i_ �..�ti.K� ���~� . .
<br /> � -� 'l_-- "_ � _. � �_' . '___ _�.- __-- -_----- _.__ .""..
<br /> � ����� '
<br /> (f�,[iTH�R W1TK rll the imprave�n:nts nuw or hereaftor crtrtod on the pmptrty,w�xi all caseii�i�ts,ap�rirMr.irnnces,unc! �
<br /> fixturea rrow ar herafcer u put of Ehe ptnpe��ty. Ali repl�nxnts �nd wdditions shall alsa be cavercxl hy t:tir�.5ctiurity
<br /> iiutrumem.All of the faresoing ia referrod ta in thia Socurity Tnatrum�nN os the"Property."
<br /> B(TRROW�R CaVENANTS thu Horrower is l�wfully sClscd of the ar•tate harcby conv�ycd aixl has tho right to�rant arrl
<br /> mnvey tl9e Pcropetty u�d tFuit the P'roparty is unencumlxred. txcqN for er�cumbrt�nces of reonrd. Bon�ower wsrrru�t�sn+i wi11
<br /> �1.�..�u g.:.��.:�ly i!-,:,dtl�to tF.�d'roF=n�n«�in�•t-�1 r.!-ir.n�rn�i dr.,-*�R,Reehjr�t rn r.ny e*►cr.mAtt�ncc�s of rtctHtl.
<br /> 'f'HIS SECURITY fNSTRUM�N'C canl�in�s uniform oovu�ants fqr nuianrl use and ran-unifortn covemm�ta with ilmited
<br /> v�ri�ion.s by jurlsdidion to constitut�s uniform socurity lnstrument�verinb rral property. �
<br /> UNiFORM COVENANT5.9orrowu�uxi Lender covenant and agroe�s follows:
<br /> 1. P�y�eat at Aiaciprl u�d Intered: Pi'ep��nxet and Lte Cbar�es. Barrower shwll promptly pcy whcn duc the
<br /> princip�l at and inte�+at on the debe evidenced by the Nota u�d�nY P�Y�nt r►nd late cturges due under th�t Nata.
<br /> 2. I�arh tor Taxes am! Inee!rtnce. SubJect to applicable l��v�r t�a written waiver hy L.tnder, �c�rnower shnll pxy w
<br /> l.axler un�he d�y rnamhiy p�ymenta an due uncier�he�Note, uMil the Note is psid in fuU,a sum("Funda").fdr. ta)yeurly t�cea
<br /> �nd a�ements which may atain poority over this Socudty Instzument a�a lisn on d�e Prope�ty;(h���qdy Iea»eh�ld pnymcrtcc �
<br /> or ground rents on lhe Property�if any;(c)yearly ha�ani or property incurnr�ce�miums:(d)Yet�i:�yR�x�d inaicance premit.rmg.
<br /> if any;(e)yearly mottgage in.wru�ce premiums, if any; and (Q any sums psyable by$orrowe�d«�endur, in accordunce with�
<br /> the prnvisions of parqny�h$. ia lieu af the payma�t of mortg�ge inauru�oe premiwne.Tt�esc iG;mn 4rc call��d"Escrow Items."
<br /> i,ec�der nvy, at any ume, oollect and Fwld Funds in am m�ount not to exae� the maxirnum aunn+tnt u fanAer for a fedcr�lly
<br /> rde�lt�ed mo�tgag�loan may require for Bonrower�s rscmw�c.-cbuni uneier inc fakrul Rcul Eai�iid��:id�:i}ie��Fr�zd�r� Ae.�;
<br /> 1974�u am�ciod from time to timc. 12 U.S.C.Saxion 26�i cr seq. �"'�SPA"). unless�nolbnc IIIW tI7AI B�I�CB(t)tllE FUI'M�i
<br /> x+�s �leaser amount. If so, Ltnder may, At any time, colloct and hoJ3�unds in an amiount•nnt ro cxcecd the IcsAer arnount. �
<br /> I,e�xitr trny esti�n�to the amount of Funds due on the iarsis of curttnt data und rrasonablo�stimntiss af expcndfi2urrs of futurc
<br /> E�crow Items ur ah�wiae in soconlu�ce with�pplicable!�w_
<br /> The Fundc ahall be held in an inctitudon whose dep�ncits are insttrpd by a foderal a�r�uey; instraimenra}iry; or enti!��
<br /> (including Letsder,if Lender is such�n irewu�wtion)or in�ny Fddoral Iiame.I�oan Bank.Lendar•shnl!apply the�und�ta pvay ihc;
<br /> &crow I,tpns. l.e�rier m�y not clurge Hcmi!awer for holding and appF�:i�;'tf�e Fun�ts,�nrwa(ly�upnlyxing thc es�.mow ncouur.r;r,r '
<br /> vaifyina the E�crow itans,unle�I�r psYs 8cxrower intercat on ti�Funda�nd�pplic�bl�r tuw pnmits Lendcr h�nwke stifih,
<br /> a ch�r�e. HowGrer. i.esKkr n�try ra�uirr Aomnwer to puy t one-time c�wrge foY�n inde�uxlunt�rr�l estnte tax ra,{x�rting Ravic��
<br /> wed by La�der �n corutoaiai��witi� LYris�loan, unlese s�spliuble law provides othcTwise. illtl�ss.v art agc+eem�m. ie mu+�;frirr .
<br /> �ppiiwai�a iaw�aquiies inia�si::�p"�g�ia�.:�,.i�,�lu�w1i�ut;G���Y��j:s..��::d-r�;;ta:�r��r,;.rain�rr.-Y�;,�;.�k.,;�
<br /> Horrower�nd I,adec mry�r ln wxitirrg, fwweva,th�t interest shall ba paid on the Fund�s,.i:�endisr ahul[give k�Harrr�d�ar.;°��.'
<br /> rvit�wa chuge,an wwai ar��.wnting of the Funds. sbowing cra�it�and debits ta the Fundu r�nd tha purpoeq for whirh ai�1�,:,'. ".. �
<br /> debit W the F�ds wu msde.l'he Funds ue pledged ss�:ldjiionaf savrity for dl sums aecucmd by thia 5aau�ty�rLgdumrn[.',.:��;
<br /> If the P�rnds held by l.aider cxc�eod the art�unta prrr.nttat to be held by applec�ble law.;;�endur�hu1l �cc�urn•to Bon�it�r•.',
<br />_ for tbe excus l"�nds in�crnrdance with 4�io;t�quiraneats of appliqhle�aw.If the�mounUal'.tha}Yofxis hald�yr L,t�ier al.tttc�; :'
<br />- time i�not rat'Fi�ia►t w puy the�,�crow Itams.wha�due. LaK1u may s�'�?tt�tify Borrower in���ritang,,�nd,in such c�Horrowrr
<br /> �hall poy W I,aider the amount nocessat�;to�m�ka up the daficiency i.:Borro�ver shatl meke uji tliQ deficicn�y in na marc du�n
<br /> tvrdw,aronthly WYma�ts,x i.encier's sole discraion. . .
<br /> Upon payment in full of dl su�socurod by this Soaurity InstrumrnR, La�der shall?ipna+n��y c�fund to Horrower�ny
<br /> Punds held by I.ender.Yf,w�der pahgrap1�.21,Lender sh�ll ac�uins ar sell the Property,Les�d►sry prior to the�cqulaitiaa oc s�ie
<br /> - a{the property,rJail apply any Funds fidd by Lpdsr$t the time of uaquisition or a�le aa r�c��r�edit�gunec the�ume�ecurod by
<br />_ this Sxurity Lroteutneot: •
<br /> - 3.A{�lic�tloa at P��nw�.Unless appliablr law provides othet�wise.�11 paymenta rr.�:eiacxl6y Ln�da�,u��.Pa'�►•aphs
<br /> = 1 ard 2 shdl be applied: fint, to eny p�ymait chArgea due uncler tho Note; s000rad,ta�n�wnt�p�yYblc u�x��2;
<br /> - t6irri.to intrie�t due:fo�utM,u�principal due:and lau.bo my IKe charges diie under thc Nmu:.
<br /> �1.(,"YK�es; Iiws. Horrower akwll pary all ta�ces, aa�esamnts,charges,fit�e.s and im�t+�ni�I�me attritwt�a ia thc Ptvpwiy .
<br /> _ �vhich may rttain priority urer ihia Se�irity Inatcument,u�d lcaselald pwyments or gnuund�nsnm, if any. 8arrvwcr eiiall pay
<br /> - tLeae obliptiont in the cr�anner provided in paragr�ph 2,a if not p�id in ttuit r,u�nner,Horra�var,stutll peY th�m an tiq�t diKCNy
<br /> = w thc pereon awed peyment. Borrower shnll pmrnptlY fumieh to La�da�II�wtias of um�util�q n�hu paid uadcr this piiagtaQh.
<br /> : 1f Hormwa malcea d�pa�menta dirocRlY,Borrowet shall pranptly fumish tn Lendex reooi4t►i3 cvHiwx;ing tddpnymdnte.
<br /> � . Bort»wer ahalt promptly di.r•cl�xrg��.�p�v�Ilen which hu priority ovor this Stxvrity L�strumnnt vnli:��n H�ttranwer:(�)iig�+ocs in
<br /> wridng to tha ppyma�t of tht obligmtian•.qcoured bJ�tlk lien in r m�uu�er sccxpt�bk to Lender;#'a'�:cwilebrs in�ood faith the Gen
<br />'_j by.r ,or defdxfb �gaenst rniorcenxnt of ttie lirn in, Icgal procoodings which in the I.rnder'a�i���ini�rn clrs,�r+te'te.prevc:�t t1i�
<br /> ':cc Yc�a�+xnt of the iien;or(e)socurcs from the holder d.'the iien an ugramer�t satisfacte�ry to i;t�t�Gt►+su�unclinutiiig'the l�eit to
<br /> S thia 5r.curit}y��,1LUrument. if Lender deterntinr.�that any juit ot'the PropeKy is suhject to a iien w!aiuh�tnag`xtutlp priutity ovtt
<br /> � thia Socuricy�•���ytrument, t.ender mny give Hoimwer a natioe ldentifying tho lien.A�rrower s1u►U sat�sfy the lirn or t�ke c+ne�F
<br />, � moc�e di tfic ni�'t�jons set forth above w•ith�,r�•�,0 days of the giving of rtotics.
<br /> _ � , . Fortn'aQ24 SIX!
<br /> � , . P+a 2 010
<br /> ;i . ,. . .
<br /> � . . �
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