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20110125G <br />hereby watved. This para}�aph shrill be inapplicable in the cven that grantor attempts to h4ve this dced set aside <br />or trus deed '.s determined to tranafer less than fee simple tifle to �antee. <br />Grantor dces hereby essign and transfer to grantee any equity of redemption and statutory rights of redemption <br />concerniag the real properiy and the mortgage described below. <br />Grantor is not acting under any misapprehension as to the legal effect of this deed, nar under duress, undue <br />influence or ttusrepresentation of grantee, its agent, attomep or any other person. Grantrn- declares that this <br />conveyance is freely and fairly made. <br />The true and actual considcration far this transfer consists of g�entee's waiver of its right to bring an action <br />agalnst C3r2ntor based vn thc pruuussaiy uo�tc secured by thc mortgage hereinafter deseribed and rigreement not <br />to name the �antor as a party to a foreclosure action stated abwe with respect to that certain mortgage signed on <br />April 29, 2005, by grantor in favor of Commercisl Federni Boak, a Federa18av1nEa Ban1c, as 'hvstee, KERB, <br />[ae., aa Nominee for Commercial Federel Baak, a F88, and recorded at Doc. No. 200503944 real property <br />records of Hall County, Nebraska an May 2, 2005, end according to public record the beneficiel interest of the <br />Deed of'h wae assigned to SAC Home Loans 8ecvtcing, LP�formedy ]mown as Conatrywide Home Losns <br />8eroioes LP by ctssignment recorded Deeember 16, 2010, Doc No. 201009388. <br />In construction t2�is deed and where the context so requires, the singular included the plural and the plural <br />includes the aingular and all grammatical chaages shsll be implied to make the provisions hereof apply equally to <br />corporations and to individuals. <br />Dated thls � �day oi � _ �' �ti , 2oL <br />�� �k,'. � -, , ,� <br />ulie A. Proehl-Fosket, Person presentativr <br />of the Eet4te of John F. Foske ceased <br />BTATE O!' ! V f`•�'�cI1 ✓� ) <br />COUIfTY OF _C� ) ss �!-f t <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowiedged before me ttus �'�" ' �ay of <br />20�, by Julia A. Proehl-Foaket, Persoaal Represeatative of the Eatate of Joha . Hoslcet, dec�a <br />sin�e womaa. <br />NOTARY RUBSER STAMP/B�AL <br />GENERAL � - SYate of Nebraska <br />JAMIE MUES JANKOVlTZ <br />MY �amm. Exp. May 25, 20t4 <br />� ��t�.�' ,�.�-� � � <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br />� �� <br />Tiec or Raz,k <br />�� � <br />Serial Number, if atty <br />My Commiesion Eicpirea: �___ �� J � e�C��� <br />