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<br /> � , � -. 19QGBi'f�it wm�au me impo�vemeats now cr��ctea an die pcvpaty:aoa ait asemaaa,�puut�•� ` , `
<br /> � aud tvct�es now at hend�ler s p�t d tl�e p�c�pertp. All cept�odneots`and additio�eiWf atsQ bc covaat by this Sqc�riry '. .
<br /> I�Anar�.Alti�f the foreaoit�is_nefaned to in t5is Sxtnnty Insa�t as tlse"�etty."
<br /> 80$ROWER QOUENANIS thu Barnvvcr is lawEuiiy seised of the estate ha�eby oonveyed ud tas'the tight to grant ., �
<br /> , and coovey the Pbpe�ty�nd thu the Ptopstx is�iaeac4mbeted,esoept for encumb�ures of racora Baaoviu ara¢ant�and .
<br /> w�f defead ga�aally the dck w tl�e Fmpe�tY agau�st.all clairns and demands.subjax tn any mcuml+r�noesof rerard . ,
<br /> t . _. _THIS_SF�CIJI�ITY 1N�['RUMENT oon�bins.unifcrm coven�ts for nadonai ase�d twrt-unifatn covmants with
<br /> � limi6ed vub�teot�s by jttrisc6ction to c�tata s wiifoan se�auity iacLrmneatcovedmg reatpropenY• . --
<br /> tJrT1PORM OOVENAN'1'S. Bomnwer md l.ender covenuu atid agree as folbws:
<br /> l. Pl�nat at Pri�eiPd aed Ltere�1'repl�ef�t a�d Late Cl�r�es Barnwer si�il prampdy PiY wfiea duc ttr . ,
<br /> pcipcipal of aad L�taest an tt�e debt evidmcod bY the Note and anY P�'�PaYmeaE and iate charges cWe uoder tix Note.
<br /> Z I�is fer'liRes aM I�a�a�ca Sabjoct m applic�bk�aw or tQ a wrhten waiver by I,ender,Boaowa si�il pay co .
<br /> i.end�er ai tha dsy monthlY WYments a�e du�tudeC fLe Nate.unul the Nate is paud ia fn11,a sum t"�°)for.(a)yar1Y _
<br /> ta�aes and s:ses�neots which msy atwn priariry ovcr tdis Seauiry Innnunent as a lien oa tI�e Pmpnty:(b)_yeuiY 1asd�old
<br /> paymeats.a�muod rents at ihc�to�xty, if any;(c)Y�Y�O1' ProP���P�u�s: (d}Y�Y ��
<br /> inwa�rce p�emiums.if any:(a)Y�Y�8s8� �P��•�any;and(fl soY �PaY�ble by Bormwer to
<br /> — — -':w�ww���u�-iM:F:6iu'�r8�'o=+w'[i�i=jWji'i8L'iSia'i'w►v.-�-$.i-R�t!l24�L�lG-�RafiROR,�1$CIOSOi'�i 1CCp[E1�111t11S. �iQSt
<br /> [`E11L4 9[G C��'�SCtOW TIEfIIS° �.EI1dCf Illa�lr al ADJ�UIl1Cs COIICCt��fOjd�I[ids III��OUpT 11p[t0 C7[CCCd f�1C R1�7[fIR9II1
<br /> amo�uit a knder for a fedetaify ietatai mott�e Io�cs may teq�e far$a�mwer�escm�acconnE�th�foderal Raal
<br /> Fst�Seltia�t proceduns Act of 1974 u amended from 6me to tnsse.l2 U.S.C.�260I et seq.("RFSPA'�,untess another.
<br /> taw dat�pplies ta the Fuods sets a ksser amount. �f so,Lendes may,�t aay 6ine.colkcc and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> .exooed tbe kssec amamt. I.ender may estimate�e�inoant of Funds due an the b�sis uf cuaei►t dw u�d ne�sonable
<br /> esdm�tes of c�tRS of fatute Escmw Items ar othecWrise in acc�rdaace wnh aPPl�abk Law.
<br /> Tlie Iiu�s1�U_be l�eld in an instiwtian wbose deposits ue insiuod bp a federal ageacY,im�rumentality,or entitY .
<br /> < . (includins�.rnder,if l�Mer.is snch aa insatudon)a in any Federat Home Lo�Basic. l.endes shail apply the Tw�ds to pay - -_ .
<br /> the Es�.�mw Items. Lender may not cLarge Bo�noixa fa boWiug and applying tbe Funds,annaalty analyzing the escraw
<br /> z�� aoco�iat,or verifying the Escmw Items, uniess L.ender paYs Borrower inurest on tUe Ea►nds aud appticable taw pertnits __-i
<br /> Lender w maka sucb.a chargs. However.Lender may nquire Boaowar to pay a one-tnme.charge for an independent teal ��_�
<br /> , _ . esfate tax repottin8 serv�ce nsed by l,ender i�t�tion with tl�s 1oen,unkss applicabk laar Q�uvWes dherwise. Untess an� . ..�.��_
<br /> � ag[aroent ia Tt�de or appiicable taw requitts interest to be.paid,l.enda shali not be roquired to pay Borrower any inucest or �°�'�
<br /> ` eunings on tbe Fands. Bomnwer and Lender may agree ia wnung,however,that intecrst sl�all be paid on t6e Funds..l.ender I�'r��
<br /> s'::. . ��-=_--
<br /> shalt give to Bombwer.witttom chazge,aa aifnnal accowftulg ot the Puads.showing c�+edits and debits to the Fimds and the �•_��
<br />?`.' papase fac which exh debit to t6e Fvnds was made. 7i�e Punds ue p2edged as additionai secur�ty for all sums se�nA by �:-,�-__.
<br />�` this Securiry Instra4nut� ____
<br /> '=- If the Punds 6eI4 by Lender exceed the a�unts pemsiued to be hetd by applicahle law,l.enckr shall account ro
<br />'° ' Bocrnwer for the eacess Funds in accurdance�:tl�e�9ui�ments of applita6k law. If ttse amow�t v�the Funds held by _
<br /> - l.ender at any time is aot su�cieat to pay the�s�mw Items when due.i.cnder may so notify Borrower in writing,and.in ---
<br /> = such case Bamwer shail pay to LeMer the arnaunt nazssary to make �p the daticienc�. Bor[ower shatl make up the =—
<br /> _.; deficiency in no more than twelve manthlY PaYmenu•at Lender�s sole discreaon. �_:�
<br /> Upon payrtKnt in fu11 af all sums secured by this Security lnsuumen�I.ender shail gmmptty iefund to Barrowar any --_-,
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under puagraph 21.Lender sha11 a�cquire or sell the Praperty.Lender.prior to the acqulsitian or $���_..
<br />. sate of the Property�shail appIy any Funds hetd by Lender at the timc of acqms�aan or sate as a credit against the sums
<br /> � :.
<br /> savred by this Secudty insaumenx a
<br /> 3. Applipttioo d P�yments. Unless applicabte law provides otherwise,all pal+ntents received by Lender under �
<br /> � s 1 and 2 shail be applied:first,to any prepayment chazges due ander the Nat�sccond.to amounts payable under ���-�`�-,Y:-�'='
<br /> P��Ph �-=,_
<br /> puagraph Z;thlyd,to intenest due;fourth,w prirtci�at due:and tast,to any latc charges due under the Note. �:y_
<br />- a, C6arges;I.iens. Borrower shall pa��1 taaes. assessmentg,charges,fuies and impositlons ataibutabk to 1he
<br /> rge
<br /> . � Propetty whkh may atiain priodty ovcr this Szc�,riry Insuument.and leasel�o2d payments ar ground rents.if any. Barower ��""=�
<br /> sh�il pay these obHgatiuns in the manner pravided in paragraph 2.or if not paid'm that manner,Boaower shall pay ihem on ���°-'
<br /> ' Y��._.
<br /> ° time directly to the persrin owed paymen� Borrower shall prompAy fumish to Lender a!{ticcices of amounts to be paid under :�" ,"`
<br /> �. ' ��� this paragraph. If Borrowes makes d�ese payments directly.Basrower ahall promptly fir,�3h tn Lxnder receipts evidencing �'-•�,���:`
<br /> tAe paynxnu T ,t�
<br /> s�.:,,.,_
<br /> Borrower shall pcamptly discharge any lien which has prioriiy over this Security lnstrument untess Horrower.(a)agrees .���;.-
<br />_ ln rvriting to[he payment of the abtigatlon secured by thc lien m a manncr acceptabte to Lender;(b)cantests in good faith the , ----_A;,
<br /> � Ikn by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in.legal proceedings which in the Lender�s opinian operate to prevent the �-,���.:-_
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c>secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the Ilen _.y,.
<br /> ' ' to this Security lnstrument. lf Lender determines that any part of the Praperty ls subject t�a lien which may attain priortry
<br />