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(p�opeetyAddress) � <br /> 7'it��e e��i��P����w tw e�/e�t��l i�lereal eak tri�.r�b . . . <br /> � _.:�_ �Ma1RI1ta�Nt�fla�I�ilslr��Mt4�i11ta�efr�eMsr�easli�e�M <br /> , dwt�e�hi��ai�eiWrw�elw�t�q. <br /> /�pTt�lA1,(70YENANiS:Tn ad8itias w tbe aa�wnts�ud a�tee�ts m�dt in tbe Satirtit9 Je�tsuomt.$aau�v anb l+�t�det ` . <br /> tiprt3eto�tada�asfaYows: _ � , • , �. <br /> — . A, ��KIE AIrD INONiALY�AYI1�'V'f CBANf�S <br /> _ — 'I'�e1VO�e praviaes tar ar faiWl ibtecett cate of T____.*?�____-�J►.Satim 4 of the t�Tote prarides tat chto�es ia tbe i�ee�at�ate ad tle � - - <br />- ' vo�c�lD�f�.astpito�s: , � <br />---- 1. Q117ER&S7'RATEA1VDAtONTHtYPAYAfENTCHANGE4 ' - , . - . <br /> _ � , l�u �awelow. � . .June ,19 93 -.m�toe�.c�s�. <br /> - � 'lUeiacaritntelwlPqmaYch�eaut6efirstdtlrof <br /> tr►elve�(12):s�oi�+stl�rana.Esd►duean*'6�n�►mtQacrnteo�uld�ucalkda"Chaqe4t�•• . <br /> �.: ` � � '�'reldes• � , � •. :.- . .:.. <br /> - Be�nnin�with the����Y iataese rue�vUl be b�sed acan IndeR.The"iadat"u tht�adciY aveca�elne�oa Ui�'�'•.tata <br /> Tras�y,ewriHa adios�w a ca�i�mat�ty or t'yeu,as maae s�ac�abte ey ak Fe;d�t Resa.e H�+re.nrcmaiESe�es k�la¢.�r.R • - <br /> tew .. . <br /> sv�iLbleaoftbedste4Sda�sbefaee�cbChanO�DraiscalkdtLe"Carrmtlade�." • " <br /> A . <br /> = If tbe ladeit ts no ia�r.�at�.the Noie Holder vv�'1!choose s iww i�afiich is based vpon cromD��infdt�i.:I�t.Note ' <br />. � tlolder�rID�iveme�otiteofc5iscir�. •' <br /> . . ,:� . <br /> - ' (Cl Caitiliwd�%�s ' . ._ . ' ' ' <br />. - &fo�each Chao/rt�te.the Nou Hotda�dU alailate mY nnv intetat rste b5i addiuj t�1TPP �� , <br /> Op�p�t.- �_n--Ir�)W tLe Cucrcac Iudex and roandini to the nearest 1/atl�at l�i.su6Joct to:6e timi[s ststa!Ca 5ation M�)below. , <br /> ->'` TAis rounded atnount�vill be my nav inta+est nte uaBl t6esiext CAan�e Aatc. � ' <br /> � ��Ho�d�w�iU tl�m deter�teiu tlx amount ot the mootLty paymrnt trat woutd be sufficknt to repay in fn111he princip�l!ae <br /> . � expecte�to owe oa that Chan�e D�te iasa6stantWlY�4�AsYments by the mat�uitY ct�te at my new intaest rata TLe mutt of th�s adcat�i�is <br />� .--- ` NjIIbEtI1CtICWiRWilnlO/(IIjItA0I1lIlI}1Q�9�n�• . <br /> ' - .`. (D) 1�w I�iaest iWe CM�es 12.25 9i ar kss tlwi <br /> - , 'Ifle intaat rate 1 am roquirod to pay at the first Change Date wiU not 6e gra[er than fn/A • <br /> _ 5_9S M� interest rate will never 6e inaeascd or decrased on any sinele Ch�nge Ihte by more than�T) <br /> Ms <br /> ' , - frorti ehe rate at intaat E have bcrn payin�iar the preceding twelve manths.'ihe minimum interesc rasc on this loan will never 6e <br /> kcs than S �� —���he ma�imum intuat�ate will never be grcater ihu► 12 25 ��• <br /> (� EtieeUre Aa1e ot CMKa = <br /> . ?: My new intaat rate wiU become cifcctive oa eacb Cdaage Date.I wiil pay the amount oi my new mon[hly psymertt l�yiaatng on the first _ <br /> Ts ' moathly paymcnt date after the Change Date antil�he amount of my monthly payment changes again. = <br /> • r. <br /> ' � (i7 1VolietofCiaKes � � - <br /> '•.r.� The Nae Holder vrill mail ot dtliver to me a notice betore qch Change Date.The noNce witl aCvise me of: � <br /> .. •�;., (;) the new interest rate on my tou�as of the Chanse Uatr, _ <br />- �'" {li) the�mouniotmymonthlypaymrnttoltowinftheChuigeDatr. <br /> .�._ _ <br /> � (iii) any acWidont!mattera which the Note Hofder i�requireQ ta disctose:and : <br /> ��' (tv) the addras ol thoassociadon you could rontact regudlna any questions about the adJustment noHa. <br /> � <br /> ., ' _ A. QURCp6:LIENS <br /> `.;-„���,;;,. ..;. ". Unife�Covm�nt 4 0!the Secuflty lnsttnment is amended to rad as toltows: <br /> .�,.�,.:�._ <br /> ------� =-�;,..: �„p�p;Le�.Borroxer ahali pay aU taxe�.sssessments,and ather charae�.flnd.and lmposition�atttfbuta6le to cix YrapertF afiici�m�Y <br />: 9aain s pr9ority orer ehi�Security insirumm�,aed feuehoid paymcnts ot yround the manrte►provided under Paa�taph 26ereo,� <br /> , =„# noe 9aid in such m�nner,by Barrc+�a makinj payment.when due.directly to the psya shereot.Basrower ahall prompdy tumish Lender <br /> atl nofca ot�mounta d1x unQer ihis puagaph,and ia�he evene Sotrower shall m�te payment directly.Horrower stiall qromptiy furnish to <br /> ' "`''� iReder receiDts evidencln8 sucb payr�cab. 9orrower shaif promp�ly discharge any tien which has priaity wa thi�Securliy In+uumenC " <br /> �'•; . <br /> }iowever,9orrower sls�W not be reQuired to dischuEe any such lien so tona a�Horrawer:(�)shatl aane in writing to the paymmt of the' <br /> - obl;ptioe secured by such lien in the mannar accep�abie to isnder:(by shatt in good fai:h contest sucfi licn by.or detend aaainsi enforcemrni ot <br /> f a � -�'� sucb lien in,te�at Droceedings which in the opinlon of Lender operau taprevrnt the enforcement ot thot3en or forfdture of thC Property or any <br /> � "'"�"�'�"-""��' part thereot:er(c)shall securo from the hotder of such fien an agreement in a torm satistactery co Lender subordinating such Uen to thl� <br /> . �� �:.:..�.;.. <br /> .''"`s?'��,� 5ecutity Imtruaient. - <br /> ' �,�?v- � , Ii Lendrt detrnnines that atl or any parf of the Propei�y is subJecl to�f IiM wtderi may a[[ain a priaritY ave►thiy SecurSty inscrum�at. <br /> ' �"'�"'°`' 1.ettQer shati give&nrower a noHce idenHtyina sucb lim.Borrawer shall satisfy such lien oc tatr on:or more ot the actiom set torth ubove <br />.. . ' . � . ._ _ ._ , � wiefiieteadaysottbegiviegotsdeaotice. <br /> � _,;,. � , <br /> �:,�� . C. � NOiiCL+ ' <br /> , Unl[ormCoventntl4oitheSecaritylnstrumentisameededtoreadastoitows: <br /> .• 11. NodcY.$fecept tor any noHce required under appiicabte!aw�o be given in another rtotice to g��rawm pravided for in this <br /> � . • 5ecutity Instrument sh�ti begiven by ddiveNng it oe by mailing it by tint class ma}1 to Horrourer at the Property Address or ut such nther uddress <br /> . ` ... <br /> ----- =-`-=-=—`=-=-- �gors�i��y dtt#gnate!�g natice tc+Render ac�nvldcd hecele and lbl anY notice to tendtr shnll be gi�en hy lirsf dass m�il to t.cnder's <br /> addrcssstafed herein ot to such nthe�adQtess as Lender may,dRsignate by rtotice to garrower as providtd herein.Any natice ptnvided for in ti�is� <br /> . �, ; • � StcudtylnstrumeneshallbedamedldhaaebrengiventnSorrowerorLcndcrwhertgivcninthcmanner.deeigaatetlfiereirr. � <br /> - ,. • <br /> ;:. . , '. '; • _ <br /> _�.. . ' . <br />