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<br /> � � � �O SECUl�E PEREORMAMCE OF OSLIQA'tiOM �Z� 1(j4p�� ` � �
<br /> ' Th�und�rsipn�d Asnby�cknowl���n0 undf►slands tR�lt tM doeum�nt to bf�x�cut�Q Dy th�undeni9n�0 is.atruri d�M anQ not a
<br /> nwrp�.�d fMf fh�Pc�rsi of sat�Wmid�d ior in tlte Mist dN�O�ovidas suDttatNistt�di!lsrtatr�ts apQ oQlipationt ta�h�trustor ttun i� . _, _
<br /> n�fp.p.in tM w«x a a ahwlt w en.en a oaiQuron. -
<br /> p �s�CUNO on 1M_—�---.—diY Ot � — —.f 9�--.prto� , .
<br /> fotx M��4TrusiMad_ . � _ .
<br /> . L� P�Ia Jeen TsMr :
<br /> Tswi •
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<br /> tqUSTOEED - ' -' -
<br /> THIS TRUS'i`DEEO.mad�tNis � �day o! NbY , , , - — --.19. � —
<br /> b�l�nd among ��KenB Tser ard Pa�aL Jeen Bnfw Tseir tx�vd and rite
<br /> wlwse maUin�adAnsf is 1818 Motth taylor GTSM Isla�Id IiE 89903 ; - ',I`:,'�" .
<br /> �MrNn°Trustor..p ancf _ Ihian BafK� Tir�.it CO. oP Gcanl Islard . `----- ---- .
<br /> whos�mailinp aQd�tss P.O. 8ox 5168. Gsand Is2aM. t�E 69902 `:.:,
<br /> _'i.:�..
<br /> (he�ein"Trustee7:and �0R 8�C 8 T�st C°. of GraM I�laM �
<br /> — ahose mai�inp addreas is P.O. 6mc 5168. Grand Isl�nd !�BB6Q2 (h�r�in"B�n�flciary..h; �� ,
<br /> ` FORVALUABLECONSIOEHATION,Tcustorirrevocablygnnta,ttans(ers.conveysandaasienstoTrustee,INTRUST.WITHPOWEROFSALE4
<br /> - torihs heneCt andseeurityaf Beoeticlary.urtderendsubjecttpthetsrms andconditiorts otMisT�ust Deed,t�eloltowing descrii�edreaipropeRys•
<br /> — located in Hall County.Ne�ra;ka: .
<br /> A tsa�t of gtou�d abutting on L�t fitteen (15j, e� T�r (20). s��t�s nddi.tso� to �t �.a�n, �, ' . . - ' .
<br /> �oaaitia,so t�raty ot cr�,a is�r,a,r�are�. des�r�ea as rou�: e�� et tr� sw�r,� corn�. � �
<br />-_-_ of Lot iif.tee�t (15�, 8�adc 1Ye�tY (20ji.;Scartt's Additian to West �arn, an Addition to the City of
<br />�`;,L Grand I�land, Nebraska, tt�er�ce }vmirig Easti'an the SoutN line of eaid Lat Fiftee� (15j: tor s distance of
<br />-'� One 11u�drod Seuenty Five� (�75�.Feet,to the Soe�theeet Camer oP said Lot Fifteen (15), themce runing Saith
<br /> �,,, an a pTa��rigatian on the Eest lins"af said Lot PiPteen (15). for a distance uf Sixty Ei�t (B8)Feet.
<br />���`,_ tt�et�e nmin9 9�P�allel tathe 5auth liae of said Lat Fitteen (15y for a distance af One Huxtred
<br /> Sevanty Five (175) Feet ta a po3nt a�the Idesterly line of said Lat Fitteen (15) it the sane were exterxled
<br /> ,,`•' to the South, thenee North SixtY Ei�t (68) Feet to the Southreet Corner of seid Lot Fifteen (15�, sueh
<br /> _ " tract beipg s part ot�hat 4osmesly �aas mest 27th Street:in the Ci�ty of Grand Ieland•Netiraaka vacated
<br /> ;_�. �� .� by Ordiner�es No. 3993 of the City a4 Grand Is1aM. Hall Canty, Nebraska.
<br />:y..' .
<br /> b� '� �
<br /> a..�i~ ,
<br /> �T,I •
<br /> �..ti i
<br />, • TOdETHEiiWITHeIlolthetollowing,whethernowownedo�hereafteraCquired:rerrta.:�o�ils.royatties,mcomeandotherbenefitsderiveGfrom
<br /> the ieal property:a11 tee�e�Or aub10A88s COVering the real property or any poN�on thereol:all inta�•est9,estate or other claims,both inlew end in
<br /> equity in the roal propeny; all hpmestead exbmptions wbicb are h6:eby raleaseA an0 wa+veo. al!easements. rights•of•way..tanements.
<br /> _ � hBredltaments:ail0ilendga9righiSBndprOtlts,Wetetrights;allright.t��?and�ntOreslolTrustar,inandioanylan4ly��gwNhinther:gnt•of-wayof
<br /> . eny Street or highwey adjoining the rgml ptopetty;any and all bwidingy.tixturee.imyrovemonts,and appurtenantes now Ot herEBKer greCted
<br /> . thereon or belongiagtheeeto,(herein reterredto as"Improvement"ar"tmproremeMs"�:and any andelt awards maAelor thetaking by emment
<br /> + domain,or by any prOCeeding or purohase io tieu lhereot,of the whole or any part o11he real property.Alt of the foregotng estete,property ar.4
<br /> . - intgrest�onveye0 to t�ustea heroin collectively referred to as the"P�oO���Y'• ,
<br /> F�H TFl,E is'�fAPOS�OF S�CUfi1NC�:'
<br /> � - (a)The payment ot�n�ehtedrtess evttlenced by 7rusror's note or guarantee�"Hate�Ji Qatea ��8. 1991 and INsY Z9._ 19_3�___.
<br /> , -- - '� =��f intheprir,clpalsumot #*Fort�Six thoe�saed Two Hundr�d ui�}�,.. A^,� o���nn�� --.—. Oolla�s
<br /> � (s 48•�•� � ).togetherwilhintereSfallhAral9o�tate9pravidedlherem,andthepnna�palandmterestone�y
<br /> future advance9 evidenced by promissory noles ot guarantees sfaling fhey are secureA hereby.and any and att�enewals,moddications and
<br /> , � extenslonslhereoi,hothpHnctAalandintsrestheingpayabteinaccordancewiththetermsaetfonhtherein,whichbyth�srelerence�smadeapaH
<br /> -� -- =",�- - - � hot00}. - - -- - ..
<br /> --=+ '�� �by The performanee of each agreement and covertaM o!?rustar h¢reln conta�ned:and
<br /> _. ..._.
<br /> • -=�- - . -
<br /> . ��'�%r°�'•�,i. � (c)T�e paymenf ot any sum or sums ot money whteh may be hereatter patd or adJanced 6y f6e Berteficiary uridei tt��ief�ns bttntg TftrstOeea.
<br /> - �: '�' togethe�vwtp rnterest the�ean at the�ate proviQed in thg°Note'.
<br /> • (k�j��
<br /> �r�t �,�� , .
<br /> . �, . - - - -- _ _ . _ _ _ .
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