"�'%` ,.�% tk rJt r
<br /> .lsikr�� LF ,1 cJ-: --..t. .:rr.:. • i. ii. -
<br /> : �_ .
<br /> ..�.�r� � �.S.f Qf t�.1 i. , ......... �81.�..��9 ..... _ _. ._.
<br /> '. ' .�7,T'.'�����, �� •�e;�'-u�Yt-�.�,,.�.�:4�i`; ..-._.__'_
<br /> ' . ' {�' ' "
<br /> — _ _ ' _ _— —'___'raw�ct.�e�..�.--_ - ,�,� _ —.
<br /> . ., ,� . V V� ����� . _,..
<br /> Propercy who int�ividuc�ly cantract w�th O�raxtar to supply s�ch ynogramming servicq� but
<br /> Qwner sh�ll bear no rsspansibiiiry for thc paymatt of�ny hcs fnr such�ddit�onal prag�rxsr�.�ning or
<br /> c;�.�:sc.-vicG.�. �:►ou!J O::�rs +� to r!�ke its cr!�!±!h!y�c�£er, payener�hy the 2Qth dsy af tho �
<br /> �pPlic�bi�e mnnsh, Ovvner �grea to p�Y aPentor • ten (1Q) penxrit �ue fea. �vvner ti�rthar
<br /> ,�rea to p�y Operuor s tw�nty-flve(2x)dollu eervice ahxrge for�ch cl�eGk of Qwner which i�
<br /> return�d dua to non•sufliciart fiusds. Shauld Awner ti�ll to nuke it�monthly servico foe payment
<br /> far�periad af thioty(30)d�y�.Oparator hu the wid di�cretion ta notit�Owner tht�t its receipt af
<br /> t�tRlttal I?ai1C sIJ63Cl'��IQi1 tltS W1II t?0 t!'T[l�MIQfI Ufll���.
<br /> g, �. 'i fne tarm of this Agrear�ent eh�q commence upon the �cecutian of this
<br /> Agresment and run for flvo(3)yearR. Comme�cing August 23.14�96�nd ending�ugust 23,2001.
<br /> 9. �ialt and�as�. Eitl�c p�uty. in uldition to whatCVar ather retned�ra
<br /> it msy ttave at l�w or.otlx,rwiee, rtu►y ele�t to tmdyttu'nar� ti�1� Agreanadt u�d is reuaved of Arry
<br /> liabilitics or AbGgationa heteunder(excopt fur sudi tiabilities or obligation:tl�tt acctued prior to
<br /> the date of t�ninxtion)ia the ev�et of any defwlt on the part csf the oi�er puty. �ither pArty
<br /> sls�ll be deemed to be in def��lt herounda if it breaches a default= ose its perfomurnx of aTry
<br /> msteri�l obligstions hae�o� including a breach of any reprr�artatian or warr�nt�r, and fiils to
<br /> ►�r or make a goad fiith �ttanpt to re�edy s�me withia a paiod of saey(60) d�ys after
<br /> rece�of wriuGn notir,e from the other purty by catified ncu�il,s�id writtea nntice to be ida�ed
<br /> � �•-^��'7w s��tle�oit e�11e!la�ta�i 1r►t�lEs�i 6r�o�r or de�nit i�its aitu�etp�rid�aut�ry other aritl
<br /> or writta►matecial incorporsted by r�axe, Qpau4or maY:W�on thirt�►(30) dtys Pnpr writta►
<br /> .. . ��_...__�` Lr. � ...1• .�.1 ..O .�:��.:t:�i�..... _
<br /> �tICC,�llO ENCL i0 LRxA�ittt[c u�n�u�uun wwo�wy cswaa �a�u swiQ�w va w�s�ww...........
<br /> p�gWpllf�lI1�C[�@![CE� �OI''JLICtI�l�Iti� �'!'t7��lOQ3 t�i01x111ld�MOf OOtli! OI�Cf
<br /> tG'IIUflitl0ll� tipOtl�!E OCCUtiEl100 Of�t� �AS► $ON� �lW. Sli{�, t�l�lOII
<br /> . rendesing it uuacanomical a umra�on�bly 'd�ia�witlnn Op�xator's aok cli�cretion fnr Opoiator
<br /> to instvl, m�uin¢�u+or opa�te the SDS su egi�eed he�a�a, inc.h�din8 but nat lm�ited rtn s lap of
<br /> e�cclu�ivity,or(b)w�iciont imat�t�ces,determioed witlrizc Opar�tor's eob�,'of equi�nnent
<br /> dam�ge c�wsad�by ta�nts or of th�a of c�ble eavice. Nqt vvit�duo�g wYt6mB berda ta th�
<br /> . co�truy, Ow!��mty dect to tamimtc thie agreemait�t its�da disc�tion at +iay,�aae apon�SO .
<br /> p ... �_.���w�MA�����'tV. ..J•rMWM1�fIti.I-�vK;� � ..ri.� . - .�
<br /> �-. w.aii�. r
<br /> . � Iq. m..� t�t...�.i�ied ot th� Ea••ies�.t. Upon the ta=t�a�cnt of tbi� Agreemc�it.
<br /> for�ity rats+�ir�,�und eacdurive of an�r tdatiiaoa broadca:t �ntana,�ad Ownec's MATV systan, .
<br /> � ppexstor��u��optioa(1)to ebau�dun the lEquiipa�t witl�o.ut c�oat c�r obli�pdaa;�{��to �11 tl�e ,. �';
<br /> . �,qiuiipm�xtt dt�fsir msrictt vslue to Owner;(3)to sei!the F,�uipnneat t� �third pi�rfy; oe(4)to ,. :
<br /> rcmove all or s�y put af 3�ier F�qui�e�t at jts oam r,acpense,rost�ring the Praga�ty to a condition
<br /> .` , appmxinutdy e;gutvale�t to i4s origin�l condition,nonn�i we�r uail tar mooegted.W ith res�d to
<br /> ' " � atcy tdevisidr��6m�dcut urte�ut ttot part of the Ovma's i�A'�V S�tem. Opa�ta' nuY on1Y
<br /> exercise opfioti numbers(1),(3)and(4) gfter Owntr h�s firsi declined to purr�u�e tbe�qaipnaent ,. .
<br /> st fair markez value from Uperatnr.
<br /> _g_
<br /> -_�.- � - _ -- _��:�:,�T�:`�:�r::���- _ - ----=,�v.---.�.,� __.�._..__-
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<br /> ._ — ——o!4FJYWL4Y��fYYrA --_-- — — ---
<br /> ��.mLaf���i1'IY� �� __ .4��w�rn _-- _—__ — _—_---_-__
<br /> ___ ___ iy ��t .l e' . �`:�. �[�!4j��' �� — _ — —.
<br /> — -- t �� .'�Y 'T�h�9a.etif�s.M1��ea
<br /> —�.�wemr�'1 +�' � i ' �':�,_�—
<br /> .........�a:_�;.���x�.. _ . :�: _. . _ �;� ��-- �
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