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<br /> H. �. Tide to and in the UpCrator'� Equipm�n shxll,�at ��fch�;�n.
<br /> �arith (���at�r �r ita assi��ca, �nd no �rtion �f the Operator'y Eq�t�inrrrane will be dexr.ts�d �a
<br /> Poctiue of tb�t Froperty notvvithstanding a�r�y metl�od of at�iac+�tine to the Property� including the
<br /> buildings; provid�d thet ow�esship qf any e�cisdng MATV System, tageti+nr with any ne�ccssmr+y,
<br /> upgrudes,wil�re�uin v�+ith tlse Ownet.
<br /> �. M�iatenae�e. Oper�ttr,r shdl, �t it� own expensc, operue and maintt��in
<br /> tha �yuipmant sad the MATV 5ystean nad keep ssme in good repair..ua accordance wittr��)
<br /> �PPiicable governmatt�l re�ulxt�ons conceming technical standards. In na event siiuU (han�err
<br /> inter�'ere with or attanpt to rqwir,m�intnin or sctvice the�quipment inst�lted by the Operatt�r,r.ir
<br /> �Jlow u�,y other third party ta dn so. At x c�ri�mun�, Ownzr agrees thnt O{xrstor wi}l huv�i tl�c
<br /> 6�e aad unintexrupted right of acceas to tNe �ator'3 FquipnKnt fo�r tt�e sole purpos� af'
<br /> ope�tii.�g and mai�Kitung�id equi�xrtont un ordar tn providC ��S tn f�naf�vmcr. �
<br /> 3.
<br /> A. Owaer stull not pernait nor c�use the attachma�t nf amf lien, moct�ga:�r
<br /> other a�umbruxx to tht Equipme�rt or tix� rights granted heran_ Aa��r lien, encu,mbxa�c,
<br /> mflrtg�ge a judicial prouading which may a$'�ct!he Equipmesu or the u,3e•af�ay MATV Syu�n
<br /> ,....._ .h�er�an wiY b�rcsporta!to UpaatQr�wit�in tbra f,3)d���,af
<br /> . �ar's�i�1�'o�`�`�tmtllcft�`ciiuee'�Le itts��xr�t�caf .
<br /> �.� �� e«v n�n� iv �!{�� �ww��w�1���v.� �� iuv ra��rnw js ��*svr,a��. �.�.vlu .� �.. .---
<br /> • V� VY�R MIVYiYV�rIYY �V • . V MVt' TV {W •t�• {/�
<br /> �S� t�8'� vr oN�erwi�e grant a security int�at �nnd liea in tMEq Agreemem and �iri its
<br /> �.
<br /> B. Ownes agrees ta aad wiuraa�ts th�t it wiU obt�i».�a;onaen�to enter into this .�,, .-
<br /> Agrocraait 6rom tbe holda(s)of say ti�ea, mortg,�ge, deod of truat, a¢,+ma�which has ��`' -
<br /> priori�y oves this A,�eeim�t md which couid rault in the racnog�riebet�aa� of thts Agroe�a�by
<br /> vi�tue�f�foned�oMU�+c or an�il�r proceeding�said cjom�nt to ba avidanood�b�r tl�±halder'a exeo�tte � .
<br /> of a�scrWurce agraanae�in aub�tuuiaUy the famn of Exhibit B,w►�iah�i�ausaried baeto urci � -
<br /> , - �d�tixoxnd ta Operstmr •
<br /> or may aad-�v�ad a�t Op�aator's �ole
<br /> discrctioa with na pesalty io athex p�uty. ()per�tar es under no du�y �ac# i� roiea,�ed fram
<br /> �uty af its obii�qna u�ec this Agr�nt wnil all a�id n4a�c�ant�ub�a�x agem�tta
<br /> u+e ddi,rand xo Q�eator. � ,
<br /> C. To avidenoe the partias'intent thet Optrator he�beeu gtant�d e� �
<br /> �nd hma res�irkd�exclu:ive o�vvr�a�h'rp of the�erstor's Equipmamt, Ovvaer�groea t6a �perator
<br /> a�y re�cord this A,�reemait (oc. other doauna�tuive.�cvides�ing same as exucuted by Owr�er and.. ,
<br /> Clperaitor)�mon,g the pulylic m�c�rds of the County ut.which the�rt�paty i�flcxated and such othex' � �
<br /> necesswy ptace� vm�, ordes tThat any and all third parties stu�it ii��un r�uc:c of the asernont�and
<br />. � . ,..
<br /> � � � -3-
<br />� . ,
<br />'� . ;; . , • .
<br /> i
<br />