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<br /> ��• << s F, .'. - . � UNlFOI�ACQYENANTS.BortowatandLendercovenantandsgceeastoltowrs ` ` , � `,r� �` :�
<br /> � j. �j��d�eyr,je�l�nd MMerN.Borrowet shatl prompUy paY when due the Rrincipal.of and interast on the � � �_-
<br /> � ` - ` � indeblsdnessevidmew�yUf�NoiRP�� tandistechu�esasP�idedintheNotaandtl�pnrtciPalotandintereston • � _�_
<br /> . � any Fulurs Ad�tanees s�a+�d bY ths o!T�u�A. , t �<`• �_ .. .,- ,
<br /> . ` '' 2 F�torY�a�dNM�r�.Sub�t to�pptica�btawortoawritterrwaiverby,Lender.8orrowerahallpaytoLender , ;
<br /> .`4� onlhedaymontAtyinsWlnNnbofaincipdimdinfsiestarop�►yabtsut�eftheNo�e.unhNMNotstapaidinfull.aaum(nerein , ��.
<br /> --`-, _ `--=--- _ -- °Funds'?d4wi to ons-trwi[1h of 8if ye�Y ta�ca and asse�amer►b which may atlai�p�iorfty over Ws Ossd ot Tnut.and� ! � . ..
<br /> - . yroundn�bonfMRroP�tli.�a�Y•P�c�-l�IMtol�ree:tYpremiuminsfallmentstorhuardinsuroncdP�WOne-twNMot . ' i � . ,�_ _..--
<br /> �� � 1�r{��pcamiu�n iru�itmmy fpr �e inwrancs.N any,all as reesonabry estimated initi�tty end irom time tp time hy -
<br /> ' r.'` ` L�ae�on ths 6Yii d t�n�enr��ridbNfs in0�sonstts esUrt�aies ihereot ° .. < .-
<br /> r�: , . TheFunds�hallbshMdin�ninstitriUantl�sdrDaailsorucounisotwhlchaminsuredorguaranteed.byafede+alo�state � '^ ` �,
<br /> ` ayenay(inctudiny Lend�r if Lqnd�o ia sucA ae insti0ition).Lsnder sAall apptY the funds topay said taxes.assessmenb. . : . .
<br /> - -- • � inwaoc�pnmiumsandqroundr�b�.�a1d��X���O°�SO�dia�andapptyin�theFunda,anatyzin�saidaceount ; .
<br /> ' � ' orveriyln�an4campiNrps�fd��sandb�lt�,unlessLsaderMYsBonowertnkrestonthsFundsan�appticabtslaw . .
<br /> ��,��yo��h=�tw�8ortpvver�nd L,endermtyayree�a wriAnpalthetlmaofa�ceCution ottAlsDeed ofTmst
<br /> • � � t(Merost on ths funds sMll bs p�id to Borrawer.and untaa auch a9reement is maQe or s�o�ibe tarvrequiros sucA - -_ ,-� . -
<br /> - _ -. . inteiastlab� �I.�d��,s�1i���luiredbaY�w��yiinMrestaearnin sonthB�unds.Lendershatl�iveto _
<br /> - s __• - __ whi�c�wdsb�itrothsFun�d�swasamaQe.TheFun�daa�r pt�q��edasaddiUona�lse urFrybrUiesumasecur�edb�ythi3Oea�rot - "- ` ,
<br /> � L , � T M�Ufeamountdlhsturidspeldbylsnde►.topetherwiththsfuturemonthtyinstallmentsofFundapayabiepriortotAeQue � ' . -
<br /> dstes ot taxas,a��s.losurancs Promiums and ptound rents.ahall e�cceed the amount rsqwred to pay aaid taxes, :
<br /> • ' assessmenb,insurance premiums and round�ents as they falf due.such exc�s shail De,at Horrowers opbon,eith�r . .
<br /> . ' p�y r �tp gpnow�pr�redilsd�p gorrowar on monthly inst�llments of Eunds.if the amcuat oi the Funds held by . - .
<br /> . ��°����uf�ntmp�yfaxes.assessrtienbe.im�uancepremiumsandgroundrenbasth4ytalldue.Borrowerahall .;.
<br /> rtst
<br /> ----- paY to Lerb�an amount necestary to mAke up tl�e deftcciency within 30 days from the date notice is maited by Lender to
<br /> d�
<br /> .. � � Borrowerreq����ay���edbYthisOesdotTnuRlenderahallprompttyrefunQtaBato�rerar.yFundshetdbY ' . . _
<br /> u r,lfun0srp�fa�rapt�l8ttereofths rssoldorthsPropsrty isOthe�wiaeacquired�yl0nder L�r4efsha��BpP�D. . �
<br /> � � ' eotaterthanimmediatNyprlortothesabaf , oritsaC�u-�siuonbyLender.andFundsheMbyE�.�atihetimeot •
<br /> • ' ` epplicali0n as s Crsdit sQtinst tlle sullts ssCUrod hy�tis Des�of TrusL .,� ` . .
<br /> . , � . `:� 3• �PPp�+�d'�y��.,Unbss applicable law provides otderwise.all payr►�ents received Dy t ercier u�der the Note ; ,
<br /> a�pa s 1 a�d 2'hereof shelt 6a appiied by I.ender firsE in payment of amounts payabtetuiertdes by 8bnower under
<br /> � I�ro�2 er��thantointe►estPaYabteontheNot�thentathepdneipatoflheNote.andthentamie:�t2ndpAncipafon �
<br /> .. . - ..,_ . ; � a y utureAdvancea. . _ .. __ , , T •-- ... .z.
<br /> � � I, p�ar�a;Ll�.BorcowerashaUpayalltazes.assessmentsandothereharges.finesandimpositior�aaibutabtetothe
<br /> fiiCb may aMain sp�i�ity over ihis Oeed ot Tmst,and leasehold paymerds or ground rents,i�a�ry;in the manner
<br />� � � � pro�v�e�d under Dersg�a0h 2hereol or,if ttot pald in auch manner,by Bonower making payment,wt►en due,directly to the :
<br /> ; payeetheseot.8orrawe►ehatlprompttytumishtoLanderailnoticesofamouatsdueunderthisparagraph.andintheevent
<br /> j BoROw�r shail makep ent directly,8orruwer shati promptty fumish to Lender receipis evidencing suchpayments. ' .,
<br /> , gorte�we�shap p�o�mpq,yatl�ischarqe any lien whlct►has p�toriry over this Oeed o(Tru�fi Pravided.that BoRawer sf�a11 not 6e ,
<br /> � ; � _ • ` � roquiredt4disetu anys�uchliensolongasBorrawershrlla�reeinwritin�tothepaymeMoftfleobligatiartsecuredbyrsucA .
<br /> � Gen in a mannar acceplaDle to lender.or shail in Qood laith contest such lien by,or defend eMOrcement of sc:ch lien in,Iegal
<br /> , procee0"m�whicA oper�te to prevent the enforcen�ent of the lien or forfeihire at the Property or any part�:ereot
<br /> • � ' S, lYrxdh��ce.Borrowershalikeep lheimprovementsnowexistirtgashereaftererecteOontRe�rapertyinsurs� _ .
<br /> ' ' against foss by tire,hsz�uds included wtthin the term"extenQed coveraga".anA sucA othet haza�ds as l.ender may require • - � �
<br /> aml;n�chameuataandiorauchpededsasl.endermay require:provided,thatlendershatlnotrequirettiattheamountof .
<br /> - . - - � - such caverape�aceed that amount at cavera�e required to pay t�e s�me seeured by this Deed ot Trust
<br /> � � Thisinsura�aecarrlerprovidirtgtheiasuranceshallbechosenbyBorrowersubjecttoappravalb LertQer,proviQed,�hat •
<br /> undei pa�g aph 2��hereo�f ai if not pBai�Ayn such mannei by Bonowe making paqmenLgwhe�edue d rectly to the insuranc�e
<br /> . carrler. . . .
<br /> AtllnsurancepoUciesand ren�walsMereof ahall be In form acceptabte to Lender and shatl inciude a standard moR�age
<br /> -- ctausainfavorotan0inlortnacceptabletoLender.LenQershallhavetherighttohotdthepoliciesandrenewalsthereof.a�d �
<br /> I BorrowerahaliprompttyfumishtoLenderall�enewalnoticesanda0recaiptsofpaidpremiums.Iniheeventollosa.8ono�re►
<br /> shallyivepromptnoticetot�einaurancecar�ierandlende►.LendermaymakeproatoftossifnotmaQepromptlybyBarrower.
<br /> ' � UntesslenderanOBarrowerotherwisea�reelnwriting.insuranceproceedsshallbeappliedtorestora•.ionorrepairofthe
<br /> Property damt�ed p�ovided auch restoration or repair is ecanomicalty teasiple and the aeCUriry oi this DeeA olTroat is not
<br /> � � i thereby impai�ed.lf such restoration or repair is not econamicafly feasibte or if the securiry ot fhis Oeed ot trust woutd be
<br /> � impaired,the insuraece praceeQs shall be applied to tha sum9 secured bY this Deed of Trust,wlth the exces3,if any,paid to •
<br /> ' ° BoROwer.It Me Property is abandor.e0 by Borrower,or if Bonower teils to respond to Le�der within 30 days from fhe clate ,
<br /> :} f notice is maited by Lender to Borrawel that the insurance Carrier otters to se1Ne a claim tor i�nsurance denefits,Ler:d�r is
<br /> author iz e d to co l b c tan d app ty t h e i n a u t a n c e p r o c e e d s at Lender's o ption either to restoratian pr repair of the PropeRy orto
<br /> i • .i the aums aecured by thia Deed ot TrusL
<br /> � Untes�LenderBndBorroweratherwiaeagreeinwriting,an�r suchappticationofproceedstoprincipa�sna(Inatextendor
<br /> � � ; po��one the due date o}fhe monthly inetaltments�eterred to 1n paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount o1 sucb
<br /> � inatstlmenb.H unde►paraQraph 18 hereollhe Proparry is acquired by Lender,all riyhf,title and interesl ot Bonower in and to
<br /> . ' � anyinauraecepolicie�andinandtotheproceedaihereotresuttingfromdamagetotl�ePropertypriortothesalearacquisition
<br /> i� shall pau to Lende�to fhe eMent ot the aum�aecuted by this Deed ot Trust immediatety prior to auCh sate or aCquisition,
<br /> d. PraevaYonandMNnNnanaMPropNtSr:L�asM�otds;CondomMiuna;Pl�nn�d�nNO�v 9onowershall '
<br /> keep the Property in good ropair and ahall rtot co�mit waste or permit impairr�ent ol detertoration o the Prn�erty anQ shall
<br /> r comp{y witbiheprav�ipnsotanyfeaaeitthis0ee0ofTrustisonateasehofd.tl2hisOdedolTrustisonaun�t�cacondominium
<br /> or a ptanned unit devalopmenL Bo►rower shall�eRorm afl of 8orrower's obtigations unaer the dectara:zan ar cavenants
<br /> - cresYmg or goveming the condominium o�ptanned unit developmeM,the by-laws and regulaUons ot the condOminiurts or
<br /> ' � eoarrow r end recordpemd�t�ther wRh 1hi��D�oi Tros the cove ants and agpree�me ts of su h nPdeeshelabe inco po d�
<br /> � � into and shail amend and aupplement fhe covenants and agreements of this Oeed of Trust es if the rtder were a paR hereof.
<br /> � �, prol�clbn p1 L�Pa S�ewify.N 8o�rowerfails to perform the covenants and agreemenU containeb in thls Deed o1
<br /> T�usL or itan7►action or praceeding is commenced with materiatty aNects Lender's interest in the PropeAy,mctuding but not �
<br /> � � Umitedto,eminent domaln,inaolvency,code enforcement,or arrangementsor piaceedinga invotving a bankrupt o�decedent
<br /> � � then Lender at I.endePa option,upon noUce to Borrower,may make such appearances,disburse auch ss;r,s and take such
<br /> action asia necesserytoprotect�ender's interesb inctuding,butnotlimitedto,disbursementot reasonable attorney'steesand
<br /> Eentn�upOnthePropeMtomaka�tqaiFS.iflertder�equireumon ageinsu�anceasaconditionoSmakingt�atoanseauredby
<br /> i the�ted o)Trust,Borrower shaif pay the premiums requlred�o maintain such insuraoce�n etlect unfiF such Ume a�the •
<br /> � reQuirementtorsuchinsuranceterminatesinaccotdancewlthBarroweisandLender'swrittenagreemer.tarapplieaibelaw.
<br /> � 8orrower shallpay the amount o1 all moRgage insurance permlums ln the manner pravided under paragraph 2 hereol.
<br /> AAy amounts dis�ureed by Lender purouant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon,sball besome addifional
<br /> - � o - —{ inQE�ieQnessoiBorrawersecvreefbyfS�i�Geadc4Zsc;stElntessBarre�:e!-�n.dV�nderagreetaotheatermsofpaymentsucb
<br /> amcxar�ahatl{bepayabte upon natiee irom LenQer to 8arrower�equesting pafrment hereaf.and shait bear interest trom 1he
<br /> ; dete4fCisbursemenlaltheratepaYabtefromtimetotimeonoutstandingprincipalundertheNoteuntesspaymentofinterest
<br /> at suc'�rate woutd be coabary ta appIicaDle taw.irt which event such amaunts sha11 bear lnterest at the dighest rate
<br /> , 5 � permiESib�eunde►8pptiCablelaw.Nothingconlainedinthisparagreph�sha�Ir84uireLendertoincuranyexpenseort8keany
<br /> ' .; a�tion hereunder:
<br /> �.In�p�etlan.Lender may makeor cause to be made reasonabie ent►ies upon artd inspections of the Praperry provided .
<br /> �� ' thatl�e^.�ECShellgive8o�rowerootiCeprlortoany9uchinspectionspecityingreasona�lecausetheretorere►atedfotender'�
<br /> , interes�°�the PropeRy.
<br /> �• -
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