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02/11/2011 FRI 15:05 FAX 402 471 4429 UCC SECRETARY OF 5TATS ��� Hall <br />� <br />� Form 668 (lf)(c) <br />(Rev. February 2004) <br />Department of the Treasury - lniernal Revenue Service <br />Notice of Fed�ral Tax Lien <br />Area: Se�ial Number For Optiont <br />SMALL BUSINFSS/SELF BMPLOYED AREA #4 <br />Lien Unit Phone: (800) 913-6050 748025811 <br />As provided 6y section 632 i, 6322, and 6323 of the Internal Reven� <br />Code, we are giving a notice that taxes (inctud'mg interest and peaalties) <br />have been asseued against the following�named taxpayer. We have made <br />a demand for payment of this lia�rility, but it iremains unpaid. Therefore, <br />there �t a lien in favor of the United States on all property and rights to <br />propeny bebnging to this ta�ayer for the amount of these taxes, and <br />additionat penaltties, interest, and wsts tbat may accrue. <br />Name of Taxpayer COMMAND PFRFORMANCE INC, a Corporatio� <br />Residence 724 N DIERS A�S � <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803-4963 <br />IMPORTANT RELEASE tN�ORMATION For each assessme�t fisted betow, <br />uniess notice of the lien is refiled by the date given in column (e), this notice shall. <br />on the day followir�g such date, operate as a certificate of release as defined <br />in IRC fi325{a1. � <br />Tax Per�od Date of Last Da for <br />Kind of Tax Ending IdentiFying Number Asseument Re�i�ing <br />941 03/31J2010 47-0719480 06/28/2010 07/28/2020 <br />941 06/30/2010 47-0719480 09/20/2010 10/20/2020 <br />941 09/30/2010 47-0719480 11f29f2010 12/29/2020 <br />Place of Filing <br />�002/005 <br />Use bv Recording Office <br />2 �1101�gG <br />linpaid Ba[ance <br />of Auessment <br />50.00 <br />7890.22 <br />3192.94 <br />Register of Deeds <br />Hdll POBOX 1692 <br />Grand Island, NE 68802-16 <br />Total � $ 1113 3 .16 <br />This notice was prepared and signed at <br />the 27th �ay of January <br />CHICAGO, IL <br />2011 <br />, on this, <br />Signature Titie A <br />�.� REVENUE OFFICER 24-10-1739 <br />for RAY PONTE (308) 384-4850 <br />� (NO7'E: Ceriificate of officer autho�ized by Iaw to take acknowledgment is not essential to the validity of Notice of Federat Tax lien <br />Rev. Rul. 71-466, 1971 - 2 C.B. 409! Form bb8(ln(c) (Rev. 2-2004) �� <br />• Part 1- Kept By Recording OEfice CA7. NO 60025X : <br />