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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> :lsnil 1o paaQ sit-11 1o lied g ale Aliadoid agl to dlgsieunno of BUII819J suols!Aoid 6ulnnollol 941 '31111 AO 3SN3c130 :A1NVUUVM <br /> •pey aney pinom as!nnieylo 11 leyl Apeuiai Aug moil lapual ieq of se os llnelap ayl 6u!ino se poniisuoo aq sou <br /> Ileys i9pual Aq uo!loe yons Auy •11nelop Aue to lunoooe uo pall!lua aq Aew lapual g3!gnA of sa!pawai Aug io sly6!i ieylo Aue 01 uo!i!Ppe <br /> ui aq Ilegs ydeibeied s!gi u1 iol paplAOid sly6!i ayl •slunowe asayl to luawAed am3as IIIM osle lsnil 1o pea(] ayi •Alllnlew s,91oN 841 ie <br /> algeAgd pue anp aq plnn yo1gm luawAed uoopeq a se paleeil aq (Q) io :aloN 04110 uii91 6ululewsJ agl (Z) io 'A3!1od aouemsu) 919eopdde <br /> Aue to uiiai ayl (l) ieyi!a 6u!inp anp awooaq of siuawAed luawllelsu! Aug yl!nn 9lgeAed aq pue 6uowe pauoµiodde eq pue 81ON eyl <br /> 1o eaueleq eql of pappe aq (8) :puewap uo algeAed aq (y) II!m 'uo!ido s,iapual le 'pue ssaupalgapul ay1 to lied a awooaq 11!nn sasuadxa <br /> yons IIy iolsnil Aq 1uawAed9i 1o alep egi of lapual Aq p!ed io paiinoul aiep eql wO4 DION eyl iapun po6iey3 ales ayl le 1sai91ul <br /> ieaq uegl II!nn sesodmd yons iol lapual Aq p!ed io paiin3ul sasuadxa 11V •sissialui s,iapual loaloid of alopdoidde aq Ol sane!laq lapual <br /> leyl uoiloe Aug wiel 'ol pai!nbei 1ou si inq 'Aew lleyeq s,iolsnil uo iapuel uayi 1Ali9doid ayi ui sissialui s,iapuel 139119 Alleualew plnom <br /> legl paouawwoo si bulpaeooid io uo!loe Aue 11 •os op Aew lapual u9yl 'nnolaq pai!nbei se bu!puels pooh ui ssaupalgapul bulls1x3 u!elu!ew <br /> of uo!lebilgo Aue yl!nn Aldwoo of io Aliedoid ayl of siledei eilew of 141 'Aliadoid agl uo 83uemsul pai!nbai Aue ap!Aoid of (8) 'sw!elo <br /> i9y1o pue 'saouejgwnoua 'sisaialu! Alunoas 'sua!l 'saxes lie to Bail AliadOid agl deal of (y) sl!el iolsnil 11 'S3un.LION3dX3 S,113ON31 <br /> •ssaupalgapul bu!ls!x3 0141 10 iaP1014 9141 01 algeAed sou spaeooid agl to uo!liod leyl of Aluo Aldde 11egs spaeooid 10 uols!A1P io1 <br /> _L 1o paaQ slyi u! suols!Awd ayl 'ssol uo e14eAed awooaq aouemsui ayl moil spee3oid Aug 11 •luawailnbei 93uemsw to uo!1e311dnp <br /> Ism <br /> e alnipsuoo pinonn isnil 1o paaQ s!y1 to swial 9gl yi!nA aoue1ldwo3 iuaixe ayi o1 'lsnil 1o pea(] s1 g1 iapun suolslAOid aoueansul <br /> agl yl!M eouepdwoo einlllsuoo pegs ssaupalgapul bu!ls!x3 yons 6u13u9p1Aa luawnilsul 9gl u! peuleiuo3 suo!s!Awd aouemsui ayl yl!M <br /> eoue!ldwoo 113911a ui st nnolaq paq!iosep ssaupalgapul 6u!ls!x3 Aug y314M ui poliad ayl bu!in4 •ssaupalgapul Bugs1x3 yllnn a3ue11dwo4 <br /> •ieadde Am sls9ialul s,iolsnil <br /> se iolsnil of p!ed aq pegs spooooid gins 'ssaupalgapul agl to IIn1 ui luawAed ialle speo3oid Aue sploy i9pual 11 •ssaupalgapul <br /> aql 1o aoueleq led!ou!id ayl of pa!ldde aq Ileys 'Aue 1! 'ispu!ewei ey1 pue 'isaisiu! poniooe Aed of u9gl 'isnil to pea(] s!yl iepun <br /> lapual of 6u!nno lunowe Aue Aed of isi!l pasn aq 11eys Aiiadoid eyl 10 uo!leiolsai io i!edoi 9141 01 p911!uiui03 sou sey iePuel y31ynn pue <br /> 1dlaoai inayl ialle sAep pg t u!yl!M posmgs!p uoeq sou aney yo!ynA spaaooid Auy •lsnil to paaQ slgl iapun llnelop u! sou si iolsnil <br /> J! uo!leioisai io i!edei 1o lsoo algeuoseei ayl iol spaaowd 9yl woil iolsnil asingw!aj ao Aed 'aanl!puedxa yons to looid Aimoelspes <br /> uodn 'lleys lapual •lapual of Aioloels!les iauuew a u! slu9wanoidwl paAoi;sap io pabewep agl 9oeldai ao nedei pegs iolsnil 'a!edea <br /> pue uoµeiolsai of spaaooid ayl Aldde of sloola lapual 11 •Aliadoid ayi to nedei pue uoµeiolsoi 9yl io 'Aliadwd ayl 6u!13alle ua!1 Aug <br /> 10 luawAed 'ssaupalgapul ayl to uo!lonpai ayi of spee3oid eql Aldde pue aouemsu! Aug to spaeowd agl u!el9a pue OA1a39i 'u0113919 <br /> s,iapual le 'Aew lapual 'panedwi si Al!jnoes s,iapual sou io iagiayM •Ailenseo ayl to sAep (9 t) u99114 u1.411m os op 01 sl!el iolsnil 1! <br /> ssol to loved ailew Am lapual •Aliadwd aql of 96ewep io ssol Aug to aapual Alllou Aµdwoid Ileys aoisnil •sp8a3oad ;o uolle311ddy <br /> •ueol ay1 1o wial egl iol aouemsui <br /> yons u!elu!ew of pue 'iepuel Aq paimbei as!nniaylo se io 'wei6ad aoueansul poo13 leuoµeN ayl iapun las sl!w!I A3!lod wnw!xew <br /> ayi of do 'ueol ayl buunoes Aliadoid aql uo sua!l io!id Aue pue ueol at-11 1o aoueleq ledlouud p!edun pn1 ayi iol '9lge11ene l! 183uemsul <br /> p0013 leiapa3 ulelulew pue u!elgo of saai6e iolsnil 'ease piezey pool; le!3ads a se Aoue6y luaws6euevI A3ua6iaw3 Ieiapa3 agl <br /> to ioloen4 ayl Aq poleu6!sep ease ue ui paleool aq Aliadoid lead ay1 plnogS •uosied i9glo Aug io iolsnil 1o llnelop ao uo!ss!wo '138 <br /> Aue Aq Aenn Aug ui pai!edwi. aq sou 1pAA lapual 10 aonel u! e6eieAO3 ieyl 6u!p!Aoid luawasiopue ue apnloui pegs osle Ao1lod aouemsu! <br /> g3e3 •lapual of aollou uall!ann loud sAep (Ot) ual ;seal le lnoyl!nn pays!u!w!p io papaoue3 aq sou p!AA S968JOA03 lggl suo!lelnd!ls <br /> 6u!pnloul 'lapual of Aioloelslles wool u! aouemsui to saleollµiao io sa!3pod ayl 9w!1 01 aw!1 woil i9puel of i9A!l9p p!nn 'i9Pu9l <br /> to lsenbai uodn 'iolsnil •iapuel of elgeidoo3e Algeuoseoi sa!uedwoo io Auedwo3 a Aq penssi pue lapual of algeldaooe Algeuoseai <br /> slseq pue s96eieAO3 'slunowe 'uiiol ui uall!jm aq pegs sa13110d 'aimbai Algeuoseai Aew lapual se aouemsu! Al!l!ge!I pue piezey i9ylo <br /> yons gl!M iayle6ol 'lapual 10 ionel w asnelo eabebliow piepueis a yl!nn pue 'asnelo eouemsu103 Aug to uoµeo!idde p!OAe of iua!olllns <br /> lunowe ue u! Aliadwd lean ayl u0 sluauianoidwl Ile 6U1JOA33 enleA elgemsul pn1 agl iol s!seq lu9w9oeldei a uo siuawasiopua <br /> 06eian03 pepualxa piepuels yl!nn aoueinsw ai!l to sa!o!lod u!elu!ew pue amooid pegs iolsnil •aoueansul ;o eoueuelu!eW <br /> •lsnil to paaQ s141 to lied a ale Aliedoid ayl 6ulinsu! 01 6u11elai suolslAoid 6ulnnopol 9gl '33NvunSN1 3E)VWVC3 Ala3dOHd <br /> •slu9wanoidwi yons 1o lsoo ayl Aed p!M pue ueo iolsnil legs iapuel <br /> of Aioloelsµes seouemsse e3uenpe i9pua1 of yslwnl lapual 1o isenbei uodn p!m iolsnil •sle!i9leui i0 'se31nies 'jionn ayi 1o iunoo3e <br /> uo paliesse aq pinoo ua!1 aaglo io 'ua!I s,uawleualew 'ua!l s,3!uegoaw Aue 1! 'AliedOid agl of pa1lddns aie sleualew Aug io 'pegs!wnl <br /> We se31Aias Aug 'paouawwoo s! Nionn Aug aiolaq sAep (50 uaall!l iseal le lapual Aplou pegs iolsnil 'uo113nilsuo4 ;o 9311ON <br /> •Aliadoid 9ql 1SUle6e <br /> sluawssasse pue saxel ay1 10 luawalels uaii!inn a aui11 Aue le iepual 01 aaA!l9p 01 ;9!31110 Ieluauiuiano6 eleudoidde eqi 9zuoglne hays <br /> pue sluawssasse ao saxel ayi 1o luawAed to eouep!AO Aioioels!les 1apu91 of gsluanl puewap uodn Ileys iolsnil •luawAed;o a3uaplA3 <br /> •sbu!paaooid 1seluoo ayl ui p9ysluinl puoq Alains <br /> Aug iapun aa6!Igo leuoll!ppe ue se lapual aweu pegs iolsnil •Aliedoid 941 lsumft- luauiaoiolua siolaq luaw6pnf asianpe Aue Als!les <br /> (legs pue iapual pue 119sl! pualop pegs iolsnil 'lsaluoo Aue ul •ua!l ayi iapun ales io amsoloaol a 1o llnsai a se eniooe p1no3 igyi <br /> se6iey3 iaylo io 'saal sAouioile pue sisoo Aue snld uell agl a6iey3slP 01 JU8131lIns lunowe ue ui lapual of Aiol3elsµes Al!an3as iaglo <br /> io puoq Alains aleiodioo iua!o!11ns a io yseo lapual yl!nn 1!sodep 'aapual Aq polsenbei 1! io 'ua!l ayl 1o a6ieyos!p ayl am3as '6u11!1 <br /> ayi to ao!lou sey ioisnil iaile sAep (gt) uaolig u14i!M 'pall; si uap a 1! 'io saspe ua!l ay1 ia11e sAep (9t) usell!l u!yl!m pegs iolsnil <br /> 'iuawAeduou to llnsai a se pal!1 si io saslie ua!l a 11 •pazlpiedoof 10u s! Aliadoid ayl u! lsaialui s,iapual se 6uol os 'Aed of uo!le6!lgo <br /> 0141 JOAO ainds!p yilel pooh a yi!nn uolioauuoo ui wlelo io 'luawssesse 'xel Aue to luawAed plogyl!nn Aew aoisnil •4sa1uo4 01 401H <br /> •lsni1 1o Paa4 s1y1 u! paP!Aoid as!nniaglo se ldaoxa pue 'nnolaq of paiialai ssaupalgapul 6ullslx3 <br /> ayl iol ideoxa 'anp iou sluawssasse. pue saxel 1o ua!l agl iol ldaoxa 'lsnil to paaQ s!gl ispun lapual to lssisiu! agl of lenbe io ieAO <br /> Aluoud 6u!Aey sua!l Ile to Dail Aliadwd agl ulelulew Ileys iolsnil •Aliadoid eqi m paysluinl leualew io p9i9puei sa3lAies ao1 a0 u0 <br /> auop Donn iol sui!elo lie anp uaynA Aed (legs pug 'Aliodoid ayi to lunoooe uo io 1su1e6e pa!Ael suo!llsodw! pue soul} '(iannes pue aalenn <br /> bu!pnIou!) se6ieg3 'sluawssasse 'saxel lemeds 'saxel lie (Aouenbu!lep of solid sluaA9 pe u! pue) anp uaynn Aed pays iolsnil •luawAed <br /> :lsnil to paaQ slyl to lied ale Aliadoid eyl uo su911 pue saxel 9yl 01 6u!lelei suols!Aoid 6u!nnollol ayl 'SN311 ONd S3XVJL <br /> •nnel eiIseigON Aq io noel leiapal Aq pel!q!yojd si as!aaxe yons 1! lapual Aq pos!oiaxe aq sou pegs uoµdo s!gl 'a9AennoH •Aliadoid <br /> lead ay1 u! lsaialul ue 10 93ueAanuo3 1o poylew iaylo Aue Aq io 'Aiiedwd lead ayl of all!1 6u!ploy lsnil puel Aue o1 io u1 issialut le!3!leuaq <br /> Aue to iaisueil io 'iuewu6!sse 'ales Aq io 'loeiluoo uo!ldo-aseal 'sieeA (g) aaigi ueyi ialeai6 wiai a g11nA ls9ialui ployaseal 'peep iol <br /> ioei1U03 'loeiluo3 puel 'ioeiluoo ales luawllelsu! 'peep 'ales ly6ulno Ag i9yl9ynn 'Aaelunlonul io AielunlOA iayleynn :algei!nba ao lel3gotieg <br /> 'lebal iaylaynA :Aliadwd lead ay1 u! lsa,falui io 91111 'ly6u Aug io Aliadoid lead to eoueAeAUO3 9yl sueaui „ielsueJl io ales„ y •Aliadoid lead <br /> ayl u! lsaialu! Aue io 'Aliadoid lean 041 10 lied Aue io Ile to 'luasuoo uallunn io!id s,iapual inoyl!nn 'ialsueil io ales eyl uodn lsnil 1o pea(] <br /> s!yl Aq painoas scans Ile a14eAed pue anp Alale!pauiuil aiel3ap 'uo!ldo s,iopu9l le 'Aew lapual •a3ON31 AS 1N3SNO3 - 31VS NO 3f1O <br /> •Aliedoid ay1 aniesaid <br /> pue looloid of Aiessooeu Algeuoseei ale Aliedoid eql to asn pue iaioeiego ayi woil y3!ynA 'uo1138s s!yl u! anoge yliol las sloe 9sOg1 <br /> of uo!l!ppe u! 'sloe iaylo Ile op pegs iolsnil •Aiiedwd eyl papualleun OAeel ao uopuege of a9yi!eu sesibe iolsnil •1301oad of AlnQ <br /> 'lsaa9lUI s,iepual <br /> loaloid of 'lapual of Aioloelsµes Algeuoseei 'puoq Alains a io Alunoas alenbape ;sod of iolsnil ailnbei Am lapual •pazlpiedoef sou <br /> eie Aliadoid 9141 u1 slsaialul s,iapuel iuo!uldo alos s,iapual w 'se 6uol os pue os 6u!op of solid bu!lunA ui lapual pa!1!iou sey iolsnil <br /> se buol os 'sleadde aleudoidde 6u1pnI8u! '6ulpaeowd Aug 6uunp aouepdwoo ployyl!nn pue uoµeln6ai io 'aoueu!pio 'noel yons Aug yl!el <br /> pooh u! lsaluoo Aew iolsnil •Aliadwd ay1 1o Aouednooo io asn ayi of alge3pdde sa!luoylne 1e1u9uiui9no6 pg to '138119 u! ia11e9i911 <br /> io nnou 'sualeln6ai pue 'sa3ueu!pio ''snnel Ile yl!nA Aldwoo Aµdwwd pays iolsnil •sluawailnbeH IeluawuaanocO 411M eauepdwo4 <br /> 'lsnil lo pea(] siLII <br /> to suo!l!puo3 pue swial ayl yl!M eoue!ldwoo s,iolsnil to sesodind iol Aliadoid lead ayl loodsui of pue sissialui s,iapual of pualle <br /> of saui!1 glgeuoseei Ile le Aliadwd leas agl uodn ialue Aew seAµeluassidai pue slue6e s,iopuel pue lapual •ialu3 of 3461d s,iapuel <br /> •anleA lenbe iseal ie 10 sluawanadwl gl!nn sluawanadwl yons ooeldei of lapual Ol <br /> Aioloels!les sluawa6ueiie slew of iolsnil ai!nbai Aew lapual 'sluawanadwl Aue 10 Ienowai ayl 01 uo11puo3 a sy •luasuoo u91111M <br /> loud s,iopual inoyi!nn Aliadwd lead 941 awl siueweAoidwl Aue 9AOw9i io ys11ow9p sou pegs iolsnil *sluawanoadwl ;o Ienoway <br /> •luasuoo uallunn solid s,iapual 1noy11nA <br /> Z abed (penuquoo) 68£808 :ON ueo; <br /> imui 30 4334 <br />
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