:r, . -r ;" -+ . _ _ _ _. _., _
<br /> _ -- -.��`. - �. _ - -- � � _[ _ _ ' . . --. _. ' .---
<br /> . �- -.t� . _..._._ - —.. . , � �
<br /> ..�sY_..��_z� ' .< � . . , ' . . . � � . . , � � . . . . : . � i..
<br /> - - . ; _ - , ., _ _ . � � . _ `�-= �1U468'��^`
<br /> .
<br /> 000�eeon�.9on ar aWer ptin�uf any pact of the['topeity.ar fa convey��ee in iieu of cardemp�tiak��1�Y���. `. -
<br /> � sl�ll 6e paid to l.endes . . . . ` '
<br /> . , tn the evrnt of a wqfl•along of t6e Ropecty.thep�ocee�shal! be applie�to tAe suros secuted by thfs Stcueiry�
<br /> � L�nrt�t,wf�ether•r�r noe then du�wit`h bny exoess piid so Bo�rowa. In tUe aveut af a pa�tiat taking af the Ptopertg in
<br /> whkh d�e f�'v m�rtcet vafue of tNe Piope�ty unm�diuely befo�e 1hc t�icing is equal to a grcater th�she a�nau�t of thc�m►s •
<br /> secu�ed by this Security Iasavma�t immediately hefar the taking,�mkss Hortuwe��td l.ender dherwise agree in v�m'Eing,
<br /> the swns secu�ed by this Securiry lasa�uma�t sl�all bc�by the amouM of the pFOOeedc mWdplied by tl�e folWwing. _
<br /> ;fracdox fa)the totat�a'f d�e svms saau+ed im�d`r�uly 6efo�!he talceng.divided by(b!tbe fa�r muket valu�o(the . _
<br /> ` � pmperty imrtKdiatelg befae the tatcing. Any b�la�ce stsait be paid m 8ocrower. 1n the event of a partial t�king M the.
<br /> Peop�rty in�vhich th�fair marfc�t v�lue of tde P�ope�ty,immediuetY before tUe taking is less than�he amount.tsf the sums
<br /> secu�ed immediately 6efar the taking.unkss Borrower and Lender otherwise agix in writing or unkss a{splicabie law
<br /> olherwise pmvides.tIx¢rueeeds shall 6e applied to the s�uns secured by this Security Insuument whaher ar mt the sums a�e
<br /> theR due. `�
<br /> _ � if ehe Pmperty is abar�daxd by Bamnwer,or if,after notice by l�ender to Borrower that the ca�demnor offers to maice .
<br /> an awud ot seak a claim for damages.Bormwer faiLs to respafd to I.ender within 30 days�fter tbe date�notice is givert.
<br /> Lender is authari7�ed to copoct and applyr ttx pcoceeds.at its op�iot�,either to�+eestnraaun or nepair of t6e Mvperty or to the
<br /> -_- sums securod by this Security Instinunet��,4!Yf�sther or not tben due,._. .
<br /> .. _�- -_----= _ �.._- °
<br /> -
<br /> — Unless Ltnder and Bamawtr otherwise ageein writing.any appl`�a7"ion dt pt�oceeds ttt prirtcip�f�a1i t�ot ix�ar �� .
<br /> post�r the dae date of the monthlY paYments referred to in paragraphs!and 2 or change the amount of such payment�.
<br />-- ll. Borr�a�ver Not Rekised; Pocbe�rance By I.tader Not s Waiver. Eatension of the time for payment ot -
<br /> modfiption of amartizatian of the sums securcd by this Securiry Instrument granted by L.etidcr to any successor in intenesi
<br /> - af Bqrtower shall not aperate to release the liability of the original-Hormwer or B�rower's suecessors in inttrest Lender
<br /> - s6ail not 6e nequirtd to commence p�aceedings against any succeswr in interest or refuse to exucd time fa paymeat or
<br /> --- ahrawise aadify amanization of the smns secured by tdis Securiry tnstruinent by�easat of any demand msde by the,origiaai. ,
<br /> -- . B�xivwu a Bormwer's s�ce.�oss in intenest. My fotbraran�ae by Lender in exerri�ag any ngAt ot�tn6dy�fiall tnt be a -
<br /> ,.� �aiver of or preclude the exeic�se of any nght ar remedY• ' ` ' . ,
<br /> '12 Saccessors aed Ass�ns Batnd,Jotnt aed Several LiaDility,Ca-si�oers Thc"eavenams at�1 agnements of dus
<br /> Security Instn�shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Leoder and Borrower.subject to the pmvisiaas of
<br /> Paragraph 17.BarmwePs coyenanu and agreements shall be jaint Aad several.�1ny Barower wi�a'co-slgns ihis Securiry
<br /> - • [nsnument but does na eaecate the Nate: tA)is co-stgning this Securiry Tnstrument oniy to mortgage,gazt[and caavey t�i
<br /> . "" I ' Baraower's interest in the Ropercy under the temu of ihis Security In.�trun�enG lb)is not personaily obligated to pay the sums
<br /> � .: ; sec�ed by this Security Instrumen�and(c)agcees that L.ender and any other Borrowet may ag�ee to extend.modify.forbear ,
<br /> •,<� ; or make any accommodations with regnrd ta the temu of this_Security Instroment or ihe Note without that Bamwer's ,
<br /> • 7 �1�3 Lattn Clwrges�. If the loan secured by this Serurity Inmument is subject to a law which sets raaximwa Iwn
<br /> " �es,and that law is finally interpreted�so that the interest ar other loan charges cdtaKed or to be collceted Lr cnooxtian ,
<br /> �Li'�i'�e loan exceed ihe pertmtted limits.them (a)any suci�loan charge sUa116e raduc�d by the amount necessae},?'�ii:'irdc�ce
<br /> ���iarge to the pemiiaed limit;and(b)any sums already collected from BoROwer vvE�ich oxceeded permit�ed li�eias s�n'll be
<br /> r;:,, = refiinded to�tiowe�. i.ender may chaase to maice this refand by reducing tt�e principal awed under the Note or by n�inf s.:,
<br /> �_;_E,� f �� direct payme��i Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be ueated as a partial pepayment vvjthout any.;;;_,
<br /> _ _ prepaymenfs��-�eundertheNote. .� `�.;,: .
<br /> , � - 14. Not�ees'. Any notice to Borrower provided far in this Security Instrument shall be given i�g ck�ireri�g R at by �
<br /> ma�tina it by first clas.c mail unte.�.s applicable law requis�es use of another method.The notice shall be direaed we��?I'operty .. .
<br /> ,,. . .�d...'�ess or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any natice to Lender shaU be given b���4st ciaas
<br /> � �s_•� rr.ajl to l.ender's address stated herein or any uther address Lender designates by notice to Barawer. Any notice pa�yjdod for
<br /> -�- ' in ti�is Security Instrument shall be deemesP co huve been given ta Borrower or Lender whea givea ais prav'tcied jn this
<br /> ' -�;L .. ����, :. . .
<br /> l5. Governing I.aw; �evera61t1ty. This Security Insm,mem shall be govemed by foderal law m�d d1a Y�r:of We •
<br /> � _:_ iRi:.�:iction in whicb the Praperty is lncated. 1n the event that Any provision or clause of this Security Insuumait+�'dhis Nole
<br /> _ . _:�. . arl-i:�ts with applicable law.;�:,;.h conitict�hall not affect other provisions of thig Security lnstrument ar the No�t 5►�ich ean
<br /> � - be giVen effc:�..~e'•�i.'.!�aut the cc»flicttng pravision. To thi.c end the provisions of this Security lnstrument and the'T3ok are � ` '�.
<br /> . `:�+�. - � dectazed to ix�.�i�able. � , , �•.
<br /> �,, ,
<br /> � ��` !; 16. Borr�er's Copy. Borrower shalt be given ane conformed mc:,�;:af the Nate:uid of tf�is Secacicy lnsawnent. , ;�;�,::
<br /> 17. 71r�nster o�tde Praperty or a Beneflclal lnterest in Borrower. lf all or any pan of the Propeity or a►�r�enst in .
<br /> - i�'is sold or transferrcd(or if u beneficial interest in Barnawcr is sotd or transferred and Borrawer�s txK a aawr�is peraa�)
<br /> � �� without Lenders prior written c�nsent.Lender may.at itw,�tion,require immediate p�yment in full of�11 sums sc�wtd by
<br /> " thic Securiry Inwrument. Hawever.this apti��*tihall not rx exercised by Lender if exercise i.c prahiE�d by federaf taw a�of
<br /> .. ;. ; . the date of tbis Security ln�trument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this optian.Lender�h�li give Aac�awer natice af accelerAtion. The notice shall provide a period of
<br /> ,t �. . � nat lesw than 3(1 dayw f'ram the d.itc thc natice is delivered c�:mailcd within which Baaower must pay aU sumw secrrc�d by this
<br /> �,.,.:. .
<br /> �u7•• ��^� ��'• Security Instrument. If Borrawer failc to pay thesc hur.:_. priar to the expiration oG�tis period,Lender may in•�uke any
<br /> r7. r5,::• • .
<br /> ...,;,a�,..,.'.: c, remediew pertnitted hy this Security In.rtrument withaut further notice ar demand on Bc.T�wer.
<br /> .-r-�--•-�- .
<br /> -- •:.,.r,•; ��-;�;: I8. Burrawer 9 tiig,t�f t6 Reinstnt�. ti' Borri�wcr meets certa�n cotrditions. Barrnwer tihall havc the right ta have
<br /> :' �'� � cnfarcement ai thi!�Security Instramcnt disrontinucd at:iny�ime pria�ta t�e e�arlier of: (a)S days(or such other period as
<br /> ,,�{:.:.�..,
<br /> ` , . `iogte Famity..Fannk�tae/EieQdie�1x UNIFUN�f 1�5'itt�NF::�i'P�•Unifnm�Cnvcnanc, 9199 Ipngr 4 nJb pagr.c�
<br /> '� +�`�.� .."�.
<br /> �11. ���''�':`
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