-- `�_'°�:�--..-.�.. Y..' - . - - - - . - " , -� -"_-
<br /> };;c-.`f� � j _ -- '.� r _
<br /> __r� ��'� _ , _ ` _ � , ���� ����8s� . °
<br /> � . . � . �_: _ ._ : . :�.-: �i������� . _ _ 4 .
<br /> � . � . �
<br /> , � 'tiss�a7. +�#i�aii.e ot��.� srrr+s..t toe��s �ks d�.ee��a� �n" . �
<br /> l�tt��le�7 �a��s a i�tle=�l 1+��,`���°r to ct���e �d �ets�w fqs - .
<br /> 1�e�tt�i r?Iw. . . -� . , .r . < ..
<br /> . . �:: .�w�ic t�c 1�,,,�f tin: Ts�tar`Yr�i!'s�il�ts a ean ot�s,1 aaete�ot�Mta�e a�i tl�t aj aotie� . .
<br /> �ot�ai�]ws�i�c �fi1M to lYaltos at tl�aid_s�s,ae��t*tt1!s tM ftsR Wsa��t f�:+� �:ad
<br /> . ?srt... (_ , : � . � .;. . - .
<br /> � 'li. �01ftf�lt e[.�MOC iftaa[�ft. 1MRfit=��7� �i0�t1�s to tlats ti7�tts t1/it1�Mt
<br /> � �rtN ai+�dareMlN/N 1r7���l� ��ta-Trustor a�1�s+�eadM!n tt�Qoiat?ta dieb tbf f�l�� �_ .�
<br /> - -tf ir�eu�`a1�i-h��sli4i������'O�R°t=t�a a�liC�bLs l�r of t1r.EtaCa,o!_#Iizad�a� - -
<br /> w�titate a wieor�oc oc �aee�MOCS.to tL�Sswit�s 4��r�1ls ot aet3!R iwrwM��- � ,;. , -
<br /> ` � �l7. 1�eowot�a�t Msiza. �b�i of 2�a�t alfllas tQ�!i tamra�to tf�1�tit oi_aM►it/i �11 ,
<br /> }�ttiN 1MSato, tlrir Y14s.,1�pRw. dri��r ?��i =�1�' ��aId Wl�u. Rfs
<br /> ` ��"�iiCias�"s�all t��a �4s owMS 4 6o]�s ot tls ti0tt:Met�t oF wt a�� as�s1lefasT lmii.
<br /> � ' � li.. laiatlelaif'r lawss. Ftt*pit aff�ettl�t1� 1ln611tt7 ot i]otMs p�=�ot 1Lble tet t5�ls7�t
<br /> � o! a�oillpc�as�h�esfa w�tiai�d. a�sltbaat stt�etif� tl�s lip oc e1�sl� o!t1Ns D��i o! ZY�rrt �na _ .
<br /> �7}orttas o! t�psqsttr uoc sh� or llwr�tofon ral��aa�t7 tmc tbs tall Oa7M�t oi a1t sM�
<br /> obllpti�..la�siicf�f7 s7. isaa tiae to tis ari�rttlw�t mttcsa � • ,
<br /> .(a) �alsas�an7 Pes�aa�so liablt; . ,
<br /> (b) ert� tha a�tasitr or alt�i aoT of !3a t��oi asj'srch drli�ttaaf
<br /> (c) prst oth�s ladalMsc�s: - •
<br /> � : 1la�flciar7��a�,'�.�1�Pu�. polttoa os all�o€�s6e prqpttt�; � a� t1l� at -
<br /> (�) taks or s+Rl��d ae7 ati�t os �ltfaoal Mcar�t7 for an7 obliptlas 1usW� ,
<br /> _ _ � . aiot4�id's ar , _.. . , _ , - ------
<br /> (� �itt aapo�iticn� os ot}ibx�ilssaltlwmt�vitb d�btos� in nlatiaa ttwfi�to. • y .
<br /> - 19. Ga�arata=Lav. Sbis D�e�d oi?sast ahs2�.bs Sowsa�d b! tba Iw� of tba 5tat� a!•�1sa�ts ats !a �
<br /> - tt��swaC aor me or�or� ot ttw 4roviaiaes ¢oataimlaF.ia t�i�Ds�d o!?swt, os ehs nots mc asJ ocbsr ra-
<br /> cusib�t�t�C.iiwn in coe�ctiP!vith this tsaast�ctiau st�al�b� far ao7 s�asoa br.bild to bs iawlil.
<br /> iileSal ot��aimforcubls�a +mf ssaP�ct. auc6�ib�alidii7s �i�t1 0!ts�Otc�aDl2lLT shr3t aet aEi� , . _ ..._.
<br /> - an7 otbar grorisiau of this Dwd of Tsuae, but ttr D�d oF isust �3a11 8e caa�tso�d u if sactt itralld.
<br /> -- ills�al or �rt'orc�abla psodsian had nsasr b�m cani�=aed ber�in or tbsr�ia. • .
<br /> 20. Lff�et o! Fotbsarmrsc. Iby forbearaoes by Deasficiss�os Tsastea ia mrctsfas an7 ni1K � .
<br />- rs�df I�eseuedar, ar otlksvtse affordsd h� appiic�bls lav. alu1L aat•b�a�vaiwr ot ar.pseclnas tbs e�er-
<br /> ciN ot aa7�nch iitht os r�dy�1�►set�s. LiksNis�s ths vai�ss b� 3sasficiar� os Ttwus oi anj daf�alt .
<br /> of ttN Trvrtos maer thts D�of isvsti rt�ll aot bs d��d to be a wi�ss o! +a7��►� os sitiilss deiwlt .
<br /> _ subraquratl�occusrin6.
<br />- 21. �e-caa�eyasc�b�Tswtas. IIpat-vtittao rsquest oY sAs lknc!!clas� �[atiaa tAat.+3i.s� wdaed
<br /> h�rebp b�i�w been paid, wad upan surrn�es of this Dced ot lrwt aad sbs aote to ths Trust+c for camcellstim . -
<br /> w
<br />= md setsatiaa a►d apou ps�at b�Txnstar of istutu`s•fses. Ts�sua sball re-conwy w ?=a�tos, ns t5c
<br /> yarwa or p�raons legally eutitled shese�a. aYthouL vsrra+tY, ast'3 Foxx�A af Lba psapesty thcn heid hare- —
<br /> tmdar. R�eitala ia such re-coaveyaace cE aa9 ssttera ar facta eizall be caaelwive proof of sha tsuthfnl-
<br /> • nsu thasaat. Gsu�ue� in the re-canwty�ace ssY be deseribed u °tfre pes�on or persoaa lega117 entitled
<br /> th�rato." _
<br /> 22. Accaptaaca by 1�ustee. Trastoe acceDts this tsust wfim thia Deed o£Tr�ut, duly esecated aad
<br /> � acia�a►l�d=�d. is a�de a pubiic record a� yravided bq lav.
<br />_ _., I!1 iiI'fIILSS WE�REOY, Truatar ha� e:eeuted tbis IIeed of T o ttie dats_�s�; twL�/`"`'
<br /> ao tfV
<br /> ' •
<br /> Catlzerine A. Cvcbaar
<br /> �
<br /> , , F.
<br /> , i .
<br /> SSAiZ OP NLb�ASTA ) -
<br /> ��r:. • ) es:
<br /> ' COUNl! OP )
<br /> . dn this�_dap oY���ww • 198�, befose ne, the�mderelgaed, � Notary Public
<br />; � 7 dul�ca�issioned �td qualiYlod for aaid County pessonslly camt • :
<br /> ;�,` to es kaoYn to be the identical persan(s) ahose na�e(s) (!s/ase) aubscrlbed to the oregoit� D�ed of Tswt
<br /> . j and (he/els�/they/it) ackaovledg�d the e:ecution hereoY to be (his/hes/their/!te) volvotasq act aad deed.
<br /> . �.�,.:�� -•;�
<br /> _ pitnees ri►t+aad and Notasial Seai at ���in �ra3d Cou�t , ttw daee afosetaid.
<br /> . ' Y
<br /> , o! sg bl!
<br /> Y �.
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<br /> . �..ryp � � . ti� f�� ... • � -7 ! ll7 ' - Q1 •J 4 :
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<br /> • ` �-.����_M_..i i ` . -� � �� . . - j . +� � .
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