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<br /> : . � � � � � ' _- ! � �; ��= 10��46s�,�� - �-
<br /> � �iaymeots�aTiicb ate rtfeered to`ia,Pat�p6 2.or cMnge the amount of sud�p�ymed3:. y e�ss
<br /> . ' ��'ed to p�y ap o�ding mdebtedoess�oo�iet t�e N�ts�d.this S��cudty Iqs�umeot at�li bc patid w the entity `' `,
<br /> < <
<br /> � F� L�der may cottect fe��nd chuges�thariud 8Y tAe Sa�c�arY•
<br /> , !. Gra�is fir Aooda'aliert dDeL� �����the case of payment defaults.
<br /> (a)Dtb� i.eo�ler euy.ea�cept+s luniud bY�eguta�o�.
<br /> ,� � �� in tdlof aU s�sms saaned hy tlus Scauity Inso�eat i� - _.- - -- -
<br /> (i}Bamwa�e�hY f�8�P�Y���3►�Y MY��M�bY���Y�P10� =
<br /> �o or aa the duc�date of 4be next monthlY WY��a _
<br /> t��anower deWalts by fa�ing,for s period of thuty day,s.to paform any otl�c obliguiaas vo�ino�d in this
<br /> Instru�nait.
<br /> . @j SNe�Wi�t Credit A�pevraL Leodtr sha11.if Pemutted DY applic�ble faw and witb die priar�vaI af t6e
<br /> 5a�ary,�equi�e�rt�di�e P�Yma�t m fall�aII t6e sums sav�ed by this Security Tasonm�t i�
<br /> (�)Al!ar p�t of t4�PlopeRY,or s bme�ici�l inte�est in a aast ow�ning all ar part of tde Ptoperty,is�sold oi �.
<br /> ot6�envise tra�afernd totlier tl��by devite ordescent)E7f tl�e Bamwe�ud
<br /> ��'�'�p�up�str is not ooci�p�ed by�e p�es ar�as hfs or 6er pri�c.ypal residetke.or ibe p�u�ser .
<br /> _ � a � does so occopy tbe Ptopeicty► bot his or ber ctMit i�as �wt beea sppnoved_in aocadance
<br /> with the toqui�ett�sts of the Sec�ewsy. , -.
<br /> (e)1Vo Wa[vef If cac�m�aces ocxur that v�roald pe�mit I.ender to srquine unmodiat�P�Yment in fWl,but Lender
<br /> im
<br /> does not aoqai�e such�tYmrnts,L.ender does not waive its sights virith cespect to snbsequeat eveas. ` � .
<br /> (d)����� m�y��oes�gulations lssued by the Sx�y vrill limit�..eadcr�s
<br /> ri;bts,in tLe case of payraent defaults.tu noquire iaunediate paymet�t in fnll and fa�if�wt pi�. '�is
<br /> Secunty Iamument does na authorize accekration ar fooeclosvie if nat perinitted by negulatians of the Secc�etary.
<br /> ,(e1 Marf�e Nat Iwred. Banuarcr agrees that should tbis Sxruiry inswment an�f the uote.s��+eby not
<br /> - . 6e eli�Me fa-ins�amx undcr t6e Nuioaal Housiag Act wittiln . � ���'. ` '� froin tbe
<br /> - d�te de�oof.l.ender may.at its option and notwi�stand�g anything io PJUagraph 9,��txdiape WYa+���
<br /> fuU of sU sums savled by this Security L�trumen� A written staten�ent of any amhodzec�,a�^ent o�the Sa7e�ary
<br /> . d�ted�abs_�aenc to • from the date heceof.declining to insart tFtis Secnaty '_.
<br /> Ins�iunent and the note secured thec+eby,shaU be deemed conclusive pmof of such uieligi6i�ity. N�"Nii��.stan�ng
<br />-- tl�a foregoing,this optian maY aa be exercised by Lender whrn�the unavaila6lGty of insurdnce is soieYy due to .
<br />':�-' Lrndep's failuie to remit a mortg�tge insutance pnermum to the Secatary. ' .
<br /> • 10. Reiashtema�w Bormwer has a�i8ht to be reinstaud if Lender has iequirod immediate payment in fuU because .
<br /> pf Baaower's failun to pay an amt�c�fitte ander the•Note or this Secwiry Instran�en� This rigfit appties even after
<br /> _ foc�losure procadings a�e r�it�d, �y reinst�te the Sccurity Instrument,Borm�er shall tender in a lump sum aIl
<br /> -- amamts nquited to bring Sa�rower*s accaunt cur�ent including.ta the e�ctent they�e ob}igations af Borrower w�der this
<br /> Sa ro
<br /> Security]nstrurtxnt,far�ectasun costs and reasonabte and castomary attomeys'fees�d expeases'�roperly assaciated with
<br /> ._- the faeclosucr psoceodin& Upon ninstatement by Borrower,this Secunry Inslranxnt and ti$c�gadans that it securcs
<br /> shall remain�effect as if l.ender had i►atrequired immed'uzte payment in fult. However.Len�er is not nequined to permit --
<br />, - ieu�statement if: fi)Lender has accepted reinsqtement after the commencement of foreclosu�proceedings�nthtn two --_------�-
<br /> : years immediately precexling Qie commencemeot of a carrent fomctosw�e procee�ng. (ii) reinstatement arill preclude �;;�;.
<br /> faeclosure on difF�rent grounds in the futare.or(ui)reinstatem�.nt will adversely affect the prionty of the lien sreated by �;.
<br /> - this SecuritY Inslrumetrt. �:'"H'�`�;
<br /> 11. BarroWer Not Rekased; Far6earance by l.ender :Vot a Wstiver. Extension of the time of payment or ;.-�---
<br /> . .,,;:, >
<br /> modificapon of amortization of the sums secured by this Secunty instrument�ranted by Lender to any successor�n mtecest : �:,s.;��'"-
<br /> of Borrower shall not operate to relea.ce the liability of the original Borrower or BaROwers snccessor in inte�est. Lender , •-j��;�=
<br />_ . shall not be required to commence praceedings against any„uccessar in interest ur refase to extend time for pay t or ���_-�-
<br /> otherwise madify amortuation of 11� sums secured by this Security Insuument by rea4on of any demand made by the -_-
<br /> � ari na1$orrower or Barmwerk suGCesson in interes� Any for6earance by Lender in exercising any righE or remedy shall •���'`�:
<br /> Si , ;�'.y��`�`�;`;�_
<br /> • �' noi 6e a waiver of or preciude the ezercise of any right or remedy. -..•.r�;:.�'�
<br /> '� 12. S�eceseo�smd Asslg�s$oand;doint and 5everai Liability;Co-Signers. The covenants and agreements of �;�,.;:_
<br /> '� �.:..
<br /> t,his Security Iastrument shall bind and be¢efit the successors and assigns af l.ender and Barrower.suhject to theprovisions ;�---�-.
<br /> �'t��r' o' a€Paragraph 9.b. Botrawer's covenants and agreements sha0 be jaint and several. Any Borrower who co-stgns this �!:�:':;;��;
<br /> Security Instrument but does nat execute the Nate: (a1 is co-signing this Security Inctrument anly to mortgage,grant and :�.a,+.`s�:--
<br /> ` convey that Hortawer's intert�t in thc Praperty under the c•rrms of this Security Instnrment;(b)is nat personally obligated to . ��"`=`'�
<br /> m
<br /> � �� pay the'sums secured by this Secudry Instrumenr.and(c1 agrees that b.eader und any other Barrower may agree to extend. �r`"'
<br /> ��'�',f, •rYl-.
<br /> modjfy,forbear�r make any accammodatiang with regard to thc tertn4 cf thig Serurity lnstrument ar ihe Ntxe withaut that ;.��. _^ _
<br /> . Borrowcr's ca:ysent. �$,:�".
<br /> � ' 13. NoNcea. Any notice ta Borrawer provided for in thiw Securtty lnstrument shall bc given by deUvering it or iry ,j��k,;� '=:..-
<br /> mailtng it by first class m�il unless�pplirable law requires use of another method. The natice shall be directed to the ,;.;,,, ,"__
<br /> PrapeRy Address or any other addrcss Borrower dcsignates by notice to Lender. .�.y notice to l.ender shap be given by �s�;::�... .
<br /> ;.. , � � , fitst class mail to L,ender's address stated herein ar any address l.ender designa_�w by notice to Borrower. Aoy notice �;•��:;.,;;
<br /> , _ _ __ �rovided for in this Security Instrument sh�ll be dcemed ta have bcen given tc�aorrawer ar I.endet whcn given as pravided
<br /> - 4 .;�. �n this par�graph.
<br /> 14. Governing Law;Severabillty. This Security tnstrumcn�shatl bc govemcd by Federat law und the I�w of the r
<br /> jurisdiction in whlch the Pcnperly is Ic«:7ted. In Ihe event that any prnvirion or c1»ase af�hi.5ecurity ln.�trument or the �.' ��' '.
<br /> � t Nute conllict�wlth appticaa:p taw,such conilirt rhall not affect mher provi�:an�-ef chis 5ecurity tnstrument or the Note �''��,:�''. •
<br /> � - -'_�:-' which can be given effcct wiUtout the u+nflicting pr�vision. To thi.rnd tftc proti i,:��+,:.uf this 5ecurty Inrtrument and the .
<br /> - ry Note arc dect:sed to be severable. .
<br /> �� a��- 1S. Borrower's Copy. Hoanw�r shall tx�given�me canfarmed capy oi this Srcurity InwUument.
<br /> ' °f`,:.� . 16. Asisi�atee�t uf Rents. 8orrowcr unrnnditionally atisign�and tr:�n�fcr�t��l.cv�der all thc rcnfs and revcnucs af the .
<br /> �_ Property. Burrower amhoria:.r Lrndcr vr Lcnder w agcnt�tn cnHee:t thc rem�and revcnuc�tmd hereby directs cach tenant of • •
<br /> � �y.�.;`;;"�° ' the PropeAy to p�ry Ihe rents tn l.cnder c�r Lendcr�agrnts. H��wrvcr,priar ta I,ender's notice ta Bartawcr vf Banuwer's `
<br /> • * �.�. brexh of any cov�nant ar agrermcnt in thc 5ccurity lnstrument.Bom�wer Khall cullcct and reccive all rcntvand revenucx of f
<br /> _. ._,._ ��'=a�=�_ !he i�repeiey nw tn�stee fi�r the hencfit uf Lendcr and H�rn�wcr. 'Chis a�vis�amem c�f tent�rc�nstitutcs an absolute assif;ttment i
<br /> . �:..k::- and not an�iFtnment fut udditiunal yccurity unly. ' ..
<br /> • - - ' if Lender�ves untice af breach t��Harrower: (;q.dl rrnls rrcrived by Hanawer sfia11 hc held hy Hunnwer av trastee ► � '
<br /> -'-- -Y�;�;,;,s,; : � � - fur benefit nf Lender anty,a�tic appti�J►u ihe,um� �ecurecl hy thc Sccunty Mstrum�nr fb)L��ns�v khall he entitled to _ ; -
<br /> rullect and rec�eive:�1 of the rents��f tt�e I�roper�y:and{c►cach trnam�,f the F'a,perty yt�all ra�•u!I rents due:u�d unpaid w (
<br /> r��;�.�' a.-. Lender or Lender y�gcm an ln�nder 4�vrittcn�lcmand to thc:tcn;u�t. j.
<br /> ,,.._
<br /> , -•q-_.-; '��,�`�' Borrower hav nat executed:u�y pdur ati�i��nmcn!uf Ihc rcnts:uid h�.rt��t and wilt ni�t perfarm any act that wc+uld �.
<br /> �, � . ` _prevent Lcnder ftom cxctclsin�itr nghts under t�ti�W.�r.�graph 16. f.. ' .
<br /> - - -- ;�:=---.�;-1-._ - Len�er'sfit;�!not bG reyuircd co cut�r uq�m.talce cum�oi u��ir inaint�in��he 1'�upeiry bcf�rc�r��frer�i�in�,�ilUltlC Uf -
<br /> ::._� -=�. � •,�:���� breach to$at;owrr. N�wevcr.lxnder ot ii judi��iu!!y�p�ainted receiver may��so at:m}' time therc iti a�uch. Any �
<br /> -.—
<br /> � 1• =�-'��_• ._� 1se.st�Ott e��-�u���h�l!ncit t�ue ar tvs�iva dQfattit rt tn�7�tict��t��:nt �+thex ri ht nr remcvi uf I.ender. �'his assienttten! _ _ �_.:-_-,.__'_
<br /> ' _;.�� ".; n�ents of the pruperty sh:ill temtin.itc when t�hc�drbt srcured by�hc 5�uri�y In.rt mrnt i�paid in full.
<br /> f
<br /> , � .. , '' � : . �
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