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<br /> lt.Fardawt Ptuadw+�.1t L�ad�r r�yrin�Y�w�te��wt��dl��pl�!���y
<br /> tsvoke tYe pawar et w�t�a��r ofMr rtwedk+�prrt�ttted by spplk�bie la�.Le+eid�+ �td!bn mWl�od to oo!lect
<br /> � a��w bc�nr�i lu p� tM tv�� wwi�e frM p�rapra� 1U� 1Md+�d1+iL. 6rt �ot W�le�d to,
<br /> ewMOw�We Mt�or�s'taM�a�d oo�t ot Nt{e e�l�eae�.
<br /> • V t�e power ef�ld f�t l+e�oked,'hwet�e�Y11 rea,�d a rotice ut ddsRit I�a awdi o�mty in w!�{d��put ot
<br /> tw hoparRy M Iaartai �d idl �p copiar ai wc4�o�k�e t� tie�s�er pracribed by ��pi{cabk !�w to
<br /> saro�w�r�wd ta the otl�p��pr�� �ppi{c�bi�e kw. Atter tl�e time req�ined bq appiia�le faR�
<br /> Tewtes iW�pwblk�otice o[�rle le tM�p�o�r ivad in tl�e u�w�er Pe'ercribed b�'�►ppiicable h�w.'Ilrwtee,
<br /> :�itrodc d�e.�a u. Do��,dns sd!nre ut�op.ty.e pw�iie aMeeio.a a�e�I�at bidikr�t tbie a.�e�.a
<br /> phoe�d wuler Wc ts�a�1e�rdsd i�tme aofia ef are iie owa oc a�a�e pip� �tad ta��+a�or�dcr'�ra�rtiee
<br /> dete+�ira.'hwttc mq►parQpowe�e o[�B or aq�psr'ed ot tY�l4+opat�►b7 p�l►Kc art�mat�t itt�e Nme
<br /> ard i�a�[r�)'p�+'lowiy�edak�A Mle.I.ewier ar fir d�pw�aJ'P�'ei�re tl�e lrapu�ty:at�ar7 aYe- �
<br /> If trs Le�av'a Irtae+rt i tW St�wrlty I��wewR i�lwid by+tl�e 8aa�d�'7 wl dRS�ea�wry�eet��a
<br /> i�wrilMt ��ew� ,m tbq �ler lar�p� !, iM 9oenprrr 1�nsy �d.tM� �w!'fealwl power,dt Mle , .
<br /> ;xorld�i Ir tie 3i��FlwMih Moki�1�be+eeMw.:Aet o�a�1�"�"}(t�3�Gr�,�.37s���,��r_.e��e1� .
<br /> �i:f,oncloa�s oo�mtuioanvr deri�tea �t�e Ad Co oo�aeoe fbe±eeQa�;��*a�d b sdl t�e �4+n�� ar
<br /> • 'p�ti�Wei iR IMe Act._ Nafliiey 1�tk�e prea��a rMM�iqt�e tire;�?��`oQ�uA r�Yts etiw�ai�e
<br /> . ���ile to ie Lesde�w�M�tir rie�r�is or�ppYeabie 4w.� .
<br /> UPM�ik�Mr�w�!��►1Y�bs rW�di�r ee fie��wr Tn�tee'e d�R oo�syle� .
<br /> We Pt+�ert�.'11�e r.+�slbah�b�tre qlrwta'�dt�eii i�Y�e�ci�t htls t�lieoM���:.ot t�e frstk e[Ir1e �ta�ewb .
<br /> ��e tl�i.'i�r�rt��e�Rppb tYe p�oa�ll a�t�t rde in tw[a�o�wi��e+dei:(a)�o r cab ai�a�e�e�r w
<br /> �sc�f 1�P�(r'�i)�•�1'1� �e�iro�Rl�af��ote at q�e�r,K iecW�fMr�t drMit,
<br /> �i�bia�1tar�'fi�M�ewdlred by Nw;(1►)b�■��ee�rad b�tM�S�itT Lritir�ntt sM(e) � "
<br /> . �q►exc�r to trb pK�a or p�M�,y prflde�l lo k.
<br /> ll�.�r�ry�pea.�Jpon ptymeat ot�il amois�o�w�by thii Sea�eity Ia�meat,I.eader�hall ra�eat'Citwlee _
<br /> :;:,, w reoonvay tLe PrapHry aod�4�i!s�x�a+.e�nder tbit Sea�ri¢y ta�nroaCrst eed aU no1e�eride�i�'rtybt �ec�ne�l b�r d�
<br /> � Sr,curity Inruutntae�to T:wtae. 1'nist�ci dmtf :eoo�avry We Pc�c�p�i�,;�'ivid�t �v�rcip�y ad rr{rhout c�ar�e eo tbe
<br /> P��P���y�Jtkd W it.Stiah pes�on a penooe�hall�dry'�rq►tet�o'td�tfoa e6�q. ' .
<br /> 2�.SiMltwte.11n�r(Lvc.:iea�let�at fn apRioe.rp�y'fraa t��o dcue�ridqavD�TtuMet rd ipp�oi�t a�nt+oNlot �� >�.'_i;,.
<br /> enwta�n npr 11n�rone�pptiinled Ya�a�bp�a�sa�t rxatded iA die oaumy in w�ir��Sot�ih/l�t,���eet 4 .�,�;
<br /> js roowded.Wh6ow�ootreyis4e of tbe Prope�ty�tbe�ooa�ot d�u�tee�11 moueed W dl t�e�ide,poNer�d 6�tler ��:.
<br /> oonlErtiodupou'�ustot�zod by�rplicabk lawr. � , .
<br /> . , ..
<br /> .
<br /> � 21.1le�wt Oar�.�oeraMer t�ue�t th+it oopia of the aotloa of�l.�tiit�od�a�e ivat w Ho�r��c'i
<br /> : . ad�M�e�s�3�tba�tcpi�rly Addie�. ,
<br /> •. � 22.��to tYi 9�e�sirltr Ia��ow��t.If eae rx moe+e ridai aoe e�t+a�oedf�3a,y Hore+ow�ee ard i+ea�e�lea tu�e�6ec
<br /> .r�h tb3� 9ecwitr 1n�i�t�t. tha oo�reo� of each wch c#d�t�►1 ba �4'aii;rpnr�led i�b aed i� a�d �ad
<br /> wppianal tf�e coo�ra�wt wi�reeaoenb of thii Seaaily �n�.rt�if tf�t�dec(t)w�ae a p�ct at W4 3ea�ity
<br /> ,[�roc��pplfcaWe boz(�)]•
<br /> .�c�•�u� � c�a�►� , G8� a���'�
<br /> W�aaed U�ntt D�n�xn�c�tida c3r�fi�tee Payjaaoc Rider � MORTGA6
<br /> ' ; '. .
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<br /> ��IIIMf�a�wi � : ap s ee a . , � ti����li�Li� .
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