br /> _ . ` i+.s r�'4.� c' . Z - _ . . ' '„� a4 =-_.
<br /> � _.il'= " ..�
<br /> � . _. , `.[ . µ _ _ _ _ - ___,�_ . . 's�__—'... ,-.__ ' __._. __
<br /> " ��: _ . �'J - ' _ . . " . .. - . 4 . ' � .
<br /> -y��, , -_ -� - . . . _ -. � g2,= 1�47��r � - .
<br /> � 1.�AYMEM?Oi�rMNCI►AL AND INTEIlE�f.Tmstoi s�atf promOUy paY wAea due th�p►inelpat of anQ iM�nst on th�fnd�btMn��s
<br /> �vid�ee�dC�►th�Noh.�rtdalloth�rchuptssndtusasprovlQed int6s Note,an4 t�iprirtcipatoTandint�r�ston artyfuture Aava4u�ss�cut+d
<br /> by tlds Tru�t t�d. � � � �
<br /> 2,NA1111ANTlOFTRLE.Trwtorislawfuttyai2Edandpnss�ss�COfyoodan4indefeuiptstittean0�atatetoth�Propsrtyh�rebyeonv�y�d --
<br /> aridb�ilMHpAtlO�qntaRd�nfir�yih�Prop�rly:tNlProperryistre�andclearotaltlien�aodencumbrsnc�ssacepttiansrtowolrar.ar0:ae0 = _ __
<br /> �T�usta wftl rrunnt�n0 d�t�nd the t[tls to the P►opury against atl c!a[ms md dtinands. -
<br /> • sa==--
<br /> 3.YAINTENANCEAMOCOYlLIANCEwfTNLAWS.TrustorsAailkpptAePropertyinqoodrepairandLonditionandshaltaatcammitMrast� ���°_
<br /> a p�rmit impainntr�tord�t�rioation otth�Prop�rty an4 sAall eumpfy witA thsprovisioes oi any Itass it this Truat O�ed is on a Ieue�ol4.No �-�^� -�=
<br /> imprav�m�ntno�rorh�rsatt�reractaeupontnsProp�rtyshallbeaitered.removMord�motis�edwithoutthspdor�rrittenconstneol9�n�ficiary. ��.-.____
<br /> - Tru=tor=hattcomplywitAaiita�rs.ordirrmcs�npuiations:eovenants.COnaitionlandrestrietlonsatfaCtiruJtAePtapeRyandaotcommit,sutfe►or QP�_=-�
<br /> -- — permitanptettobadoneinoruponth�Oroperryrinviolatianotanylar.ordinancs.rogulation,covsnant,conditionorrest�qion.Trustorahait �?°=`=-_�-----------
<br />�v complsqorrtstasprompUysn.dinyoodworl�m�ntitcsmanneranyimpravsmentontMProperrywAichmaybsCamagedordesttayadartdpay, =°=-_�-��--
<br />= when due,a0 ci�ims fo�labor pntorm W and m�teriats fumished theretor and for any alterpGons Mereof. ��`=_
<br /> . �:-----
<br /> ��:��=.,
<br /> - 4.INfL11ANCEtrustoraUtslspepss,willmainta(nwittiinaurorsapprovedhy9eneficiary.insursncewithrespfcttothefmprorementsand �=�-_�
<br /> - _ _ psrsanalproperty;cunstitutfnQtNsProperty,ag�insttos�bytire,lightning,to►nado.akdotherperUsandhaxa�Qscoveredbystandardexten4�0 �-;�=��, _
<br /> ,.:.�,,:=--
<br /> cov�raqeindoraem�nl.inanamourAequaltoatlesstonehundredpe�cent(t00x)ofthstullreplacemtotvamethereofandinsuranceagainst ,_,:..,_�-- _
<br /> auchothachuaidsanaiasuchamountspsiscustomaritycerriedhyowrteraanAoperatoraofsimilarprapertiesoras8anefrciuymayraquirsfor ��:,��;-�-.;T_
<br /> = itsprot�ction,TrnatorwiitcemptywR�auchotherr�quiromantsa�.s6eneficiarymiyfromum�totimsrequeslto�iheptotectiu�byinsunnesoiths •` `-"}° _
<br />- int�nsf3ott�ei' pp �:w.�-;y.__
<br />- s es�ectivspar�iss.Atlinsurance ticiesmaintairtedpursuarnto�isTrustD��OshsllnameTrusWrandBeneficiaryasinaure0,as -
<br /> - theirresp�ct[Vaurtmestsmayappear,andprovidst�aftbersbertae8pcett�ti000rmoditicationwittfaut�tleast�5daysprlorwrittennotifieauonto � `�'' _
<br /> - TrusueanOBeA"eCrelarymaypracurssuchinsur�nc�inaccor`daercexitfiMapro�iaionsofparagrsphBfiereof.TrustorshallQetivertaBenei�ciary " ..z<
<br /> � tReorigina(poticiesofinsuranc�anOrsnivratslh�raoforme�im�piesefsuchpoliciesanCrenawaisthereof.Failuretofumishsuchinsurancsby _
<br />�. � � Trwtoc,or t�newsts as�equirad hereunder strall,at ths optlpn ot 8enefieisry.constitute a detaulf. �y;;��:'-=,✓�" �::_
<br /> �`� - -
<br /> _ � � � K';''.;` '".
<br /> �.TAxES,ASSESSMENTS ANO CNARGE�.T�ustoi ehatt pay All taxes,assessments anA othe�charges,including,without limitation,fines , ::���- , .. .r�_
<br /> - ateidimp4ailtonsatlrtbntsbteto the ProDeAy aeld(easehotd psyments or groundr�nu,it any,bator�tRSSa.mebecome delinquen�.Trustor s�a[E
<br /> ; prompttyfumtsht4benetieiaryall noticssotambun?sdueunderthis paragraph,and intheevantTrustars:�a�?cake paymentdirectty.Trugtors4falF -
<br /> �� v--
<br />. �; Y s .. � D�on►Ptty�um�sh io Bsnetieitry receipts evidericinp euch payments.Trustor shap pay all taxes and assessments whicA may bs Isvied upon 4' , •• .;'�
<br /> „ , y,� � Beneficiary'sFnteroathereinoruponthlsTrustOeedwithoutreg�rdtoanylawthatmaybeeRactedimposinppaymentatihewholeoraqyp�rt t '
<br /> € .....�
<br /> ' r�?�y�r thtseotupontheBeneticiary. . �
<br /> ..:�. .:;: • :: .. . . . F .
<br /> •� " B.ADOlTWlfA6 L1E11s AND pROTECTtOMOF sENEFIC1Ali1l'S SECURtf�I.Trustarshan make afl pay^.tents ot intarescartd princi;,�!��d • � � �...�:�
<br /> `,�r; . l ;i,L-' payments of xnyotAer cfidrqes,tNS and sxpen�es cantracted to be pa10 ta any existirtg or aubaequenf[�e-"�otder or�e�;efieiary,c����,y ��� : , �
<br />,��1 '
<br />�;,;,•' , � ,`'�.,�_;� ;.' existing o�subsaqusnt mortpspe ar trust aeed betore tne date they are daiinqentor in default.and promp:t�pay and discharge any an��:o..*-er �� J�`-: ` , ._ :
<br /> • 5 �`� tiens.ct�imsorc�ar�es�rhlcbmayjeopsrdizs1h�securitygrantedhere�n.t/Truatortaitstomaksanyauchpaymentortailstop�rtormaagc4the (�.�
<br /> � � covensntsartda roemsMacantairtedintfiiaTrustOeeO,orthe�tasereterredtoherein.orina^�D�+�rorsubssquenitwslCee�oritanyactinncr f��:�.���'-`�� �
<br /> • � i:;.�.. ��
<br /> " �=��r:?��. • proceedinpiscommencedwhichmata�ialtyaHectaBaneficiary"sinterestinlhePrqperty,mcl:.��g.butnotlimirodto,emirtentCOmainpraceeQ- ,,;,t . � _�•
<br /> .- - :�-'_�`.-�'r--F..�:=4L�:.-:-• ing�.praeeeQingsis+voWingadaeedenLnoticeol�atebyTrustee.naticeotdetaulibyTrustae.maKgepeforeClosureACtiOn,orifTru�torfaifsto j`.._�..�._.__:��
<br /> ' ^r`�'° `i.:�:' ° ' piy TIYStO�'s Qabts gen�rafly aa thsy 6acoasedua,then Benebciary,at HeneHclary'soption and without n�i+ce to or Qemana upon Trustor artd [ , �
<br /> :+t"i"� ., •s . . `. ..��'
<br /> .eA ..-.r withoutrsl�AainyTrustorfromanyobligationhereunder.maymakesuchappearanees,diabursesuchaumsanOtakeauehactionaaisnecsssary r•
<br /> .,> -. ' � to protact 8enaficiaryb interest,ineiuding.Out not Iimited to.d�sbursement ot reasonable attarney's tee�.payment,purahss�,contest or e --��I�i-
<br /> , �t� .�• � compromiae o1 any encumbrartce,charge vr lien,entry upon the Properry to make►epairs,or Qeclaration of defauU undeNbis Trust OeaO.ln ths � • �. �'`
<br />• =_����� � eventthat7rustorahellisiltoprocureinauranceortoDAYtaxes,asseasments,oranyotherchargesortomakeanypAymsntsto�nysxistinqoi � ..;,;,-'_
<br /> � ����''"T ''� aubssputnt Iisnhot0ers or exlstinp or subsequent Oenetieiaries.Beneficiary may proeure suCh insurance and make such payment,Cut s�ali noe E , '�,,+�_
<br /> ��"���`s: �. bs cbti at�d to do so.An amount�Qisbureed b Beneticiar ' °-
<br /> p y y y pursuam to thie Parapraph 8 sha110ecoms aCOitional inQsbtedness of Tr�,ytor ; _,..�.�.
<br /> ' ;' ' �ecuredby tRi�Trust dsad.Such amounts ahall be payabta upoo ootice trom 8eneficlary ta Trustor requestinqpaymentthereol,and sha,:Cear � • ` . ` -- -. ;-
<br /> . g��f� '_l;r t,'-; . _ ',k::::;.
<br /> .?y:- � intaro�lfromtheQatsofdi�bu►semeMattherAtepayablefromlimetotimecnoutstandingpnncipalunQeNheNoteunlssspsymsMoflntereat�t E _,;T�
<br />• - � �� ,_� such rate would be contraryto appticaDte law,in which event sucn amounts shall bear interest at the Aighest rats psrmissibte under applicabte ! . •• - : .
<br /> . ti��;� � • faw.Nothinp containsd!n thia Peragraph 8 shell require Bereh c�ary to incur any expense a�:ake any acUon herounder. .r
<br /> . , -.a..
<br /> :�.'.__'
<br /> ;��y:•�.' �• . 7.AditONMENT OF RBMTS.8eneficiary shall have the r y"t.power a°C a+,�:+ority c�r�.g the C6ntlnuenee Ot this Tru�t OOEd t0 COIIECS thp : � .�x-•:-
<br /> ._�;.r ,
<br /> ' "j'�`� �enta.iasuesanCprofitsotlhePropenyandota�ypersonalpropertytoca:afft-=.reonwithorwithauttaktr.g�aaaesslonofthepropertya`few�0 , • !�.•��;_
<br /> ;-~ : i�: �..;.: F . `- --
<br /> tirY;�:��•. •��� hereby.aodTrustorheroby�baotutelyanduncc-S:t�onaltyass�gnsa►tsuchre^ts,isauesanaprofitstoBenefcary.8�neticiary,AOw�vev."�e�y
<br />� : r.:•:,,:.: . con�ent�tothsTrostorbcotlsctionandretentlonofsucnrencs.,�suesaneproflteaatheyaccruvanObecomspaysbt�eolon�asTrwto:ia��:�at � ,�`�_
<br /> . �°��a== so;htime,indetoullwithre�pecttopaymentatAnylnEeDte��si�securedbereby.orintneqartermanceofanyagroemer.cr�reundeaUponany � „ • y:���r"
<br /> . ,' � , ar�cnddautt,Bensftciirymayatanytime.sither�npe►aon.D�Gg:��.orbyarecelvertobeappointedbyecoun.withoulnaC�asanQwflhou/r�gu0 ;, � ."
<br /> : :Y;S'����± ;� toth�aC�qu�cyotanyeecuritytonheindebtednesaherobysd:�:e0.�a)enteruDonendtakeposses�ionotthePropsrtyora.^�yparllh�r�pt,andin � ,
<br /> -. - �'�-� • • ,' ifsawnrtsmesagtororotherwiseealteetsuchients.iaauesancfprohts,�nc:�s�gtho�epwtdueandunpaid.andapplythesame.lelseCS�sand � � ,
<br /> ' • ' expen�es o1 aperation anA coltectlon,ineluCing reasonabte attorney's fees.upon any indebtedness secured hereby,and in aucb ortler a� •
<br /> ' � Bbneticiarymaydetermine;�b)performaucbacteofrepa�roro�otecuonasmaynenecessaryorpropertoconaervethevalueoflheProperty:�c)
<br /> _ ______ �_ ___ . Ieaasthssamearenyparlthereoftorsuchrental,term,ane;;���suchcondHionsaaitaludgmemmayd�ctate.orterminateo►adjustthetermsan0
<br /> . . . cond�tlon�ol existinp leasee.Untes�Trustor and 8ene}�c:a��.'�a►eof agree otherwise m wrrt�ng,any applicaUOn of rents. �;s:es or profif�to any •
<br /> .:,, - �rtd�btedness aecured hereby ahafl nof extend or postpoRe'.^e due date of the��etettment paymenq as prov�ded m sa°�prom�aao►y note o� •
<br /> • chartQetheamountolsuchtns/attment�.Theentennguponanolak�ngpossess�onot�hePropeny.lhecol�ectionatauchre��s.�sweaan0ofot�ts. ,
<br /> . � and the appl�eat�on theroot as atoresaid,sha�t nol warve or cure any Qatault or nonce ot defauH hereunder or�mahdate a^y�ct dene pursuamto ' � •
<br /> ' , auehnoNCS.TrustorataoasalgnatoBenef�ciary,asturthersecur�tyforthepertarmanceoHheobligationssecureOhere0y,3.�p�epa�tlrer.:sandall , - • �
<br /> , � mOni�sWhiChmeyhaVeb88nOtmeyh9reattOPoedepOS�te6w�thaei0Tru9totpyanyles�@e0tlhePrOperly.tOS@CUrot�AR3ymeM0}enyrento� ,
<br /> ' ' ' • �rntpes,or upon Qehul!tnthe performartce of eny o1 the prav�s�ons hereat.trustor agrees to debver such renfs ano depoaits fo Benef�c�ary. .
<br /> . �9e�+veryotwnttennot�ceat8ertet�ciary'sexerclseo�thengr,rsgramednere�n.toanytenantocaupymgsaidprem�eassna�tbesuNic�enttarepwre .
<br /> ' la�0 ten�nt to pay rem to the 8enet�c+ary unt�1 turther noUCe
<br /> �
<br /> . � 8.CONOlMNAT!ON.If titte to any part ot the Prepeny shau be taMen m condemnation proceedmgs.by ngM o1 em�nem domam or sim�lar • ,
<br /> • ' aCtion,o�ahatl be aold under threat of CondemneUCn,au awartl9,damages and proceeds are hereby ase�gned and shall bs paid to Bsneficiery ' •
<br /> ' � who shali apply auch ewards,damage!end proCAeQ410 tRe 9um SeCUr�Q by tA�9 Trust Oeed.w�tn�ne exce�a,+�any,patd to7ruacar.►�Truscar - --��--- -
<br /> " recelve�any notice or otheNntormation regardfng such aetions or proeeedings.Truator Shet1 give prOmpt wrdl8n nobC0lhereof to 8enet�ciary. , •
<br />- - -. . •-- Benef�atary ahaltbe eat;Uad,at ifaop!lon.lo eomrnenee,appe�s�n and prosecule m its own name any such acUOn or proceeAmg�artd Shall he � . .
<br /> � • , entitled to maka 8ny eompromise or settlement m connecUOn wdh any such aclion o�proceetlmg9. , ,
<br /> 9.illTtlllE AOVANCl�.Upon reqaest ot Trustor,BQrtetrCiA�y 819en8}�e�ery"s Op1tOn.prtor fo reeonveyanee offne Properly to Truator,may '
<br /> � makefutureadwnc��toTrustor.9ucbluturoadvancel.w�th�nterestfhereon,snaubeseeuroAbytn�sTruatOeeOwnene��CenCedbyprom�saory
<br /> ' "� :. notes elattng that 9attl note4 are 9eeuree nereCy:p�awdetl tnat at no t�me shant►+e secured pnncipa�and}uture advances.�ot�nc�uamg sums •• •
<br /> , • � advanceA to prolect 1he securdy,exceed two hundrea pe�eent�200°e)of the ongrnat pnnc�pal amouMS secured hereby. ' ' . _
<br /> . ; _ _ _ . _ _ . - -- � . _
<br />