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<br /> I � '' ' ' . . . . . . �� -
<br /> � _ ��p�iiic�bie�law►.m�y specifjr ibc iei�mt)�6efi�nc saL s�We�Y P��4�Y P�����ie.this .
<br /> � , Secycity Imtrurna�or(b)emY of s jud�meot atfa�cin�d�s'Secu�Y Iasa�e�..11aae condiidons m thtt Boau�rer. (s
<br /> dus ond
<br /> � pay:i.ader ai!',sums�fi t6ai would 6e dut uoda dus Satitity.Insuumait ud We Nae s�if�no accekr�uiat � ..
<br /> = occwi'�'tb)�es aay d�faWe of aay aher cava�is or�c�anems;(c�WYs all eapeaces.iacunod in enfa�iag this Str�uiry
<br /> . tasOeumeai,incIudin�..bat not�imited to.te�anable attat�ys'fa�s:aod(dy taltes suct��etlon as Lender may t�et,wn�i1J(
<br /> ` t�quire to atttae timt t1Y lien of this Securiry ttunuma�t.La4der'�rigMs in tha Ptoperty auid Bonower's obligation to pay tbe .
<br /> ', awn� aecueed by dus Secarity L�shutnent stWl caatinue unc'wnga3..�tTpon,t�umeat by Bamwer. ihts Sec�uit�► , .
<br /> ' lnsla��d.���beciebY sh�D remain fuYly effecave as if ao acceteratiou I�d occurrDd. Hawevrr.this
<br /> ' _ 'ri�bt to re'�t.Ic�.u.,wc�ppiy in t6e csse af aooeter�uon w,aer pua�ph 17. _ - . - . - .
<br /> ` ,I! Sre ii No1e:Ci�e o�Law Ser�iar. Tt�e Nat�or a psttiat�atenest m the Nooe ttogether with this Sa.wity
<br /> ` Ins��eat)rna�r be a�ooe or mone t�mes without p�rior�wtice to Bo�rowa. A sate may resul[in a clvnge ia ihc emiry . .
<br /> (lmown as ti�`Lmn Savioa")t1�t collects montW9 WYments due under the Note and this Socw�ity Iasuument. Tl�rae atso
<br /> ` may,be oee or mone ch�ages of the Laaa Sen!icer wmelued w a s�le af f6e Nooa If there is a cdange of th�Loan Snvi�xr. ,�
<br /> Borrowa wt�l be given�vritren notice af the ch�n�e in acco[dauct witi�puagraph 24 ahave and appiicabk hw. Tife tiotiae :
<br /> � w71 stsie tbe n�arqe�d adMess of tbe new I.o�n Servica atid ihe address to whic6 paytnents should be m�d�.'ITie rx�tict w�ll .. .
<br /> sEw caatain myr ollxc iaformwun�qai�ed bY appi'x�bla Iaa. • . __
<br /> 2��H�zudoas S�oes. Bo�n6wer sb�D not cause or pem►it t6e�resence.usa.disposal.starage,or retease of ury . •
<br /> �l�taz�rdous Substsnce.a on ar ia tde Ptope�ty. Boaower sha2t not do.nor aUow anyoae else to do,anything affa�Jng the
<br /> pi�appty t6�t is in viol�tion af my Envuona�u�l I�w. 71�e p�eding two SenLeoces shail not appty�a t6e presenCe us�ur.
<br /> - sto�g+e an the Property of amit quan6rias of Hazardo«s S�S d�at ere S��Y����aPPE��topormat
<br /> � n�idemial uses aod w maint�e of tbe Prnperty.
<br /> Bamwer ainll promPUY Sivo Lend�r writua notice,af any investig�tion,clzita.demand.lawsu�t os att�er action by any
<br /> govai�t oc s+egutau��y',agencY���P�Y��8��P�Y and any�lazudous�Substa�ace�.�'�n�nn�ual
<br /> i.aw of whie�Bartowes ha� actual Imuwkdge. If Bamnw�leams.a�s rw�ed by aay gov�ar.regul9ta�1
<br /> aathotity,diii any nenwvai or ather�on of any Razaidous"Snbstance affecting the P�npetty is rra�ssarg,BamR-es
<br /> sha11 panptiy tate ait noceasuy tanediai acaoas iw accardure with Fuvitnnrtkntal Law. , �.: ` �
<br /> As usut in this p�g�apU Z0,"Hazardoas Substac+ors"are those su6stancea defpted as wxic or haraNqus�stanses by.
<br /> Fnvirau�iental Law and the foltowing subst�nces:. gasoline.kemsene.od�er flunmaMe a toxic peomleom products.toaic
<br />-_ pesticides and liecbicldes,volatile solvenu,muerials containing agbestos or formalckhyde.and radioactive materials. As �
<br />_- used!n tltis pa�tgnpit 20."F.rl�iranmental law"means fedesal laws aad laws of tde jatisdiction wherc the P�ope�ty is located ,
<br />-_ that nelate W heatth,safety or eaviranmentat protecaon. . �
<br /> NON-1JNffORM COVENANTS. Barrower and Lender fur►1�er co�reaant aad agree as follows:
<br />_- Zl. Accekratio�:Remedies. Leakr ahall�ive notia to Borraw�priar to acakrstka toQo�vies BorroWer's
<br />-�' = bracb d�ey caveasat or sgreemeat ia this Secarity Iuslrameet(ba�t not prtor to accekratba under puag�sp617
<br /> •�� y�ieas applicabk la�v provWes other�vtse). The nofke sbnll specity: (a)the derauN.(6)tUe action requi�ed to cure tbe
<br /> �.dets�(c).s.+lat�nol less thse 30 d�ya t�om ti�e dwte tbe iofioa ls 6ivea to Borrower.by wr6icb tl�e deGwit must be
<br /> - � eured.sed td)ilu�t t�ilure to care tbe defaalt on or 6etore tl�e iNe specitied in 16e notke�rrsult is s�ccekradw d
<br />_ - tl�e s�serared by tib Sec�rity Iaatrnme�t swd sak o�t6e Property. Tre notice s6a11 firHrer iaform BorroWer ot
<br />_ — — tiie ri�ic a rei�te alter xceknuua aaa the ri�,i�to bring s coa�t x�tlos a s�at the�-exMeioe d a defwit or
<br /> �ny odier detease d Borrower to Acceler�tion a�d s�1a If the default is not curcd on or betore t6edate specifkd in
<br /> s .
<br /> -- � the ndke,l.ender a!its optbn msy requise imn�te papment in tuil otall sa�m saured by Wiv Sec�r�y In�rnment
<br />; ���. wtthout tertl�er demAnd and may lnvoke ihe power of sale and any otUer remedks pennittM by ppplica6k Iaw
<br /> I.ender sb�ll be entitkd to colted ail expenses lacucrM in pursuieg the renKdies pravkkd in �hls paragrapb 21, —
<br /> . frtcluding,but not IimitM to,reisonabk attoraeys'ftes and casts of titk evldence.
<br /> If the power oP sak is lnvoicM,7lrastee sh��ecord a notice af detault in each caunty in whkh�ny part ot the
<br /> = " Peopn4y b bcakd Aad shall msii Eopks of suebE�nBce in Uu maener prescribed Dy ApyUcAbk fxw to Bvs�uwer Aad to
<br /> A.,, t6e atbec pe�sa�prescrlhed by Applicabk taw Aftee the tlme required by appiica6k Is�vr.7lrusta sh�give pubtic _
<br /> - �ot1a of s�le#o the persons and in the maseer prrscrlbed by applicabk law 7lrustee,withoat demand on Borrower,
<br /> '.r�'' shaB selt t4b Property at publk Auctioa to tfK bighest 6idder s►t tfie time and pi�ce and uader Ihe terms designated in
<br /> the aMke ot sale in one oe moce paccets ane!in aa�order'llrustee det�rmine9. 7lrustee m�y postpone s�k of all or Any
<br />: :' parcel or tbe Property 6y pubtk annatncement s+��re tlme and place ot any previously scheduled sale. �.ender or fts _
<br />_:.:I ' daignee msy parchase tbe Property at any sale. '
<br /> Upon receipt of pAymeat d the prlce bid,7Fasta shail depver to the purchaser 71r�utee's dee�caiveyieg the
<br /> , Property. 'Phe recltal�in the 7Uustee's dted shall 6e primA fack evldence ot the trutA of the statemeats mAde therein. _
<br /> -- 7lrustee sh�ll appty the procseds of tlfe�le in the folbwing order. (n)to All cost�and expenses otexercis�ng the power
<br />_.. ,
<br />:'t�
<br /> i •
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