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<br /> F!1►�TEP� DEED CR�7�TING �6- 7.�Si8E'8
<br /> �AIRW,AY E3T1►'1'$9 CONDO!lYNYC�M �ilt�ir�ii`l'Y' ii��iiiaE �:LI '
<br /> THI3 Ml►STER DEED A�iD UECLJIit]1TIaN, mnde this dr-� day o�
<br /> , 1996, by MiAL�IND BUTLDERS, IN�:., a Nebraeka
<br /> �q at on, ( ereinnfter re�exred tc� ae "Dealarant") for iteel#,
<br /> � its eu�cassgoxs, graatees and aasigr.a.
<br /> I.
<br /> pUt�rc�SF AND N711�E
<br /> Ttca purpose af this Ma�ater Deed is to submi� the l�nnds herein
<br /> d�scra�3 �u� t'-== ;��'-'�yemAalt�s built thersan �.�a. thR Qorulamiai wrt . �.� ::,'.
<br /> form of owne��hip aind �tse iaa the m�nnnr prnvid�,�,' a►ric� "�h��;:z�+�aa� ��if .
<br /> °.�, this condom3.nium is to ba .�:dentifi.ed as FAIRWI�Y ES�A�ES.�'.QNUp1Ni�N�:`�jk!
<br /> � •:. ;p#�pl�E�tZ"� REGIME XSI by �h� N�abr�a�ska Candominivara��ct. �
<br /> �. •.; . , .. � �YI. �
<br /> ���
<br /> • �he land� owrned by �the Declaranti rrhich nxe hereby submitted to
<br /> the condami:niwa regi.me are dascrfbQd as follows:
<br /> ;;� mhxsa �a;; ��ir�rsy Eatat�s �ubdivis�on to the City of
<br /> Grand isldnd, Ha►11 County� l�ebraska�..
<br /> III. �
<br /> Sxcapt a� hereina�ftsr nctad, t�he� definitians sat torth in Tho •
<br /> Nebraska Candosi.nl�um �ct ahall gov�rn this Kastqr D4ad and th� Hy-
<br /> LaMa. Tt�e By-lmwr� of Fai.rvray Eata*se Condamit�iuw Proparty Rpgia�
<br /> III and FairWay EstatQS Condominfum O�+ners Aasaciation, Inc. , er�
<br /> � tbose �y-laws attached to Fairway Estatas� Condo�.�.nluxt proportY
<br /> R��im� I r�cdrdad as I3ocument No. 91-108528 in the C3ftica af tho
<br /> � .Rsqister ot Deeda nf �all County, �TebraskaR and thR By-1mNs
<br /> � ;attached to Fa►ix�way EgtAtes Candaminiuni Property R�q�NS�II r�cor�3ad
<br /> �.:. its Doc�aent Nc�� •.�.�Z°ld'�77o in the Otf3.ce ot th� Regiater of Deede•.Af
<br /> . �- �Hel2 _Ccavnty, ��tebrnsk�, which Sy-lAws are incorpvrnt�d hereir� '•b� .:
<br /> .�'" ' . �.. refererice a�nd bd'opted as the By-laws of.FairNay Estates Candom.initw. ,�..;,�,��
<br /> � ��``Property Regi�ns �Y I a►nd Faix�wt►y Estates : Cpndo�inium Own�rs
<br /> � � `� A��ocietxon, •I�;�. .� :, ,
<br /> . . . ,
<br /> . ,.-
<br /> •� a. "Sui�s" shdll me�+n a�nd include: the enclo�ed.`�s�ace of th� �
<br /> - ' � twv (2) reeidant��l �.iving tinits shown on Ezhib�t'•.:;'�.��". attiach�d
<br /> ��� hereto and incorporat�ad herein by thie refer�nce whi�I�?�: �idQntifias
<br /> itha 9uites by nmaber; all airepace in roo�asc And att.�c�, �+ix-
<br /> = condit.�oninq compr�ssa� or units, perma�nent qas, chnrc�al-burning
<br /> ar e1��`�ri.c barbacue grills, sareeni.ng, Wind�w qlase, ext�rior a�nd
<br /> ' in�erio� doo�s, but ahall nat include str.uctural� wml.ls, roofs,
<br /> - floars and aeilings, except for the uni.t-ea.de suxfaces thereof,
<br /> which shall be i.nclu�.ed �n the definition "Suite".
<br />`i b. "�ondominium" shall mean the entire condnminiium pra�ect
<br /> t includiac� all buildings, land, and other impx�vemen�e upor� tha lar�.d
<br /> t a�s set forth in thi.a Master Daed as a part of the conaiominium
<br /> req3me.
<br /> ' c, "Gene�sl Comman Elementst' shnll incAud�: � The� 1and� on
<br /> which the buildings s�and, including all of the surrounding land�a
<br /> embracad within the legal description speci£ied in F�rtialo ir
<br /> a�bbve; the foundations, roofs and mAin wall� including the exter#.ar
<br /> �urfaces o# n11 buildi�g� except fnx screening, w3ndow qlass, and
<br /> . . • exter�.or daors and gx�x��ge donrs, exteriar wztter teps slhiah may be
<br /> .,
<br /> • � � used� by the .nwner� A��ncie��i.an for waterinq and ma3.ntenance:.af
<br /> � . common �reas.j y�ar�l�s ,and gdrdens, drives, walks, parking ax��s, .
<br /> . utilit�r b�ail�iing, and �nll pnr;ts of the propertp and xmp!rovem��ts
<br /> .�,. , . . ,
<br />