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2a�loi�4� <br />Exhibit "A" <br />A tract of land rnmprlsing a part of the Hartheast Quarter of the Nort6east Quarter (IVE 1!4 NE 1/4) of Sectian Twenty <br />(20), Township Ten (10) Nort6, Range Ten (10) West of the bth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />de�cribed xs fo(lows. <br />Begianing �t the Nartheast corner of asid Northeast Qnarter nf the Northexst Q�uarter (1VE11A VEli4); thence Southerly <br />along and upon the Eest line of sald Northeast Qnarter of the Nartbeast Quarter (IVE1/4 NEll4}, a distance af Three <br />Hundred Thirtyfour and Su Tenths (334.� feet; thence Westerly puallel with the North Llne of said Narthe�st Quarter <br />of the Northeast Quarter (1VE1l4 NE1/4}, a distance of One 1'housaad Tbree Hundred rhree and Eight Hundredths <br />(1303,0$} feet to a point that is'Itiventy �2Q) feet East of the West Line of ssid Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Qu�rter <br />(NEU4 NEll4); thence Northerly parallel with the West Line of said Northeut Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (1VEl/4 <br />NE114), a distance of Three Hundred Thirlyfour and S�C Tenths (334.� feet to a point on the North Line of said <br />Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEU41VE1/4); t6ence Easterly along and upon the North Liae of said <br />Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter {NE114 NEll4), a distsnce of One Thousand Three flundred Two and <br />Seventy Five Huadredths (13Q2.15} feet to the potnt of beginning, <br />