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<br /> �'S'`` { [ _ � r� - . _ � T . . .
<br /> 4, ` ` � !.Gnd�1�.TM proGesds M anY�Mrard or Ct11i�tot dartrsqes.direet or conseqt�tiar.in connet:tion wilA any , � • ., : •
<br /> _ . <.. � car�rtaa�onora�faktnSof�Prop�Ry.orp�rttl�areol.o►iorcorwsl►anc�inl'�auofcondert�ahon.�uaharebfl� � .
<br /> �
<br /> ` " E ` �tl�is��d to�W�CinpollMP�ops�h►.ths0����IbsaPP�i�dtalhseumssecurodDltthis0ssaofTtu�.with � -��
<br /> � • ` . the exCas.�t any,pdd to 8orrowsr.ln tbe erent of�Putl�!takitr9 of tAs P+o�tY.uniess 8oriowet and Lendar dhawlte , . ,. ` -
<br /> � • , . � � a��elnw�itinQ,t�tece�Wl�bs�PPtiedbltNwmssec�radbythl�0eedotT�usCsuchOropoAianolthe0ra�a=iseqwl�o _- . _
<br /> , � `� ` " , , •� , lhat whichih�amountoitl�ewmss�curedbylhisDe�dofTnistimmsdiatelypriortothedatsofl�kinpba�rsbthe - . .
<br /> .`. tatr m st va1tM of a�l��irtn�diNNy P�1D Ute d�ts ol taki�,�rnA fhs b�lance of the proeeaQs 9�d e�Bar�ower.
<br /> M�N ProputY is_ �r bY Baro�er.w if.a1Nt nodce ey lender to Borrower Matths condsmnar oflsr�to m�ke an
<br /> —`- -�ti-: 1 avracda►�flsacWmk dur�aps�8orroweriaiistaFa�pone�ltitderwHle�s30tteysn!le�ths�bsucAno4aalsmaffsd , -- - - -•-
<br /> - Lende�Isw�ari�db ColtktandaPD�Y�O�it Lender'sopli0n,eithsr�a�+ssloradon or npairof IhePtopertyorto .
<br /> , . . fhs wms s�.•+�d b�t tlfis Ds�a ot Trust • _ .
<br /> ° � � ` ' UnieisLMtMtandBofnrows►oMKwtass��eeinwriting,arryauchappiicationotprxeeAstapdnciDalahU��tex�nda ,
<br /> . ` pp�ons th�dw aM of tha monthty.(nstaliments re(erred to io paragraphs�and 2 hereot w chanQs ths amount of auct► . � _
<br /> . � • , inWllm�nfi ' . . . ,
<br /> � t0 �aewrrNd�«1.Extenatoaoftl�stimebrpaymentormodificationofamoAizatioeMlhsaumssecursd�yMis
<br /> - - OMd o1 T�t prat►trd by LMdir�arry succ�ssor in interest ot Borrower shait not openfe b nlNS�.in any mannar.ths . . �`
<br /> ' . IisbitilyoflhsoriQinslBor►ovretandBorrowerssuc�oair�ee►�tLendershailnotberot�irede000mmenceproceedinQs _
<br /> � � againat wCA auec�aor or�ut�b exlend timO ior paYrt�ent a ctl�iss modiy amocti2ahon d tlfe�ns securod by this .
<br /> ° - - Dee�of Trust by rNton ot any tNm�nd msds by 1t�s oriqinal8orrower and Bot[ower's successors in interest
<br /> " � . - � .--— 11. Faibwta�ct by I.Md�No1 a Mlaiwr Any brbsarance by Lende(in exerGsirp aay ri�t or reme�y h�rrxler or • . ,
<br /> _ ollferwi�s aM�orO�d b�l�PP���iaw.fAati not i�s a watvK of or preciuds ths exerdss at any auch right.r►►r�.The
<br /> procurert�MtotinsuranceoflhepsYmantoff�cesorotAerUen�orcharyssbyLandsrshal�notb�awairerc[L�dds�i�htto _
<br /> � • ` acceiersf�ths mahxity ot ihs irW�bMdness secured by this Deed of Trust ' : : .
<br /> ' r . 1�pMMdNs C�wwlaYw All remedies provlded in ihi�Oaed ot Trust aro distinct arid cumului�r+etn arty ather riqht or.
<br /> _ temedy�y ihis Qsed at Trust o�atfocded by t�w or equity.and may tie axercised concur�enlhl.independ�ntlY or
<br />` � � /�.Suec�Oes M�0 A�+�oaNMl;�OIM s�!S�rn'N LI�bWlr CapYa�s.The CavenarKs and�hara� '
<br /> , conWned�hallbinA.andlherphtsbsreundershalltnu�eto.the�espectiv�esuccessorsandassi�nsofte�WerandB�mMre►. � � ,�t::.�t
<br /> - - wpjecttothsprovislpns,otparapraphl7hsrsof.AllcovenaMSandaqreementsof8onowerahaNbspintancise+raat.The •
<br /> - � ` caplionaandheadlnpsoflhePa�ayraphsotthis0eedofTrustaroTorconvenienceontyan�arenottv0eusedl�irtt�pretar . `:
<br /> � . , define 1he D�ouisions hsreot - , �
<br /> � . 1�, Nol1e�.Exceptioranynotice�equiredunderapplicabloiawto6egiveninanothermannar.(a)any�oticeLoBarrower ;.:�s=.
<br /> p�pyidqdtptinthis0eeclofTruatsAAllbsQtvenbymailing suct�noticebyceRifie4mailaddressedtoBorrawesattleeCsropetry ='�";��r$� .
<br /> .. . .. Address a at auch othe►addresa es Bor►ower may Qesignate Ey notice to Lertder as proviAed fieroin,and lD1 erey eroUce to . _ _ �.�:�-<<_,
<br /> ' tendershallbepivenbviceRifiedrr�ail.retumreceiptrequssted.taLendersaddressstatedheretnortosucnotheca�dreasas �. • � :
<br /> � �eaoe►msyda�,atsbynMiceto8orrowerasprovidedherein.Anynoticeprovldedforinthi�DeeaoiTrustshal!bedeemed , � �:,,f.;
<br /> to have bsen�iven to 8oaowe�a 4ender when Qwen in the manner desi�nat�ed he►eln. • ,._. - -
<br /> � 15. UnMor�ONd ot Tna�GawrnYq L�w:Sw��b�tfl•The fonn of deea ot t�rust combines unHortn covenanb tor • ,.",;;,
<br /> u
<br /> national uss and non-unitortn covenants with timited vartations by jurisdiction to constitute a urufarm security insWment • ;;;:;.:;�f i;: . •
<br /> coveritp�s�l propeRy.This Oeed of Trust shall be go+remed bY1he law of 1he judsdiction m which9�e Property is locabd.tn ,
<br /> - the avent th�t any provlsian or ctause of this Osed ot Trust o�the Note conflicb with�pt�cabte law.such conflic!sha{I nos .
<br /> . " atfectotherprovlsionsotthisDeedotTrustortheNetewhichcanbegiveneltectwithoatm�econflrcdngprovisions.andtoMis
<br /> -• �t"�� ' end the provisions of th�Deed of Trust and the Note are dectared to be seve�lA� � ' .
<br /> - -- td,9onvwr'sCop�$or�owerahallbetumishedaconforsnedcopyofthetdaieandofthisQeedofTrustattRetimeof ,
<br /> �~� ^"• • .'�, e x e c u u o n o c a�e r r e c a r a ation hereof.
<br /> ... � ' . 17.Trai�usoftAaF�op+Ry:AaumDtlan.ffaftoranypartoftttepropertyocaninterestthere¢s�ssotdordansterre0by _ _ __ .
<br /> Borrawer�outLender sgriorwrlttenconsent,exctu�ng(a)the creatianof a lien orencumbrartces.�bordinatetothi�peed
<br /> " '' • oiTrusL(b)thecreationofapurct�ar.emoneysecurltyinteresttorhousehotdappliance�(c)strartsferbydevisedescentorby
<br /> operation otlaw uponthedeathotajoinitenantor(cQthegrantofanyleasehotd interestofthreeyearso:lessnotcontainingan .
<br /> ? ,,��.� optiontopurchase�,Len4ermay.atLende�'soption,declareallthesumssecuredbythisDeedotTn,sttoDeimmediatelydue
<br /> a�d paya�fe.�ender shatl have waived sucb cption to acceterate iL prior to the sale or transier.E�rs�er and the person to •,,.,
<br /> ..:.,;� whom tha Pr��ty is to be satd or hanaferred�each agreement in wnting that the credit of sucJr�petson ia satisfactory to '
<br /> � tenderar.d�:aftheinterestpayabte onthe sumasecure4 bythia 0eedof Trustshall beatsuch ratea.s Eender ahall requeal.H
<br /> � '. • C,�nder has vvaNed the option to accelerate provided in thrs paragraph 17,and it Bonowets successor in interest haa .
<br /> �zecutea a Writfen aswmption agreement accepte0�n wr�ing by Lender.Lender sha�€retease Borrowe�tcom ait mbligatlons
<br /> � �' � �.. �.^+Qer this Deed of Trus!and the Note. � �'
<br /> � � t. ' 9f Ler.�c�cereises auch option to aecelerate.Ler.Cer shall mail Bonower rtd:;:c-ct acceteration in accc��sce with
<br /> . 4 ,'� � ' � ���g�yy^.s^_��rgreoLSuchnoticeshaflprovideaperlodof�ottessthart3rtdaysfra�tr.eCatethea�ismaiteC�r���which
<br /> ; . . 8orrowerfiay paythe sums declared due.H Borrowertails to pay suck:sums p�icr tafheexpir�rr:of such��rs tertC�r
<br /> -,F:�•, ' ';• �� may.without tuRher notice or demand on Borrower,invoke any�emeQies permrt�ed�y Dbragra;.�s'3 fiereof.
<br /> ; � ' NON-UNIFONM COVENANTS.Bortowu�nd L�nd�r hs1hN oownaM and alp�e or 1oMowa: .
<br /> � ��':,.�>; ��, Ae�NKaYpn;p�nwdtq.Except as pravide4���;CAragraph 17 hereot,upaM•t�.;rrower's breach of ang c�s•:�nant or
<br /> agreementof Borrowerin thls Qeedof Trust,inctudir�:��covenantstopaywhen dtre�:y sumssecured byMistDeed olTrust,
<br /> Lenderpriortoacceteratipnshall mait rtaGCeta 9cT:c�rasprovided in para�aph 14 n8reofspeCifying:(1)theDreach;(2)the
<br /> � � actionrequiredtocuresuch6reach;(3Za:�'.9.n4St-ssf`san30daystromthedatethenoticei�rtsaettmto8orrawer,bywf�iCh ��•�.� �:
<br /> � �� suchbreschmuslbecured;and(4)thatfa:.,:etatc::asuChbreachonorbeforethe�atespec+'tt���2`�enoticemayroauttin
<br /> •• acceleration of thesums se-llredbythiaOeed OtTr:,;��-�sateo!the Properry.The noticeshall fur�r mform Barrowerof the
<br /> ��ghttorein�tatealteracce'e�ationandtherlghttoG�:»�gacourtactiontoBSSeAthenon-existenceotadefau'ta7anyother � .
<br /> aeten3eol Borrowertoa:�'�ration and sate.Hthe br�achls notcured on or beforeth�Ca!e sAeatiea in the rta�res�.ender at
<br /> _ _ -- Lender's optton may dectare alt otthe suma secure0 bythls Deed ot Trust to be imme��te�y Que a�payable wrthout further
<br /> • ' . demana au�d may invoke the power of eate and any othe�remedies permitted by ap�ir"eable faw.ksnMr shall ba enMted to
<br /> ' � cp0ec18ttr�Spnablecoabandexp8nsesincurredinpursuingtheremedlesprovideQ�ntheparagrapht8,lnctuaing.butnot
<br /> ` limited to,�easonable attorney s fees.
<br /> � If the power o1 sete is invoked,Trustee shall record e aoticeot defautt in each coJ�ty ln whichthe PropeRy or aome paA �
<br /> thereof ia locatedand shall mait copiesof such notice inthe manner prescribed bya�D�•sabte law to 8orrower andto theolher
<br /> ' pe�sons prascri0ed by eppliCabte taw.Atte�the tapse of such time as may be require0 by apD�ycable law.Trustee shall give •
<br /> • public natice of saleto the persons and in the manner prescnbed by applicabte law.trustee,without demand on Bor�awe�. ,
<br /> ahall aell the PropeAyatpublic auction f�tha highest bldder at the time and ptaceand undertheterms deslgnated in thenoUce
<br /> ofsatei�oneormoreparcetsandins�^"�OrderasT►usteamaydetermine.T�usteemaypostporttsaJeofelloranyparcelol
<br /> ; the Property by public announceme�t at;s;e time and place of any prev�ousty scheduted aate.Len�er or Lender's designee
<br /> { may purchase the Property at any sate. �
<br /> t Upon�ecelptofpaymeatoftheprlce6id.trusteesC���IdelivertothepurchaserTrustee'sdeedconveyingtheFrope�sotd.
<br /> - .. . .. Thereeltal�inlheTrusteesCeedshattbeprlmatacieevidenceofthetruthofthestate�r•enl�madethereln.Trusteesri2l epply
<br /> - theprocee0solthesate�nt�.eteltowlrtgorder.(�)toallreasonabte costsandexperrs�afthesafe.inciud'mg,h�.�trcttimitedto ;
<br /> � �. � ° . Trustea'steesofnotmorethan %ofihegrosssalepNce.reaaonabteat:amey'sfaeaandGasbolU�eevidence: • ,_ ,
<br /> (b}to all suras secured by fhis beed ot Trust and(c)the excess.if any,to the person or persons tegatty entltied thereto.
<br /> • ��' � 1�. Qomaw�Ps Rb111 to R�imtat�.Notwithsfanding tender s ACCetera4ibn ot the sams secure0 by fhis Deeci of Trust
<br /> @orrower sha11 havethe righlto haveany proceedings begun by Lendertoenfotcelhe DeedofTtuatdiaconUnuedet anyfime
<br /> priortotheeartiertoxcut o1(i�thefilfhday6etorathesatenttne Propeitypursuanttothe powerolaateconta:rtea�nthet�eed
<br /> � 01 T�ust(ii)entry ota jud�ment entorcing this Oeed a"Trust if.(a)Borrower pays Lender all sum�which wou!Q 6e then due
<br /> ,� under thls Oeed of Truat the Note and notes securing Future Advances.if any,had no aceetera�on oecure0:(b)Borrower
<br /> curesatt breache�otany other cavenants or agreement9of 8orrbwer contained in this Oeed otTrc:st(e)Borrtlwer pays atI
<br /> re�onabteexpensesincuned by Lender andTrusteeentorcingth�covenantsandagreement�aiBorrawer canfainedin this .
<br /> � : , � [)eedotTtustandlnenlorcingLender'sandTru�tee'sremediesasprovided�nparag�aphl8hereot inctudirtg,bufnotlimited
<br /> - - - _� � to.r�836A8titeSttdme�sfees:and(dfBQrrvwertaktrssnctia�tirirTesEh�►dermayress8sfabty�iuir�toassur�that!lttslia�o!
<br /> ' �� � thu Oeed of Trust Lender's interest in the Propertyand 8orrower's obligaHon to pay the sums secured bythis Oaed o}Trust
<br /> '� � : � shallconUnueunlmpaired.Upansuchpaymentand�urabyBarrower,th�sDeedafTrustandtheobligationssecuredhereby
<br /> �4 shall rertfain in tult torce and eftecf as if no aceeleratlen ha�occurr�d. •
<br /> . ji:►: . , � _ _ . . _ - - -. . . _ ..
<br />-� -- - ���, .. • -I - - --
<br />