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<br /> � il��]A�lS OOM�Cr��Ef i�l�I�IC Q[Opl71y. ��i�i�l[ICOS 5��l�SO bE 170�'!!��!h!S�`CC1��i � .
<br /> .� I�Y�L l�d�fbC fClt$OIOS�f tCf�ffld W�A thbSSl�Wity IIISt11qOG�!HS ihG"�'Op�Ay.° _ � ' .
<br /> - '" SORRaWFR OOVF.a�TANiS tUat Hcxcowrer is Lwtiilty 5eisod of!!te estate Ixteby maveyed aod hzs the right to gr�nt
<br /> '. and o�lvey the Ptvpaty aod tlut d�Ptope�ty is��mencumhe�ed.except fa encumbrances of record. Bomowu warra�xs and
<br /> ° �rii�aefrnd�eneraity the 6tk to tdr Prnpetty a�unst vl ct�ims aed dem�ods.subjext to my encum6tances of s�ecad. �
<br /> THIS SE4VRRX l�GSf�RUMENT combiees.,�mif� soven�ets fa tntioo�! use and aon-uniform eoven�ats vYith
<br /> limitod va�io�s 6ylurisd�tia!to co�tituic a.unJortn securiry,irtstrumau covaing ral piope�ty. < � .
<br /> ' �UNIE�ORi4i C�OVENANTS. 8afinwa aed Lendec covenaat au�dagnx as fdtows: �
<br /> 1. li��iweaE�f lrirefMl a�/i�tenit:l't�eMJ!est�aN�Lsle CYi�c�e� Borrower shsl!P�P�Y WY Whcn dua the
<br /> � printipl oi and'wwerest an the debt avideoced bY tbe Note aad aaY P�WY��?ro late chaiges due�uider the Note.
<br /> �2 Bi�ist�'liu�es sM l�wes�ea Subject to appli�al+k law oeta a wnt�en watver by L.eMer.Elnimwer sha�i p�y to
<br /> i.ender at fhe daY�Y P�Y�s are due wxfer the Nde,m�til tAe Note is p�id in full.�xnm l"i'yurds")for.fa)Y�Y `
<br /> �xes ad�aessttxnts which msy�aain priority over this Security Ia�utneat zs a tirn on the Pruperty:(b}yexly kaseix�td
<br /> paymeats a grouM raits on tbe.PtnpErty. if aay: (c) Y�Y���F�P�Y inwrancc pnmiums: (d)Ye�r1Y �1�d �
<br /> - -- ;------ i .as.�� =,i�ta�3e.�a�o.i.lS!!l+1nc�' ¢em�um�.if a11yr�n4 [fl�v►!�s�ns PiF�blc-'bY BomuliYe[-I11
<br /> I.eoder,ia accond�x vrith tbe�mvisians of puagraph S.in lieu of the pay7nent of matgage inwr,urce p�emimns. T sc -- _ :`
<br /> � items�e cslkd"Esc�o�loems. I,ender may.aE any ti�tie.coltecs�d'hold Fundc in�n utwunt not to esc�e�the ma�cimurf�
<br /> �mount a tender fa,a fedenity alatod mo�tgage Wan may tpquire for Sorrawer's esciow,xcau�t under tt�e fede�at[trs! �
<br /> Fst�t�e Settka�K Ptvcadu�es Act af 1974 as uneMed fram time w time.l2 U.S.C.g 2601 e�ssq.("RESPA").wias another
<br /> taw�t applies w!he Fiuids sets a ksser umuat. If so.t.eeder may,at�y time,collect and hold Wnds in an art�ount�t to
<br /> exaed tbe lecser amourx. Lsnder may estieute t(rc arnoont of Furds duc an the 6a5is of curtent data and re�so�uble
<br /> . tstimates of eitpdditutes uf funuc Escm�w items or aU+ecwise in accExd�oce with applic�blt law.
<br /> -. - 'i'hrfwds�Sil be heid iu an institutinn wlase de{�siU are insured by a fecterai ageacy,instrwuseai�lity.or eatitS ,
<br /> Cuicludin�l.eader.if i.ender is sucb an instiAitiun)or it�any Federsd Home Laan Banlc. I.ender aha{i apply tht Funds w psy .
<br />-- tbe Esecar�I�ems. leuder msy tat charge Homower for holdin8,and ePPtY�B the Tvnds,annually ar�lyzing�he escrow
<br />-, accuunt,ar ve�ifying tbe Escrow Items.unkss l.ender pays eamwer interest on t5e Funds aad applicable hw pem�its
<br /> - I:eader to avlce such a charga Howcver.Leader raay requir+e Barower to pay a one•time charge fa an independent reat
<br /> estate tax.repoctiag servic�used by i.ender ia cau�ection with t�ts Ioan,uNess appticabte taw pmvlcks od�er�vise. EJntess mf �
<br /> "- a�is made or applica5le Iaw teaquins intet+est tu be paid.Lender ehall not be nquirtd to pay Barower any interest or
<br /> '- e�nings on tht Funds: Bocrower and l.endec may ag�ee in wnting.however,that interest shaU be p�aid on the Furtds. Lender �
<br /> :_``; s6aI1 give to Bortuwcr,witltaut charge.an annual accounting of the Funds.showing ctediu and debtts to the Funds and the _
<br /> pucpase for wlrich each debh to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security fa all sums securaf by .
<br />__ this Sa;uriry Instrumen� .
<br /> _ - If the Funds hetd by Lender excad the amaunts permitted to be held by appticable law.Lender st�a!! accaunt to
<br /> . Bormwer for the excess Funds in accordar�ce with the requirements af applicabie taw If the amount of the Funds held by
<br />=- Lender�aay dme is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.L.ender may so rwGfy Bonawer in writing.aad.in
<br /> - � such case Borrower sha11 pay to Leader the amouns necessary to make up the deFciency. Bmrower shail malce up the
<br /> y - deficiaKy in no mare than twelve rtwnlhiy payments,at Lender's sole discrepan. -
<br /> Upan payme�t in fult of ali sums securecf by th,s Security Instmment,l.ender shall promptly rzfund to Boaawer any =
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 2I.Lendec shall acquire aEr sell the Finpeny,Lender.prior to the aequisition or
<br /> sak of the Property,shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the tune of acquisition ar sale as a cnedit against the sums
<br />' aecured by this Security]nsuumen�
<br />__;•: � ' 3. Applicatlao o�Ppymeats. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,ap paymenta teceived by l.ender under
<br />.: �1 parasraph.g 1 aud 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment chargea d`ue under t�e Nate;second,ta amounts payable under
<br />_ , paragraph�;third.to interest due:faurth.to principal due:and las�to azry late charges due under che Note.
<br /> 4. C6arges;Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments,chargeG.,firr.es and impasitions attributable to the
<br /> .•- Pruperty which may attain priority over this Security Instmmenl.and teasehotd��.cri�ents or ground rerits.if atry. 8orrowet _
<br /> shail pay these obllgations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid�xAU;.t manne�Baaower sha11 pay them on _
<br /> ' time dfrectty to the person owed payment. Borrower shall prompUy furnish to l.ender all notices a�:mounts ta be paid under -
<br /> .� this puagraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly.BorroRer�al)prompAy fumish ta txnder receipls evidencing =
<br /> the paytn�,mts. .
<br /> ..�� Horrower shal)promptly discharge any lien which tzas priority ovet this Security lnsUUment unless Borro��:(a)agrees _
<br /> • in wridng tb the payment of the obligation recured by the lien in a manner ac¢eptable to l.ender(b)contesu in goad faith the _
<br /> lien by,or defends agalnst enforcement of the lien in.legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinian operate to prevent the
<br /> _ enfarcement of the lien:or(c)secures from�he holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to l.endcr subordinating the lien ':
<br />= to thls Socwlty/ir3trument. If l.ender detem�ines that any part of the Property 1s subject ta a Ilen which may attain prioriry
<br /> ' over this Security lnsmunent.l.ender may glve Bortawer a notice identifyin$the liert_ eorrower shall satisfy the tfen or take
<br /> ' � �" one or mure of the actlons set forth above w�thin 14 days of tho giving oinotice.
<br /> • S. Ha�ard or P�operty Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements row exis�ing on c�rcaftcr en�.d vn the �
<br /> __ - Properly insurtd against loss by fue.hbzards iacluded w�ithin the term"ertended coverage"and any other haz2uSs,inetuding
<br /> � floods or flaading.for which Lender requlres insur�nce. This insurartce�hall be maintained in the amounu and for the -
<br /> ' t Fore�3�28 9!q Il�q;e3nf6Pt+Xe�► .
<br /> �. . .
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