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<br /> IBSLBY �$ SANI�UIS� MBLVA P 5AD7DQLYTST 100347 08/1Zj1996
<br /> .. UNIF'ORM C�VENANTS. ���rrower a�xi I.,�ixler cnv��w�zt aixl agree as folliiws: 9�"L ������ —
<br /> 1. �yrnen! of Prtrnci�l �nd Irctt�t. �o�ruwer sl�ail Airon�ptly pay wlien due die �rincipal u�tid 3nteretit
<br /> �IIlICIft�YI1N'tiS CVILICIICed hy tp�e Note arxl Iatc sl�xrges as pr�►vfded In tl►�;Not�. _.
<br /> x.E'ur�for Taxa�nd Iraurrnce. Subj��:t t�►A{►piicaMe law or a wriuc�t waiver ny Le�xler, Borr�iwer sl�all{x►y tn
<br /> a.ern{er cHi t1K J�y nxnNhly pryn�enty of pri�x:ip+�l asd(uterest are Myxble u��ler ti�e Note,wtdl the Nixe iti nxiJ in fuil.a
<br /> sum(hercin "FwkJs") equxl to�►i�-twelfth of the yearly tues A�xl a.s.sessn�ents(In�:ludiiig c�o�xkimiuiuni aix! plam�ed unit
<br /> �vrl��nkc�t�nx�WH.if pny)whlch nwy atain priurity ovcr this Deed af Trust.a�xl gn►u�W reuGC on d� �n�+erty. if
<br /> Any,pine o��•twelflh�►f yN.ariy�r�mium i�utalln�e�►ts fur ha7ard iutiuraix:e.plus oi�e-tw�ifth of ytarly prc_mium ii�.tit�llme;nts r
<br /> fur m�m�x�a iiawnuxe. if�ny. �II x,v ra�.�n�xhly rstfmateJ iuidafly antl fmm tln�e to tin►c by I.,�ndet on thc l�a.sls nf
<br /> �.c.s�s.snxnts Arwl hillti a��l re�.u���►hle euine�tes tl�eeet�f. Born►wer s1�A11 tx�t he nbligatetl to nwire s�x:h pAynients a�f Funcl.v
<br /> to Lencier to tiM extont ilnt&irrower ntakew sucii Myn�cnts to the ltolder��f a prior��xin�age or deed of aust if such I�older
<br /> is�u inrxltuti�mal lender.
<br /> If 9c►rn�vrer p�ys Fun�fN tu Le�xler. t9� Fu�xis�Iwlt he held I���n i►utitut�on d�e d��►osits�v accaunGS ��f wuich are
<br /> i��.cund or guaranteal hy a Frsl�ral or state ageix;y {i�x;luding Ixi�er if Lei�ler is sw:h uu f�LStitulim�). Ixixler shall apply
<br /> d�e Funds ta p�y s�id tucGC.�.�.ve�.�n�e��ts,in�urance prcnuun�s u�l gnw�xl reoGS.I..etxlar nuy rx►i chArge for sc►hnlding and
<br /> y�►lying the Pund9. sntiyzing s�id ai:ca�nt or verifying�nd con�iling sai� �.csessn�eute s�nd hills. wiless i.etxkr pays
<br /> &►rmwer i�uerest on t��e Fuixls aixl xpplicat►le law pemu�s Leixkr tc�nu�ke such a stwtge.Born►wer and Lec�r may ogree
<br /> iu wridng at�h�tink of eaecutinn of tuis Deed of Ttust thit inter�t on d�e Funtls sltstll t�e paid to Bormwer.ai�cl u�iless
<br /> nuc.h a�rcement is mndo or�liahle law reyuires s�ucl� i�uerest to tie paid. Le��er r,hall�x►t be reyuired to pay Bormwer
<br /> any intenst cx eamtnga on the Futxls. Le�xkr stiall give!o Bormwer,wlth�wt duurgc. an tnnual ucoupting of the Fnnds
<br /> showiag cmlit� aixi det►its t� the �u�is aixl ti�c �iur�se foi wliich e:ch dehit to the Funt{s�a�.5 maslc. Ttes Fe!�s ase ._.
<br /> pled�al u addidaroti secuttry fi�r the sunLV sccural by chis Deed��f Trust.
<br /> 16 tbe amouut of the Futxly held hy Letxler,t�igcilT�r with tP�e Poture nxinthty iiutaUnxuts of Fwds�xyahle prior ta.
<br /> the due dt►tes a�f wces.�s.�essments. iativr�u�ce premium��►��d gresus��xents. slup exceal tlw aneount requircx!tn My saio]
<br /> taxes. �ssessments. insunnce prenuums �n�d gn�ued ret►�a as they �IA]l due, such excess�x!!bc, u Bcxrovv�'s qxic►n,
<br /> either panq�tly reptid tt►�lElrnmvvtr or credital to Borr�r�r c►n mautbly intitalltue�ty.pf FwiJs. YQ ahe Amaunt nf tha FunJs
<br /> �held by La�der sludl ��i'he�uffici�nt to pny taues,&.�.SC.5SR1CIlt3, i�uursu�ce��remli�� And ground renU,a�d�y f�ll duc. .
<br /> � 9ormwer s1�ll�uy to ikn�7es xny xrqount necessary ro nWce up tl�e�kficiency an mr�or nxitg{�►Ymecus as Lender m�y
<br /> rcquine. :
<br /> i]pon�Yment in f�H af�ill su��v securcd by this Deal nf'i'Ti�st.l.e�xkr s1nU pmm�tly teSu�7d tn Horcower any Fuyx]s . • ,
<br /> .he{d by l,�nder. if wxier pflragXa�ii i?heraif d�e Pm�erty is��1d n�.tl�e Property is ott�envi�.acquiral By l.ender,l.euder
<br /> sh�ll �pply. no luer than"irrm►ecliately prior to tne saie oi chc Fr4�riy iR ii5 iicyi3ifiiiii�i�:�r 2.�:.��,,-r.:.�-J=is's�l���3w �} _
<br /> �:endar�t tt�dnte uf a�l3cadon�s a ctalit agai��st ti�e'sun�isocuretl by this Deed�f Ttust. , . , �
<br /> 3.Application a�A��nnente. Uni�ss a�licable law providea ot]�erwi�.dl E►ttymentx teceived by Leniier uixlet d�e •.
<br /> Nute xud par�tpraphs 1 a�W Z herecif sh�{1 hr.a�►{►lied by i�endet first ln p�yuieut nf answnte�ynl�Ie to I.eix{er hy&►re�c�wer �
<br /> under pta�cAph 2 hcra�f,thrn to interest p�yable on the Nate.u�cf t6en to dK priucipal'af�1w:Note. .
<br /> 4. �Ir'iYr Mort�a�d Dee�ot Tnrti e�1 Ueae. Bc►cmwer slull perfcxro all of Bam►wer's o!►IiQitionc
<br /> updec�apr o�t�e. dood af tnuK a otLer Na;urlty�rameat with a iien which h�r: priority over this Dad of Tn�st,
<br /> . inchxiini B�xn►wer's crnerw�M.�to m�ke Mymenui when due. &xre�wer stmll�y ix c�tuse w he p�tW�ll tu�.�sseasment�
<br /> and c�ctuu;es.Anea atd im��idcma utrihuttit�k to the Praperty which n�y att�ia a pricxity�rrer tttis Dad of Ttuu.
<br /> u�d k�adK�id a,ya�enbs c►r�nnand retMA.if�ny.
<br /> 3.H�a�rd i�ce. Acxrower sb�il kap the im{mrvemen�c�xiw eaistinj or hercafler emtod on the �q+eKY
<br /> � iniured opimt k�try fira.hmsudu ia:ludod wlthin the temi"eatended arlerye".ux1 m�h cxher tp�x�aa Lender raiy
<br /> requitr uxl'in such amowNs aod for such�rticd�ut l,taia tmy require.
<br /> Tbn i�wwraaa ca�rier pmvidjr�d�e insura�e�iult be cUoern by 8ocrower evhjeCC a approval by i�nder:[xovicbd.
<br /> tiu�t such spprovtl si�ll aot be une�asona►IY withtield. AII iu�un►ax pnlir,iex ud renewale d�m►f eiull be iu� furm
<br /> acapqbk to Lender aad�all include R St�IM'IitIJ�e�CI�WC 1!!flYO[Of iqd Ip i fIM01�CCCatUIQ G�LCIf�GC. l�es�der
<br /> s6�11 btvt the ri�ldt to t�ui+d tbe pdicies and neaew�l�t}�reof.sul►.ject to the tetms of my nxxtss�e.deed of tcutt or otlkr
<br /> socur�ty a�roeo�ent with�liea whi�:h 6Lt Miority�r++er thia Dad uf Trust.
<br /> In the event of k�es. 8oim+w�r sb�]l give�xornp!noaice to the:insunnce rurier and Lendcr.I.�ead.n m�y maike gwouE
<br /> nf lc�ss if not ro�de prom{�tly M►&►rnwvr,r• '
<br /> If tbe P'topetty is ahaondonod by Born�wer:or if�c►m�wer fails tv res�nnd co Len�fcr vrithtn 30 d�ys from tbe d�te
<br /> r�ati�.��s m�ikd by I.ewler to&xmwer thu the imuratKx carrier offec:v to settle a claim for in�vraoue MeaeAp. L�e�tler ia
<br /> w�hori�rrd to a�liat ad apply tbe im�ar�nce Procceds at Leixkr's opeion eidxr to rcstixuic►n oc rtpir af the Pm�xrty�x
<br /> m ti�e�uns socure6 by this Deed o�F Ttvst.
<br /> s. rk�aec.at�o. a�1 Maiac� oP w�o�trc i.a�eholaK ca�aoralduas; rlaNnea udc oe.dop.�aaa.
<br /> 3�omnwer�II kcep t�e�rapecty in gond repair and r,hall not a�nw�it waste or perniit imp�irroent uc�eterioruKin of thc
<br /> piq�arty a�r1 siuli wuqrly wi�h thc provisio��of�sy leasc if this Dea!nf Tn�iy on x irueh�►ld.If this Docd of 1'�ust is
<br /> an a uult ia 4 cadominium nr s ptai�ed wut�ievelopme�t.Borcovrcr shall perfor�tll af Bt►rtower's obligntions uackr the
<br /> ckclar�tic�A u►r coveuantti cc�es�ting ur gmeming the cuixkmdnium nr pi9nnixl unit devek�n�cnt,the by-laws mx!reaulitic��as
<br /> nf the ca�nd�nium ur pir�nned unit devd��ment. a�d u►nstttuent dacuments.
<br /> 7,pr+otatioa of l,ender�e Security. If enrc+c►wer fiils to pedixm the wvenants uW igreenKius axuained In this
<br /> Deed of.Ttust.or[f any a�xton or pnxealing is cnnmxncecl wiikh m�teriully affects Ix��ler's intercst in ti�e Pmp�ty.Ihen
<br /> i,end�s. o�t Lender's aption. upon aexic:e to &►rmwer, may maice such app�ann�.�es, �ist+u�e such sumg, inclucling
<br /> .,�_-�aunr�ws' fea_au�!t�kr sw:h�etiun as is ixce�.�xry t�y procest Lender's interest. If Ix�xkr reyuie+ed �uortgs�e
<br /> irncur�noc as�ce►aditiun of mdcing N�e a��n r,ciurecl try t6is Dea9 of Trost. &�rmwer s1�ll pay the premiuma c+eyuire�l ro
<br /> � n�intaln �c1t itsuranc�: in effect until such time ns the rcqoircnxnt fi�r such in5urance terminata in accordatxe with
<br /> ' Bc>rmwer's xnd Lcmler's wriaen agreenxnt�ir:y�7icnble law. __
<br /> Atty�naunts disMtrsecl by I.euckr pursu�tK tn this{�ragt�y►It 7.witl�interesi tixreou. at tlk Ncxe r�te.sl�all becon�e
<br /> . , addidonil tixfcbtalnc�of f�►rmwer secutal by this Deed af 7�sz.Uiiles.g Bor�r�vrer�ud Dx»tler agr�to oti�er tenus of
<br /> p�ymtK. c�vFh anwunG�; �lu�ll be �yable u�xin cmtice fram Lerxier to &�r�rnvn:� reques�a�� �ynx��t ther�►f. Ndhi�i�;
<br /> cmNained in d»s j►ura8raph 7 t;tnll reyuitt Lepder II�o itxur any expcit5t nr takr nnf utin��heicvaxler. •
<br /> S. Inspeetlo�+. Lender nvry make or cause a:��� maJe mascnvble eimnrs a�x�n�nl lns�ectians v�rche Pmperty.
<br /> provided thp!Leixfer s1u�11 give B�imnwer ixitice pri��r tn any sucl�ic�a:don spcx:ifying reua.�nble cz��.se tlte►rfur tt�atecl en
<br /> Lender's interest in thC Propeny, -
<br /> Nchrs��26s7e•2 sms Oriqiaal(RaGOrd�d1 Copy(F►ranch) Copy(Cu�tns�r) t���e 2 ot5
<br />