�z Yt,�.:m� s._ � . . . , . .. , _ . ' . � l ±. • ��, - :a.�. ."' `.t. _—c T` (
<br /> -- -- .,� �.. - . . . . . ' _ � - -'-
<br /> c "` _ . . r ' c' . . . . . . . , _�_ , , �.
<br /> ,. : - �� i - . _ .< . . � � �- i . , ��,� �22-�-�a��g� . V .�
<br /> - bf�n.�h�M 0��+M�d b rnlare+Wia Tnae O�.d and an�r bdN►a�+rH1l�ar Aw�r AMd bfl Cw�rlr a.TmMM Ye wd��r/�a�N!�M`
<br /> ` �atMy ar�of N�n�t In thrir abrokdt�eiwai drbrn�Yr.!b r�rt�d�r 1�r�te+ca+�r�0 upon a rMMMd fo Tn�M�.ar�wfid�ry i�i�MdM .
<br /> b bf weWN�d a�ff����Y��a��'D���a PKn11�Ou��h���anA Y�b�ln�d�li0n q w�ry aMw►r�rd�r .
<br /> �,NnhM�ur�rc►nolrahwMlMraiweKiattr�rahsq�rtyorpY�farM.EwryPo�a��YV�a'��IDUT�'u�tQNdtaTnwMea�MrM,i�My �
<br /> or b wt�id+�ilMr d tbwn nrf►b�o�wrwiM��w�a.ma!►b��xrrcwtl.aa+ax►�eMtY a indrp�ewf►.kan ti�+�b wn��nQ�s�IMn M�eI 4�d1w�M •
<br /> .. pP�diM+t�TrtMM�or E�!MRCi�tI��td�itlNt d UN111 miq D�������^�������11 be Car�u10 w pto��ilY�Y C�n�Ci�ry
<br /> -, �i+a�M�fitn�a QMei�11�+����1A+i Tr►iMOr 1�tf+�rltMnt suCt►u1Wt�Is P��Y�•' `_ , . � � � °- -` ' - _
<br /> i t.�11AiN�1�tiE�ROlE#TY:AWlIMTIOM..H sk or�nf►P�of tlr Prap�rly a ineerMt Ihw�in is ioi0.��N.�red a cdwe�oaiw'�
<br /> by�T�i�wr wilt�oin B�ewfieirY'=P�wriWn ea�►�t.�xcMr0lrq(�l M�c�tion of a�rr a�►s►o��AordirW�t�1NaTtwt tt�d.(e!a tatilr
<br /> d!f��A�M!�p�the dMtli af a 1ruMOU who ia a joint Mnant or(e)1tN 0►m��Y��i�M►w6 01 itr�C,�1�Mrs vt IiM W�feh dors nat
<br /> oon�.�av�a►�n , ,ucn.esan is s au:cn a uy.a�.wn«�.s�a e.r�ir�►m.r.�e.n.�fc�s ao`on.aar..�ur�s�e�r.e er �
<br /> `w.tlu.�.o�.en ti.p�.�M�r 4us and a�r+�.a�o�a.a.r�a+�r.aw Tru.c w�a�►.ac e«�a.rxs a�o�a d�ane r�Na�.�raue a�+a
<br /> � v.�.are.��llswMor�sv��v�an�r+m..«��nnrv��v�aae�ra�.��an�►mw+s��rso.u.r,aCtlfflMTtu�MUisaoor�ora�on .
<br /> and a tarwr d Mt n�jrxiefcacdc arnw�h4 inNr�t in th�caporadm aaun.a tM Tna�or torporMion mw9h in r�f tann MiN ano�Mt oapq�Nion
<br /> —_--`ne�nr'e_r=Br�&3hc�atl lfav!rnMu��ch.�t tR�1Q0���►��m tht safs,transhr ar tanw�tana.B�icl�r!►�nd th�.A��lo M�OIn 1M
<br /> Propuly istd Oe�dd a trarnhrrW r�ich�yrNrtwK In writlng tlud�cr�ol'su�t+PK����D�Y�`ihttfFr inYrwi i;.��-"_—
<br /> '.an IM s1tnM s�ctrd.hll tlNS Ttu�t Dr�d shaM b�at w�fi npe as BM�N'ici�Y ahalt requs�t.
<br /> - 12ACCBEM71QMtR0lf0�A1lI.T;I�E�S:sALET1»taiturebytheTruetor.tomak�anypaym�ntaso0�manf/atth�t�msanaea�dilion�
<br /> a tlMs Tnaq ONO.a 1M Mrms and caebidona of tM NoM.or any ran�wab.modiHca6oeK a sxataians M�r�of.«tM faiNx�b mrn p�Rn�rit of ar�
<br /> atl�it�Oi�QiNts.Orior as wb��10 Urs 7rust Msd.and tecutad 011�a�tY.ar Uis d�Zh ot on�or mon Tnbloa ah�N b�a b►Nel►and
<br /> dMault ot tl�is tnnt DNd and tfi�Bn�eiarY maY dret�n a d�lauh and m/Y d�r�aY slims s�cund t��Df►inMn�dia�MY��P�Y�s�d tIM
<br /> �an+..naw n�r«+va+orcw++�aw and a.raa.v�ha,c aa.ar+e+�enr.a.m�ra,a�a na�res oe�y w�a.aar+e.a.r►wmE�w naw+r�y st.t�Ao�l
<br /> �!tatett�!lxeelaulihelateanlr notics oE�hultand demandi�a�ale maY bt Qltiverad w1tK?rtratas.71�er�tter.8�iclarl►nKY dNtwr tpTru�
<br /> a wrilMr►d�cianeion ot dd�Yt and dwrt�nd fa sat�Trwtor.�rMS and hR�by gr�nb th�t ths Tius��haA fwre tl�s il�at sW of th�Pmpwty ad
<br /> -H 8�ierMY��P+op�rh is to 4��W4 it�hall d�po�it�itl�Trust�s thie TNSt OseO and Uts Note w rwtes snd�nY otAir docwnMMs�rid�ncinD
<br /> sxprndituns aecuced hersDfl.and sh�deliver tn Tnu�e s written nbtice ol default and eNctiort to cauae the props�tY to be�d.an0 Ttu�t�e,in tum.
<br /> 6ha11 prapare a similar ndiee in ths torm requlred by taw,whichshall he dury filed for record by Tr�istee.
<br /> (aj Attes tfie taptt at sueh Tims as tnay be.re4��bY�'1���+9�reeadatiar ot Naic�oE�tault.and�bGct ot Odautt and NoNCa of �
<br /> Sate having 6een 9iven as ro4�IreA by taw.Tru�te�withauc demanC on Tnuta.ahall sel{the Propetty.if not redeemed.in one a mora .
<br /> `pucets aod in�or�er as Trustee may detsrmine on tha date and the time and ptace designated in said Notice of Sys,at public awction
<br /> � according to Iaw. .
<br /> (D) When Trustee aelts purauant to the pawers hetein,Trustee shall appty the proceeds of the sate ta payment ot tha CoEts anA expenaes u? �
<br /> �xRCising ths power of sab and oi the aale,tnctuding,without limimtion.attorney'a tees arM ihe paymer►t of Trustw's Fees inauced.whlctti
<br /> Tnutss'a Fass ahall not in ths ag�egate sxcesi!Me fotfowing amaunts base0 upan the amount secured henby end remaiNng unptid at
<br /> ths time sche0uted for sab:5 percentum on the tralance thereot:and then to the ioems in aubparag►aph(c)in the aEet thers atated.
<br /> (cl Aher qaying the items specifiad(R�ubpxa9raPh(b},if the sale is 6y Trustes.a it[he sab is pur�:ant to judicial taacbsurs.ths prOCe�ds .
<br />= of sals shall bs applied in the ibllbwirrg otder: �.
<br /> (1)Cost of any evidence ot tiUe procured irt cannection witt►suctr�.`e and af arty revenue trans`er fee required to be paid;
<br />__' (2)All nDligations seCUrap by this Ttust Deed:
<br />-= — (3)Junia trust deeds.mortgages,or other lienhotders:
<br /> - (4y TNe remainder,A any,to the person legalty entitle0 thereto.
<br /> �3,Ap/pNi�ENT pF SiJOCESSOR TpIJSTEE.Beneficiary may,from time to time.by a written instrument executed and ecknow(edged bY.Beneficiary,
<br /> - maiNd to Trustar and recorded in the caunry a counties In which the Property�s toCated and hy othervrise complying with the provisloru ot the applicabk
<br /> " laws of the State of Nebr�ska substitute a successor a successors to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunQer.
<br />`- t4,INSPECTIONS,6enefidary,a its agents,representatives a empfoyees,are autharized to enta at any reasonaDte tlme upon or in any paR ot the
<br />-- Property 1or the purppse ol irtspecttng tNe same and tu the Durpose of peAorming any of the acts it is autharized to perform under tne terms of the Ttust OeaO.
<br /> - 15.OOTION TO FOiiECtOSUEiE.tlFa�ihe4ccurtence ot any breach and upon lh9 deClaration of defaull hereunder.Beneficfary shall have the option
<br /> - to toreclose this Trust Deed�n che mannEr pruvided by law for the forectosure ot martgages on real property. . •
<br /> iri
<br /> . 18.FORE�EAMNCE SY BEHEfIC1AHY OR TRU9TEE HOT A WAIVER.Any forebearance Oy 8eneflciary or Trustee in exercising any ri�ttt or remedy
<br /> hereunder,or atherwise aftorded by aDD��ble taw,shall not be a waiver of or preclude the ex9rcis8 of any such«ght o�remedy.Likewlse,the waiver
<br />__- by 8snsficiuy a Trustee ot eny defauft of Trustor under this Trust�eeA shall not be deemed to be a waiver ot any other w simitar Cefaults subsequentlyr
<br /> �=.- occurring.
<br /> - 17,OENEFiCb1RY'S POWERS.Without ettectinp or releasing the tiabiliry of the Trustol or eny other person I�able for Ihe payment of any cbligatian
<br />- herNn mertNoned,and witnout a�feotlnq the lien or charge of this Trust Oeed upon any portion ot ma Praperty.BeneHciary may.from time to time and
<br />:;� wlthout natice at the request of one or more Trustora.(�)retease any persan Itable,(ii�extend or renew the maturlty or alter any ot the terms ol erry such
<br /> �.,:
<br /> obllgatlons.(lii►grant other indutgences.(Iv)retease o�recenvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time at 8en�`�ciary's optlon any parc
<br /> t�:� or all ot the Properry.(h take or retease any other or addiGo�aFSecuriry for any obligation herein mentlonea.(w)make settler�ents or otAer a�rangements -
<br /> � - with Trusta in rotehon 1Hereto.AU Trustors sha��be joinfly a.r*15everally obligated artd trwrtd by the actions af the Benehciary or any one or mare Trusto� =
<br /> as stated tn this paragraph. _
<br /> 18.ATTOi1NEY FEE9,CQSTS AND EXPEli5E8.The Be^e'�c�ary of thia Trust Oeetl 1s entitled to the payment ot attorney's tees,costs and exp�°-s;.n -
<br /> as provided�n tn�s Trost Oeed,except as�J'e►wise prch.�te��by taw. '
<br /> - � 1g,pECpNYEyANCE KY YAySTE�.Uport wrltten reC�E:r ot Beneficiary and upon paymenl Cy Trustor of T�ustee s fees.Trustee ahall reeonvey to
<br /> Trusta,a tne persan or persa:is Iegatly enr�t�ed thereto.w+:naut viarranty,ars,,portwn at the Property then held heroundar.qocifals In such rBCOnveyance
<br /> of any mattlrsor fact9 sfralf Oe conclusive pr6of of the truthtutness fhereof.T�e graniee in any reconveyan.�may 6e described as the perso�tpr persons ,
<br /> tega��y entittea thereto". .
<br /> + 20,NOTICE9.Except for rtatiees,demands.requests or other commuNCations roquired under applicable�law to he given in another manner,wherev:r
<br /> '``�� 8eneficiary,Trustor or Trust<.g give9 or serves any noUCV pnetuding.wdhoN hmitatian,noflce ol detau8 and noUCe ol sale),demands,requesls or othe�
<br /> communication v��th respeot te tnis Teust oeed,eaeh such not,ce,demand.request ee other eommumcatiort shall be�nwrrt�ng and SMalt be e1tACtive only
<br /> I}the same is EeOvered by parsonal servlce or is maded by Ce►hlied ma�l,postage pr9paid,addressed to the address as set torth at the 6eglnNng oi this
<br /> , 7rust Oeed.Rny party may at eny time Chenge ils address fot such notices by del�vering or mailing to the othe�pa�ly heret0.a9 atOresaid.a rtotice ot
<br /> - . • sueh efiange.Any nohce hereunder shatl be deemed to have hesn gwen to irustoe ar Boneflskuy,when given 1n the manner designated hereln. �
<br /> ' . 21.REWJE81 FOH NOTICE.7rustor and Beneficiary hereby request a copy of any not�ce of detault,and a copy o1 any notice of sate thereunder.8e
<br /> �: maileQ to eaeh person who Is a parry hereto at the address ta►sucb person set torth In the hrst paragraph of thia 7rust Oeed.
<br /> • 22.GOYEHlNNf3 4AW.This Trust Oeed shall he govern�d by fhe laws ot the 5tate ot Nebraska. �
<br /> � 23.SUCCES$Ci1S AND ASSIGN�.Tdl4 Trust O�ed.antl a�l lermy,candmon9 and oCtlgaUOns here�n,t�pply to and Inute ta thA benefit of and bmds
<br /> _. . _
<br /> a�f parGe9 hereto,tfieir Nelrs.tegat¢e9.dAVisee9,porsonal�epre5ent�tives.sucCessor9 and asSigns.Tlte tAtm BenehC��ry"shall mean the Owner and
<br /> • ''1ttlltfErtif'thft lVo[6 Wiift111Fif 4t!tW Rdlti6f�3S�tCldiy h6�8sR: - - --. . . . . .. . .. .. ... . .
<br />