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<br /> � < � conda�tioa�a�odre Wci�of�ny pa�of d�e P�oper�y,ar faY canvcyance in lieu af co�demaatia�,u�e hei�ebY��8��
<br /> � a6all 6e p�d q L,ender. . ` ' . . .
<br /> �In die evd�t of a tan[taking of thc Properry:the pmoxds ssa}l be applied to the sums secu�ed by this Sauriry .
<br /> in�na�r.whaher or na t6en due.w�th eny eaass p�id co Bonower. in:the ev`ent of�pa�tiaE t�tcing of the P�operty in
<br /> 9vbicb the fair nt�rket v�lue of the Ptope�ty immediarcly befoir�he takl�g is equat tn or greaber thact the�wnt of tt+e suins
<br /> socuted by this SocuritY Ta�cu�t timnw���••lg btfore,the taking:unkss Bamwet�nol•I.ender othecwlse agise in writing.
<br /> the swns secuad by tl�is Security laswment shaJl be toduced 6}c.the amount oi the ptoceeds mult�plied by the foltowing
<br /> fta�ctiax ig)iIx iot�i�momx af the suncs sa�immediau[Y befose�he takiag:.divided by tD)the fair maricet.v�Iu�of t6e
<br /> . Frcpary inuaediately Uefan the t�tcTng My bAianoe sha11 bc pud ta E3Qrrower. (n the e�+ent of a'�lartial t�king of tbe
<br /> praperty i�r which thc fair nwritet vaLie of the Piope�y immediauty befora the taking is tess thart the artwunt of the suras
<br /> se�wed immEdiately before the t�king,wdess Botrower and Lender otlkrwise agiee in writing or�unless appticable laar
<br /> ai�rfse provides.the pioceeds sin116e applied to the sams secncied by this Secudry(nsuument whed�er or not the sums ue .
<br /> tM�due.
<br /> if thc prop�ty is abandoned by BoROwer.or if,after►�otice by Lender to Bortower that the c«�demnoc pffers to m�lce
<br /> a�e a�ar settle a clsim for d�asges.Barrnwu fa�'1s to respa�d w l.eader wiihin 30 days after the date the natice is given,
<br /> [.ender is authoriud to coltxt�nd appty the proceed.�.at ia aptian.eiti�er to trstoration oi rtpair of ti�e Ptoperty or to the
<br /> sums sav�ed by this Security Inswmen4 whet6er or�wt tltai due.
<br /> Unless L.etrdet aM Barower otberwise agee in wriring,aaY apPlication of pcvcceds to principal sdail aaE eutetd or ,.
<br /> postponc the due'date of the monthly,paymrnts refer�ed to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or changc tl�e amount of such pa}�ments.
<br /> _ II. �ro�er Nat lteteated; �or6air�ce By I.ende� Not a Waive� Exunsion af t6e time for paym�ni or ,
<br /> modification of artartization of ti�e suma savred by this Security inshvmem granfed by Lender to any successor m interest
<br /> of Borrower sbaU aot uperate w iekace tbe liaDiliry uf the origmal Borrowa or Borrower's success�s ur iatet�es�.Lender
<br /> shall nw be n�uired to commence pmceedings a8a�nst any succes.sor in ince�est or nfuse.to eicte�tiine fa payment or
<br /> otixcwise madify ama�ti�tion of.tbe sums secu�ed 6y tbis Security mshvmtm by rcason of any deissaz�d made by the original
<br /> BonoR-er or Bor�ower's succeswis in inte�est. Any faAear.utce by l.ende�in cxer�ising any right or muedy shall rat be a _
<br /> waiver of a pecinde the exercise of any rieht oc rerriedy.' � . '
<br /> — iZ Srecessore a�d As�as Bomd;Joiet and Seveni Li�6iGt�;Co�si�ners. The cavenan[s and agreements of this
<br /> ' Se¢uriry Insuumettt shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and B6mawer.subject to the ptnvisions of
<br /> -- paragraph 17.Boaovver's cavenants 3nd agreements shall 6e joint and several.Any Bortower who co-signs this Security
<br /> �V Instmment but does not eaecute tiu Note: ta)is co-signing this Security[aswmeni onty�to mortgat�.granc a�d rnmey sh�c �
<br /> -F.:f Botruwer�s intetest in the Property under the tem�s of thu Security instrument; (b)is not personaliy obligated 4o paY the sums
<br />=�i secund by this Security[nstrurne�and(r)agrees that Lender and any other Borraa•er may agree to extend,madify.forbear
<br /> or make any accomrnodatiops with regard to the tem�s of this Security Instrumc.mt or the Nae wiihout that Bmrower's
<br /> - caisen� _
<br /> _ 13. Lo�n(,'hllrgea, If tlie toan recu�l by this Securiry Instrument is subjecc to a taw which sets mauimum loan
<br /> -- charges,and that law is finalty interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coflected or ro bacoUected�s contkction
<br /> �j, witb the toan exceed the permitted limiu.then: (a)any such ivan charge shall be reduced by the amonnt necessary to reduce
<br /> the charge to thc pemiittul limir,and(b)any sums aimady collected from Borrawer which excerded permitte�linsiu will be
<br />_,�r. refu�ded to Bacrowcr. Lender may chaosc to make this refand by cz3ur+ng the pdncipal owed under Ehe lhaae asby-making a
<br />•.!s•.z.
<br /> ��;;.. direct payment to Borrower. lf a refund r�duces principal.the reduccion will be treated as a parti�psepayment wnhoul aa} .
<br /> :'�°' prepayment chazge under the Note.
<br /> ,�:� 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrumcnt shall be�iven 6y de:"s4��g it or by -
<br /> . mailing it Iry ti�t class mail untess appltcable law requims ase af another method.The notice shall 6e directed Yathe Property
<br /> Address or any other address Borrower de.gignates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice to Ixnder sha116e gi�en bj+first class
<br /> mail to Lender s address stated herein ar any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> - in this Securiry Instrument shall be de�d ta have been given ta Horrawer ar Lender when given as provided i�tbis
<br />_ -- ParaBraPh•
<br /> l5. Governins Law;9everabil(ty This 5�,:� Instrument sha11 be gavemed by federal taw and c�e law of the
<br /> jurisdittion ln which the Property is lacated. In the c��°::t tbat any pravision or dause of thic Security instrumerrt or the 1Vate
<br /> conflicts with applicabte law.such co�flict shall nat aifect ather pravisians of this Security lnstrument or the Note which can
<br />-��:�,'�,:,; be given effect without the conflictin�p:a�rision. Ta thiti end th.e�ovisions af this Security lnstrument and the Note are
<br /> � , dectared tm rne severable. �
<br /> `• • 16. Sorrower's Copy. Bolrower�hali 6e givert u�e canfa'rsr::�:opy of the Nate and af thiw Security lastrumem.
<br />`i:• 17. 'Ilranskr oP the Property or a Beneticial Inta�st in 8orrawer. If aU or uny part af the Aroperty os�..y interest in
<br /> it is xold or transferred(or if a beneflciul interest iro Rs�*awer is sald�r transfcrced And 8orrower ia not a natural person)
<br /> r � without l.endcrk prior written wnsent,Lender may.at its option,reyuire immediAte paymcnt io full of ail wms secured by
<br /> this Security insitumenl. Nowever,this e�ptian shall not be exercised by l.enJcr iP excrci.e iti prahibited by federal law as af
<br /> the date of thls Security Instrument. �
<br /> �• If Lender exercises this option,Lender�hs�lt give B��aawer notice of acceler,dian. The notice�hali provide a petiod af
<br /> '' nat tesc than 30 day,r from thc date the notire is delivcred ar maited witfiin which 8oaofver murt pay ull cums�ecured by this
<br /> `�`' Security lasitument. If Borrowcr failx to p:�y ihese�um�:prior ta ihc expiratian af this periad.Lender may invake any
<br />• � -�„; remedics permittcd by this Security Intitrument withuul furthcr natice�+r dcmand on Borrnwrr.
<br /> - ;�x., 1$ $orrower's Right to Reinstate If 8nnnwer meclv c��,in canditians, Hurrnwer�h�U havc thc right ta have
<br /> • d,►��: enfarccment af this Security lnstrumcnt discontinucd su uny time prior to the eadicr of: (a�S d���s(or such other period��
<br /> •� � :�: SinglcFamily-•Fannklfac/iieQdkSfacl�tilF'UAti11VS'fpi�SiF;r'i--l�ndormCovcnant� 9/90 �puX�4�,)Aparrs,
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