---- - r " --- - -- - -- -- — -- �,.
<br /> 4 �� ��. - � fi-., _ .- .. , .
<br /> .. .i _ . �- �.t` _ . . ���_
<br /> . '
<br /> ' -.� . .. _'� .. _ . _ _ _.— _ __ —
<br /> —_'��.�_�� �. ` ���� _
<br /> - - . -.- - - - � . � 1u47��
<br /> .»�.�+f►��,�,a��.�,.n�,:�.�.�.���.�:..�.�.��.�►w�,�
<br /> .a.d�.�ar��om:a oo.e�.�a.xo�a..�,cu�.a�r K�n�o�c++x w�u„uc��o«.a•��+mr ina.a�a�.a«ar.e�
<br /> Prppiry upa��ueb conditlonf`�L���na�y�QM�rraie�.My�appldkatlon of PirocNds��wa�tWl not�xl�ex!o► .po�orw� .
<br /> .. �du�d�o!u►l►Pal�nb undu th�NoM.a cun any difault 1Mr�undu ar hueundsr.My unapplied tunQs�Nall Of pvd b
<br /> Tru�tor. ,
<br /> s.�M�efor�M��f►LMMr.uD�tM aecun�nc�or an Ewnt a OataulttNr�und�r.or Ir airy act is tak�n or I�t Orocs�dfn�
<br /> conf�nenced which maMrltly aM�:b L�dar's iMrr�st In tl�Prap�rty.l�nda msy in itsown discr�tlon.O;�t without obli�tjon b d0
<br /> • fo.ar�d wf!l�ou!�ks tQOS d�nac�d uAOn Trul�or and without r�t�astnp Tru�r Bam any ahitsatlOn.do any act whtch Trualor has.
<br /> aAnrd W�t iNis b do snd may also do aM►a1M►act tt dKms n�ca�ary to i��ce eh�s�eurihl b�no�Truswr afvit unrr�d'ialdy
<br /> � upon QiRnand thKetor by L�nd�r.p�y to L�ed�alt coite and expenaas incurred ind sums axpsnd�d Dy LenQer tn ca�n�ction wilb
<br /> 1hs e�carais�by LeneNrpllh�fore�oiny►I�h�.to�elherwith intetestthereon gtthedefault nffi pravided fn1M No1�.whide ahall0e
<br /> �dded to ih�Fnd�Med�ts s�cund Mr�by-Lender sAail rtot incur any Iisbiiiry because ot anytbiny it may do or omit to do
<br /> fNrwK�d�r.
<br /> _ g�y�(�.Trustor shall k�p the Property_in compliance wlth aii appticabta tawa.ordinances and ngutattoru _
<br /> �retaftn�to indu�triat hyyi�ne o�environmenbi protectioo tcoitectively reterred t�herein es°EnvironmentaF Laws"k Ttuf�r�halt
<br /> tc�spBN�ropetryfnetromatlwdstancesdeem�dtobshaze�dousortaxicunderanyEnvirortmerttalt,a�rsisolkctivatyretenadl4 i
<br /> herein as"H�sardow Materials"y.TrusWr AereEy war►a�ts and represeMSto Lender that there are rt4 Kazardaus Mat�riats on a
<br /> - tin�e[ths Properry.Trustor hereby aqrees to indemnity and ho.►d harmtess Eertder.it;,direotor�.otficer�emgWyee�and e�ents.an0
<br /> any aucees�ors fu i.andsr's(noeresk trom and a�siost any an�ail claims.d0maqes,tosseser.�liabititiesarisinq in.eannaction witb
<br /> the presence, use.dispoaa�c+r transpon ot any Hazardous Materia►s on,under,hom nr about the Property TME FOREQOIN6i
<br /> 1p,A�Ii�e��!d RwN�.Trustor hereEy assigns W 4ender the renb,issues and profits ot q�e Property:pravidsd that Trusta
<br /> — shaii,untii 1M eccuneace of an Eventof DefaulE hereunAer,have the right to collect and�efain such renb.issues andprofits as they
<br /> become due and payabta Upan tha occurrance ot an Event o!Qefauf�Lender may.eithe►(n per.son or by agent,with or witttout =
<br /> brinyinp aay acaon or proceading,or hy a receivar appointed by a court artd witheut regard to tae adequecy of ib sacarity.enter —
<br /> _- � upon and take posaessian of the Property.or any paR thereof.in its own name or in the name oi the Trustee,and dsmny acis which it
<br /> __ dqems necc�ssary or desirableto preserveNisvaiue,marketabiliryor rentabiliry otthe Property,orany pari thereofor interesttherein,
<br /> lncrease the iacome thereiram or proiect the security horeof and,with or�itt►uut taking poasessiort ot the Property,sue tor or
<br /> otherwtse coltect the rents.is,sues and Frofits thereot,mctuding those past due and��npaid,and apply the same,less costs and __ _
<br /> �-' expenses otaperattan and colteatton inctuding attomeys'iees,upon any indebtedoess secuced here6y.al�in such erderas Lender ��--�
<br /> r
<br />`�`?� may determine.The entering upon and aking possession of the Property,the coltectian ot sucb rents,issues and protits and+.he �'�"�-=
<br /> ; aR►plicarion thereoi as atoresaid,shall nat cure ar waive any detauit or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act Qone in ___ _-
<br /> ,r � - r�ponsetosucAdefaultorpursuanttos�chnaticeoldefaultanO,notwithstandingthecontinuanceinpossessionoftheP�opeAyor = �
<br /> _::�-� � `the aatlecfiort.receipt and appiication of re�ts,issues or profits,and Trustee and Lander sha!{be entitted to exercise every�ight �'�-` �_
<br /> ��:�,
<br />_-„_,�, proyidcsdiorii�any of the Loan tnstruments or by law upa:�a:.currence of any Event ot Defauit,inciuding without timitetion the►igM ---�__
<br /> :•,. to eaarcis�fh�gower of safe.Further.Lender s sights ar.��re^nedies under this paragraph shal!be cumulaUve with,and tn no way a
<br />='���`� tiaiiiaUart on:Lsrtder's rights ana remedies under any ass:��menl oi leases and rents recorded againstthe Property.Lender.Trustee
<br />�z` � d.�the receiver sha�l be liabte to account oniy for those rents actualty received. ---- -----
<br />`r�`�`_ _ 1 t. EvMtts ot Qd�ui6 The foilowing shal:canstitute an Event ot Oetautt under this Oeed ot Trust` ��'�
<br />-�:: (a}Failure to pay any instailment of principat or interest of arty other sum seaureC hereby when due; �_s-�,,,,
<br /> - ��"• ^� � ('u)A.breach of or delault under any provisian contairted in the Nate,this Deed Qf'frust,any o1 the 4aan Instruments,orany `•-_��__
<br /> � ' r other lierc�or encumbrance upon the Prc,peRy; X°`
<br /> . (c)A writ of executton or attachment or any similar process shail be entered against Trustor which sha�t bacome a fien on '��'�'��
<br /> rY f�.r.�.�l�-
<br /> � the�rope�ty or any postion thereot o�interest therein: �-.'�`''_��-•�
<br /> (d)There shall be liled by or against Trustor or 8orrower an action under any present or future tederai,state or other .F-=-�;�
<br />;,:,}: �_ etatute,law ar regulatton relating to bankruptcy,insc:�ency or other relief ford:�3�lnrs;or there shall6e appointed any Nustee.. ` �, :� �:=_-
<br /> recei�erQ�ii�uidator qt Trustor or Borrewer ar of afi c�any part of the PropeT�:�J�the rQnts,issues or profit9 thereot,or Trustar t;:-;�-:���_�.:
<br /> '�'�` or Borrower shall make any generat ass"sgnment tcr tre tisnefit cf cr+�tots; � �°� "'�'��`�-"
<br /> (e)The sale.transfer,lease,assigrtmen�convE.l3nae or f4^1?�c-r;�,r.cumbrance of all or any part o}or any interest in the �+`:. =•i4Y.:.
<br /> , , . � PropeAy, elther vo[urttaniy or invoiuntatity,w�ttrau�t��express+vritten cort�nt of Lender.provided that Trustor shaN be ;��� _�
<br /> � permitted to exec�tea•ti�.:+3 otthe Property that�c�rct contain an option to pu�chase and the term o1 which does not exCeeO ,�r c�.
<br /> �jti . ; . , r�,r.��, ',:
<br /> ,� , one year, : ,�,•� .. ;�,-e.
<br /> • (n Abandonment of the Praper�y;.ai� , •. °° , �.
<br /> (g)It Trustor Is nat an indiv'rdua'•.}f�mtr�uarts.�sz.e,t►anster,assignmen�canv�i•ar.:e er.c.n�smbrance oi morethan a tat�i ��.�-.:,-;j,
<br /> . ��'}_
<br /> ��". � •�. r�.4.'
<br />_ � �i percem of(if a corporation)its issuc-�:a��e outstanding stock or{i;w�a:��^ersfi;p�a total of • percent at ����,-�,.,-;_�,
<br /> � partnerahlp intereats during the perlad this Oeed�1'T�ist remains a tien on t��e�'-n:;�erty. . ��y': a=" --
<br /> � ,�s�::
<br /> 12 R�dia;AceM�ntbn Upon ONauB.in iha evr�r�f any Event of 0efau(t Lr�rdi:n may,without notice excq�t�.ereqWreA by �. � _�.:
<br /> � � ' ►aw,declare i�it indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte and the�a:rry ahali thereupon beCOrr.e dlin�.�:�pay�sle� . . ,
<br />- � ��rithout any presentmem,demand,protest or notiCe ol any kind.The:1a.�3r I.enC��'�"�y ` �
<br />'���' F �- (a)Qemand that Trustee exercise the POWEH OF SAIE gr.-r-!�;a herE,n.��d Trustee shall thereafter ca�,9e Tn:st�r's� ��:
<br /> ,�'; : � interest in the Properry'c be aold and the proceeds to be distributed,aU m:ne.�r,�i�ner provlded in thu f�ebr�ka Trust beeC3 �
<br /> � " " ' Act 1
<br /> � ;� '����:t (0)Exercise srry�aiT�a;l rights prov�ded for rn any o!the Loari instrumerr;•c�by taw upan c►ccuvaensa ot ar.y Event o1 l� __._____
<br /> 08fauit end �
<br /> (c)Cammence an 2c:ion to tar�c:��s ehls Deed o:Trust es a mo,tgage.appoint a receiver,or spQCiflcally entorce any a'ttt� � . ,
<br /> • � _. Covenants hereol. ��
<br /> • ,,-�`� Np remedy herein con}erre�upon or reserved to Trastee�r Lender is intended to be exctusive of any other rem�Qy herein,in the �_
<br /> =- �`'= • Wart Instruments or by iax provided or permitteC.t}ure;3��shall be cumutative.sma,!'re m add�tion tc every oi1��?i-r�medy glven ,
<br /> ' . -=� h�reunder,in the Loan Insirumer.ta or now or hereane��esi;,:f ng et law or in ettuity Gr C)s:atule,artd may be exerci?�,:d ccncurreMly, ��.� ,
<br /> ��; mCependenUy or successlvety: . � ' . :�
<br /> , . ,��,� � 13. TtuitiM.The?rustes may resign at any t�ms wiihout cause:a+�4l.ander may at any f�r.;�ana w�thcus�u:�e appcinr a� �. ,+��;�:
<br /> `'°'� successor ar sub9titute Tti'ustee.Trustee shaiS not De l�atrle to any pany;���C�iiding without limitat�on I.endei.Bo�rcwer,Trustor aran} � •.."�::
<br />. � ? .''tri<� ;):'`:?,°;�_ .
<br /> : ''���°���� purchaser o}the Property,tar any loss or d2mage�nless du�to recktASS dr w�itful m,sconduct,and srau rtat�e requ�re�to takeeny � �
<br /> z-:;`-::
<br /> � "' ���i_"•`4.
<br /> .�;___,,,.._"_ aCtlon in conneetlon with the eMorcement o1 th�s Deed ot T�u81 unless indemn�fieG.in writing,to�all costs,cempensation or k
<br />�:.' - ,—���a�.�_--- '
<br /> .,A.,:,,,,,..��. expens9�WhiCh mey 69 89soCi3teff therewlth.fn addrtion,Trustee may tr9com�a purchaser at any sate st the Prope�lyr�a4icia!or 1-= --- _-,-.,-;.
<br /> s,- - n:
<br /> .. . �`�„=� ��m.. under the power ot sate granted hereln);postpone the sate ot ali or any portion of the Property.as provided by law:or sell the .
<br /> , ' PropeRy as a whote,o►In separate parce►s or lots et Tr�stee's discretion. �
<br /> � - - - � ` t4. FNS an�Fspsntes.tn tfie evertt Trustee setts thg FrdPerty by exerciseo)pawer ot sal�.Trustae stoall be eniiQed to appty : _ _ _
<br /> , : _:_.''.' � �: any sate proceed9 firat to payment of all costs and expense9 0l exerCising powe�of sate,mctud�ng a!1 Trustea's tee9.and Lender's , . .
<br /> • ,W�,,-_•.,,-; .,.�j; andTrustee'sattomey'9fees.actualtyincunedtoextentpermittedbyappNcabletaw.Intrteevent6orrowerorT+ustorexercisesany .
<br /> •�:;;_ =':. Nghe provided by law to cura en EverA of Detautt,Lender shall 6e enNttnd ta�ecouer trom 7rustor all costs and erpenses actua�iy .
<br /> , incurred a!a resutt of Trustor's detault,inctuding without IimitaUon a11.T�ustea's and attomey's tees.to the extent permitted by
<br /> .tt...;..... :. ; 7 8pP�15bFu41
<br /> . ';�.. ��• � ' • : • . r�Advaaew Upon reque�t ot Borrower,Len�tet may,at ita optien,make additiortaf end future advBnCes and re-
<br /> ' � °• • -' - advancestoHor�ower.3uthadvancesandreadvancea.withlnter�sfthereOn.9haUbesecuredbythisbeetlaf�rustAtnotlmeshait ' �
<br /> ----.
<br /> —--�_��� --
<br /> the principal amaunt of the indebtedness seeured by thls Oeed of Trust,not inctuding sums advanced fo protecf ffie se�urity bttri� --'`� "-' --'
<br /> - b(ied of Trus�.exceed the odginal pNnclpal amount st�ted her��n,or•S wM�chever is greater. , � �
<br /> . � : ,
<br /> �. . . =�_� - - . ' _ _.. - - _ . _ .. � .
<br /> �� y , -� -
<br /> ' .:� ,.
<br />