�. –- —.. 'r�. .s.�a.:i•wei.�.. R . _ _
<br /> .��-«.vnM�Rwr'rMOO!',w...�n...... .., . . . -_ _ _ _.
<br /> _ ��� i Y' .�. „ ____�._.".� ___ _ _—. . .
<br /> .. .__..._.._.... . _.. __ .__ ...
<br /> ; � ' 9�-- �,�6�3�,r� . • .
<br /> �. �. `Tide ta and in the Operator's Equipm�r►t shally �t a�l ticncs. remain
<br /> weth Operotor or ita uaignoes, aeid no partinn uf tho Operator's �ipm�nrc witl be deccned a
<br /> fixture qf th� Pra�ecty n�twithsua�ling xny mathod of at�xadon to tha Pr�perty, including thc
<br /> buildin,gs;�rovidcd ttu�t owesersh�ip of any c�xisiing MATV System, togtthe� wittx any necess�uy
<br /> , upgrades,wiQ rattuun with t!►c Owner. —
<br /> C. �'�I�iMt�. Opesuor shall, at its owa exp�nse, ape�ate�nd maintaan =
<br /> .. .: .the Equipment and the MA'1'i/ 5ysce�n acn�� ke�p same in gaod repsir in accord�nc�'`�ith all _
<br /> � ,�-�..'�aFplic�bic goya'nmattv nguluions conc�a�ng tec�►nical stuKiar.ds. In no event siaf,�! �watier
<br /> : ��' �t�c�cre with or attempt Lo repiur,msi�in or savice the Equipment inst�lled by tbe Operator or —
<br /> � � � allow any other third party to do �o. At a muumum, Uwner age�s that �perator will have the�
<br /> free and unintc�rupted right of acc� ta the Operator's Eqe.�pmau for tha sole p�urpose of
<br /> aperating a�i maiataitring said equipma�t in order to p�ovide SDS ta the�wncr.
<br />, 3, - - -
<br /> A. Owner shsll not perctm nor ca�uu tha +�t�tchment of any U�n,mortgage or .
<br /> o�her anaur�br�noe to tbe Equiga►ant Ar tbe ri�ht� �nnted t�e�,n. A+sy li�n, enc�u�nbnu�ca,
<br /> nwrt��or judici�6 pro�eec�in�wHch may affa�x tlhe L�quipn�ent or the wo of my MA'TV Systean
<br /> _. ' ._ �ta horeia wiil be reported to Operuor watlWt thr�e(3)tfays of
<br />_.'._�"..`•"' �""'���O�i����q��u��r�a: �"Oparator sh�1 n�t pesmit nor c�use tbe utar�xut of
<br />= any iia�n, rnartgrge or other ancumbnnce to tbe Propatty. O�tor s�U h�ve tha ri�t to
<br />- �5+�► P�B� � � S�t• ��► iata�st and liea i�n tttis Agree�netu and in ita
<br /> �.�.;...,�,.�+*
<br /> .,.,�...r........
<br /> B. dVY110!'� t0 alla W�if#11L3 t}1�t lt W1�I 0�111 R'r01'tsEllt tQ Efl�Er tAtO�S . .
<br /> � Agrea�navt $�the hotda{a)of nny tien, mortgapje. deed of tcust, or aocumbc�nca which tw
<br /> . !�*�Y���iod whicb eouid nwlt in tiw a�iahcr�eat af this Ag,�eemax by �:
<br /> • virtue of s ftixeclo�uc�e or�r�il�r pn�oeaa:nng,s�id con�ent ta be avidaiced by the hoidear's acecute �;`
<br /> � � of a no�bance sgroaneat ut subst�tieily tbe farm of F,�cin'bit B,which is utacired'hea+eto�nd
<br /> .,,,,,,�„� _ �ptJb�.deliivered so Oparatur , .
<br /> ,, a �y� �nd vad at OpQr�tc+r'a aok
<br /> � � � discretinn�w►ith rta penalty to �tha� pr�tt�r. Ope�star is unda' n� duty aad is rele�wed from ..
<br /> • �oirtring ury of ita obligations�x`�is Agranum uMil all said no�stucb�nca:a�prcan�ent:
<br /> . ` uo�1eJrverai to Uperatar. . .
<br /> , . ,.
<br /> ' C. To evideace t�he pm'des' inte�t th�t Opdrstor hss beaa gr�nted.�s ;�
<br /> ' � � wd has reteindd eaccluuv�e owt�rahtP of tha 4p�rator's F..qui�i�ont,Dovne�' agreee tl�t Up�ar
<br /> • mky recorrl ttu� Agreana�t(�ze'.bther doc�a�a�taxion cvidencing.a�nae as acec�dad by Uwna�and
<br /> . Operator)ttmong the pubiic i�eedrds of the Cuunty in which tho Prop�ty i;lcicsted�acl auc�oH� °�;
<br /> necess�uy places in order that a�y and alf tfuxd parties shalt ba on notice ot�the a�tx� and �
<br /> f4 �,�� �� ' .
<br /> '+ . . ��.
<br /> �
<br /> �: . , ,. -3 ,� � ' : '.
<br /> ;.�'.
<br /> � _
<br /> i .
<br /> �
<br />