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<br /> far�)befoee s�te of the Propaty pua�ume 10�uY P��
<br /> .`,. � ��~�� tAis Securi Tu�emee�x. Tdose w�d'aioas art tLat 8otwwer:.(a} _
<br /> � ` S�writy Ia�nunm�at(b)eaorY bf s ju�na��E� �' �the Note,s if oo aaxler�tiao 6ad '
<br /> p�ys l,e�der�11 sums vvhi�tI�vrouW ba due und�s d�.s S�c�airy I�un�ent .
<br /> . , oavrie�(b}cura any default otany cthet coveomts oripoane�ftr.(¢)psYs aD expenses incurrcd ie snfa�cinE mis 5a�ity
<br /> ` ° In�.iacludiag,but not limited w.reason�bte�►a�fas:sod(�taices such actioo ss Irer�Oer may x�ornblY . ,
<br /> ieqoire ta a�saceduttbe�ien of this Se�eiuiry L�nt.La�dtr�a ri�s in the.piope�ty and BaROwa3 obti�dae tfl p�Y tbe
<br /> • smms securod.by ttis Sec�artY I�un� slnU continue�unctaogak Upaa teitisutemait by BaiRwa. this Se�ait�►
<br /> � _ -lnswmmt aAd ihe o6l�grtioos soc�ned Isaeb9 sm11 remain fWiq effartivc as if ra aeedaration hsdoc�+rtnd.�Hodrever,thi:- - - -
<br /> _ :rig�t w�e�aate sis�ii notapply in the rase,of scceleratioo unda p�ra;rap61T. � .
<br /> 1! Sde of Nole;C'f�ie d I.o�t Seni�oea The Nate or.a putiat irueest ia tbe 1Cote(together arith thif Soaairy
<br /> in�ununeac)may ix soid ooe ar raoce dmes wit6oue priar notice to Borrower. A sak may cesolt in a cbaage in the eatity
<br /> � (kpown as ttfe"Lwn Servjcer:)th�t coilects month�Y WY�S due under the Nate and tiiis SoauicY Ias�nnrnt- Thene dso
<br /> may�be aae a more cb�ases of tbe Lo�Saviar wuelated ta a stle of the Nae. ff ti�se is a ch�nge of Wel.�o.Savka,
<br /> Sorro�►�a x�l ix�ven wiit�m`naice oF the cb�nge in acw�daive with puagraph t4 abave and�pptipbie law. 'i1x notia
<br /> wIll stue dre mme md address of tbe ne9v Ldn Saviax snd thC add�ess to which payma�ts sUaQld 6e m�de. 'ihe i�alioea►ill .
<br /> �iso c�ntaio any od�er iafom�atia►tequund bY applicable law.
<br /> • �1; �tdo�s S�6�ta�ees. Rartower sb�U not causc or permit the presence.use.disposal.staa8e,ar ielesse at any
<br /> Haz�p�dous Sub�tances an oc in tbe Pmpa�ty. Banow�r s�li flat do.oot albw aayoae dse to do.anything affa'tin�tbe
<br /> ptopaty tbat is in violstia►of any Fuvironmantal Law. 'I7�e prxedin8 two senteaces s6a11 not apply�w tLe Pre.sa�.�amd
<br /> , stuwge oa tbe Pmpeccy of small qwntities of Ha�ardoos SaMtanas d�at m generaUY�ized �opn�
<br /> -_ raidenpal uses u�d to muncmanc�of tbe R�nperty. � ' ,
<br /> - . ' �o�t�ower�bail pim�ptiY Sive Lender wnuea�x of any invatigation.ciai�n,dert��.Jawsnit or atl�er�ction by any
<br /> Sovanrt�roa�or teguWorY sB�Y a Pn�P�Y�volviag the Pmperty and any H�srdous Snbstaace or LtYita�a�a�tal`;
<br /> Law.of which Borrowa i�s sctwi Wiowiedge. If Botmwer leams. a is notifiod by any goveimnattsl or zeguWory
<br /> -- aotbority,th�t an�r�ai or.otlxr,remeawtion of aay Hazatdous Subst�e aHxdng tha Aoperty is aecessary.Borrowe� -
<br /> -= ' ��P�h'�a�i necess�ry rtmedi�l�cnoos m sccotd�nce with Fmviromnental Iaw. �
<br />_:,_t As used i�ilus�uagrapb 20."Hazardous Snb'stances"are dwse subst�nces defined as toxic or 1�azaMous subst�tkes bS► . .
<br />- gnvimncr�aiW Law and the followtng substaaces: gasoline.kerosene.other fl�ble or[ouic peavleom productss.tonic
<br /> - . • pesticfdes and lxr6icides.vok�tite solveots..mueA�tS coruamin8 asbe�tos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials.�As• :.: -;:.
<br /> • • vse�in this P�Sr+Ph�•"Enviromnental Law"means federal laws and laws of the j�ussui�ion where the Property is�ted" i�'.:::
<br /> � . thac nlau to healtb,safery a envuonnxatal prexecaon. ` � .� � .
<br /> - NON-UNIFORIv1 COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agrce as foUows:
<br /> 21. Aeoekcatioo+Remedies. Le�d�r shW�ive notiee to Borrower prior ta acceleratlaa is�oWiag BomirwaF's —
<br /> braid�d any covenaat or sgreemeat in this Security IsstrameM(but nat pria�c to a�cekratio�r padEt'ps�a�r',�b 17 —
<br /> ��kas Applic�bk b�v pnovides otber�rLte). 1'he�atice sMaII specifqs (a)the default;tb1 tbe�etion req�ira!trcrs�e t6e
<br /> defadt;lc)a datG eot kss than 30 dsys tro�o tbe date tl�e aotia�S siven to Borrower.by which the defapit�ast be
<br /> ' cared;sad(d)t�urE failun w care the defauit ai or beforc tbe d'site specitKd ie t6e notice msy re�it ia accderatloa a�
<br /> - the sums secur�d 6e�:t�is Securtty Instramint and sale of the Property Tl�e notice alwll tuetLer iafotm Barrower ol _
<br /> ttie t�bt to rtiost�"te stter acoderatioe Aud tAe rtght to betng s coart action to�ert ti�e non-e�tence ot s defaalt or ��,_
<br /> u -
<br /> aay ctlKr defens�at gorrowu�swceiention And ss�k. If the detault L�not carat on or before tAe dste sptcifxd in
<br /> � tlie eptt�x,Lender at its optio��y reqnire immedisd�payment in fuUoPs�q sumc secored by tbis Secarrtiy Instrainent �'��-�:
<br /> � �vithout tuether demand and mAy iavoke the {wwer of snk and sny other remedia permitted by applkabie ts►w .,:.�:
<br /> ' Lender slwtl 6e rntitkd to colkct all e�[pt�es incurred in pursutag the retnedks pro�lded tn tbi4 parx�ra�b 21, ��"�_
<br /> ,i r�_
<br /> ' ieciuding,6ut not limited to.reasanabk attoiraeys'tees and costs of titk evtdenca : •
<br /> It the pnRer o�s�le is invoked,Trustee sUall record s►notke ot detaWt in wch county in v�6ich any part ot the f ' �
<br /> n,.-:
<br /> � pirugerty is located and shnq mail copies of such notke i�r Rt�c manae�prescrlbed bv applkable faa to Borrowt�snd to .-�_'
<br /> m --
<br /> . tbe otber persons prescribed b.•applkabk laR: ARr.�tH�e time req�ci�ed by Applicable ts►a;Trustee sha{1 give public
<br /> notice of ssik to the persons and in the manner prescn'be��y aDD�ic�bk tsw 'ilrustce.wtthout dtnwnd an Bon'oa'er, ___ _
<br /> ica
<br /> s6a11 aell t#K Property at public auctbn to the highest biddee at the time and place and uader'the terms desipwted in _ - _
<br /> �-{ t6e notice ot s�le bt one or more pacceis and io any order Teustee dex�ines. 7lrustee mav pastpone sak ot�11 or aoy .
<br />_ ; p��cel of the Praperty by pubije announcement At the time an d p hce o t any prev ious lc s c h e d�➢e�s a k. L ende�or tts -�
<br />- dp�ignte may pu�ch�se the PropeHy at any sak. •, .,r:
<br /> ilpon receipt of payment of the pria bid.Trustee shali deliver to the purcd�ser Trustee's deed conveying the , ��
<br /> . Property. The rteitals in Ihe Trustee's deed shs�Q be prima facie evidence of the tr+msh of the statements nwde 1Lerein. � -a;.
<br /> . . ."� 7lrusta shail apply the procads ot the ru�le i�s the toliowing orQer. (a)to all casts and expenses ot exerci�ing the power .
<br /> ��. . , ,.
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