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<br /> <1�QGEl'HFR W]TH aU.tbe impcarema�oo�r a baafler aec�ed aa rbe pupersy.�!It e�a�ts.�.•, .
<br /> ` � �sad Gx�es m�r�ar fi��p�t of.We y All ceplicana�ai�d additians ahaU also be covaed by dn!Seciritq
<br /> � int�ua�ent. Alt bFt�re faegoing is nefared ta i�thi�Security Insonunrnt ai the"Pfvpe�ty."` , . � .
<br /> ' HORRO�VI�R OOVENANTS th�Ba:oweT is Iawfully seised of the estate haeb!►�p►veyed and b�s d�e ri�to�at
<br /> � �ed comry tbe Ptope�tty aed d�t tLc PYope�ty is ueaicumbeied.�xapt for e�umb�aacts of iacatd. Bamwer w�rr�t�md .
<br /> - �rill defead�eMy d�titk to dk Pb�ty aBa�a�all clams�d dea�ads.su6ject to�ay�of�eca�d. -
<br /> . ` 1WS SF,C'pRITY INS7RUMFNT canbines wufam covena�fs fa nuiooai ase wd nwt-anifam co�r�txs with `- -:
<br /> . I�tled vui�tiaas by jurisdiction to oa�tidite a uoifomt sectuity instrmne�u covaim8 tal ProPMY. . - -,- � -
<br /> UN�URM�DVEN!►N1S: Barowa add I:end�x covaian[and agrx as fotiows . ;
<br /> � 1, Sj�at of lrLd�!_a�d 1�Prepal�t�d Lstt Ci�'�es Bo�awer shs�ll promptfY PAY wha�chre t6e .
<br /> �t�f aad irrenst on il�e3d�E evxle�oed bY d�e Nde aod anY P�P;Y�����te urdGrtbe Nat�.
<br /> ��iic t�r'liu�a ar�Livra�ee. Sabja�;t to spplic��w or tn a wnaen waivec�dy`I.adu.Bo�tu�ra slvtt piy t�
<br /> i.s��t the day m�aplily pagmdus m duc�d�rthc Nar„c�dil the Note is p�d'w ful�,a�swn f"£�ds"}for:(a)Ye�'
<br /> :;;.� #�e�:l�S��Y��°�Y over_tiris 5�5+=��a.iia►aatbe Ptapass,tb?:yeadY ieasebotd< <
<br /> if an :c e�3 �;�' ���::Cdl��.,�?i�:�:.`� ,t
<br /> ;�:t�c�nom�d��s oa 8ie Pnopary, y:•'(S Y �` �' � � ��..�.,.,....'��.�_.. - -
<br /> - - ,..` _. _., �:�€3�y;°t�TY�1' . ��....__.,.. . _�!�ie iuyy�-a�-iu i'�.;�.�.;��: - -
<br /> ��.:.... '� - • `
<br /> < -,� : � . 8.i�C�ru•of tbe psyment of nso�C��� '�_ : _ �
<br /> .: ,i�det:;?ut�aac�aaoe�vidt the pr�nvisions u F�P�►
<br /> . . item:at�qikd"�scmw Itaas" i ender msy,at any wne.coIIe�ct�ad lald Fi�ods at an amaant not to exoeed the snuism�m
<br /> �mouot a lmder for s feder�lty nelued moitg9tge loan may cequin fa Bormwer�s escrow aocount w�da the federal Real
<br /> ' gsvte SeNp�ant�uns Act of 19T4�s amended fma�time to dmc.12 U.S.C.�26t11 et scq.("RESPA"),unkss amtlxr .
<br /> 4w that applies tQ tbe�u�ds sas a leuer anwumt. If so,La�dcr may.u any time,cdUect ind hold Iiads in ao�outK tat tc� .
<br /> ta��xed 8ie k�er a�nairn. L�etsder msy estirtuoe the atnount of Fi�nds due on the bssis of cuarnt d�ta and.reaga�ble . a:
<br /> atu�wa of_�ac�t�res af funue Fsemw Itans a othenwise in aceord�nce with�apptic�abk lsw.
<br /> 1Ue Funds sbatl be beid in an institutio�i wlws�d�paits�e inwred 6y a feckral��y. insttuma�Wity.a entity
<br /> (iecludin�i.en0�er.if Lender is auch�n itatipitwn)or la any Pede�l Home i�n B�ntc. l.�n&r sh�ll spply thc Furds W pay
<br /> the Fsc�ow Items. LeMer may not ch��e 8orrower for holdin�wxt`apptyin��he t�nds.anaually�tysing tbe escrow
<br /> accoon�or vetifying the Escrow Items.uakas Let�der Qaya Barrower intercst an the F�nds�rld rpplicabk Isv►a pertatls
<br /> LenQer w m�ke such x chuge. Hawevec.LetWtr trtaY�Borrawec to p�y s aK-time chrge fa�n indepeadent rca1
<br /> euste pui reportin�service usod by Lender In connectian wjth tl�is lain.�tnle-gs ipplicAbla law provides dherwise. Unkcs an
<br /> �xment is msde oc�ppiic�ble faw rcquines inte�est to be p�id.Lenckr ehall rw�6e requ�ned tu psy Barowet�ny inte�e�t a
<br /> ea�ng:on thc F�nd�. Barrower�nd L.ender may agrec in writing.hawever.thu interest ahal!be paid on the�unds. 1.ende�
<br /> sha11 give to Borrower.without charge,an aanual sccauntieg of t!�Funds.showing cc�edits and debits to ttu Funds sinnd the
<br /> pucpose far which each debit to,the Fi�nds wAS macta. 71�e Funds ue Pkdged as additional security for all sums seeuad by
<br /> this Serurity lnswmen�
<br />- ff the Fpnds hekl 6y Lender eaca.d the amounts permiued to be held by applicable law. l.cnder shall account to
<br /> Bormwer far the eacess Funds in accardance with che requjremeats of stpplicabk law. If the amount of tbe Funds heW by
<br /> I,ender at�y time is not su�cient m psy the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bormwer in wridng,and,in
<br /> - auch cue Borrowet sbaD pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficietwy. $orraw�r shaU malce up the
<br /> -- deficiency in no more than twelve monthiy payments.at[�erber�s sole discraion. � ,
<br /> Uport payment in full of atl sums secumd by this Secudty Instroment,LcnQer shall prompdy refund to Boerower any �-° - .. -
<br />'. Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire ar sell the Froperty.l.eader,prior to tlie acquisition or .
<br />'� sak of the Prapercy,shall apply any Funds held�by Lender at the time o!acquisition or sale as a cndit against the sums _ _
<br /> secured by this Secariry Instrumen� --—
<br /> � Applicatio�o�Paynknb. Untess applicable law provides o��rwise.all payments i+eceived by Lendnr ander -
<br /> - par�grapbs 1 and 2 shall be apptied:first,to arry prepayment charges due croskr the Noce:second,to amoants payabte aader _
<br /> : par.�raph 2;th�rd.to i�terest dae;fourth,to principal due:and tast,ta aay Iate charges d�re c�rder ttie Note.
<br />"�: 4, Clu�rgcs; Liens Borrawer shatl pay all taaes.assessments. charges, fines and impositions amibutabl�r�'d�
<br /> Property which may attain priority over thls Secudry Inswme�.and le��ehold payments or ground rents,If any. B�r;a�eae
<br />.1:� shall pay these obligadons in the manner provided ln paragra,ph 2.ar if not�aid in that manner,Barrower shall pay thern an =_____
<br /> .'� time dsrectly to the person owed paymen� Borrower shall pramptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be pald under =__.____
<br /> this paragraph, iP Barawer makes these payments directly.Borrower sha11 promptty fumish to L.ender recelpts evidencing �.�
<br /> '- � the p�yments. === - �
<br /> _ - ; Barmwer shall promptly dlscharge any lien which has pfivrity over this Securiry lnstrument unless Borrower.(ab agees
<br />--- -; in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lier�in a manne�acceptabte to.Lender.(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> lien by,or QefenQs aga�nst enfarcement of the iien in.legal proceedings su;�,:cb in thv Lcndcr�s opinion operate to pnvent the =_-
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from dte holder of the lien an agreetr,:at satisfactory to l.ertder subordinating ihe lien _ —_
<br /> - to this Secudty lnsuutnent� 1f Let�der determines that any pa�t of the P'rop�ty is subje�so a lien which may attain priority = __._---
<br /> - over this Security Instntmeab Lender may give Horrower a n6cace 1Qentifyirrg�he tien. ��rower shall saNsly the itec�a take -Y:��...-- --_-_
<br /> . .,.�,.�..--__-
<br />- one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of awiice. ;;';Y'��:�-�
<br />' ' S, Hazud or Property lnsuraaca Borrower ahall keep the�mpra�ements now exisling or hereafter erecte@ en the �"�°�
<br /> � Ptoperty lnsured against toss by fire.hazanls incIuded within the tertrF"e%tended coverage"aad any other hazards.including __:_-•�_+:•7:.=
<br />� � floods or floodtng. for whleh Lender reyuires insurance. 'f'his insuranca s ha l l b e ma in ta i n e d i n t h e a m o u n t s a n d f o r t h e ,,.:�,;;�.,�',-;;_„
<br />_ � :.;: . .. . . -
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