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<br /> � TC►OEl'HCA WlTH �M the kr�►rqvemmis now or h�te�tter �rect�d on th�property, �nd aW M��nMnte,yKxxisr►mcq, +�d
<br /> ' flxluree now or here�Rer a p�n at lhe prnpn�ty. All np4c�rnynte And RddHlone sh�il elao be ioveral by thla Seairtty Inetvumenf.
<br /> AB ot i!�e forogofnp 1�re(errod la {n ihls SecurNy Inetrument�g the "Propaty.'
<br /> HQHR�YY�R QCIVF.NANT3 thn!8nrrnwer Is IxvAcilry selt�i of �iio es(�te heroby conreyed and has ihe right to p��ni wnlb
<br /> convny lhe Prope+ty aid ihnt thu Frope+ty i� un�;'tcui��bwsd, exccpt for e��r,w��l�ranecs o1 YCSOrd. Elorsov;cr evu��ant� niid vr:� �-
<br /> d�(ond gencar�iy+tho tiUe to the Pro,fe+ty M�fnat all clalme end dmaends.subJece to �ny encumbr�ricaa oi �ecord. �
<br /> Tiil9 S�CURITV INBTiiiIN1[{NT comhk�ee un8orm covenanta tor netlontl uee end non-unitprm couenanta wilh Ilmftect
<br /> vui�tlonA by wriAdictlon to.con�tituid• unHorm atcurity InsirumMt anvKinp nsl prupKty. � �
<br /> UhiFORM COYENANT3. 8c�trrrwa�ind 4endw cown�nt snd�prae�e toNowe:
<br /> i. P�ym�nt of Prinalp�l.and IM�real; Pnpayn��M �nd tait� Chuy��. Barow�r nh�l promptly pny whm
<br /> due the prMicipal ol end IntEKnst on the debt evidenced by the Note�nd�ny prepayment�nd I�te chuges due�nder tho Not�.
<br /> 1. Fund� For 5'ax�r rnal Insui�i�iie�. Suis}uCi 4a r{�Ht:oiifQ law cK tU w wiiii:il Wal+F+r by Lc�ada,[3ou�v,,�r::h:�1 pc, , -
<br /> un
<br /> ta L�ndK on th�d�y morsthy p�ymmts���r und�r th� Not�, undl th� Nots is Wdd (n fuM,� num ('Fundw')lor. (�) ywiy�
<br /> t�c�s �nd ws��asmenta whk.h muy ztt�in prlaity ovK thls 3�rity Inatrument �m e Ilsn on tha PropKty; (b) ye�rly I�asahdd�
<br /> payrn�nte o�pround r�tp on ihfl �rop*rty, N�r►y; (o)yea►fy haz�rd or prop�rty Inaun�na pnn�iuma; (d)yetry Aood Insunnce
<br /> prerrtiums,ft�ny: (e)Ywaly tnortUllde ineurena pt�n�lume,N�ny;�nd (p eny auma�xy�bb by Borrawer ta Lender fn�ccordunu
<br /> wfth the provlalona ot p��+x�h,9,h Meu ol the paymant af moitg�q�Inaunuiae prercAums. The�e It�me ae caNed 'Esorow
<br /> ftans." Lerd�r mRy, tl any Umn, coMact �nd hokl Funds In �n �mouM not to excsed the mexYnum amouM• Nndx tor+�
<br /> tadbra�y reiatad mortgaqa {n�7 mny requku tar�lottowes's esawr account under the tedem! Renl Eetntn S�tttemen4 Prot�.�ck�rns
<br /> Act of 1974 aa�mendsd(rpm tlmtl lo tkne.12 U.S.O.@ 2601 M sp. ("RESPA'), unless �natha law that appNeu to th� Funrt�
<br /> sda a lesser�nwunl. tl so, Und�m�y,at�ny tYn+, copect�nd hokl Funde in �n �mount not to exceed the les�w amaunt.
<br /> I.ander euy eslkn�te tha amourrt a1 Funds duo on fhn basis of curtent dats and re��onable rsthntles nf expendiluroa of luturo
<br /> Eeuow Itema or othawlse in ac�nr�nce wrh appYcabb law.
<br /> The Funds shaN qe ht�6tl In nn InsUtulbn whose depoaRs�re insurod Dy�fedenil�yency,kisUumantsGty, or entiry(Indudfny _
<br /> I.�nda, M LendK Is such wn InsHtuUon) or h�ny Fedei�l Hane i.oan B�nk. Lendr sh�ll��ply the Funds to pny ►h�Esaow .
<br /> kane. Lender msy not ch�ry�Bc,ROwer tor holdin4�nd�p the Funds, �nnualy anry=Iny the esuow�ccamt,a v�ifykip
<br /> �7a EaG�w Ra�.. urR:� L:adrr. p,:yr 8amc:t,�: lnt��t ca th� Fun�s msd epg!�cah!��:�r pem=ie �end!! to t!�! �+ch �
<br /> charge. Howwx, Lendu mwy ra�uke Borrower to pay a one-time chuga for�n independent reol eatRte tax repating aervke
<br /> us�d by Lend�► In conneclicm wNh thh ban, wilsas �ppNc�bN I�w prw�id�s othwwFs�. tlnlssa �n a�rMtn�nt ia n+ade or
<br /> appRuMe law requlras krtcr�nt ta•be p�ld, Lendor ahaN not be raquked to piy Bortower�ny interoet or euniryga on th� Funde.
<br /> Barowa and Lendx trMy aprne In wddop, howrre�, thtl irttersst sfu�ll be p�kd on the Funda. tender aM�M gks to Sortower,
<br /> wYhout chug�, �n anrtuM ar,cc�unfi�p of the Funda, showk�y aodita and debits to the Funds and ths p�npose tor whlch e�ch
<br /> debit 10 thb Funds was made. Tftin Wnd�an ptedped as ncklMlonal security tw aN sums secured by the Searrtty InaUurt�ent.
<br /> M the Funda hdd by Lender,axce�d the un�wnta perrcdlitic;,to be held by�ppMcal�ds Irw,Lenda sh��a:aint to Bwrower
<br /> tor the emxss Funds In ancoMhncse wMh the reyukarxnts nY sppMc�We 4w. if the wwunt o(ihe fe�s Mld by LendK at�ny
<br /> thie fs not suT�arlent to p�Y lho E:�saow fteteu wfien due, Lender mny so natqy BoROwer h wrN(nfl�arM, �n such caa�Bomrv+r
<br /> shM pay to len�r the xr►ounL o�naswy to mrtke up the ddkleney. BuROw�r sh�A m�ke up ths eNG�c�ency b no mon 11w�
<br /> twalve monthy payrrrmty.�t Unciar'e aola diaa�n►io�.
<br /> Upon p�y►r►aft in fuY ot��.�ums securod by Ihis S�curiry MaWment, Lend� shall prcmptly rNund to Bert�ower�ny FutWs ,
<br /> hoid by Lendr. If.under pYtwmoh 21.L�nder shaN acquir�or sdl ihs Pfopetty. LMtdef,pflo'to !he�cqul�lUon or e�ie of the
<br /> Prr�arty, snd apply any FLnaa Jfda by l.nder n the un�e of.putaluon or a�re.s. aedk.�inst th�e�ns..a,r.a by thk
<br /> S�curily InstrarMnt. .
<br /> 3. AppNeatial of Payln�itts. Unbss �ppNat�le Mw provR�ei� r�tharwisa� �N paymants r«ae�ived by L�ndar und�r
<br /> pnyr�pfia 1�d 2 ahK he�ppNed: 1kst, to any pr�epaytnent cfu�rqas�du�t'under the Note: s�nd,to eno�nb p�y�ble unda'
<br /> ' ,��qnph 2:thdM�to kHunr�i d�iti;taxth�to p�N�dpN Aue:+qtt1 kst,to en�'lAte chuyn due,undr ths Not•.
<br /> _ � 4. CAtarq�s: Uw1,s. Fiiirrower shal pay all wro:,, d�asessmdtMa. chwrg+s, Ilnas;and ier�osNjoe� attrMiUbte W the
<br /> ., ; • ;�1�ry whkh m�y�Uin QncKtly orK tt0s Sswdty Inehurlvgii:l,r�d ieasehoW payrrNnls'o�:�d r�ts. N M�y. Bortow�r ohM
<br /> � �,,'prY tM�a o6A�lfnns fn tl�a miu►ne►provkled.in paraynph 8�or N no9 pdd h th�t rt�sx. Bodor+�es=sr'tlpll p�y tMm on tlnw ,
<br /> • �. : .,'. .Brwtly to th�P��o�P�Y�t. 8orrow�.r sA�N prompty fumiah to Londer�N natices ot rnovrflts:!�o M P�uncl�r d�fs
<br /> ��1Pn9�Ph. il Bonrnver m�ices theae paytr�ts dreeUy..$onnwer shal promptly tumish to LendFr:�¢i.r,lp� ��^�SI �
<br /> ��,•pwjrrnaits. ` : ' ' r;,t.::.. ,.
<br /> Bqrower ah�M pmmpty dfaichrpe �ny Ilu� whlct� hna�priatriy over thfs Secu�ity Inahwnent�uile�s Borrui4er. •��a;�In . .
<br /> 1 i�:itipy to the phnnerH-M�1hn abliqnion asausd by tM�en�dn•a m�nna�eapW�M to land�r; f,b) conNats b 9ubr?.fl�11h th�
<br /> fiit► by� ar d�k.+ds .y�NnFt .r►rarcan,anc ot the a«i h, les�.� �roC�edw►y�,wnk� R, a,e �a,d.rs opY�ion operica c� p.yant a�. „
<br /> . �nforc�ment af dha liar,or(o)aecur�a!rom tHe hoider of thA Uep:nti'a�reemen!r��dory to Lander subordfn�tirsq th� �en lo � .
<br /> Wc S�airity�:inztrument.H l�enAa d�termhea that my pWt of the�R�t�;etty fa eubJmct to �isn whk�i rrMy�tt�in prbtkj ov�r tl�ln
<br /> Sx�erMy tnaAru�1. L*ncfes rt►ry�•Sjf+re BorrowK+�notias ki4e►111Y�^9 jha Men. 8arovvr ehd a�tlety tM iNn a faic�e o�s or n�ay oF
<br /> tAe at�e� �Y�f fvrth �bowr wl{"iin 10 claya af th�gNY�q dt�dUcs.
<br /> 5. Has�,d or Pi+op�ly Insuan�qr� BoRO�n�r':�1f�keep the kr►�ove�rMnta h�w aa.Mn9 a h.s.R.r.r.wa.on�h.
<br /> ProMAy Mxiurod�pdrtst ktier by�re, h�u�rds h�iudad rWfh�n tho term'eodmded cov�opr'ai�d w►y otl�' Mr�rds, YMdud►KI
<br /> Arwda or fla+dh9,ior whicir Lunder r+squirse inat►mas. 1'hia hwnnce shoE 6e rtwiMein�d h tM anaunb a►d tor th�ptfodt
<br /> jlMt l�ndrr re�ukes. Ttte inw�'w�ce Cnfier' �rpvldny 1he.lnsur�nce shrfl'b3 chosen by 6oROwx wbj�ct ta L��d�'s rpprowl
<br /> v+hich shN not b� wxe�eoneWY withMld. � Bara+�qr•teAa to mai�tiin'oovKay�daor�d abow, �«Mrr mry.at L�n�M�'s
<br /> ^oj.+Uan�obt�ln oovas�q�tu proU�d l,�nda's riphts�►N►e fhoo�ery in�caxc4w�a with prapraph 7.
<br /> 11R insunna poAt�s �nd•ranewais shY M�ccq�9elalm�to Lend�r�nd sF►rM indurN a stand�rd mortg�y�dowp. UntiK
<br /> sh�M hws the rlqM ta ht►{d thb poNcisa�nd��w�ls. H LendK nquNec, �orrow�r ahal promptly qive to LendK M nosi{Ka of
<br /> pYd pren�yna�nd renewnl nadws, �n thR evant ot bu, Bartower aha�rt�ive prompt notloo to tha Inwrwnce car�ier�id L�.
<br /> Land�r nxy meia proot o1 Inoe if not m�d�Pro►�PtlY bf►Barrmrx.
<br /> UM�as Undn �nd Bono�otharwiss agr�e�n w�1Ur►g. inwrer►c�procade aMN be�ppYed to rsatorat3on or np�fr ol the
<br /> Frope�ty drnNg�d, If-the nataratlon or npair fa econaNcaMy leasible and Lender'a securily i�not basened..H ths rostoratl�on or
<br /> np�ir Ia not aor►aric�Ny Iu�olbNi a t�ndx'�a�aulry wowldl be I�ssrn�d,th�insumce procesds shW be�p{�d to the aume
<br /> a�xed by this S�wily 1nt�UUment, whelher cx not the� due, with �n,y acaaaa prd to F3�ortower. H �aroww abmdona the
<br /> Prop�ty� or doera not�ntwev wnYhin 30 d�ya■ notice fom Lendar ttud ths Inannnce ciurier hsa dkrrol to seltle �eMkn�ihen �
<br /> L�may cW+d thn haunnc�proceeda. Lander mayr uas th� procwds to np�ir a r�sicxe Me W!ruperty a to p�y aums
<br /> saund by thi�S«xuiry kf�irument,whNhor or not thon due. Ths 30-�y pedod vril be9h when tha noZioa k ylren.
<br /> Unless Unde� and Bonuwa otherwiss �yne in writ+�9, sny appMcstf�on oi proaeds to prkicip�l shsN nat exhnd or
<br /> F�stpon�th�clus data ot if��monibly p�yments rofert�d to fn p�ngnphs 1 �nd 2 or ch�ng�th�amoint of the poyrrNnts. If
<br /> ��ndar pr�yiaph 21 the Propprfy h aaqt►i►Ki by Lender. Bortowers dyht ta�ny insurence poBciea�nQ proceads reeultlng kan
<br /> drn�g� to th� Prc�paty prbr to lhe acgul�Mk,n ehaN p�ss to Lende►W ihe e�dent oT the sums by thh Securtty instrument
<br /> hrmediately p�io�r to the sopulLkion.
<br /> I�_____.��__ Yl_l_a___�__ .��J lV��_fl_� _s �L_ d___i � J� ■_��
<br /> p' {/6'CN���'i �f7R1{�ftt w1��RR/R�47 w� �fV6�tr't�O�t fI� {tA rrxEseraj�� Ofi�f{IRR i fA�t
<br /> Appllaatton; I.�saihOltlf�. 8oirower st►aN occupy,establish. �nd use the F'ropMy�s Borrower'e p�incfpal residaue withk�
<br /> � aixty days �tter th� �:ca�;�t'+'rn o1 this Socurtty Enstrumant �nd sh+� contlnue to xcupy the PropMy a� Bortcwer's p�indpnl
<br /> raldence ta�t leuet ona yuar after tl�e dete af occup�ncy,unkss Lender oti►erwise agrees h writinp, wh�h con�ent shall not
<br /> be unrorsoMby allhhdd, or untess extmuating ckcLmstances exist whlcPi Nre beyond Ba�rower'a contrd, Bortowe� ahall not
<br /> dcslra��,durnge or ircptir thn Property.Nlow the Rrope�ty to dr[criorate,or co�xt�(t waste an the Prc>perty.Borrower shsll be In
<br /> dotauK M�ny toriekwu rclion or procesdinq, whether civil or crimin,�l, Rs bsgun thet In Lender's qood taHh wdgm�nt could rasult
<br /> In torfNturo ot the Propaly or othenrlse mated�My Nnp�k the Ikn rxeeted by thb Security InsLun�t a Lend�'s e�writy in4eoest, •
<br /> F1316.Lk3(3p6) Papc Z ot 5 ,_
<br /> a;�<a
<br />