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<br /> • � g, �y�. OW(lCT 110T��}i�gr.��ts eo (��xratar, du�ing tha term of thia
<br /> Agreement, a�n exclusiva eusmxnt,right,.pmri.l�tga a�nt�righ4-of=way over,onr under�nd through
<br /> the Property end tbe building� ar uni+'s I�i��ttM tbttreon, to canstruct, in�txll, l�y. rolor,�te.
<br /> mantain, repair and oper�tc ita 5D� syutrm� �viibin tba Pro�xrty end �ll the uruite Ic�ted w+ithin
<br /> the Proper�y, provide the SU�service tn tiih k�rqparz�end di of tine buiidings and wnita locxtad `
<br /> within tha Peoperty� �nd Prom the Pr��,�arty t��.rrthnc properties. SAS rouEa af inatall shall lx
<br /> iPPraved by Property(�ne�ral Man�get pdor t�t inetnilation.
<br /> C. �,oveeLts �nc� A�signmentv. The rights ond obligations under tt�s
<br /> Ag�reement shell canstitute coven�nts; canditinne, re�trictions and equ�uble aervitudes ronning
<br /> with the lend,airnding�nd iauring to th+�hemttftt�of aU�futurc ov�ners ia tha Pmperty or ow►xrs of
<br /> any interest in the ProperC;��such tlu�t,th{m A,g��nernY sh�a11 remain in full force and eff'ect for the
<br /> duration of this Agree�xnt u�d any ronr►walEi tl�I�rmF This Agr�emeat shalt bind and inu:e to ttk
<br /> bemt'n of successor� t�sigas and�reptr�entuti�rts Q£the psrties hereto. �ratar sluli havie the
<br /> �i� ta asa:gn thas A^^��M a.� i*� rs�bEt���u�! d��p�.►s� of tho [�erator'b Equi�ent in �nyr
<br /> � m�nner� �(hvner will rwi:a;�::b:�:y� or.tnm�st�o rof the exis¢enc� of this �reama�tt tmgetbar
<br /> . with att ensernents end equit�ble sextrimidt�:, C�vmar wil!pro�npdY t�epost�nY intende�d �,
<br /> � ' conveyance or �t�eer diapo�ition of tha Prnpp�ty t+� Opixatar ��t teuat thu�tjr(30) citys prior to
<br /> , same. The Q�eruor witl�xomptly mporr an3r�Aa�i�umem aftl�i��gre�nem to the Ovmer.
<br /> :l, Y ��`T -r.C/! ♦ !M� J�.rl: _ .�.... ��1�1 _ ' " ' r._.� .
<br /> _ r...�,. ".�in�'y{.i; .
<br /> ' �, �. QpCl�1t(9�.S�i!!u, at li� OWfi pL� Iti�� t�lE t�COEp't10ri.
<br /> �r��ina and dixaYbution eauiamr.ttt.mnat•+�nauntr.d tdcvision braa3caat�tean�s,trarmnna�o�a
<br /> • T------- v ' cib o rinA1 itl�+or a, �l�S, ather cloctronic
<br /> sod di�tribution W�as, wiros, �aa, P b ��► uP �
<br /> ��.� devices, ixxieats�s aa�d�Il otha eyunpm�tnt:an�tbix�'i+apaty, inctt�!din8 th�t with►a w�r huild�or
<br /> � , re�ideatial unita. neceaary fa tha recnpt�cin��cn���lpar�tar's '��S fry residaus ��r9r�'�, �
<br /> p�xi,ded, however, tbtt tlse preci.�iie lt�ontirin�fitt.�ibsutll�tion of sll such F�tnaYt shaU be
<br /> �ct to the rea�onnble prior�ppaa'vxl bCtlin l,�q+irtaer. Owna agruos to c„�,aaapaste with Oper�tar
<br /> in�obtsinin8 Pnrmit�, co�ttt�, Sicem���on.atfirrh govaim�t�! spprov{r�t �ece�ry f+ar tbie
<br /> . ��,� p!�y all
<br /> , . •:. _ . _ ._. . .. �. �tr+'�G►on systieaa ah'a�dy
<br /> e�ta,iata�ior or�ttached to thc�uilclinge an�tlrn�fhnperty, Owna�rep�+t�,aod w�tra�is th�t it
<br /> .. ia tbe owner of aucfi wicnng cx etble diat�ii�4inn�i�tate("MAT'V 5yetaax"�,�{gl haxby.;wthoriaes
<br /> • ,. Oper�tor tn use such MATV Sy:r,tem an�an�ax�:�f##rivve bui� for�the ckliv�ary+tilPthe Sfl�;;;pravided .
<br /> ' twwever,thsi Uperstor's u� of�suct���R.T'V'•S�+�X��sm wi11 t�c+t intert"rme vWidt�tha�bi�,i?.;�t'an�►unit
<br /> af tfac..Property to raxiv�withcaut cbkrgra tith:�;;yl� of any o�=air tekvi�ia► brobtlr,ut station
<br /> � • vr+Y�p�sigru�l is c�e of be,i�r�ncaiv+cd b��a;a�jtra�via such MATW Sya�t�ce. Should Opa���c►r
<br /> detanune in its solc discrdion�tutt suqh��t�f�i`Tn,i�;�yseem r�quires upgrru�i�g �n orddr.ta.dia�ribute
<br /> , � ' the SDS,Oper�tor agrees te pecfcrrrn,�r�ro�'h'upgep�ing at i¢s own exgense. , ' ;
<br /> JI�r , .
<br /> , �
<br />