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<br /> .�.'_ _ ' _"_._.'_.�..��.....�"�r.
<br /> c ---�.
<br /> ..�.�}.J.�tfT:Yyf�qitii.I.IUF�.� . - _ '_ __...._..
<br /> . — �...- -.._..�_� _ —. _
<br /> � — _ _""_ "":_ '_ _. .. . _
<br /> „�;,�— __ '—_- __—_- — -- _ —' .'_— .' ___- . .
<br /> �i£�I��CORI}�[1c 9�"' 104i��U 9s�. ;�.(1:�'�Q
<br /> 'i t�(,1Ki'ti�'R �Y!'�']���i�ho I+��novanwnu� �t+�w�r�tle��xacl�sl ert�the pm�teny�mA atl e�,�crosnt-�.�gr�unr►wur.�,rn�l
<br /> firtura riaw ar hare�f'tec�t�rt uf tt��,m{taty. A!M npl�corrioa�u a��ktitirmn�h�ll�ten P,e r.�ve+�od tsy thl�Siarurlty Ynurumc�t.
<br /> AU nF d�e f�rerabp�!r re�ared b In thla 5ecw'Ity Inatrwtinni eai I�hn"�roQerty."
<br /> 80RROW8R CUVBIVMI'i'9 t�1at Batrowar b Vwf+�liy�ri�ed at�ha�In herobr oatveyed�nd hM tiro ri�h!la�nnt�nd
<br /> convay tM Propnty�nd ihM ttb 1E''ropaty i� uaarcun�baed� oxcqu tur onaut�br��sf rocard, Bamwa warrnnte�nd will
<br /> acrend�ane�auy a+e citlo w�ho�'ropdecy apbuc all cWnu n+e ckan�ncl,.�ub1o�.K b�rry�ncwebr�,+ca�or roco�+d.
<br /> '�i{[S SF�;UR�'�'1f IfVS'I4��li�?N('�xnh!esr���r.ifrmn rndr+w��� fiw, n�i�cm�� t?�ry tt�•�nla�n ctavc!���:a r�3�!�*�1���
<br /> v�ri.aoe.Dy Juri�dicdou b uonrdwio.w�l[om,,oc�rity ir�n,mant oovoring roa aapaty.
<br /> [JMFORM L`OVaIVANTS.Bo�+owor m6 L.aiAer oovdw�t x�nd�ne�s folbwe:
<br /> 1.Pw�nwa!af Prlufprl wl I4krwli�M7���!L�b Cfw�r�. Bare+ower du�ll P�P�Y P�Y �►'hen dua 1ho
<br /> Princi�l ot Nnd intae�t on tho de6t evidencod by tho No10 md aay pre�ymont ind I+YO cf�rgw duo unda the Note.
<br /> 2.F'��Ibr Tara�wd iwrr�sce. Sub,�ect w�pplk�bk l�w ur w e writun �vdver by I.�nda,�arower s}wll p�y w
<br /> I.a�der an d�e day mon�htY P�Y�a�re duo unde:d�e Nao�undl tt�o IW►i�in p�icl in ful1.e sufn("Fund9"j for.(a)Yearly ta�ura
<br /> �nd�sanmq whic7i n►t�y�qia prlaiqr aver dds Sxuriry Inmummt a�a lkn an tho Pmperty�N)Y�Y�1d pYmaiu
<br /> or�rouird mnp an the Pcqsaty.ii�ny�(e)Yarty hu�rtl ar propectY inwr�e P�miurtu:�d)Yearly flood ina�uanea paNucns.if
<br /> +�Y:(e) Y�Y�B�Bo inaucance nraniumi�if�ny�a�d(�anY�WYabb by Bamwer ra Ltindcr,in acco�+dtace with thc
<br /> p�uvislar�of p�r�gr�h 8. in liw of tha p�yrnrnt of matg�ge�ins�ueaoo pcanium�.'I1u�d itans�re called "E�crow Icaiu."
<br /> I.eeder m�y.at any ttme�colbct�nd Ao{d Funds in an rnount cwe b excood tt�e rtwaimum anaunt�k�der fa a fodaally re6NOd
<br /> mat�e lo�n nu�y ra�ui�e fa Bcrrcqwa'�acrnw a�:count und�tr d�e fedelal Rat Esnla Sett3anent Procedures Aa of 1974 as
<br /> .:.�9 frsc��.�co t6�:.12 QJ.S.C.�tioa�,Ot et seq. (",�SPA'j.u,��r�v'kt i:w t;,at�iies to fi�Fuad�scts a lasa
<br /> anwuot If so.I.usdar tnay.at any Wne. caliect And hokl Fund�in an �unount not to eacca�d the iesser amount Ldtder may
<br /> e�tiawe ffie ama�c of fi�d�a�,e on the 6�of anraic a�ts ar,a rea�onnWo�a eaapa�dipr�a of fuaue Fs�aow►rlaas ar
<br /> othee�b�in acooc�noe�vit��ip�pii�cabie 4�v.
<br /> ' �Punds�full be beid in�m inaptutjon Mho9e depc�i�ta a�eie inwrod by a fedecal�errcy.inaauc�caml3tY.ar eatiryr(includ'm8
<br /> �t Y.�rx��i�if I.enda is auch a�n,i�i�t'�u�)oc in aay F'�edaai�Wme I.awn B�nk.I.�a�der ahaU�►ly tha Fua3�oo p�y¢?se F.�now
<br /> IDer�.L�e.�dtr m�y not char�e 8otrowrtr foQ hm�di�g md apptying tha 11aKia,arwually�natyring tbe wrro�v aoco��,or veridying
<br /> the E�anM Itiema.unkss L�ex�de�pRy�Ba'rowu ialaat aa tba Punds awt applic�We 4w pamits Len��o an�ke sirh a chrta .
<br /> �,Leade�raay roquioe Bomn�ver to pay r oao-tiaa ct�e for�n�d�ra�da►t rr�l estate tax t�odia�savice aued by
<br /> L�dr in 000neqion with dus,3�xn,unfeaa appllcabk law p�ovidrs ollKx�e.Unkss�an�t is m�de ur app�icaMo 4v�
<br /> �; requi,hs ink'r�Ma bC pdd,I�n4iet alu�11t,�not be toc;uitod to piy BoRm�►�,t fAy in0extst ar�arnu►ga on Ihe Funds. �otrower�nti..
<br /> �T �����u�,...�IS�•w.��i'�w'C: ��__�a�.w�iT�vx wwli F.� .i.....1.�xtw.A *���,�L��y • fs..,�' .�_ •.
<br /> Mw M.�w�-t�• �� M MA W�YY M�Y�{I i i7[F�+Fi.a�aK�a MMIA�i�'P A!0�?ILLYNG��►YWY[(:I��y�Q -.
<br /> � atuw�!�ccareti�ig.m�'ttln F�i�i.9,'ehmving c�id.its rid debiots b dte H�a+nd�he pupoee��'or�►rhiicb�ch debit b the Fuods w�s .. ,
<br /> �' a�da 1T�e Fmda'i�+e plalred n.q�►tidition�l securiay fa aU�aams�ecve�ed�ry�ihv SoGaity Inauuma�t
<br /> j if tbe Aaxk br,1d lr�r I�aJar eucoed the�motmts pa�sreitW�crr fi�h�id by ap�licabk Irav,Laida alyll a000unt b Barcrnver far
<br /> ' the eaoess E�unda ia a000M�noo wkh tbe roquinematts of apptirabl�hw.IE aho�mouat af tbo Fundt held by I�ender�t�ny time is
<br /> ,�} not sufficia�t b py the B�cro�v�k7as whea due.Le�ckr m�y ss notify�rnwer in�,�od,iu wGh aee Bato�x�luU P�Y
<br /> b L�dnde[d1e�et►�wt n00e�ary p rt1� up tlfo ddkienCy. BOmOwCt sfull nN�icE up ole dd�ici0ncy i4 tW mOre tl�a twrrlvC
<br /> � manthlY pyiaonq��K L�[nd�x't solo d�acedo�.
<br /> �P�Y�in tull ot�11 euars�xured bY dus�ec�aitY Ia�awnent,Y,rada shW promptiy crf'und b Bartowa any Fuode
<br /> �� heid by 1.a�der.V.uador p�r�h 21.Y�order shaU ecquire ar sc�l dro Propa�ty�I�ooder.P�i,oe b d�e�o4airipon a aaie of d�e
<br /> Propdrry. iW�pply any Fjuadt Ae1d by I.endGr�t tfio timo of soquisiaa�t or eak�s�c,�adit a�nnst tbe winu sec�rod by dus
<br /> z`
<br /> l,*}�CN�Ot��M/. UOIGt6�QIC('�llG��l+IY jROYWC�OI�1tlN1�,1E��I�D1CMf f'LO�dYOa�I�Cl WI�K��(li
<br /> ', ; 1 and 2 sMU be�pptiod rvu,m my prr�aymeac cx+wrgea du�uada rhe Nole;eecond,a emouon wYable uo�p�n�n�h 2;
<br /> :, dhia.w;olxac dre:Foatb,a p�iocipd a4�;andl 4s�,b any We c,b�cga aue unda the xoM.
<br /> �.e��w;I.ia.. 9«ro�ra emU p.y�ll tuw,�,cba�ei.fines ana impoac;om aqnbutabie 10 d�a Pmpaty
<br /> ��' ��r�P�Y o++�d�Sa�Y tnanananl.ana lai.e6otd p�yma,n«p�nusa reats,if�ny.Bor�er�dau pay t�eae
<br /> i obti�aaotm m�be m�P�'n+�icled+n 0��,t�r if not paid io tlnt maoaa,Dacru�t slW1 py tbem oa t„ae dirocuy b the
<br /> ..s pe*'°"°wrod piq"°eM.�orm�tsr��alt pcompty tarnidi w A.a�cla au noeix:ot a�na�a be prid under this p�p6.If
<br /> .,. Baro�rtr en�ioes Qiae phnna�r�ie�tlp.Barowet a�til}�tiy futnn6 ro I.et�dcr t�eipts eai0a�c7eB�P�Y�
<br /> Ban�o�+►�es�ll prr�oiptty disclwic�e�oy lia� rvhiah has priority ovrr d�a 5earity Lmtn�na�t aakss Bo�mR+er: (i)�gree�in �
<br /> `t w�riti�E b dw pymait of tbo ublig�ioa a�rwnc0 by»b lian in a mmser,�c�oe�t�ble to E�eada;(b)ooMe�iu Rood fiim ths tiea' .`
<br /> ` b�►,a dda� �ea6o�ameot o[tbe � ia��!e� �&�.b,�Ao-ith m d�e I,a�da's apinion oper�lo b p�+evwt Ihe � .
<br /> eanf'a+caneot of t6a tiae:or (c)aoc�rra fran�e hoiolx of dw lien�a�rodu�'aclory�o I.enda
<br /> .. thi�Sa�tircity Im�umau.if L�m�lnr daamina d�at�oy�pMrt of:fhe �t d�e liai o0
<br /> Prq�Qy h subjxt b a lka whic6 aiRy at�pRicxay ovee d�s
<br /> - �7�,I�ender may give Baxawer a no¢i,�o idendfying tbe 1nan.Sarowa slall s�tldy dns tier a takc ars a ma+�
<br /> af d�e adion�sa 3'aaUh abova wit2�n 10 d�ys or she siv:�t�f tatioo. '.
<br /> Forw ip21 sJlO �
<br /> �-�YiN�t�t�x�.o� vaa.z a� ��ww.:
<br /> ; ' . ,
<br /> . 793•Z.
<br />