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<br /> . . . _ __ . . .
<br /> .;... i t^s - �^'4 ro -r�u•.���. .� ��,.. ,�.��.��
<br /> ,T" �.. � at��±a � f �
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<br /> • • •. r 1,r ',,t;:,, ...� - __°__�..a..YatAfl�Ntt.
<br /> -u�x��:'.�x�Pk1'�t�i;1.�'N� , �� �v�, , . _ --
<br /> � �__.,,:W— — ---- - —
<br /> '"_--_____--"'_____"„"__'--,—__'�•�W�'.SQ�<��/i�3T"i.._}':�.-._�.__-
<br /> .��� . . .._—__...-__�..Q.....,....� .��.��r.f}^�^'�^i^^'^"'�'^�..�^"��..'^1!S`:^�'�!!„�T.�f�.t.�r--.r�r....................._.......�__ ._.'."`"_'"' -._........_.__ ._ _. _...-____.
<br /> V��_ �{/��/V -
<br /> abmtdoned Property. Hon+owar eh+�ll a1Mr be !n defAUlt if Bormw�r, dudng the iwa �pplicuion pmc�. gave
<br /> m�tesi�Dy fil�e or ia�ccurato ibtosmutan or �uKemeats 2o LaKier (or f�tled to provide i,eader with u►y m�taial
<br /> infor�tlon) in oonoocxlon wltlt tlta!aa tvtQtrncal by tho Ncte. lxludiag, but not limlud w, np�runtuionc
<br /> oo��cezaln� Aortower'� occup�ncy of the Ph+�ierty �a a principrJ raidence. If thin Secudty In�trument i: on �
<br /> Ie�dwid,Borc�owrx�il wu�2y w1Ut tlse pmvi��ons of t�e leasc.IP Boxrower acquires fee title to the Property,the
<br /> Il�EhOld�r0E IIUA./�IHI�WIM bl3�YtftXod ualaa L�oder�grGa to che msr�er Ia writing.
<br /> 6.Coinde��ntba,Tlut,procee�of wy�nvu�d or cl�im for dun�ga.dlrxt or consal�ential. in cnnnecdAn wtth
<br /> �ny ooademm��tl�n,.ar,,aNh���' ulcin6 ot ttny put of tt►se Prapecty, or for oonveyanca in place of tond�m�mttan, un �
<br /> 5ereby asrttaed md�iwlt be�ald to Leasder to the exteat of tho N1i anwunt of the indebtednar tbat�samaius unpaid
<br /> � ua3er the Note Aacl tbli 5ecucity iaucument. I.ender sb�U aippiy tuch ptncads to tUe�edttctlon oY tha�lndebtpduesr
<br /> uadx tb�e Nobe �od thL Sceurity Initiva�ent, fint to any delinqueat �awunt� �pplied in the order pmvidad in
<br /> p�r�r�ph 3.wd then w pc�ymeat of prtucip�i.Any applicuiaa of[ha rmcooas co ihe principnt eha31 p�t eaiwd ox -�
<br /> patpox tLe dua�lat:e af We mo�11ilY WYmeau�which�re refercai t��i p�2.or chu�e ttra�amouot of wch
<br /> p�ymeat�. Aay akctas pc000alr over�a wnouns Requiral to p�y�II autat�:�tdln,g indektedness uncler'the Note wd thii
<br /> Securlty Inknuawt�ull be paiti co the auiry Ic�ity entIt}ed�bemo. .
<br /> 7. Cb�r�w t�a Eora+owax�and Prot�ctiai o[ �r�er'� Ri�6ta .in the Prop�rty. 19ot[ower �6all pay_�91
<br /> go�veraraaotv at aruaicipal chwr�a.fiaet and impadHotu Wet�ue not 3naluded in pu+�nph 2. Borrower ihall WY
<br /> those obUj�tionc on time dlrecxly to the a�t1ry whkh i�ov�ed tho pqym�nt. If fdlure to pay aou1Q advet�ely �ffecx
<br /> � I�en�ler•� iatcrat in the Pm�etty. upan I.en�fer'� roq�est Borrawer'alall promptly fum9d� to L�ender reoeipb
<br /> esvids�cin�thae prymeat�. ;'�.
<br /> . If Hano�+er fails to�ko tbae paym�eau ar tbe payma�ite roquind by p�rasra�h 2.or lail�to perform a►y atur
<br /> ouvaw�ts�ad�reem�ats oonalaed in this SocuritY Tr�meot� or tt�e 9�+�k=al prooeediaj that m�y�ijnit'�c�atYy
<br /> �tIECt I�EOAOf'�1�ti IQ tOE PiOpE[ty(iUCJI$&i��m D�1iuU,p[c.'y. �o� . .wm�c�0iiud�w�cu vaw awwo aw :
<br /> . iEjtl��j00/�►�bEII LC�Cl 1W}► f�0��W�CVCt Ii lIOOd{�Cy f0 j1I0'�CC�t�1E Vi�UC Of�IC p2+0[1CIiy�I.pldE!'t
<br /> Iij�IO fbC P[fl[1E[l}II.�llCZp�1�$�j►�Ot1�XC�.L17iM�EiUftl1CC Allfl Q1�lt!IlCalf��Il�lii�Z.
<br /> My�n�vuna di�bur�ad tiy l.endor urMkr tbis par�'aph thdl ba:ome�a�dditiotW debt ai Horro�ver a�d lio
<br /> �cur�d by lbis Secudty Inwn�ssia►t.Tl�eu at�ouau�Il'f�r Intentt irom tbe d�te af diiburaement� at the NGZe
<br /> rate,aad at tbe qxjou of I�ead�r��11 be imm�edl�tdy due and pry�t+ln: .�
<br /> Bonnwrer�h�ll proo�tlY di�chuRe�►Y liea whlch h�s pr�aicy evex thL Ses:udty Inacwnwt�uil�a Hoirrowet:
<br /> (�aBree+ia wtitint W tLe paymaat of tbe oWiptioa �ecurod bY tho liea ia a mtnaa�oapabla W L�oncfex� (b)
<br /> ooneakt in�ood t�ith t6e tka by. x detaod��in�t afotoama�t of the Ika in, 1e&1 Vroceodiojs wLlch ia tLe
<br /> L�da'� opinion oporxo to p[evsat tbe eafa�roeaxnt of che liea; or (c) �oa�re� from the holder of du lien aa
<br /> �eem�t�to Leader tubadio�ai t6e ilen to tt�is Soairlty[muun�.[f��eader dae:mines t�t a�prat
<br /> of tho Propaty h wbjxt to a liai whicb mty attatn pciotiry ova t6is Savdty I�at, I�fdrr na�Y i�
<br /> Baroaer a notioe ida�cifyiot the lka. B�omirva�Il uitiaty the lisa or uke c�ue ar mon ot'the�ctioa�eet foryh
<br /> above wittila l0 day�of tLe pvai�of uoticaee.
<br /> , f.Fe�s.I�ender msy coifac�fea omd ch�c�a autho�riaa�by We Sa;rauY. � .
<br /> 9.GrowwM tar Aoode[�tbon ot Debt. , `.
<br /> (s� Ddlr�it. I�eader m�y. exapt a��imited by�ul�tioos i�a�d�by tlre 5ecntuY. in tbe csu ot paymeat �
<br /> defaula.req�ire immediue WYmcat in full ot�11 wm�eauloG bY thi�Socw3ty In�trnment if: :,
<br /> (i)Aocmwer detr�tln by failit�w pyr in ttitp a�Y��Y:�Y��+�bY����Y� ,`�',
<br /> prior to or on the due d�te of tbe next awntWY.IP�Y�•ar � �
<br /> (ii j Bon+o�ver dehwlu by f�il�, [or a per[od of thirty dryn,w pafolm auy wber obH�tiooa oontdaeQ .
<br /> ia d�5ecurity Iusttumeat.
<br /> (b)S�la'4Yltlwwt C�dlt Appiu�►al.l.ender tJWI. if ga'mittod by�pplic�le law(itxludin�Sa:tfon 341(d)
<br /> oi tbo(iam-St. (3a�nwla Depalwry Inadtutions Act o!19B2. 12 U.S.C. I701j-3(d)? �ad with Wc pi�Ut
<br /> _ �pprav�l of iLe SeaQtau�'� roquiro icnmaliete payment in tull of�ll wmi aoc�l�ed bY tLls Sa:utity in~trum[�at
<br /> � iL• . . .
<br /> ; �'MtIYE1�aa+ �'�m'w' � , wrur�� ��
<br /> ,.� ,.
<br /> •,
<br /> __ _ __ _ _ __
<br />