:�;� r;� . ��-,�,.;�:.�
<br /> .<<�z . .n,,.ww�-r>•,�. : •
<br /> .,
<br /> ... � t.wv,syvµ....�.... . ..,.ar._ -----�—
<br /> �., , �._—_.;:.
<br /> ' �----".� ..-----.,�... _._ - �-.,-• - - ...._. �.
<br /> ' 7�. 7r#nNsr o4 ths Praperty or p Hen�fiai�l �nt�r�st In Borranrer. If rN or 11ny p�A al lh• Pmp�r►Y or
<br /> � any Intereet In A b sold or tranoterred (or H a baneflciel Inle�tist tn O�rr�wrr Is sald or trensfarrad and F3vrrowes I� not�natural '
<br /> ��eraon) vrUhnid 1_ettder's pdar writtan conse+�t,Lender nuy,at It� uptlon. requira tmr�i�d?ato paymertt In h+N�1 n!1 euma secured by
<br /> this Seeurily Inetiument. Howaver, tiils aptlon ahe!I not bo excrcl�cd i�y 4c�dr.r if excrel�o le �roldbllet� by fr.de.r�tl l�w ns oi tho _
<br /> date ot this Socurfly Instrurnent.
<br /> II L�ndw�x�r�ls�s thla optlon, l.ender eh�N plva 8orrower notica ai�ccder�tion. The notice eha.N{�ro��de�ureddby'this
<br /> less li�an 30 cMya hum fhe dsta the notice le cidivered or m+�tled withfn �vhlch Bnrmvrer mual p�y
<br /> 3�curlty Inntrum�nl. I1 8flrrower taNY to pay then� sume prior to the exp{mtlon o1 ihls peclod, l.ender rc��y Invoke ao�y remedlee�
<br /> pertnitted t�y this 3ocurfty Inswm�tnt wflhcut tuhhar nntice ar damend on 8orrower. —
<br /> 1a. �iorrow�v'o �:i���l S:� t%C��'�"�«�o• �t Borte�.•1K m�+�9 cMnln condrilons, HoROwrr shsll have 1he rlght to h�ve
<br /> eniorcamsnt o} thls 9�curlty InnWtrNnt diacondnu�d at my time prlor lo the earMer oi; (�) 5 d�ys Sor auch other perrlod �s '
<br /> p�ppc�b�a taw may specity tor r�innt�tert�ent) bMore sala o1 Ih�Propa�ly pureuant to RRy power ot sats cnnt�fn�d fn this 3�curNy
<br /> Instrurnent; or (b)entry aT�a �udgrr�snt entorcing this Security Instrument.Thuae condit�one are thAt Botrower: (a�paya Lender N
<br /> sum�whlch then woutd be due undex thi� Ser.urity Inahument�nd the Note�e H no accelxation h�d ocwrred; (b)cures�ny�
<br /> dainuft of�ny other coven�nt or ap�semeats; (a)pays �p expensey Incum►d in enforclnp thls &ccuriry Inswmant, k►cludtn8�taul
<br /> �ot IlmRed to, �waonabla�ttomeya'tees; and(d)t�kas euch�ctAn Ma Lender may rw�eon�ty roqu�ro tu�esuro that tho Ntn o!
<br /> thVs Sear�fl) Inatrum�nl, Lunder'a riyhts in the Prnperty a�d Borrowera ob8{+at{on ta pay the aume secured by thla Securlry
<br /> Inswm�nt ohrN contlnue uneh�nqad. Upon rekastetexnent hy E3ortower, thla 9e�wtRy Inatrumenl u►d the obYg�tbns tNe casA
<br /> �K�by shall nn�in luly eMecdve�s M no Rcceianti:a�htd oxufred. Hurie�rn►,th14�ht ta relnstde�h�A not�ppy
<br /> of�cc�tion undst panS�roPh 17.
<br /> i9. SM! O{` I'1ot�: Chan� of l�a�n S�^dcor. 7he Naie or a s pKti�l Interost In the Nots (toqatha wMh thfs
<br /> S�ky Inattuman�} m�y be sotd or,e or mom times wMhout P�dua�t ttee Nuto�nd thfa Securiry Instrumant '1'h�re tiJao rrwy
<br /> pcnown as the 'Laan Servlcer')tMat coMects monthN paymen o9 thn Lo�n Servfcer.
<br /> be one or mora ch�nye� 01 tha Loan 5enricar unrel�ted io a s�1n c�1 tk�e �:at�•. tt th�e ts e ctr�e —
<br /> 8arower wir be giv�n w�itt�n notlse of the chMpe in�ccocd�nce wnh paraynph 14 �bove end�pMcabb law. The natiee wiN
<br /> stste ths name and sddress o1 the new Lo�n SavksY end the eddross to whbh paymenls should be msde• The rsoxcs w�l�iao
<br /> conWn+iny oihar hlom�tfon roquke+i by aPBYcaWe law.
<br /> . 20. H1tsiN'dmus SubstanC�s. Bortower shal not auae w pormit lhs prsaence, uss, disposa�.at�n0e. a�M!=aa of
<br /> �ny Hu�rdous Substances on nr in the Propaty. Barawer shaY nat dn, nnr �Ibvy �nyone dse ta do,nnyihk�g dfuclin9 the
<br /> pro�xty th�t la in viot�do� oi any Envkonmentel Law. Yha prececxng lwo s�ntences ah�Y not �!y to tha pressnce. us�,or
<br /> atoro9s on th� Piroperly o1 sm�M quanUti�a ot Nazudous SubsUnces th�t aro qenera�yr recopnfzect to be�ppro�i�te to notm�i
<br /> reskM�lid uses�nd to m�inirnance of ths Pro{�ty.
<br /> Borrow�► sha� prort�iN 9�+ia Lendx �nitten notice ol �ny k►vestlga�tbn� cWm, dem�nd� MwsuR u oth�► �ctbn by W►y
<br /> �govemma�t�l or rep�il�taY ayenaY a'Wiv�te puty kcvolvk�g tha Prt�aty and�ny HRZardous SubsLnrw or Envkonrnw►U) Law ot
<br /> whieh 8orrawex hna actua{knawMd�. If Borrower kuesa,or is notified by�ny poranmaiW or rqK�Mtory�iraily. th�t�ny
<br /> r�noval or other rema�iation ol K►y Hazaraous �nCe =nedi�rA i-ic+�+e,i� io rs�,,.�..r;� a,�.,..�.. ��r nr�vmUy take dt
<br /> nerwssuy ranedied aatlona In Rccarduice wilh EnvirorxtK+nn4�f Uw. �
<br /> As uasd fn thh pwye'�ph 2U� 'Fkiziu'dous SubsUno�:a'ane thase aubstencea dellnsd�e texlc or hv�rdout�'9up�Mnca bY
<br /> Envkonment�l law and thE.tdbwfn9 su6etu�ese: pwaohe, keroseno. oihK �m�rbN or twic peVoNWm ,�ir4�lticta, to�da
<br /> peaUckies and he�dicklee,re'ta'tiw soNent,�,mMtarhls ca►takNn�Asbeatos or tanwJclehyda,u+d radw�cfdh�6 rtwtri�b.� J1,s us�d in
<br /> pwynph 20. 'Env�menlN•l.aw' mees�� ��derd kws and I�wa of the jurtsdidiorr whsro the ProrwtlY�i toated th�t ►�Yte to
<br /> hMlth. satdy or�nvirw�re+eti'lH4}trot�ctlon.
<br /> NON�UNIFONM CQ11��1A'�1TS.Barovet,��nd Lend�r iwth�r wvarwd�nd�yrs�aa to�owe: —
<br /> 21. Accai�ratbn; R�m+rdNs. I.�ed�r oh�l piw notic� tv Borrow�r prior to iccN��Ntlon
<br /> foltowinp lleKrowsr's br��ch o! any cavMwnt or �g�wmsn�t In thla S�cu►ltal �n�trun+ent (but nd
<br /> prior to acc�l�attw� und�r p�rp�+�h 17 �nl�ss rppllaabb law po�a+rkl� otlNrwis��. 7'h� natic�
<br /> shdl sp�ci�►s ii)1h�d�tault; lbD th� actlon nqul�l ta cun th� d�faul� lc) a d�t�, n�+k.IM+!Mn
<br /> . 30 d+�y�iranr the s�.t� netic� 1� y1v�n to Borr�rwer, 1�wMah tM� d�fauk must bw�ee►�di artd
<br /> . . (d) th�t fNtw^� to �cwk� th� drt�uR on a bNors tl» d�t� sp�cNlwc� in ths noNc� r�ai�l�r�sufh In
<br /> acc��lioe of tM sum�s�cuhd by�his 5�curity In�num�nt and sah o!'thq►.�+roP�Y. '1"t» ndtc�
<br /> � , sh�ll iwllwr iMa�Nq.Borrow�r af ths righE !o rslnst�di a�fhr acc�Nsr�tfon �rrd•'i1w rl�t�t to b�lnfl •
<br /> . court actian t4�a�rt th� naraxlat�nc� of a drfaeilt or any.�1h�r d4it�aai� °f In fh� eaticN�
<br /> sccN�ratian and s��e. N th� dwhwlt Is nat cu»d on or bffor� l9e�a�� �� .
<br /> � L�ndrr �t ib uplla�a�roa� r�4ulr� tmm�Jl�t� paym�M In tull of all sum: socurrd b�► thls S�curltr
<br /> Inshurn�n! wkt►ot�t iurth�r d�tnand �nd ms�► Imak� th� pow�r af sst� �d �ny dtMer r�m�di��
<br /> . .p�rmkbd MI �PR�resbl� i�w. l.�rnhr shsll �w�ntitl�cl to coil�ct sll �xp�ns�s incumid fn pursui��q
<br /> ,,.;; � r�n�i�a prt�n'1xl�d In thTs psraograph �1, Includlnd� twt not Itrn14w! to. e�sa�� �t4on�s'
<br /> ' � fMS and aosht cA�'•��� �vld�nc�. , .
<br /> �'" M ths pow�� i� ir�l� Is Invok�d� Truutt+�o shali racoai � nctlts of d�4suM In �aocctn��aoair►ty In
<br /> whlCh u�,y� pe�rt pf Qh� proporty Ir locat�al �nd sh�11 madl �opi�s of *uch ndlce In� 1��.�
<br />— pniscribecl I�y a�pplk�b{� !�w to BwroKnr �nd ta th� otlwr p�rson�p�rrsc�to�ad t�c!►'Mp
<br /> Aft�r tfw t1m� nqaol�od hy sppticabl• law, Tn.�ntee sh�dt qiw puWic noHDe .K�A.alo M ths p�rsons
<br /> snd In thr msnn�r.pros��ih�d by applta�blRa ltav.Tivatoe. witMaut tl�mwnd an 8orrowrr, shall ��11
<br /> � prop�rty �t pubNu auctian to th� hlgf�ast blddnr ut fi� fim� rrh�i pSFCp and und�r the ta►m�
<br /> - d�si�d In th� noHa� af sal� ln �� or moro paras� �nd In �ny ordwr Ttutduo det4rrrina=.
<br /> Truatw tn�Y Postpons s�t� of sll or any p�rc�l of thn prop��,► �11 pubitc.annbuiiaement �t th�
<br /> �{� a�d pfac� o�f any RrOVlousiy scfHdul�d eWlo. t�.�nd�r o+r itti d�siQnaa may purch�se thp
<br /> propsrty �t any sat�. .
<br /> Upon r�rcolp4 of ps�ym�nt of th� pdce bt�t,.tYautnw ahall ddiwr to th� purchaw�ar 'fruats�'e
<br /> _ �_ .._y_�_ - = �, ..� ..,f,.., �:L. .vld.ncr af
<br /> d��d C011YAyiM1g�P�P�Ry►.i t1� AGEiais in e�e� �r v�a�� .::�..�...,.. � �......_ ----- ----- -
<br /> th� buth o� t1w �ttat�m�nts onad� th�r�ln. Trusteei �hall spply tha proceeds af th� �oto In tiw
<br /> iollowinp ord�n (�) ta alt Coai� �nd �xp�nsa� af ax�rcb�ln� tho powMr of sal�, and !h� s�f�.
<br /> Includlnp th� paYm�nt of th�TrasE��'s hss�ctu�lly Incurr�d, not to exc�Qd thr�a ___
<br /> 96 of th� princlp�l �ma�nt o?ttw
<br /> no4a s�t the tim� of tho d�clsratlon of dofsuk, and r�asonablo attornny'c iss� a� p�rmFtt�d l�y law;
<br /> (b) ta dl tiums s�au��d by thls S�curity Inst►ument; and (c) �ny exce�ss to the person or prr�ons
<br /> ��g�{ly�ntRlsd to It.
<br /> F1316.LM0(�196) P�go 4 0}5 --�-
<br /> gfitA3
<br />