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<br /> 17.'I1nu�ter ot the Propeety or a Be�ellcW Inter¢st ia Borrowrx. If all or�ny P�of tha Propesty�r�u►y interest�n lt
<br /> u
<br /> ii wld or tcuufened(or if n bentticlwl intereat in 1'iarrower i�sold or uansfemd and Burrc�v�er ie not A nAturAl pereon)w�t out
<br /> Lender'e pdor writtan caueat� i�en�ler cn�y� at its option, t+e�ulre lmmodieto payrnent in tLll oP ail eums secur�ed by �hie
<br /> Srcurity Inetr�ment.Howover,tt�.ir optloa sh�11 not be eaecclaed by irnAer if eaercise is prohibited hy federal law as of the date L
<br /> of thia Seciuicy Instnimeat.
<br /> If Lender exercixs tl�a optioa,I�endor�hall ive Bormwer noNce of acceleratlon.Tho notice shall provide�perlod of n�t
<br /> leas th�n 30 d�►y� from the due iho¢w2tco Is dd�vered or mailed wiWin which Bomower must pay al eums aecurod bY thi9
<br /> Sxurity inatr�uiaent.IP Borrower fiils to pay theso eum�prior to the eapiration of this pedod,l�ender way lnvoke any remediea
<br /> permittod by thia SocurIry Instn�ment wlthout fwther notice or damand on I3orrower• ��wer shal! have the dght to have
<br /> ld. Borrowa�'� Ri�6t t� Relmtate. If Hon�wcr meets cerwn condItion�,
<br /> eaforament of thit Secudty Instcument diecondnued u�nY tl�P�or to the earli�r of: (a)S days (or auch other perlal a+
<br /> wpplicable law may speciPy for rtinstutnnrnt) bofon a�lo og the Ft�opacry pursuwt to any power of salo contained in thi� --
<br /> Socuriry Iastnunent:or(b)eatry of t judgnnent enfoc+ciug thi�Sa;urlry Instzumeat.Thoso conditions are tbu Barcower:(a)pays
<br /> l.onder Nl sums which then woidd be duc wider thia Secudry Inauumart usd the Note�a if no�coeleration had occurred;(b)
<br /> curp my dehult of any otber cc�venants or agcameata� (o)Pxys dl capensea incumcd in enforcing thia SecnrIty In�nvment,
<br /> lxluding,but not limttrd to,reasonable attorn�s' faa;and(dy takes such action as Lender m�y ressun�bly recNird to susure
<br /> tLat the liea of thls Soc�r[ty lnstrument�I�ackr s n8bta 1��►��'OP��Y�n0m°wer a obli$�IOA IO Riy�1t 6UIYIS 60Ct1IEd Uy
<br /> thia Secudty Instcumeat rb�ll conttnue urxh�ngod. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Sxunty Instrument axnl the
<br /> ebllgrs�om�red hsx�by�tu11 remain fully effective as if no acceleratlon!►�d occumd• However. this dght to ninsuu ehall _
<br /> not apply ia ehe c�c of�ccelen�tioa undee pangn�pt►17.
<br /> 19. �le ot Note; Cla�e od Iaaa Ser�ka'• The Notc or a putial iatecest in the Nou (togcther with thie Sa�udty
<br /> Insmuncnt)m�y be eold oun or na[t Nmes without p�lur notice to Bormwar.A sale may xe�lt in a cliange in tbe entiry('�nown
<br /> as the'Lo�n Sav1aP)tLat collecta monthlY WYmeau due under the Nota And this Secunty Inst�ument.Then�lso may be one
<br /> or more ch�nges of tha Laan Servlar wrel�tod to a s�le of tLe Nou.If there is a change of tl�Luw Senricer.Bornower wIU be
<br /> given written�co of tfie r,hsnge in axord�tsce with pu�iriPh 14 nbove smd�p�l�cable law.'dbo aotice wiil etate the aame�u►d
<br /> �c1dc�,s�of t1x new Loui Savloer md tho�ddras to which paymenu ahoul�be m�de,The aotice wlll also coatain any othrr
<br /> informatioa tequlred by q►plic�ble law. �1 , sto e� or rcler.e of on
<br /> 20.Hanu�low Stibstancm.Barmwer shaU aot causo or permit tlse pnsence. use. sis�l i'�8 y
<br /> k�tJaudous S1�bsqaca un or ia the Ro�aty. Bosrower shill not do� nor allow a�yone elae to do. anyt�[ng aft'xr+�og the
<br /> Property tLat L in viol�tioia of sny Eav[mma�nta! L,�w. The procedin8 two senteac�ehaU�no��t!�ly to Ehe pr�enoeo noin�
<br /> stor+�a on tLe Pco�►erty of sm�ll quanttda oi H�rdous Subatanaa th�t aro BemrtltY�+x°�'�"'o b°�ppr°p
<br /> =,,,.s .s. n..., rn.n,efnteeu�ce of tLe PmDettY.
<br /> Bonower elt�U Pmmpc1Y S�ve I�ead�er Nrittea notice ox�ny iavatiguion. ci�im.6emma.ja.�+it�:�'sY.��..'r",'°�•"•;
<br /> : goveramcutal or re�ul�tory agrncy or pdv�tep�y involving tUe d�ropecty aud my Hwe�dous Sub�tu�or Enviro�4a1 I.�w .
<br /> of whicl��onowa hati�ctwl Imow�od�e.If�oriower leuua. ar�is notified hy sny governn�td or ce�ulatory�utharis�,'tiuu
<br /> �ay remov�i or otber nmeel�tioa of aay Hwrda►s SuMtaax affcct�ng tbe Amperty�s aeceuuy�Borrower a1Wi promptd�taYe .
<br /> �l]a00Cisi[S/tCII1001�A1 ACt�Ot�S�Il�OCOtdi[10E Wlih�t1V11+ONLEGt�UW.
<br /> Aa u�ed in th�e paraB��ph 20� "H�zudous S�bsu�"an tho��u���+��+�touic ar hazardous aubuancea by
<br /> Favironmenta LaM aad the folloMina subaanoa: gasolina. korexne. othu fl�mtxnble or to�ie petrole�tu pt+oducxs. toxic
<br /> ' paticidp wd hablcida.vol�tile eolva►ts�matalils oont�3nlag nsbestos or fomnldehy0e,a9d r�dlaactive m�tedala.Aa uaod ia
<br /> - thi�p�r�n�4 2Q, "Envimnmeata( i.�w" meaor foda�l laws and laws of the ju�isdktion wl�c�e tl�e Pmpc'rtY ia located t�t
<br /> - relate W Iroalth�afety or eavimomwt�l Amtection.
<br /> _ NON-UNIWJRI�COYBNANTS.Borrowa�nd i,e�du tiuther covcau►t�nd�t+oe as failowr. �rower'�fbn�ch
<br /> • 21.Aeoela�Mlooi Aeae�les.Q.edee t��ire ootia to Barn�a prlor to�wcd�e+itlor fdbwioL
<br /> o[ aa� co�rewit oe ap�eeoiat 1� t6is Sec�ry Iadn�eat (Mit vot p'ia' to s��O1°�' p�ra�I� 17 udeas
<br /> Ywpe+u�Ida otierwbe?.'I1k�otloe riMll q�eeJf�: (�)t�defi�lt:N) !k aetloe r�te'Gd to cw�e tbe de[�It;
<br /> � (� a�ite,not IeN tM�s 30 d�r[row�Me�We tYe Motice k�fraoi to Ba�rona�,by wl�idi!Ye dd�ult a�u�t be c�or+ed►sad
<br /> ' (d)tL�t taUore to cure t�e dehdt o� a belore tf�e dMe�pdcltled tr the ootice�usy rawk In�oodsntlon o[t�xe wnw
<br /> - eee�red br thie 3ecunit�L�tru�e�R md ak o[ti�e�p�'�'•ZLe ootke�b�U RWtt�'dntaaai�orrowar ot tLe rt;Lt to
<br /> e�Cfale o(ta��e1,�r.aHw aod tbe rt�t to brir+��oo�rt s�ctto�ta�rat t�e oon�tedce of a�el�uft oe�uy oti�a�
<br /> de[aro at s+xrawbr io MeodeRatic+�iuod s�{e.u tbe debuk N eot cured w�oc 6efore tt�e d�Re specitkd in t6e notice, ,
<br /> I.eader.�t W optlo�►�ayrequlre ir��t L�ymmt In NII ot�II ww�c�r�d br t1�Secdr3ly LrtrAOlnt witbw�t
<br /> [Nrlker dan�od�ad�ay Isroke�fie p�oNar ot rak aud wy Mher ra�nai�i pamlae�br�PWkabte l�w.IRSder�'hall be
<br /> eotitled to aoYect dil ape�s Ipcurxed i�punul t6es trmedia pio�ided ts thG p�n�npb 21,iodudloR�but aat.�lml¢ed .
<br /> to.ra�a�io�ttor�'s'feer aad aMts af t[tk e+rl�.
<br /> It ti�ep�wa�a[e�k d tnTOked, 'llru�the.s'hall rccord s notice af ddadt fin aicb oou�tr tn wi�ic5�q1' put ot the
<br /> propa�b loc�ed�nd ahdi mail oepla o[aei+ootkx tn tbs msorer�es�4ed bY iPPi��e law to Earowar#�ad to
<br /> ti�e otlea penod+Pra�ribal by�d►PlfcaWe law.Airer tAe t[ma roqn4+ed by�pp1lc�We t�w,'[Ywt�e�11�'e pnbl��otke
<br /> of Mf�e to tie per�oa��d 1�tYe mu�er prakr[bed by�ppUrsibk l�w.'1'�custee, �itl�out demaad oe�orrower..et}�ll adl
<br /> � t1�e Property.e publlc.uciloo a ure ws6ese wdaa�.e the ttme snd W.cx wd unaa�t6e ta,ns da�naeea tn the a�utkx ot
<br /> e�te ts one or a�oce p�rcel��ud tn wy orda�Tnutee detecmfna.'1"n�tos au�9 I�[�ede ot all or any[�o[the
<br /> �p�'h b7 P��aanwuocemmt �t the time and pbce ot a41�P��7 �ted eAk.Leatler be ib desisnee�ay
<br /> purcba,te t�e Pcopa�y�t aqr eale.
<br /> Form 30,�8 9180
<br /> ��61fIMq uz�ti.o� ►w.s a e ��p�
<br /> �A'w�'�
<br /> ,- r.._-r—== ,.a+....--r-=--:. R - -- - _�
<br /> 'x�.+ar' ScY"- �
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<br /> 17Y��7('al rrl.�� y 4' ��fi r r -�tS a'''L�t y� V��iy 4iw cL.va . _
<br /> — -�ur. v '�i"�fi,r �D �'S` �'4 11<. � - t'.+ -_:1::.�i.�i���� _— __ —_ _—
<br /> . 1-.tppn�fy rx. -t y �siJr�;^�r�.� �rw.r Fi�S115P�ie31r�°`°�- . . .
<br /> _ - "=1NIr"'�{►1T;_�WR'7f.�� kl�l1{!M '�� t e� t:N;��.���?yxj}i�'T� ..��__ _ _ -.�._'�.
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