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<br /> <br /> ,w <br /> <br /> <br /> •OI9jaLil pall!Iu9 <br /> Alle6al suosiad io uosiad 9141 Ol 'Aue 'aapuiewaJ 9141 (n!) pue 'AgOjaq paanoas u0yl scans i9Lilo Ile 'saWe143 ale! pue <br /> lsaialui paniooe o1 paI!w!l IOU 1nq 6u!pnloul 'p!edaj u9gl IOU aION a41 to swial 94I japun jo isnjl 1o paaa slgl 1o sw.ial eql <br /> l 'ales y1!M uo!Ioauuoo u! 911!110 aouap!na <br /> japun popuedxe scans Ile 1o luawAed of ales 1o spaaooid aql Aldde pegs 9alsm <br /> 1o sisoo bu!pnlou! 'Isnal slyl 1o pug 991sni1 1o sasuadxa pue seal 'sisoo Ile bullonpop ja11e 'noel Aq pall!wjad aq Aew sy (q) <br /> -ales Lions IS aseyojnd <br /> Aew 'japual jo '991snil 'joisnjl uo!lei!w!l inoyl!M 6ulpnloul 'uosied Auy •loeiayi ssaulnlginjl 9141 1o load 9A!snlouoo <br /> aq IIegs sloel jo siallew Aue to peep Lions ui slel!oai ayl •palldwi jo ssajdx0 'Aluejienn Jo IUBUaA00 Aue Inogllm inq 'plos <br /> os Aliedoid ayl 6UTAOAUOO spaap Jo POOP iua10111ns pue pooh sl! loajayi siasegojnd jo Iasegojnd Lions 01 JaAllap peas aoisnil <br /> -ales 10 aw!l 941 IS olgeAed salels pai!un aql to Aauow ln}nnel u! yseo jol aapp!q 1s9y6!4 9141 of uollone o!lgnd IS 'au!waalep <br /> Aew 1! se japlo Lions ui pue 'Iua!padxo weep IIegs aoisnal se swell jo slaoied jo slol aleaedas ul jo 'aloynn a se jegl!9 <br /> 'aleg 1o ao!ION Lions u! 11 Aq pax!1 ales to ooeld pue 9w!l 9yI IS Alladad a41 Iles 'noel Aq pailnbai se UOA!6 uaaq 6UlAe4 aleg <br /> 10 BORON Ja11e pue ilnela4 10 901ION Lions 1o uo!lepaooei joile pue noel Aq paimbei aq u9141 Aew se aw!I Lions jalle 'joisnil <br /> uo puewap Inogl!nA 'pegs aalsnil •Isnil to pea(] s!Lil Aq pue noel Aq pai!nbei u9141 se 9leg 10 ao!ION pug ilnel9a 1o oo!ION <br /> Lions joisml 01 PG19Agap pue pagsggnd 1papjoo9j aq of asneo pe14s saisnjl 13opual wal aollou Lions 1o ldlaoal uodn (e) <br /> •annbei Aew 9alsnjl se isnal to paaa s!yl Aq paanoas <br /> pue spew saini!puedxa 1o 9OUap!A9 pue sid!a3ei Lions pue 9ION a4l pue isnul 1o pea(] s!LiI aalsnjl yl!M i!sodap lleqs pue 991snj1 <br /> Al!iou lleys lapual 'pouleluoo u!ajaq ales to i9nnod aql to as!a9x9 Aq asol3wol of sioale japual 11 'aleS 10 Janeod Aq einsoloauoj <br /> •apoO IelojawwoO wio11uf1 e)lsejgON ayi japun <br /> Abed pornoes a to sa!pawaJ pue slgblJ ay1 Ile 9Aey Ile14s japual 'Alladad leuosa0d 9yI to lied Aug jo lie of loadsei 41!M (p) <br /> pue :poloool s! AliedOld aqi go!LiM u! Alunoo aql to s03!11o aleudoidde <br /> 9yi u! pjooei jol palq Alnp aq of asneo pe4s aoisnjl ao!lou go!gnn 'plos aq of AijadoJd ayi ui issialui s,joisnjl asneo <br /> 1 of Janllad (o) <br /> 01 uo!loala pue llnelap 1o sonou uallunn a pue ales jol puewap pue ilnelop to uollejeloap uall!jnn a 991sm <br /> PUB'IOOJaLi slueu9AO3 <br /> aq1 to Aue aojolua Alleoipoads Jo J8A1930J a iu!odde '96eBljow a se isnul 1o pea(] s!yl asol3ejo1 of uolioe US aouewwoo (q) <br /> :ales to jaMod 941 as!oiaxe of iLi6u ayl 6ulpnlou! 'llnelap 10 IuaA9 Aue 1o aouaLnooo <br /> 9yI uodn noel Aq jo sluawnooa pale1011 oqI Jo OION 9yI u! 1Ol pap!Aad Iy6!j AJOAO aslajaxe of pali!luo aq Ileys i9pu91 <br /> jo a91snil 'sl!loid jo sanss) 'slue] to uo!leolldde pue ld!9oaj 'uo!loapoo a4l ao Aljadwd aql to uolssessod u! 9ouenu!luo3 <br /> ayi buipuelsyl!nniou 'pue :Ilnelop to aoliou Lions of luensind jo ilnelop Lions of asuodsoi ui auop log Aue alep!lenu! <br /> jo isnal 1o pea(] s!yl japun llnelap 1o ao!lou jo llnelap Aue 9Alenn Jo aina 1ou lleys loajagl uolleo!ldde 9Lil pue 'sl!lold <br /> pue sanss! 'siuaj Lions 1o uo!ioapoo aqi 'Aiiadad aq1 l0 uolssessod 6uplel pue uodn 6u!jaiua aql aulwjeiop Aew japual <br /> se japjo Lions u! Ile 'Isms) 1o pea(] s!yl Aq painaas ssaupalgapul Aue of 'seal sAawoue uopa!loo pue uolleiedo 1o sasuadxa <br /> pug sisoo ssal 'awes a14l Aldde pug 'pledun pue anp ised asoyi 6u!pnlou! 'Aliedoid 9141 10 sl!lojd pue sanss! 'sluai 9141 loalloo <br /> aslnnjaglo jo jol ans 'Aliadad ayl 1o uo!ssassod 6uiNel Inoy1!nn jo yl!M 'pue 'A11adad ayl 1o Al!jnoas aLii io9lwd jo Ala9dad <br /> 9qj wool awooui eql aseajou! 'Aljadold aqi ui isaialu! jo AljedOJd eqi to lied jo 'AljadoJd ayl to Al!l!geiusi jo Al!I!gela)llew <br /> 'anleA 0141 0AJOsaid of algej!sap jo Aiessaoau sweep I! Lio!ynn sloe Aue op pue 'aaisnil 1o aweu aql ui jo oweu uMo <br /> sI! U! '1oajayl lied Aug jo 'Alladad ayl 1o uo!ssessod @ lei pue uodn jalue 'Ai!jnoes sl! to Aoenbape 9ql of pie6ei inoyl!nn <br /> pue linoo a Aq polulodde IOAIO09J a Aq jo '6u!paaooid jo uo!ioe Aue buibuuq Inoyl!nn jo 14l!nn 'iua6e Aq jo uosied ul J803 (e) <br /> :Aew japual 'iaileejayl puij Aue 1o eopou jo iseloid 'puewap 'luawluasojd Aue inogl!nn olquAed pue anp <br /> awooeq uodnajayl Ile14s awes 9141 pue algeAed pue anp aq of isnjl 1o pea(] s!Lii Aq paanoas ssaupalgapul Ile ejeloap Aew ispual <br /> 'Agejay paln3as 9ION a41 1o swial ayi jed se sinooo llnela4 10 1u9A3 Aue 11 •salpawa11 leuo!Ilppy :11nelea uodn uollelalaooy <br /> :sa!powei pue sly6!j 6ulnnollol 94l 10 Sim jo auo Aug as!oiaxe Am <br /> Japual ao 991snul 'ialleeiayl owll Aue IS 'isnjl to pea(] s!ql japun sinooo llnel94 10 Iu9A3 ue 11 •llnV:134 NO S3143W311 ONV S1HEJl11 <br /> •Ieo!loeid <br /> AlgeuoseeA se uoos se eoue!ldwoo oonpoid of lualo111ns sdais Ajessaoau pue algeuoseei lie saleldwoo pue senu!luoo jelleajayl pue <br /> llnelap 9141 aura of lu9!o!}}ns aq of uo!lejoslp alos s,iapual ui sweep japual go!ynA sdals saieli!u! Alaielpoww! 'sAep (OZ) Alu9nnl ueyl <br /> WOW sai!nbei aino 941 (Z) jo !sAep (OZ) Alueml u!yi!nn llnelap eqi saino :ilnelop Lions to aino 6ulpuewep jolsnil of ao!lou <br /> uallpm spues japu0l jalle 'IoIsnjl 1! Pam aq Aew I! 'syluow (Z l) anlannl bu1psooid a41 ulgllnn Isnil 1o pea(] slgl 10 uo!s!Aoid awes <br /> a41 1o yoeajq a 10 90110U a uaA16 uaaq iou sey joisnil 11 pue olgemo si luawAed ui llnelap a ue141 je43o 'llnelap Aue 11 •aln'J 01 146111 <br /> •AljadOJd OW uo u91I 6u!ls!x9 Aue esol39iol <br /> of peouawwoo si uo!loe jayio jo 1!ns Aue Jo 'luawnilsul Lions ui pouad a3ei6 elgeo!ldde Aue Bump paino IOU s! pue ssaupalgapu! <br /> Lions buunaas luawnilsui ayl japun sinooo llnelap a jo 'ssaupalgapw Lions 6u10u9p1A9 9lou Aloss!wad ayi Aq pailnbei aw!1 <br /> ay1 u!41!nn apew lou s! ssaupalgapul bu!ls!x3 941 uo Isaaalu! Aue jo led!ouud 1o luawlleisu! Aue 1o luawAed 941 •ssaupalgapul 6ul1slx3 <br /> •ainoasu! 119sI! sanagaq y1!e1 pooh ui japual •Allimesul <br /> •ssaupalgapul 9Lil 1o Alueaen0 Aue 'japun Al!I!ge!i io '1o Al!p!leA aq1 saindslp jo sa>IOAaa <br /> jo 'lualedwoom sawooeq jo salp Alied uollepowwOOOe Jo 'Alains liesiopue 'joluejenI3 Aue jo ssaupalgapul 941 JO Aue to AUed <br /> uollepowwoooe jo 'Alains lieslopue 'joluejen6 Aug o1 loodsai 41!M sinooo sluana 6u!pa3aid 9yI to Auy •loluelenE) BU113811V s1uaA3 <br /> •i91el Jo Mou bulls!xe iaglagm liepual of jolsnil 1o uolle6114o <br /> jaylo jo ssaupalgapw Aug bulw93uoo iuawasi6e Aue uollei!w!I inoyl!nn bulpnloul 'u!9i941 p9p!Aoid pouad ooej6 Aue u!yll^^ pa!p9waa <br /> IOU si ieyl japual pue loisnjl uaannlaq luaweeibe joglo Aue 1o swial ayl japun aoisnjl Aq 4oe9jq Aud •luemee d J0440 10 400898 <br /> •Aldde lou II!nn uo!s!Aoid llnelap s!ql <br /> u9y1 'wlelo ayl Alslles of japual of Ajoloelslles puoq Alains a jo sa!uow L41!/,A japual sayslwnl pue wlelo ayi 1o 9ollou ugilli n japual <br /> saA16 jolsnil 11 pue 'algeuoseai jo p!leA s1 poseq s! Alladad aqi to 6uplei egl yo!ynn uo wlelo aq1 j9yl9ynn y1!e1 pooh ul soinds!p <br /> jolsnil 1! 'JOAOmOH •japual yl!nn slunoooe s,jolsnil uo 6UTAA9I Jo 10 6u!gs!we6 '1o bu1)Iel sapnloui s!41 •ua!l a sey japual yo!ynn <br /> u! Aliedoid s,jolsnil 1o jaylo Aue jo Aijadwd 9yI to Aug 94el of saul AoU96g 1e1u0wwano6 jo jol!paia Auy •A1jadoJd 941 ;o fiuhlel <br /> •aolsnjl 1su!ebe jo Aq sane( AOUaAIOSUI jo Aoldnu>lueq <br /> Aug iopun 6u!poeooid Aue 1o luawaouawwoo aql jo 'Ino)llonn jollpaao to 9dA1 Aue 'saol!pajo 1o 1!lauaq oql jol lu9wu6!sse Aue <br /> 'Aliadoid s,jolsnjl to lied Aug 101 J9A1909J a to luawlulodde ayi 'Aoisnjl to Aou9Alosu1 9141 'joisnjl 1o yleap agl •Aouenlosul Jo 41ea0 <br /> •uoseaj Aue jol pue owll Aue IS (u0!i jo isaialu! Alunoes poloolied pue p!leA a aleajo of luawnoop lejalelloo Aue 1o <br /> ajnl!el bu!pnlou!) loolle pue aaol pnl u! aq Ol seseeo sluawnood paiela11 9y1 to Aue jo Isms) 1o pea(] slgl •uo1lez1Jeialello0 an11381aO <br /> •pa4s!wnl jo apew awll ayi IS jo nnou jaLil!a 'loodsoi lepalew Aug u! 6ulpealslw jo aslel si sluawn30Q palela11 9141 jo Isnu1 <br /> to paad s!ql japun 11eyaq s,Aoisnll uo jo joisnal Aq japu9l of pays!ulnl jo apew luawalels jo uo!leluesaldaa Auy •sluewelelS aslej <br /> •slu9wnood paielaa <br /> 9141 1o Aue jo isnll to paaa s!Lil japun suolle6119o s,aolueln wloljad of Al!l!ge s,IolueaO jo ssaupalgapul 9Lii Aedal of Al!l!ge s,IolueJ0 <br /> jo Aliadoid s,IoluelO to Aue loalle Alleualew Aew legi uosiad jo jol!pejo jaylo Aue 10 Jone1 u! 'luawasibe Iaylo Aue jo '1uew9aj6e <br /> sales jo aseyomd 'luaweei6e Alunoes 'I!palo 10 UOISU91x0 'ueol Aue japun llnelap Iolue10 plno4g •sa!Iled pa141 10 ionej ul llnelaa <br /> •uall Aug 1o obiegoslp loolle of jo to bullq 1u9Aejd of Ajesseoeu luawAed j9Lilo Aue jo 19oueinsu! <br /> io saxei Iol luawAed Aug ajew of Isms) to pea(] s!ql Aq paimbai ow!1 941 u!yl!m Iolsnil to alnl!ej •sluawAed I8410 uo 11ne1a0 <br /> •slu9wn0o4 paleled eql 1o Aug ui to <br /> 91ON ay1 'isnll to paaa s!yi w pauleiuoo uo11!puo3 Jo lueuanoo 'uo!le6!lgo 'weal Iayio Aug yl!nn Aldwoo of alnl!e j •11nela0 aouelldwoo <br /> •1snul 1o pea(] slgl of p91e10a IUaw9aj6e Aue ui jo isnil 1o pea(] s141 u! pap!Aoid <br /> jauuew aLil u! Allouls pue ow!l ayl le Alidwojd wlollad of spel jo aapu0l of apew as!wojd Aue slealq aoisnal •saslwoad i0440 ilea18 <br /> •ssaupalgapul 941 Iapun anp u9ynn luawAed Aue ejew of sl!el Ioisnll •1lnel9O 1uawAed <br /> V GBOd (penuijuoo) 68£808 :ON U001 <br /> 1Snal 30 4334 <br /> O~//0 //D~ <br />
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