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<br /> ::� . - Y - � , - . . . . , �2-- ��o4ss� _ .
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<br /> `� �oc�R wRCH�u the.�►aa�s t�o*►o�i�a�a e�tea oo u�e .�na alt asana�.�p�s.� � ;
<br /> �nd fi�tuses m+v'ar 6ar.�1a a pR cf the propeeey. A!I iepi�oa�s aed a��shW alsa be oo+re�ed ly t�is`SocariRY ,.
<br /> 1a�ornt.All af tbe fcresoio;i:zefetm!�o ia d�is Secu�ity lasorutiKnt as�°Pkoputy.". ,
<br /> ` BORR4WER COVENANTS th�tBamvr�is tawfully seised af the estate ltieteby aa�veyed anQ l�as tric ri�t to�mt .
<br /> � �nd o�rey d�e FmQaty md tbat tbe Propety is wxnacnba'ed.ezcept fvr eacwnixaoces of roc�xd. Bonowa warnnts md ,
<br /> wrtp defeod aenaaliy the 6tle to�bc Ptogerty apmst all ct�iras and dnnu�ds.snbjxc to�ny eac�6r�oces of recad. , � ,
<br /> ;� : Tf�S 5�JR11'Y INS1'B�JM�NT�mUio��mifptAt crneoant� fo�n�tiooal use ud rw�c-unifami coYenants with
<br /> _ Iitaited vatiuiunslsy jarisdic�on tuca�titule a�ifam secatiry ia�eot covaiTMg t+eat p�p�Y• , . - : `_
<br /> - UDT�ORM OOYEN�RNrS. Bamwa atd I.ender ooveo�nt�ed apac as foltow�s: . ` - -
<br /> 4. Fa��t d PsLtip�i a�A L�a+e�Pre�r�se�t�t Lat�Cbar�es B°R°vrer s�il P�P�YWY��ue tbe .
<br /> priocipal of aad iataicst ao the debCtr�ed bS►t�Nate amd aaY p�epsYment wd 1ue ct�rges due undec the Nate. f • .
<br /> i l�la�is fit'lliu�a a�d I�aoe.SubieR�sp�4w or w a writ�ea yeaiver by I.ender:Boaow�sl�lt pay to .
<br /> � I.eadtr an d�e day montIdyr��meats are dae mdet tbe Nette.�the Note is paid"m fuU.a sum l"�")f�(a)Y�1Y
<br /> tuts aod�na�ts�rhic�may attain pia�iry over t11is Savriry I�sunment as a lien on the Ptvparty:{D)Y�Y��
<br /> payn�er�ts a gmuod�ents oa t6e Rvpecty.ff any; tc)Y�Y�'�°f P�Y mwianaE pmniums:!df.S�Y �
<br /> -- ----_ - • --__�--- ' Bamwa tn
<br /> �'�'D�anwas,�i�r-�+�►+y %.»»;n.;a.-=� =�€s��r�_�-An r��mc�ax�Me_6�r.
<br /> L,atder.in a000t�oce wUh�he pmvisions of psragraph S.in lxa of•tite p�ym�t of mortgage iasurance pratuums. 'llxse
<br /> items�e c�lled"Fscrow Iteats." L`ender�maY.at any ti�,coUq.t md iald Fvnds in an amo�mt not w excood d�e ma�cimum
<br /> ' mwunt a kt�der foc s fMa�lty telatod mottgage lo�n may ceqaae for Borrowa's escso�accamt udder tho federat Rni,
<br /> Eypie Seai�nt piocedurrs Act pf I974 as ameaded frarti t�e to 1ime.12 US.G�2601 et acq.("RESPA),nnkss another
<br /> law d�it applies m tbe F�ds sets a lesser anwuat. ff so,Lender maY•at any w�colloct and dold Fiu�ds ia aa amavnt mt to .
<br /> e�cceea we le.sur�uoauct. txnaer:may aamue tbe�mamu[,of l�upas aue on e�e buis or cu�,c data�a teason�e
<br /> � ,a�m�oe.s of expendidues of f�nGU�e Esc�aw llrms or othe�w�eij�acca�ace with applicabk iaw.
<br /> .�[ue rvods sl�an ue held m an insuartan wLose aepi�.at�e iawusd by a federsa agrnc�►.inurument�uiry,or e.�ticjr .
<br /> ("u�ctadiag l.snder,i€lendet is sucb an institutian)or in my�'sdaal Home I.o�n Baalc. l.eader sh�ll a�pply thG Fimds w Pny
<br /> the F.secow Item� I.ender msiy not chac�e Bocrower fa holdiag arid appiying�e FuMs.�anaaliy�maly�ing the es�xow' .
<br /> ' scceunt,a verifying ttje Escmw Items. unless i.ender pays Borrower inte�st on the Funds and zpplicable law pem�its
<br />- L.ender to matce sneh a ehargse. Howtver.i.ender may roqui��cxrowar m pay a one-time ehuge far an independeat real
<br /> --- estate tu teporpng service used 6y I.ender ia connection witbtfasi�an,aaless applicable law provides al�e�wise. Unless ar► . - .
<br /> _P. �ree�aeru is rnade or applic�ble law rCquities intenest to be paia;.[?i�der shall not be requitrd to pay Borrower any interest or ;
<br /> " e.�aings on the Funds. Barmwer and Lender may ag�ee in w�tww�ra,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Leader
<br />''�°- ahaU give ta Boriower.without chazSe,an annual agecouating of the Funds.showjng credits and debits to the Fiaids and the _
<br /> p�upose for which e�ch debit to the Funds was made. 71K�are pledgod as addidomi security fqr all sums secured by =
<br />' thia Sccurity Iruumnent ` : '
<br /> ° ��f,,t#se Funds held by Lender',�.�oed the amounts�to be field by applicable Iaw.lRnder shall.accaunt w
<br /> Borta�e-�fiis the exctss Fund.s in as�onda�ce with the raluiranc�s's of applicabte law. If�bie amount of the F�u�ds held by
<br /> - • i.a�dr��s my tlme is tat sufficient to pay tlx Escrow Items v:f�a due.Lestrfe�t�y so�otSfy Borrower u�writing.and,in
<br /> -� such c�e Boirawer shall pay to I.ender the amount rkcess�ty'to make+�s;�deficiency. Borrowe�shall maice up the -
<br /> _ _ ckficiency ia no mone than twelve monthlY PaYments,at Lender*s sole discret�.
<br /> ` �t�.PaY�ent in t'all af a11 sums settired by ttus Secar�='�en�:Ltndrr shall promPtlY isfund to Barrower any
<br /> g�d§.{��p by�� �f;under pasagraph 2l,Lendcr shali a�+�,ut�or scll the Ptoperty.Lender.prior to the acRuisition or -
<br /> sate c�the Ptoperty.shall apply any Punds held by l.encier�x t�e ame of acqu3sition or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> � secu�ed by this Securiry Insmirnen� � ;
<br /> 3. Applkatlon d FMy�oeets. Unless ap-�l;cabk law provides otherwise.all payments received by Lenckr under
<br /> _ ,paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Nate:second.co amouMS payable under _
<br /> gra
<br /> ' paragraph Z;th1rA.ta inurest due:fourtf�.to principal due:and las�to any late charges due unQer the Note. _
<br /> ' 4. C6ar�es; Lie�s. Borrower shall pay all taixes.acsessments.charges,fines a�c�impositions ami6utable to tlte
<br /> Pmperty which may attain priority over this Savrity Insaume��and leasehold payments oc gramd rants.if amr. Borrawer -
<br /> '° shall pay theso obiigations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrawer shall pay them on -
<br /> time directly to the prrson owed payment. Boaower shall promptly fumish to Lender all nodces of amounts to be paid under
<br />' _, �s puagr�ph.,lf 8,acrower makes tbese payments directly,Borrower shall pramptly fumish to I.ender receipts evidencing _
<br />-_ . �Bo�rrower shall pcump�ly discharge any lien which has prioricy over this Secirrity lnsmcc*.ient unless Bormwer.(a)a�SC-�s =
<br /> in writing W the payment of the obligauon srcured by the licn in a mantier accepta6le to Leic�er:fb)contests in good faitictne
<br /> lien by,a defends against enfarcement of the lien in.legal proccedings which in the Lender's opinian op�rate to preverx ihe ; _
<br />, `�� � enfarement oP tbe lien:ar(c)�secures fram the ftaldcr of�he lien an agreement satisfactory tv Leader subordinating the lien , _.
<br /> � to this Security insVUmen� If l.ender detertriincs t�hat any part of the Praperty is subJect to a lien which.aiay attain priority
<br /> over this Security Instrumen�Lea�fi.�r may give iiorrawer a notice idcnt;fying the lien. 8om�wer shall satisfy the lien or take �
<br /> one or morc of the actions set fanft a6ave within 10 daya of the giving of notice.
<br /> 9 5. Ha�ard or Praperty tus�tranca Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the .
<br /> Propeit�r insweA against Ioss by fue.hazards includcd within the tertn"extended cnverage'and any other hazards.including
<br /> ,,'�F����<� flaods or floodirrg, Cnr whith Lender requires insurance. Thic insurance�Ttail 6c maintained in the amoun�s azrd for the �
<br /> �.:.�:. �
<br /> F'ane3�?d �!!! l�ce2�,fhpa.Crel -.
<br /> �
<br /> ' `S" x. _". .. . ", . � -• .: . i. .. � . . . .. - .. '_.—_�"__ . .. .
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