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<br /> ' S.Ha�rd or i'roperty Inss�r�nce. Borrower sha11 kecp tho impravcmcnts now cx�,ting or hereatiu ere� an �ro�►�ty
<br /> iruwrod e�ab�ut loa�by C�no,t�zacds included within 1he tcrm "cxttnd�ed co��craga"and any othc.�haziuM�inciudin�ffootL ar
<br /> fk�oding,[or wh{sh I.end�r ra�ulres insuro►ca.'!ti[t inaurance eitu�ll bo m�tint�ined in the�unounts�nd for Iha paiods tfiat I,a�dcr
<br /> roq�irq,'Y'hp i,cuur�uwe carrier providin�tlte Uuurarice s1u11 bo choset�by Horrowcs aubJoct¢�i.cnder's t�ppeoval�ehkh elnll not
<br /> bo unr�uoru�bly withhoid. If Borcower [ails a m�intaL� cover�ge da�cribod pbove. Lender m�y, ut l.eada's aption.obtain
<br /> cover�ge W{�ro�aci I.��'e r3�i�tu L�4w I':�ty L�r.:c�.:d:,�.w rrlth p:sr,�pi�7. ,
<br /> Atl insunu�oe pollcies arad rabwa4 etuU be�ocept�fib a II,ender m�d shW includa�aundud mortg�ga c9a�se.I.enda uhs�l
<br /> havc ttKS right to hokl the poikia�nd renewAla.lf I�endtr raqulra�Bonnwer shall t�PUY e�ve to I,rnder�l!nceipts of p�ki
<br /> prem(ums md ra�ewd notice�.In the eva►t of lo�tt�Bartowa af►�ll givo prompt nodce w the i�uurrnca c��rkr�nd I.ender.I.endar
<br /> may m�lce proof af loes if not m�de t�P�Y by Barower,.
<br /> Un{ds I�der�nd Barrower otherwi,�e ag�ea L�writ�ng,ittsuritttoa procoods shatl be applitxt w rw0oatlon a rep�ir Qf the
<br /> propatY a+r,uigai�if�he rastaradon ar re�ir is xonorr�ic�lly fe�ib4�ansl La�dex'�aecusity Is not ie•_9ened.If the resoor�tion ar
<br /> rqs�ir is na ecaamic�lly feasibb or I.endcr's secusiry woald bo k�a�ed��t�o insuranca pcocoecLq ahxtt ba appiiod a the wtm�
<br /> socurod by tha Securlty In�u�nrnT,�wh�tbar or not th�duo,wilh my eao�s pdd ta Baro�vtr. If Banrowar pb�nctais tha
<br /> F�npaty�ar doa rat answa withtm,?0 dt�ys a natica from�arxlar tfat the insurance carrkr has uffered to seule a claim,then
<br /> Lati�a may coikct the is�.suxana�a pnoaoecia.�dr�may uaa chd�rocoeds�repeir or re�ar+e�ha Prope�ey or w p�►y sums socured
<br /> by tl�i 5oavitY Inaauma�t,wMxha ar not then due.The 30�dsy poriod aill begin whai tha uotioo Is giva�.
<br /> Unleas L��1 Barowa ott�envt9e�greo in wridnE�anY�PI���P��g�!��slurll not wctend or�oeqwno
<br /> tAo due d�l�of d+�moadily WYma�ta refated ta in per�ipha 1 m�d 2 or cha�tge t�a a�nwwunt of thc pQymeats.if w�dar pw�gn�►i►
<br /> 21 da PmgatY�e�cquic+od b�I�ender�Bam�ra'a night to any iaaurs�nc;o polici��smd procoocis resuldng from dartu�ga W tho
<br /> �Y P�w tho+�c4�i.sition�uU p�.v W I.endsr e�tfio�•xl�ent of the eUm�socu�aul by this Sec�uiry Inswment bnmodiutaly
<br /> ptior b tho acqui�isio"•
<br /> f.Ooc�#cy.Prae�vation,lN�te�a�te�nd Protedios a�the PropM�� Bt,rrn�er'� I.an AppYa�tloR:Lra�e6olde.
<br /> Buaorva elu�t!a�cupY�r�qblirh,�nd we t�i+^�ropaty aa Barower's pcincl�t resideaice wili�in six�y d+�ys after t6a exxwlun�uf
<br /> ti�us Sxu�tY�t and sh�ll continue 1n�ccaAY the Pcopaty u Borro�ver's priocipai nxidanca for�t ir�at one yar Aite�dES:
<br /> c�Wa of occupancy. unlsas I�nda othetwix agroes in writing�which con�eat shal!t�ot !�e wu�aeiorabiy withl�d�Ar unle�.
<br /> oxoenu�dng aa�curn�r�e.x3st which�ro beyond Bamwrr's�oetrol.Bamwer ehall mat d�oy.d�n�ga oc iml���Y�
<br /> •lfow the Proqx�ity tu ddaio�Me�a canmh w�ate a� die Pn�aty. Bomo�ra �11 be in deG►ult if�ny farfeitum�xxion or.
<br /> pruou�dh+8�wfictha civll a c�imitwl,is be;vn thet in I.aulsr's good fiith judg�na�t awld reauit in fafdwro of die Ptop�xty or
<br /> od�a�vi.�e nutrrjall�'imP�r the lie�e[alea by dtis�ec�airy nuum�xnc a I.a�da's aoc�riiy m�uucii.�oavw�mry a,ia iniun�, '
<br /> aoc.uk ana re�t�ta,�prov;ded in p�ragra�ph 18,by causing u�e,�or pcvo�ecl.fng w be alemiuea�vlu►A nillcr�d►at;�i
<br /> I,e,ndK•s Rood faish dae�mirwdon.Ix+ecl�a forfddure o�ttea gamnrvar'e int�aest ia tha Propaty cr othec m�ar�sl impaim�ont of '
<br /> the liea cre�ed D�d�is Socurity Waument.ar�a�Cla's aecatrity intaeat.8annwa s�►11 ibo ba in default if Bor,ro�va�ducs�3 du+
<br /> I�n�p�iiation��pr�.garre m�rcri�lly falsia ar�+ocura�o infomyeion a statema►ts a L�ei�dar(or fsilod eo provido l�e+ndor wi{h
<br /> �0.Y �4�.nnt'ormrtbn) ;n conna�tion w,th t�a bqq;avidadood Dy the No�a, iacludiug►but noc limitod to. rcpraenaqiuns
<br /> �t,;���Irow�er'�oc�a�pNncy of t!�Propaty�a a pr�ncE�ar.sidernCa If tf►ia Socu¢ity Yns�unuat u oa a k�xhold,Barower
<br /> �he7��1Y.!wilb all tdo proviaiau ot d�a ka�e.If Barcower scquirea ta titb w tho Pmperty�tbe tand�old and dx fx dtlo�11
<br /> tibic'iner�e Inllr,4�I.enddr�roa to the ma'ga ia writing. �
<br /> 7.P�iPn d Leldar's Ri�Yb Y tiie Property. If Borro�faiiB ro pafunn d�e oova�nn md�atts at�t�inrxl��n.
<br /> d�i�SecwhY'Itutnuna►t,or dxxe a a k$�1 P�ooeodia6 tt�t may signit'?C�ntly s�'oci I.eadet's ri�hts id the Proporty(such a.g:a.
<br /> pmoeodin�ia bmiuupoc.y,pcd�le,fa oondaaa�tion a fafeihue a to drforoe Lnvs cn ev�ubdons)�d�at L�er�der may tb�nd D�Y
<br /> tar�hNl�ver if naoe�cY b protxt the v�h�e of tbe Fmpaty�od I.encka's rigdts'sn tho Propaty.I.ender'e�inas tpay�neSude
<br /> payins in�r.�ms socurod by �lia� which Iw� prioricy over Ihi� Sqcurity In9trurri�t� �ppiriug ia Qo�ut,pY1nB rwon��b
<br /> aqocn�y�''f��1ad eul�in6 an d►e PreDe'aa?I�oo m�ke rq�dre.Aiaha�,g���T.a�d�x may Wce ac8on unda this pr�raph 7�I.ead�r
<br /> doa not twwo 7o do�o. �
<br /> � ,�c,y�mounn dLbur�ed by►Leade�uader d�is p�r,�g�apn 7 el�u 6e�me�aalalo�al aebt of so�rowa scx�ea by this socurity
<br /> 7neuu�nea�Unkas Bamaa aad L�enda�gr�e W oth¢r t�ms of paymai�ti�e unouan e1wU baic inlerac�'frrc�mm tho ckua of
<br /> dbbunoma�t�t Wo Mo1e iaie aad eMll be payabb.with inlaCat.upon twtice ftatq I.a►der 10 Bort+awer ral�P�ln�
<br /> �.Mo�t�e I�oe� If I,eeder rcquirad moct�inw�aoe�a oondition of ine1cF�dte{o�a secuced bY d�is Soqlr�ty
<br /> LuuuanaiL ��'p'�P+►Y the premiudns toquked io mriataia f�e matga�ge ina�nanoo in eFFoct It,for�ny tea�on,�etie
<br /> rooctqge innu�r�oe oova�e roquu+od by LaWu LQxs ar cdxa oo bo in e[fact,Bomnwe�el�ll pay d�o pemiuros requL+ecII!to
<br /> o6ain oov«a�e a�nti�.uy«�utva{a,t to atio�no�t�ago in�rmoe pre+►io�sly in�«x,at.coac eub�nd�ilp oqnfv,�lont ta ujo
<br /> oat b Barovr�r of the mortg�ge uuur�x;e previouaty in atfax, fcom n a0aryte moctg�ge ina�ra�yxvvod by Lra�dar. If
<br /> wbet�►d�ity aquivalan mortg,age inaurmce wver�ge is nnt av�il�bb.BarroMar ehall pay to Ira�da each n►onth p sum oqu�►4 to
<br /> ooe-trvelflh of�ho yaciy►matg�ge icwssrra4e i���+�8 M�by Aa[rawa[wha�11�insn[ar�ce oova�e L�secl or ot�set��lo
<br /> be in e!�'xt I.e�kr will accx,pt,use a�d te�in theso pt�ymaits as A bse reservo in iiw of mo�tgage ins�uan�e.Laas re,sc�ve
<br /> Far�30II�l/YO
<br /> �•Eq(Ng)(p�t2).01 P��a ot{ InN1aN�:,_...�._,.,
<br /> .. , �"•.1
<br /> - �ws..��-��3r.�p`q�?.yne,-�,-- . . . . ..
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