;Fl:'i:; :`. _ _ ��:-
<br /> .
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<br /> __ x.L�i�u,j,."{X4t/�=Mf'f"}"F: _•� _ _ '_ _ _ __ �'_.�. ' _--_-- _-___
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<br /> _ - w'�5��t+'�r.�� "='=-__ _���'__-__ - _ _ _--_ _-___.
<br /> �. I{I?SXAI'i$ QY �'�a�aiy XEU�u�auce. Y�rr�arcr s1�e11 kecp ¢i�o ij��p��ov,rnesu� nnw ex!°11i1$ GP Ii�,�c���cl aa tiie s_.=
<br /> Prop�rty ln�ured aaxl�sst l�na by t7ro. tuizxrda Incltuled within,tho term •extcndocl���i�y{,o` and any othee hax�rds, encluAing
<br /> nooa,nx n«�auy�for whkh Lo�der raqult+a iasur�mce.Tbu iauuraace�11 be mai�jutned in th4�rwsiuu and for the perlode
<br /> �4�.e�n�ler roqutra. 7Le iuturmoe curlsr pmvidin�the incut�u�oe thall be chasen by Borrower�ubjecR to i.�nckr'�appmval
<br /> whk�eha11 aot fbe u�ubly witl�eld. I�Bocmwer f�fl�a er�lne.la oavenre dacdbed�bove� I.ender au�y� a l,ender•s
<br /> option,oM�in coverage to pmtect Lenrder'r rlghta in tha Property in�ocArd�nca with paagrnph 7.
<br /> All ia�ur+iocm poilcia�ad miewdi oFudi be�ooepc�bin eo Ydx�cl8r wicl�'u►11 inciui7e A�iw-x;iu�c►�t��e cl�usa. Lec-.�;�::• �
<br /> elatll h�ve the dsht to hold tbe polictes imd�ew�ii.If l�.ockr roquin�,Borrower ihall promptly aive ta Lender�Il raxlpu of
<br /> pald Pr-ratwyu�od tracwal rwtloa.Ia the event of lou�Aorrower�all gtve prompt notion to the lnsur�aa carrIer usd L,a►Aer.
<br /> l.a�der ro�y m�ke pcoot mf bou it not m�de Pro�Y aY Bormwer.
<br /> Unlew l.ender�nd Borrorver dharvi�e ajcdo�n writias�tiuw+�rx�o prnceods shall be q�pliod to natoruian or repair of tho
<br /> Property dun�ai�t!the ratoratlon or npRir{�e0000mk�tly fea[ble and�.endar's�acurity i�not leaae�d.Ii the catoration or
<br /> n�patr ia uot ecoaomic�liy fwibla or i.�oder's waiirity would 60 lafeneQ. tbe inturauca�r,�o�ed'sba�l bo a�plled to 1he cum9
<br /> �evured by thi� Secudty Inmumeat� wlkt6et or not thai due� �+fth �e►y oxcx�paid to Borraua. If 8orrowcr ab�utidoo�the
<br /> Pro�erty.or doa not�vver wlt6ia 30 d�y��notbe fro�L�a�dee t�at the inwranoe curia ha�offered to settiG a cl�i,�a,�be.n
<br /> L�eada m�y collea tHe Ina�r�ce proaeds. La�dar may uso tlse pc�ncaeds to ee�r or r+awn tbe Pmperty or to pay eums
<br /> ravrod�y thL Sa.urity in�tnuna�t,wbether or oot tbea due.TLe 30�day peciod wiU besia whai tbo raotico iz given.
<br /> Uda� Leader aod Horrow�er othaMi�e qrx dn writin�� aaY �PPticatbn of pmaxd� w prioci�l�11 aot wcteod or
<br /> poapa�e tbe duG due ot the atoathi�►qya�aue t�f�red to ta p�rajnipi� 1 �od 2 or ch�n�e tl�e�a»unt o!tLe payme�an. If
<br /> uoder p�z�riph 21 the Y�apeity is�cqulra9 by LRt�d�.r�Borruwer'�ritht W�ay inwramx polkkA aod pcnoeecit raWtin�from
<br /> dun�e w We Pno�paty prior to tho�quWtion�h�ll p�w L,ander w tbe ea�teat of t6e way�avrod by Wis Sncuriry I�tnimwt
<br /> immediat�ly prior to tbe acquititiaa.
<br /> s.Ooay�ocy�A�aerrMiw�MdMe�w�oe Yd lt+Otedior od tLe h+npertY:Eo�rowet'�I.ow Appikat{o�;LpNe�oN�.
<br /> Bmrm�vtr ah#11 occvpy�atabli�h.and we tbe PtoQeety a Bo�rnwer'e prlacip�l rai8ence within Kixty days dta tba e�tocuilion of
<br /> thls Sa,vrlty In�tiumeat�od�000tlnuo w ocu�Qy t6e P�+epaty�t 8at�er'�pti�ncip�l cakieaa fac�t les�t ooe yea►x aiter
<br /> the Qate of oaupaac.y.uok:�I,eader oc�erwise a�ceea in writIn,�,which oocueat�11 not be uareaona6ly with6dd.ar oalas
<br /> exteaantini dnw�t�noa exist whicL�re beyaad Bars�ver'r 000tml. Bon+ovver �ball raot datmy. d�ms�e or ino�►�ir tbo
<br /> Prupecty. allo�r tLe�opaty to deterlot�t,e. or oommlt Mmte aa tbe Pragetty. �orc+nwer rdall be ia drfiiWe lf aay foeleitun
<br /> �aian or pcooeedlnj. Mhat6a ctvu oe criu�3na��i�bqua th�m I..euder'��ood taith jud�,meat ooW�rwulc in fo�uture uf ine
<br /> Prnperty or otha�vhe m�Oai�Uy impa,ir tbe liea creaoed by tbis Seca�iity 1�or Lmder's�oc,vriry inea+e�t.Bon+awxr�y
<br /> cure a,ci�•a�fiulc�na rein�t�te.ae pr�ovtaea ia pu+l�r�ph ls.by cs�uins me aaian ar pcooeecu,os w be aiw�i,�cd wi�s'nuLn�
<br /> that, ia L�endes'o =ood!Fi�ith daamfmtlon, Procludc+fafeitura a�f tLe Ho�co�!e�°a iatereu in t6e Pro�paty or other nnoaiai
<br /> , , , iropair�oc�eat of tbe liw crea�tad by tbis 5eau3ty Imuuma�t or L�eader'��ecuriry intcmt. go�ro�rer ihal!�lso be in de�Wt if
<br /> ' �r�=•�f�1�+�PP�P�.i�mrterially ta1�e a iniocurate iafoim�tioa or�meau to L,aide�t(a�r[rited
<br /> . � to p�vidn[.eoder�vith�ay m�texi�l imformatiaa)�n ca000ctioo w�ith tLe lwn evidrac�d by�he Note.includint.but e►pz�indted
<br /> ;�:...�, to� r�c�aeWatiom�000ania6 Burno�tr'�ooc�p�ocy of tLe Propetty tw�principa�l raideaca.if thit S�ewrity Tn�tnuncmt�S o�s
<br /> , . k�ld. Bam�wer �l oomply�rltL all tbe provis3oa of tL� lwe. If Bon+o�rr�oquires foe titk w trie Property, tbe
<br /> .� k�uebold aod t6e fee t�tle tb�li not merle onl�L�rfeac�taes to the ma�er le w�rltiq�.
<br /> 7.bhtib�ti�w oF LeaiMr'a�i�l�Y Nu lkv�ee�t�.If Bormw�e�faib W�ar[am the oova��ad�caemeats ooaaioed in
<br /> �ds Seayrity In�n�at,or t�a�e L�k;aD P��i��Y+�t��Y affact Lrader'r rijlw in We PiuQe:ty(�.�a
<br /> p�odit�in b�ottmptcy.pmb�te�for coodemn�lua cx farfeituta ar to tafaroe It�vs or�ul�tjom)�thoe Isader mq,t10�d
<br /> pry for w�terrt i�aeoe�at�cy to puotect the v�lno of tbe Propaty�nd Lcader's ri�u ia tl�x Propaty. I.eodoc's aaiar may
<br /> include payio� any aaaus recuc+ed by a liaa wbich La� prioHty ov�u dtis Se�cwitY ��• �PFar�i � �. P�Y�i
<br /> rwombk wtaney�' feex;aiod antain�o�tLe P�qx�ty to meloe t+epdr�.I1lthnu,�A I.endet mry Woe�ction under t}w p�r�plt
<br /> 7�I�eadsr doe�nat haNe ta t�p�o.
<br /> Aq� �o�n1+d1�b�di DY 1��da uida tMs pua�rapia`� thW ba�onie �idltbo�l debt of BonoMCr �ec�r�@'�y this
<br /> Secair�y I�trno�at. �Ja1e9s Haro�ner�d Lrwdes�c�ee to otlxx tams of prym�eat,8sae ap�onnts�ull beair�ata+e�t from the
<br /> ;� d�te of dirburwenent �t t}�e NQte nte�od th�U be payabie.with iaterat. upon aotla fraa Leader to�c�rm�rer caquatin,�
<br /> . �rmrat• �
<br /> '' i.Mo�tpRe I�e�a If I�etider ralulrad mottpje inwranoe a�a 000ditioa of m�iciqs tbe lo�a�ecured try thi�Sepuity
<br /> , ta�tnuaant. Borm�rer�11 pay th premtuma requirod to m�intain the mort�tow�oce ia effoct. If. for iny cearou, tl�e
<br /> mo�t�+e 3,aur�noe a�va�e cequired by L,eader Upres or oe�xs w be 3n eiixt.Bormwer�h�ll py We pamin�m ra�uioed to
<br /> ? obWn eove:�e sub�rtAnt3ally squiv�eaot to the mott�o inwraooe pn.wiousl�in etroct��t a oo�t a�b�taati8ty e�quivmlwR w tb�e , �
<br /> � ' oo�t oo Bormwer of��th��nort�e in�rmoe pnwlou�y in effax. fi+orn�a14�ern�oe moct��e insurer rp�x»vod by Lsadec. U • ,
<br /> , wbu�ntiolly apiv�lent mort�e iawr�noe oover�u not available.Bonrowar shaU psy to Laxkr arc�m�o�nW a wm equ�l to
<br /> ` ooatwdfth of dre yeufy moct�s lnsur+oce Pr�nium bd�t{►sid t�Y Bonuwa�wlua the ina�r+u�oo oaverue Eawed a ccxsed w •
<br /> be ia eKect.Leodcr wrill acoept.use and[!etsin tbeae�ymtiot�af a toas rese=ve in lieu of. mortg�c inturanoe. Lo�t re�erve
<br /> Fai��o2a otao
<br /> 4 ��iVfN4ai�x�.oi ►.o.aas ��
<br /> ; ���,
<br />