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<br /> w�u'q y �1���w��,n.�••,
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<br /> ___
<br /> _ _ _ 9dr� 1�6t�?�
<br /> -►•nG��1•H►:R WETII ail dzc ii»p�+�vc�ucnts fyow�nr hr.rea€ter era:ta!a�n�hs pra{�rty,A�xf a11 rasrmei�ts,appunaiAncts,a�x1 _
<br /> fixturcr �x�w a-,• lic►•4aAsr ti �a�t uf' t{�� r1yo�::rty. Ail r�cl�l;tccmcnts ��ud r�d:lit4na�s shaU �dsn he cs�vcrr+l hy d�is Sciarity
<br /> instrun�ent.AI!uf tt�o foreguing is ceferred to In this SGCUriry Instruir�ris[as the"Pm�zeriy."
<br /> AURRQW�R COV�NANTS that Borrower is lawildly seisod of�he�tate hereby convcycti ai�J lias the ri�ht tn trant iuxf
<br /> convay�he Pr��pert�r pnd �tuE�t� �r°P�riy is ur�ncumbered• excetix for encumbrwnces af record. Borntv�or w�rrants K�xt Wlll
<br /> dalend�er�tntilly the tide to the Property bB�in�t�ll cl�tms end drr�cwls.Subject tu uny cikumbr���cs af'reca�nl.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMk.N'f cbmbir�uniform�;avenants[or ru►tional usc encl rxin-uniform cuvrnxnts wilh Ilmitnd
<br /> vuiatans by jutisdictiun to can�tiwte r u�iifu�����u.:+ty:s��trur,t;,nt ca�rerin�rr,l rro(rCrly, ,_
<br /> �INICORM COV�[3ANTS.Borrowts md[.end�r co�c�^��+�B^���follows: W}�n due the
<br /> 1. !'�ymdAt ot Princip�l�aad Intetrsti P�'Ci�wy� And Iate Clu�c�e�. Borrnwer SFudl prumpt�Y {�►Y
<br /> pdncip�i of Ard interest on the debt evidenced by the Note�nd unY prep�Y�t and oete chargeg due under tho Nae.
<br /> 2. Funda tor'hxes �nd I�nce. Subject t��pplicable luw or ta a writtan waiwer by I�nder.Hormwer 3hall p�y �o
<br /> �nder���he dA�montbly p�yments are due under the Nao,uutil tttz Note is poid in CuU,a sum("Funds")for: (�)ye�r�Y��x�s
<br /> ��s�ex�me�ts which may�tuin priorfty ovee this Scn►riry Instrumeat ss e licn o�lhe Property:(b)Yarly lea�dx►I�t�tayme:�Ma
<br /> or gnQUnd rents an thc PrnpertY�if any:(c)Yearly hu.�cd or propnty insurance pncmiums:(d?Y�1Y�aod insurnxw pne�tiume,
<br /> if anyc(�)Y�ly rrprtgage insurance prcmiums.if�+ny: end (�ai►Y sums puyeble by Borrower to Lendec. in aoeardun�ro wvth
<br />. the pravislons of pwagraph 8. in lieu af the payment of mor�gagc inwrAncc pr�miums.Tlx,e iter�s are called"8scrow tterns.'
<br /> [.eoder rn:y, y►anY time. calleci a�x!holcl�umis in�n �mcwnt not t� exa�ed the ma�cimum amount a letder for a fodernliy
<br /> �IateB mcxt�slqe luan r+u�y reyaire for Hoiro►vbt's cscrow�count un�ler the federsl Rc�al Est�te Settlement Procodurea Aat of
<br /> ��a ac smnndal from cime to cime.•12 U.S.C. So�tion Z6(ll�r sr.y. ("RESPA"), unles.s urother law th�t applia ta the Funda
<br /> sets a lesser su�xwnt. If so�I.eixle��may. at any tirr�,oolloct and iaid �rurniy i�i xii e;r.ct��, n� to tx�!!!�!!�•ts amnnnt.
<br /> I,enc�e�nyy �scimue the amount of Funds due on the�sis af cvrrrnl daG►rnd reasonab�� �i�a of experxlit►�res of fi�ture
<br /> Escrow Ite�s or ottxrwise in accordanse with upplicable law. i�Nmtr+telit or c.niily
<br /> sUS ure insurai b a fodtcal agu�cy. Y•
<br />. 'fhe Funds shd! be held in an inttitution whose depo� Y
<br /> (including I.ender.if I.ecwJ4tT is such an institution)or in any Fuderal Home L,oui►n`t��' �lianp the ex.�cow t taoo��.�'
<br /> ' E�crow ltems.I.enda n�►y ront chuge Borl�nwer for taftling encl applying Y Y' 8
<br /> y�{y�ng�Esa^ow Itertu,�unl�s I.ender pays Dorrow�rr interest on the Fundy�nd�applicab[¢law prrnucs l,endtr to make such
<br /> a r,harge.Bowaver.[.ender m�y re�quire borrower to pay a one�time charge for an irde}x►►de+�e rca!e�x�ta� �P°tGag°u'"�
<br /> : � bg l.�ier in oonneccion witlt this {an, un{eu applicablc law provicks othecwisc. U��i�ess an r�nxment is m�ie or
<br /> applic�t►le law ra-{uires'sntaest to be p�id,'Lerrde►sh�ll not be re9uirod to pny Borrowec any interest or amin�Es on tho Funda.
<br /> flarmw+er and L.ender rtwY aBn�c in writing,howcvet,th�t interest shAll be p�id ott,iiae TundS. Lender sl�ll�ive W Barrnwer.
<br /> wilhout ChR�t+$4,all uuMtal aoC01111ti11g of the Ftu103.silowing croaias aiu awi��:,t'.`.�.F:::.�:'TM thw�r�nny¢:f6J WLICt1�1
<br /> debit w ehe!�aids Ws►s rnade.'t1►e Funds aro plodgad ac additioaai src�adry for�11 s�una sea►e�ad b}this Security Irest�umrnt.
<br /> If the'Fund�held by i:erder cxcood ttx�mounts permitted to�Ue lhtid by aQplicabl�I;��x.[.cinder shail�a.�uunt to Aorruwcr .
<br /> for the azoess�Funds in accorriu�ce witti tl��rWuirc�ntnu of appilcsble law. If it�amiwrot��f th��Funds held by�.nxler�t any
<br /> ticne is i�ot suffic�em tu�.�iy ihe Pscrow ltems whes�due.l,ender m�Y so ro�F9�P�.'�k••'awcr im wri�¢hg,and.in s�cfi c�ae Bomowe�
<br /> sMl1 pay tn I�nd�x�4hr":atYetst�nt►�a�.ssarY W�nok�e up tho deficiency. Bonrowe*k�:s±h:�{m�ic�►�t't!he nleficia�cy in no ma�than
<br /> Melve a�ont�►ly�%nacii��,wti`�.�e+del�s sok discretian, � �
<br /> Upon,�iay,YnNit lri'�itli of all s�um eavral by Ahis Security I�strument. l.er�der st►�il pcv�itly ne[und W Borrowr�ury
<br /> Pu,�ds t�ela'by I.�aer::�r;;under p�ragraph
<br /> 21,[.�nda sfW1 aoquire or�ell tlu Propcctyi Lendcr,prior tn tfie aoqu9�ition or s�le
<br /> , �o[the�y, s��'d�!���';�Y Funds held by i.cyncler,at tlie timc of acquisitiore or sale�s a crodit�gainst the a��m+sncui'ed bY
<br /> � : this Sexxmty Irrtrumq�t};,. .
<br /> .. 3-����d P+�)�eab.Unf�ss apQlicable law pmvides othawise.all paymcnut rectevbd by Laidcr uoder p�tiphs
<br /> ] snd 2 shit+rt fic appl�od:first�t�anY W'cpaY�t chu8�s due u�xler the Nute; secoa�d:ta a�rthe�ts p�yabie under p�tagrq�jh 2:
<br /> third.to i�4rc;�st dae:fourth,tu prineiql dao:a�d I�t, to any late eluuges due unckr ttusl�Tu�t..:
<br /> 4,Cb�r�;i.ieuic.�trow�r shdl pay alf tauca. �esamaits, charges,fin�s aod id�xtniaars atttibuubk to tlie Propaty
<br /> u
<br /> whid� aMr atuin�'iority,;qevtir ttus S�xurity itncruuktM,and lraschold pys�a��:ax gron�ad!�te�ts. if any. Borrowa ahall p�y
<br /> d�ae obliQationa in tt�e mu�ner pmvtc�qd.in pr�regrW�lt 2,or if not p�id in that�nn�dr,�rnc�ivsr st�all p�y Nam an ume�irecxly
<br /> ta the pera►ttn owod p�yma�t.Bormw�r.si�dl proai�tly fumish to I.x�+x1�r�ll mtkcs of amaudt�tn be paid und�r thi:hangnpb.
<br /> If Eorrow?�ir�mace�tt��uymenGi d�roc�t�y:Barnrwer stnil prompct,M.•'Furnish to I.endez rse�!1Ns evidencin8 tl�e PaY�.
<br /> Borcow�a a1Wl pmmpely disch�ugo any lie�:whi'oh has pciority+�vcr this 5ecurity i�aCrument unkss Bo►�+ower:(r)+��e+�n
<br /> �' writirys W the PaYm�t of the obligatiou secured',pj''3h�,litn in a rou�net acceptublc tn Lenckr;fb)conuats in good fsith the lien
<br /> by;or de{�nds �insl aiforament of the liai iinq,:i�e8+�1 proo�odings which�in thc�T,.axkr's opinian o�perate w p►evan the
<br /> ecd.br�aat�ei�it:of the licn;ur(c)socunx4�'P,dtn tht holder of tt�li�if•a�a agrcement sauufactor.y co I,en�er sulxxdinMing die lien to
<br /> t}�is Sav�h��:Instrumrnt.IE Lendec dbtir�hines that any part of the�?Fxopecfy iy snbject to x 1��c:,:`which may att�in pri�ity over
<br /> this Savrily I�►trumetx,l.encier may Sive&�rro�ver a notia icientifying lha l�a.Borrowe��eilNdl satisfy the lien or taic�e one or
<br /> �. ,• .
<br /> ,':'.more o{�he nctions set fonh above wit6in 10 d2J•�c�(ti�t 8iving of notice. �
<br /> ' � �_ , Far�S02s 8t80
<br /> ' ..- Pr;2Mb ` � .
<br /> . '.�.' . , •..-ti�
<br /> � ' � ' .�. :�- . '
<br /> 'i. , . �
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